1. I had a lot of fun with last week’s thinking out loud post so I decided it needs to be a more regular occurrence. I’ve also decided that more days need to start with a view like this…
2. Thank you to whoever prayed for my wallet last night. I actually managed to walk out of the mall without having done too much damage, but that’s mainly because I somehow found the will power to stay out of Lululemon… Please don’t ask me how because I have no idea. I’m sure my will will crumble soon.
Sephora – David’s Tea – Lush – Chatters
LaVanila Coconut Vanilla deodorant – Bobbi Brown concealer – LUSH Honey Trap lip balm – LUSH Godiva solid shampoo – Healthy Sexy Hair Soy Touchable hairspray – Moroccan Oil light treatment oil
David’s Tea Cranberry Pear and Pumpkin Chai
3. And while we’re on the topic of shopping, why do I have to visit like 4 different stores to get all of the things I need? Did they all come together one day and decide to make our lives more complicated? I can understand that one store can’t have it all, but when I have visit extra stores because they have one thing I need? Ridiculous.

4. Ever since having my mom’s apple cake on Sunday, I’ve been craving apples like crazy. I’ve always loved apples, but I think I overdosed on them a while back because I went through a few months where I was barely eating any at all. Now though? I can’t seem to get enough. I’m thinking that whatever I bake next has to be some sort of apple dessert. Anyone have any recipe recommendations?
5. Speaking of baking, I tried to bake some fig and date bars the other day because they make such good portable snacks, but I only managed to make it about halfway through before I lost interest. This means I now have a big bowl of fig and date paste sitting in my fridge. Tastes amazing. Doesn’t travel too well though.
6. Sometimes I honestly worry about the health of my brain. Why? Because of how often I walk into a room and have no idea what I went in there for. Or because of how I constantly have to check my phone twice when I want to know what time it is because I totally wasn’t paying attention the first time I looked.
7. … but maybe it’s because whenever I look at my phone, I’m distracted by the huge cracks in it. I’m not even that bad with my phone, but all it takes is one small accident before it goes from pretty to ugly. Seriously though, I couldn’t believe it. I’ve dropped my phone on the treadmill before and had it fly into a wall without so much as a scratch… but dropping it from 1 foot off the ground and having it hit at a freak angle? Pft. Whatever. It has character…
8. I’ve been re-reading a lot of my old favorite books lately, and although I love them, I think it’s time for something new. Anyone have any good suggestions?
9. I came across a couple of random keys while I was tidying up the other day, and I have no idea where they go or what to do with them. Do I keep them and let them clutter up my drawers? Or do I throw them away and risk being locked out of somewhere important? Decisions, decisions.
10. I’ve come to the conclusion that the ladybugs in my city must have called a general assembly and decided that my home is a good place to go and die. I find one on the floor every few days or so, and I really wish they’d choose another place to spend their final moments because it makes me kind of sad…
11. And to end this completely random post on a completely random note, sometimes I get the most random cravings for plain toast. No butter. No cheese. No jam. Just plain old toasted bread. Don’t judge me.
12. Aaaaaaand, now it’s really time to go. I’m sitting in Bux yet again, and the guy sitting at the table next to me keeps glancing over trying to see what it is I’m up to. Hope you’re having a great Thursday! Byeeee!
. – . – . – .
Share something random with me… or give me a book/apple recipe recommendation 😀
Among Grizzlies by Timothy Treadwell is my vote for your next read. Inspiring, somewhat crazy, amazing man. Definitely read if you like the great outdoors and animals 🙂
Boo for a cracked iPhone 🙁 It’s like a piece of your heart broke with it right? Ok maybe it’s just me… 🙂
Isn’t it interesting how too much of anything can overload our bodies? The same thing happened to me with Chipotle (I ate it every other day for almost 2 months back in high school), buckwheat bakes, oatmeal, brussel sprouts, and so many other foods! Lesson learned over and over again: too much of anything is bad!
And don’t even mention ladybugs…ew. Once upon a time about a decade ago we had a ladybug infestation in our house. It traumatized me and now I can’t stand them!
Happy Friday gorgeous girl!
Yay, love these random posts:) Wow, that sunrise picture is absolutely breathe taking! So beautiful. And I’m pretty darn excited you picked up pumpkin chai tea! Have you tried it yet, I literally can’t stop drinking it ha ha. Its so dang good. Sometimes I add a little squirt (ew that’s a gross word ha ha) of maple syrup and its even better, although its pretty sweet itself. And I also have the cranberry pear too as well! Oh gosh, sephora is so dangerous for me to go to. I buy way too much all the time. Its a horrible cycle of buying. I”m the same with apples. I ate SO many for months and got sick of them, its like a cycle with apples and happens every year ha ha.
