1. Oh Thursdays, how I love you for being a day where I can abandon all worries of proper sentence structure and just spew out the random thoughts that swirl around in my head with no rhyme or reason attached to them. We all have those days that leave us feeling like forming coherent sentences is just too much to ask, right?
2. We also all have those days where eating is just a pain in the butt? If anyone has seen my missing appetite, please tell it that I would like it back; and sooner rather than later would be better… The feeling of not wanting to eat is a strange one – I don’t like it 🙁
3. Speaking of missing… the other day I saw a poster for a missing dog that offered a $4000 reward for his safe return. $4000?! Heck, for that much money, I’d take time off work and spend a few days walking around the neighbourhood with Milkbones in my pocket.
4. And speaking of pets, guess who’s still alive and kicking…
Kirby! Quite frankly, I’m just as shocked as you are. I do have to admit that I spilled water on him the other day and forgot to feed him on a few occasions, though. Little guy is a trooper for sure.
5. While we’re on the topic of confessions, I’m embarrassed to admit that I can’t spell embarrassed. The two instances of it you saw in the last sentence? Spellcheck corrected them both times. First I typed out embarassed, and when I saw that that was wrong, I tried embarrased instead. I fail at life. Time to go drown my sorrows…
6. The other day I was standing on a corner of a huge intersection waiting for the lights to change when I started feeling really awkward. What the heck do people do when they’re waiting to cross? Where do they look? What do they do with their hands?! It sounds completely absurd, but out of nowhere I just started feeling really, really self-conscious. So what did I do? I whipped out the trusty phone and pretended that I had something super important to attend to… when really I was just scrolling through my contact list.
7. And speaking of awkward… remember how yesterday I mentioned that I had a date with the plumber to get my shower drain unclogged? Well, to fix things, he had to stick this really long drill type thing into the pipes under my sink, which resulted in a whooooooole lot of noise. A few minutes after that was done, I got a knock on my door – it was the building maintenance guy coming to check on me. Apparently, my neighbors from below gave him a call because “it sounded like something horrible was happening upstairs” and they wanted to make sure I was okay. Nice of them. But Mr. Maintenance Guy was looking me over, peering over my shoulder, and giving the plumber the stank eye. No sir, I am not a lady in distress.
8. If I hear Taylor Swift’s Trouble one more time, I may just scream. Here’s something to listen to instead:
9. It’s official – I’m getting old. I’ve taken quite a liking to Raisin Bran, and I’ll often just randomly snack on a few prunes here and there. Gah. I did not just say that….
10. Oh! And before I forget… Happy Valentine’s Day! Anyone doing anything special this year? Me? Probably not. You may have noticed that I haven’t mentioned Mr. Starbucks in a while, and that’s because things are, for lack of a better word, complicated. He’s a good guy and we get along well, but there are certain key things we just don’t see eye-to-eye on, and time/work are kind of big hurdles that keep getting in the way. C’est la vie.
. – . – . – .
Do you have any nervous habits that you engage in when you feel kind of awkward? Pretending to text or attend to something “super important” on my phone is a big one for me. I also have a habit of letting out a little cough whenever I’m nervous.
What’s your status this Valentine’s? Single? Married? Dating? It’s complicated?
It’s rare that I spell embarrassed correctly on the first go-round.
Since this is my 7th Valentine’s Day with Cory, we’re going super low-key. I really don’t think we’ve ever celebrated besides our first one because that’s what you’re “supposed” to do 🙂 I hope you’re having a great day! xo
I always think the double ‘rr’ in embarrassed looks odd. I laugh when nervous or awkward. It’s the worst affectation ever and so inappropriate!
totally single… right now my valentine’s day plans include trying to read as many blogs as possible and stay busy until i completely forget it’s valentines day. so far: not working lol 🙂
Awwwr! Don’t try to forget! Own it! There’s no sense getting upset over what you feel you’re lacking – smile for what you have 🙂
Oh my gosh your comment about the missing dog made me laugh out loud! I’ll come with you and we can split the money! HAHA!
Happy Valentine’s day to you, too. Hope you get your appetite back. That cannot be any fun at all.
BTW, mentioned your blog on mine today 🙂
I don’t really ever get awkward or feel embarrassed, is that a weird thing? I’m just kinda like “meh, people are gonna think what they wanna think” and just go on doing my own thing.
For Valentine’s Day, I am fabulously independent. I’m excited about that..it’s the first time in 3 years and I’m not sad! I have a lady date with my girlfriends and then we’re going out to celebrate our fabulously single lifestyle 😀 Cannot wait!
I’m the same with #6 and #8.
I’m single and LOVING it.
if anyone has found my appetite hiding with yours, please send it back too. Oye. And mr. starbucks, well it’s okay, you deserve a mr. tiffany and co. Just sayin.
I’m on my way to look for that dog
Bring the milkbones! 😉
Nope, not old. Prunes are soooo good. My appetite has been off lately. The past two days I didn’t actually feel hungry ’til 2pm, but my stomach has been off in general. It’s back today ready to make up for lost time, though!
As someone who is in a relationship, I must say, and I don’t know if this is offensive, dating is like my least favorite thing ever. I suck at small talk, I feel awkward, and I’m soooo particular. If my bf and I hadn’t gotten back together, I had accepted giving up, so I just lucked out.
The good thing is though, as someone who is intelligent, pretty, and damn cool (you!), I think you at least have the upperhand quite often in dating. (For me that was a double edged sword). And if that fails, hopefully you have some fun friends to celebrate non-romantic love with. Que sera, and Happy Valentine’s Day!
It’s not offensive in the least – I was actually just thinking the same thing today. I detest dating. Small talk. Awkwardness. Testing the waters. Ugh! I just want to skip all that nonsense and find myself in love with my best friend #wishfulthinking
i totally spell embarrassed, embarassed too. All the time. Thank goodness for that red dotted line and autocorrect.
And omg. I totally know that feeling standing at the corner of the crosswalk waiting awkwardly for that red hand to change into the walking person. Most of the time I’ll just stand there and stare (quite awkwardly) at random cars. And yes, the cell phone is also my go to in those types of situations as well. Suddenly updating my apps becomes so much more fascinating ;P
And lastly, I’ve been a fan of raisin bran since I was a wee one. And I quite enjoy prunes. Guess I’ve always just been an oldie at heart 😉 I also have an early bedtime to go alongside my liking of raisin bran and prunes.
I’m spending this valentines single and a couple of my friends and I will be doing what we love most…cooking a yummy dinner and sipping on prosecco and wine. Happy Valentines Day Girl!! xo
Ohh my gosh I DO THE SAME THING when I feel awkward and I TOTALLY feel weird at times standing at places waiting to cross. Due to that fact right there I will try to cross BEFORE I get to those intersections, even if I am “illegally” J-walking. HAHA. My cell phone is a life saver at times. Uhh..I love Rasin Bran, and have loved it for a while now. I must try putting prunes in there too..I’ll be grandma status with you all day!
Sorry to hear things are complicated with Starbs, unless of course things are working out for the better! I did in fact wonder about you two recently. You know, cause I am cool like that and wonder how my blog friends are doing with their relationships. God I need a life..
Haha! Omigosh I’ll do the same thing with j-walking to avoid lights if I can. And you need a life? I’m the single lady eating prunes and Raisin Bran over here 😉
Well, I can say someone forgot about Valentines day and I’m trying not to let it ruin my day…nevermind I spent a very long time on that gift. Anyways end rant, sorry to hear about the complication but I do hope everything works out for the best. 🙂
I’m eating ice cream alone, crying and reading blogs…well probably just eating ice cream and reading blogs. Maybe the gym won’t be crowded!
I usually whip out my phone when I suddenly feel awkward too. It really is like a crutch sometimes, if I’m holding my phone, I must be safe haha. Matt and I have plans tonight, he’s making dinner and I’m bringing dessert and a movie. Should be low-key and fun!
#10, huh?
Sounds like your attitude is great, though. Rock on.
And I am very much single…well no…it’s complicated because some might say I am pretty serious about peanut butter. *wink*
With the way my day (read: life) is going today, it would figure that you would put Rise Against on … oh man, I’m in for a doozie. Mind you, I’ve managed to kick my need for grannie status foods, so thumbs up to that.
Can I just say that I hate Valentine’s Day? I foresee a very Bridget Jones evening in my immediate future.
The good news? I’m being all emo on .running with spoons. — I would only be truly worried if I were writing on .running with scissors. 😉
Uh oh! I foresee a text day in my [read:our] immediate future!