Oh you better believe that I’ve tried it! I kind of want to stock up on it, but then I feel bad because there are so many other flavors that I want to try. Have you tried Cinnamon Heart? Or Coffee Pu’erh?
I have two of the big canisters of it ha ha! I love it so! I just wanted to get some before it went out of season! I haven’t tried either of those!! I’m going to have to pick them up next time I’m there…which will probably be soon:)
I’m a big fan of these “thinking out loud” posts! Totally with you on number 6…I am always checking my phone for the time then re-checking minutes later cuz I wasn’t actually paying attention the first time. Distracted much?
I bet that fig past could be used in some sort of apple bake…..or if anything sounds good it’s just to dip some apple slices in almond butter and then that paste. Yum.
I love this post! I do the same thing with the looking at the time on a phone. It’s sad how ADD I am and get distracted.
I realllly really want to read that book. In fact I forgot that I wanted to read it, so now I have something to go look for at the library. THANKKK YOU. I love the randomness, as you know from my post the other day haha. Your loot from the mall looks awesome, especially that tea!! Plain toast..I must try this. I also need to get on the plain toast with avocado train!
The sky picture is BEAUTIFUL!
Ok, I give you SO much credit for not going into LULU! I actually had willpower the past few weeks, have not bought anything since xmas is coming and I just want to put that stuff on my list!
The pumpkin tea sounds amazing! I tweeted them to see what caffeine free flavors they recommend, I am going to look!
I hope you have a great weekend love! <3
If you’re looking for something caffeine-free, DEFINITELY get the Banana Nut Bread. It tastes amazing – basically exactly like a piece of banana bread.
Looks like you had a great time at the mall! Your shopping habits look similar to mine…I usually leave with a David’s bag and one from Sephora too:). I also get tons of ladybugs in my house but not this time of year…usually in the spring I find them crawling up one particular window in my living room. And this summer it was yellow jackets, tons! I looked around for a nest but couldn’t find one. If I am getting them again next year think I will get an exterminator to see what’s around. And I also do the run around for specific foods…Cobs for bread, Costco for lots, Sobeys and Safeway for things here or there.
I love getting bread from Cob’s! What’s your favorite kind?
I love the Cape Seed the best, but I also like the whole wheat Chia and the other week I got some kind of Harvest Grain bread I think it’s called (because their Cape Seed dough had failed that day so they had none). I also always have to get a four pack of scones when I go there, love the berry white chocolate chip and double chocolate ones!
I looooove plain bread. Seriously. Warm, toasty plain bread. SO delicious 🙂 And that pumpkin chai sounds AMAZING!! I have pumpkin tea bags that I mix with chai every once in a while, but its probably not as good as the Davids Tea version!
Oh and when it comes to books, have you read Redeming Love by Francine RIvers? Its a christian novel based on a story in the bible, Hosea. It is about an incredible and forgiving love. I cried throughout the book Im pretty sure lol Hey, you and I should do book swaps 🙂
I’ve never read it, but I love a good Christian book so I’m definitely going to look into it! E-mailing you today <3
I love pink ladies, but we don’t get them in Singapore 🙁 Seriously most of them are so bad you can literally taste the chemicals on the fruits. It’s so difficult and expensive but I try to get organic ones!
Also the first photo is gorgeous!
Amanda, I always read your blog, but due to college I barely have time to comment. I have to take this opportunity to thank you because during my anorexia recovery , your blog was the first one I read and the only one that encouraged me to eat. I remember when I began recovery, I was so afraid of cereals, nut butters, carbs in general, but every time I saw the recipes you posted ( pumpkin tortilla pizza), I could not resist and fought against the ed voice and just ate it. After a while, you stopped posting and I missed you alot, but now you are back and as always such an inspiration. You are beautiful inside and out, and I appreciate you for creating this blog thus it is real and demonstrates the real meaning of ” healthy” living. Each and every of your entries make me laugh in some way, and make me feel as though I know you personally. I used to feel so guilty whenever I snacked over 3 times a day, whenever I splurged on a certain food, when I skipped a morning workout. People like you help me see that life is all about ups and downs, and we must cherish every moment regardless of how it might make us feel. Thank you so much Amanda, because today I am recovered from anorexia after one year and I feel like a new person!