Oh my god I love you. Rise Against Swing Life Away was my wedding party procession song <3 <3 <3 (insanely better than TS and that damn song that was stuck in my head last night at bedtime) Happy tears here.
I have trouble spelling certain words too. And Raisin bran cereal is one of my favorites as well as prunes 🙂
I definitely whip out the phone in awkward situations too! Glad I’m not alone on that! Happy Valentine’s Day girl!
This post is great!!!!
I play with my hair a lot when I’m nervous or feeling awkward. It’s a tell-tale sign of my discomfort.
And I’m spending Valentines Day with my boyfriend…it’s our 5th V~day together, and I’m planning a fancy romantic dinner at home.
5th?! That’s amazing! Happy Valentine’s to you both!! 😀
Lol I am glad I’m not the only one who attends to important things on their phone in awkward situations!!!! One time I saw someone I knew but having a 10 minute conversation with them was the last thing I wanted so I actually pretended to be talking on the phone! Yikes!!!!
Maybe it’s just me, but have you noticed that the older we get, the harder it is to find a guy we truly click with? I mean, I feel like as time goes by, I get more ingrained in my ways and less flexible in compromising on relatively stupid little things, but also, at 25, I have pretty high expectations of guys at this point — never finished college? Still living with your ol’ fraternity boys? Ugh lol. When I was a teenager, life was surprisingly less complicated! (Never thought I’d say that!)
And I tend to feel awkward in my car at a stop light when there’s someone next to me looking over at me. That and talking to a group of people you don’t know well since most of the time you just listen to them. Hands clasped? One hand on the hip? I dunno.. Ha
I’m definitely with you on having a harder time finding a guy the older I get. I used to laugh it off as all the good ones being taken by this age, but honestly? I think you’re on to something with the lack of flexibility and high expectations. I just feel a lot more comfortable with myself, I think, and after all this time of being alone, being with someone just feels a lot more awkward than being by myself… if that makes sense.
No, I definitely understand what you mean… it gets to me sometimes when I see couples or talk to my married friends, but then I look at their situations and realizes it’s not all sunshine and roses either, so…. maybe we’re better off being single till we REALLY find what we want?
P.S. Tamagotchi app, lol: http://news.yahoo.com/tamagotchi-returns-electronic-pet-reborn-app-131322207–finance.html
😯 I’ll pretend I didn’t see that…
i think i found your appetite – i have it! apparently extended rest has made my stomach feel like it needs to be working out for my whole body and it’s on overdrive. oh well, good thing i have a basically limitless supply of chocolate from students to keep me satiated today. as for kirby – way to go! i think this is longer than i ever kept my tamagatchi alive so i’m in awe. sorry things with mr. starbucks are complicated but better that you know that now then waste time, i suppose? either way, those roses are gorgeous and i don’t even like roses that much.
NOOO look at those roses, oh girl. I am blushing for you. so adorable. my appetite has been all over the place too, never ever fun. I can’t spell embarrassed. oh man spelled it wrong right there and it had to auto correct it. the only time I will say thank goodness for autocorrect.
I absolutely love that coffee picture. It’s pure awesomeness;)
Haha, I love the fact that your tamogochi is still living. That’s pretty decent. I think mine lasted all of one week when I used to buy them.
Guess what cereal I just bought yesterday? Oh, just kashi cinnamon. Can’t wait to try it!
Happy Thursday love!
Okay, you can tell that I love cereal a little too much when I get excited about other people trying it 😆 I’m hoping it becomes an addiction for you like the cinnamon tea… I need someone to share my loves with!
Speaking of tea, I tried to find some of the sugar cookie Celestial Seasonings tea you raved about, but couldn’t 🙁 It must be out of season? So I settled with their Sleepytime Vanilla. Um. Yeah, I don’t recommend it unless you like spearmint tea. I don’t even understand why it’s called vanilla! It tastes nothing like vanilla to me!
Yeah I think it only comes out around Christmas time, but I’ve heard that you can still buy it on iHerb!
Haha, Raisin Bran is good! No shame at all!! I am spending this Valentine’s Day engaged! Although, we aren’t doing too much to celebrate. Dan did our laundry today, which I found to be especially thoughtful! Have a great day, girl!
This is my first V Day as a married woman, buuuuttt I’m not a huge fan of the holiday. Not to say I don’t love love, but I’m just one of those people who prescribes to the “this is a Hallmark” holiday mentality. I think it’s because all you ever hear people talk about are material things. Annoying! My husband says that every day should be V Day…I like that a lot more!
Your husband sounds like a keeper! 😀 Valentine’s Day should definitely be everyday… why limit chocolates, flowers, surprises, and special dates to one day a year? Nonsense.
I play with my phone when I’m nervous too. It’s a good distraction… & works well for ignoring the homeless guy that was following me down the street the other day, bugging me (he’s a notorious drunk & is pretty creepy). LOL I’ll share some of my apetite with you, mine seems to be rampant, grr! As for Valentine’s, my status is married & we don’t really celebrate it. After all, every day should be full of love & like Valentine’s. This day is over-rated, IMO. Sorry about Mr. Starbucks.
Omg using my phone to do incredibly important things (like check twitter) is my fav way to not look awkward haha..i don’t think we’re alone in that either. That’s hilarious about your neighbors and maintanence man btw….good to know they care at least! I could prob be screaming and no one would do anything…joys of living in a college-esque building! I can’t stand that taylor swift song either (or her for that matter)… And i am on my own this vday since someone is 9 hrs away
Seriously, you can have a bit of my crazy appetite to make up for your lack of…needing food all the time is also a huge pain in the butt hahaaa!
Oh man, you’ve just made me realise how much I love raisin bran..and prunes. We can be grannies together 🙂 They are really good though!!
Urgh guys are just always..complicated. I think it’s best to go with your heart lovie. If there’s something niggling in your head saying he’s not right for you, then he’s not. Simple as. There’s no rush with these things, you’re still young!
As for me, I am single. I really don’t understand why girls get all depressed about single on this ONE day of the year. I mean, it’s one day. If they were that depressed about it I’m sure they should be depressed about it ALL the time, not just one day that is just there to make money (in my eyes anyway…) and therefore have done something about it already. Meh, I’ll wait for Mr. Right to turn up eventually..
Oh and I must say, you have great taste in music..I love it when you post decent songs up…Taylor Swift does my frickin head in.
I don’t understand all the hate that single people give Valentine’s either. I’m not all crazy gung-ho about it, but it’s still nice to get a little more excited about a day and see all the flowers and hearts everywhere… and you don’t need a guy to do that. It’s definitely better to wait for the right guy than to take anyone that comes along… The headache of a bad relationship? No thank you, I’d rather be single.
Perhaps “girls get all depressed over ONE day” because that one day serves as a reminder of the fact that they dont get to share that day with a special someone. There’s nothing wrong with wanting that. My husband is in the military, i’m thusly aware of that. Maybe there husbands/significant other are overseas/deployed, maybe they lost that person in combat, or maybe they just got out of a relationship, maybe they just want that companionship that others have. And so on and so on. Who are you to judge why someone is depressed at any given moment? You don’t know everyones story or what they could be going through.
And now Ill step down from my soapbox. Im not looking for drama, i just wanted to voice my opinion on the matter.
It’s ridiculous how much I enjoy these posts :). Remember your worries about not knowing how to get personal? These are just that to me – quirks, current favourites, Kirby updates ;), random thoughts, …
Number six is SO me whenever I’m feeling awkward around others. Well, that and thoroughly examining my fingernails.
Sorry to hear about your woes with Mr. Starbucks. It was the same for me hence why my current status is [not-so] proud Single. But being my own Valentine today meant pampering myself in the very best way: Leisurely long breakfast, splurging on quality reading material (Women’s Health :D) and chocolate. At least I don’t have to worry about buying a wrong present for a significant other, I guess ;)?!
I always spell embarrassed wrong! It’s a really tough word! So is “vaccumm” (sp??) I dunno….
Whenever I feel awkward I take my phone out and start looking at FB or re-reading old emails. Anything to look like I have a busy social life. haha.
I agree with the Taylor Swift comment. Her songs are all about the same thing and are ALWAYS on! Unfortunately, my daughter loves them so we listen. The things we do for our children! lol.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you too, Laura! And oh gosh, vacuum, yes… that’s another horrible one. Thankfully I don’t have to use it all that often…
I am attached but Valentines Day has never been a big thing to me. I didn’t even get him a card cause I’m on nights all week (and heading to bed). He is on evenings tonight so he may give me a card at shift change:)
I’m sorry to hear about Mr Starbucks. I do have the song Taylor the Latte Boy by Kristin Chenoweth in my heaf now from you calling him that ha!