Oh my gosh, Daybelis, thank you so much for your wonderful comment. You literally had me tearing up, and I’m so happy to hear that you’ve been able to experience the freedom and health that recovery brings 🙂
I completely agree with you on the going to so many stores thing! Why can’t they all just carry everything! That tea sounds amazing, slightly jealous over here. Can’t wait for an apple recipe, they are seriously my favorite fruit. A day is not complete without one really
Nice shopping haul! I hope you do reviews on some of those products. I’ve been wondering whether or not to try that Moroccan Oil treatment. Also I love that David’s Tea pumpkin chai! So perfect for fall. 😀
I want to do some baking with apples soon too! Maybe some apple cinnamon muffins? And I actually just pinned this really neat looking raw apple pie on Pinterest that I kind of want to make too!
I’ve been going back and forth on the Moroccan oil for a while and I finally decided just to bite the bullet and give it a shot. I’ll let you know how it goes 🙂
The fact of having to go to a multitude of stores for groceries is so obnoxious, totally with you on this point. Racking up 3-4 stores per week myself, and ditto when one of them is for one item… I mean c’mon?! Apples are bomb, especially with cinnamon! Or cinnamon AND nut butter, any nut butter… they’re all tasty. Apple recipe coming your way… http://fastpaleo.com/paleo-muffins-pumpkin-and-apple/
Those look great. Thanks! 😀
Gone girl! 🙂
And apple crisp or apple muffins.
Gone Girl is a must read! I’m not a huge commenter, but I felt compelled to do so just to bring this gem into your life!
mmm i bet that big bowl of fig and date paste goes quite well as a topper for your yogurt messes. or cereal bowls. And spread on that perfect looking piece of toast! well, when you don’t feel like eating it just plain. I have to agree though…sometimes plain toast is just simply delicious.
theres something about an apple that just screams fall to me. I like apple crisps. especially when the butter is replace with coconut oil because i love the smell of coconut. Or sometimes i’ll just mix chopped apples with cinnamon and agave and cook until soft for a quick apple pie filling.
Haha I definitely do the walk into a room and forget why I’m there thing all the time. I just got my David’s Tea order and it is so delicious (I got Marshmallow black tea) I wish they had the actual storefronts in the US. As for baking recommendations I would say apple muffins or some type of apple crisp. Yum!
Aww yeah having to order tea online is a bit of a pain. I have to do it for my favorite tea too, but it’s so worth it 😉 If you’re looking for another great tea from David’s, I really recommend checking out Banana Nut Bread. It seriously tastes like dessert.
I use bobbi brown concealer, too! It’s the greatest.
I’m reading October Sky right now. I totally didn’t realize it was a book before it was a movie, but it’s really good! About 1/3 the way through right now.
I love love love plain toast..or really any kind of toast, in general! 😉 Lately I have been topping my toast with avocado..such a yummy combination!
Agreed on number 3 and number 6! And they both kind of relate for me too–I always have to go to multiple stores, just to get one or two things the other stores don’t have but sometimes I completely forget to buy things that I had on my list. I thought the point of making a list was so that I’d remember what I needed, but I guess not!
The only apple recipe I have isn’t really a recipe but just a general idea. I’ve been loving apple nachos lately, and I basically just slice up an apple really thin, heat it up for a little bit and then top it with whatever. It’s not really portable though but it is delicious!
Have you read The Magicians by Lev Grossman? I enjoyed it a lot. But I didn’t like the sequel so much.
I haven’t, but it sounds interesting so I’ll add it to my list 🙂
I laughed out loud to your #6! I am the same way sometimes. I check my phone for the date if I have to fill it out on something then I start to write and realize I didn’t actually remember the first time I looked… struggles. I loved that book The Art of Racing in the Rain! Some recent books I have read and loved have been: Gone Girl, Divergent, and Thirteen Reasons Why.
I live in MN, and you’re above me. That oil is a must! I read that walking through a door frame causes the brain to forget what it was you walked through it for!
Oh man don’t even get me started on the damage that I do to my wallet at Sephora – how is it that a tiny basket with a few things – necessary things! – can add up to over $100 so easily? :'(
I was interested in trying the Pumpkin Chai – is it good? I’m so mad that the price of a cup of tea at David’s tea increased to $3.00 now .. boo .
The Pumpkin Chai tastes -amazing-. They were giving out samples of it in the store and it was love at first taste. The Banana Nut Bread is another really great one worth picking up!