Guy are complicated. Period. Oof. Obviously, I’m single. Ha! I love all Grandma foods. Prunes are the best, I used to eat them A LOT in college… I can only imagine what my roommates thought about my digestive system… And you just made me realize how much I like you because you posted “Swing Life Away”. Acoustic version = One of the best songs in the world.
Ha, I relate to far too much of this. Well, obv except Mr Starbucks, but I still like hearing about him. Anyway… I’m embarrassed to admit that I misspell embarrassed nearly every.friggin.time, and I think I’ll scream if I hear ANY more of T Swift’s songs. Sorry… just not a fan.
T-Swift bothers me to no end with that song. I don’t know what it is but it drives me INSANE. And really happy that valentines day was just an afterthought in your post. I feel like red hearts barfed all over my google reader this morning!
Trouble isn’t as bad as that other one though… After a while the “never, ever, ever…” made me feel like I needed to embark on a homicidal rampage…
Speaking of trouble…guys are trouble!! My boyfriend and I just recently parted ways, so it should certainly be an interesting Valentine’s Day for me this year! :/ Wish me luck! 😉
And isn’t it funny how Raisin Bran makes us think of “old people?” So weird!!
Awwr I’m sorry to hear that, Hannah. I’ll be your Valentine
Haha, this makes me smile!! 🙂
I want to see what this dog looks like for $4000 dollars. Crazinesss! That is more than I make in a couple months of working haha. And drowning your sorrows in Starbucks is never a bad idea!
I love when people admit to awkward or embarrassing behaviour that everyone thinks is unique to them! No, seriously. I’ve done the scrolling thing if, say, we’re at a bar with 75489637456 people around a table and for a bit I don’t know how to talk to 😉 But for traffic lights, I just stick my hands in my pockets and play a song in my head. Sometimes I hum it out loud. Try it?
I may have to give that a shot… or just do my best to avoid being caught at traffic lights 😉
I think it’s so cool that you’ve resurrected the Tamagotchi! I had one when I was a kid too. And I have to agree that story about the plumber sounds super awkward!
As weird as it may sound, I like being awkward. When I wait for a friend alone in a coffee, I mostly just sit there and stare around. Funny thing is, that not ME, but the people around me get nervous. They look at me, thinking – why is she not DOING anything? Does she not feel awkward? They maybe think I am awkward, but then they realize, I don’t care. And that makes it even more awkward. I am a happy girl with weird daily grind things :-)And I stop saying that a….d word now.
Sorry for the complicated status! I hope you are ok though. You could join me here in Switzerland, since we don’t do Valentines daying.
I can not spell ‘strength’. Not written and not spoken. Or asparagus. How many a’s again??? Happy Thursday Love!!
1. The word that I can’t spell – occasion. (I just spelled it ocassion. Then occaison. Fail at life).
2. I woke up at 7 and didn’t eat breakfast until 8:45 – and I still wasn’t really feeling hungry. If you find an appetite, can you lend me some?
3. Yesss Rise Against. Hello, high school flashback.
4. Yes, bran-y cereal. But it’s doing what I need it to do so…I guess I’ll have to accept my old lady-ness.
5. the status: very much attached – evidently, considering that I live with the guy. I hope you’re doing ok with the compicated-ness with Mr. Starbucks 🙁
I’m doing fine, thanks love 🙂 It’s almost sad to say, but I think I’m just so used to being alone at this point that I’m really quite content with it. Eep!
Ohh I love your Thursday posts- gotta love a brain vomit every once in a while ;)! Those flowers are gorgeous…from Mr Complicated? I hope you guys manage to find a middle ground and make it work but otherwise, there’s another guy who’s much more worthy of you my friend! And that bit about the word ’embarrassed’ made me laugh! Given my daily consumption of broccoli, you would think I’d be able to spell it without that freaking red squiggly line appearing!
Have a wonderful Valentine’s Amanda! My status this year is single & ready to mingle ;)!
No, not from Mr.Complicated… just an old, stock picture to brighten things up a little 🙂 And don’t feel bad about the broccoli… I always have to stop a sec at the double C, single L bit too 😉