Oh so much cute stuff!! I’m not familiar with any of those products but the packaging is so purty I just wanna open them up! lol. I’m weird like that with packaging, perhaps the epitome of the gullible consumer that gets duped into the advertising schemes of companies out there. And I’m the same way with the time thing! I do that a lot and never thought about why I don’t pay attention at first…teehee
Oh I’m definitely a sucker for cute packaging! It just makes the whole experience more enjoyable when something is fun to open 🙂
I love that book, I love apples, I love your randomness, I love that sunrise, I love this whole post and I love you!!!!!!! 😀
My random thing: Even though I have a ton of homework this weekend, I plan on making time to color in my Disney coloring book with some old school crayolas 😀
isn’t the art of racing in the rain so good? I adored that book. I am the same way with stores. Always have to go to like 3 to get the best sales. happens!
I hit up like 4-5 grocery stores every time I go out. I like specific brands, what can I say? (and I shop deals like it’s my job).
I’ve got some apples in the fridge I haven’t done much with…I’m thinking a butternutsquash and apple soup is in the works. 🙂
I was thinking soup too, but I think the apple flavor would be too masked to satisfy my cravings for them 🙁 Besides, I’ll use any excuse to make a dessert 😉
I read that one! 🙂 No new suggestions though. I’m not into anything at the moment; plus, most of my books are nerdy historical fictions.
I am apple-crazy. I always think I’ll get sick of them, but nope – always a winner.
That date and fig stuff looks downright amazing, would be so delicious on some greek yogurt.
I also dropped my iphone, my freshmen year of college I totally shattered the front, but I used the excuse that I was rather inhibited by a few too many refreshments at the time. The next week I bought a new one…and not even three hours later I had dropped it and shattered the back (thank god not the front!), but I think that means I am just a huge klutz, intoxicated or not.
I like these posts. I think it’s fun as a blogger, and a reader, to have some consistency. On my blog it’s writing a list each Friday and Sunday. It makes it kind of predictable, yes – but it gives me solid content, and gives my readers more insight into my life.
As for your list, I think you should save the keys for a little while. As for books…The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks was fascinating – have you read it?
It’s definitely nice to have a general weekly plan 🙂 And I haven’t read that book, but it does sound really interesting!
Haha my wallet is scared just looking at that! 4 grocery stores? 🙂
When I run out of all my staples, then yeah 😕 Some things I can only find in one store, and that store literally only has like one thing that I need. So frustrating. Usually I try to spread it out so I don’t have to hit them all in one go, though.
Oh what a pretty view! And I love Sephora! When I lived in Boston, I went there all the time. Now that I’ve moved away I definitely miss it!
I’m totally scared for my brain, too, because I constantly walk into a room and forget. Or check my phone like 8 times. Hahaha
Looks like you got some awesome stuff! I just ordered david’s tea for the first time and can’t wait to try it out! They have such awesome flavors!
Again, so many points I can relate to. Aw, what a gorgeous sunrise you experienced – maybe I should start getting up earlier?
A possibly odd but still intruiging book I read was “Censoring an Iranian Love Story”. It’s a bit difficult to explain – at least now because I’m sleepy 😀 – but I’m sure Amazon or Good Reads will provide nice reviews.
Maybe you could share some more of your favourite books in a post and say what you liked about them? I always like knowing which books other people loved.
As for recipes: Did you ever have Apple Crumble before? If not you have to try it 🙂 – the perfect Fall dessert. I recently prepared it using a mix of whole-wheat and coconut flour in the crumbs … mmmh!
I’ve actually been planning on doing a favorite book post for a while now, but it’s so hard to choose just a few! And that baked apple crumble idea actually sounds exactly like what I’m craving. Thanks for the idea, love! <3
Oh She Glows oil-free apple pie muffin tops! I went through a phase where I made these weekly. I’m not normally a fat free baking fan ,but these are really,really good. And just beg to be made in to little almond butter sandwiches:).
I had a similair apple situation actually. I think I burnt myself out by eating too many, but now I’m back to not being able to get enough of them. A juicy Pink Lady can’t be beaten!
Pink Ladies are my favorite kind of apples as well 😀 And thanks for the recommendation! I just checked it out and they sound great – love the apple chunks in them.
Your toaster must be perfect those toast stripes look so consistent they could be painted on! I rarely reread a book, for some reason I am always worried that if I read it a second time I won’t love it as much and will be disappointing. I am currently reading The Dovekeepers by Alice Huffman, it’s quite good. Another recommendation is Special Topics in Calamity Physics (one of my top 10 fav books!)
That definitely is a view I would love to wake up too!