1. I’m extremely embarrassed to admit this, but… I’ve let things go too far and need to get something off my chest. This is what my stash of cinnamon should look like…
And this is what my stash of cinnamon currently looks like…
Two empty shakers, and maybe two servings left in the third – you can bet that I’ll be making an emergency grocery trip tonight, because yeah… life without cinnamon is just not something I ever want to experience. Between a missing sweet tooth and neglecting my addiction, I don’t even know who I am anymore.
2. Actually, I’m someone who apparently neglects their car as well. You know the book 50 Shades of Grey? Allow me to introduce you to 50 shades of brown.
I tend to get a little lax with cleaning my car in the winter since it gets dirty approximately 15.7 seconds after I wash it, but I figured it could use a little loving so I took it to the car wash…
Nice and clean. But, true to form, it got just as dirty again in 15.7 #damnyouwinterdriving
3. One thing I haven’t been neglecting, though? My Tamagotchi…

I named him Kirby; he goes to bed at 9; he eats nothing but bread and candy; and he’s surprisingly enjoyable. Admit it, you didn’t think he’d make it this long. It’s okay – I didn’t either.
4. Have you guys heard of of Prinstagram? It’s a website that’ll print your Instagram images for you, either in picture, sticker, book, calendar, or even poster form. I’m thinking about ordering a set of prints for myself. I’ve known a few people who have done it, and they were really impressed with the quality and everything. Oh, and are you following me on Instagram yet? If not, you should! @runwithspoons 😀
5. Someone at my apartment gym definitely knows what’s up when it comes to refuelling… Found this little gem in the garbage bin when I was leaving and I couldn’t help but giggle.
6. And speaking of giggling, please do yourself a favor and watch this:
It feels so wrong but… it gets me every.single.time 😆 😆 😆 Ohhhh, I’m a horrible person.
7. I can’t help but use a lot of smilies whenever I communicate with someone that I can’t see face to face. I just feel like it’s way too easy to misinterpret the tone behind a message when someone can’t see/hear how you’re saying it, and if I ever think that my messages might sound a little mean, I fill them with: 🙂 😀 😆 🙄 😛 😉
8. Song obsession of the week; because sometimes you just have to cut yourself a break…
9. Okay. I need to vent for a quick sec. This is actually something I want to go into more detail about in a future post, but it needs a quick mention… Is it just me, or have you guys noticed the increase of heart rate monitor pics (with calories burned) popping up all over blogs and Instagram too? And can anyone explain to me the reasoning behind these pics? Is it a brag? Is it supposed to motivate others? Is it meant to be informative? Can someone fill me in, because I’m not quite understanding this recent phenomenon…
10. Aaaaaand because I usually like to end things on a positive note…
I’m wishing you all a lovely day 😀
. – . – . – .
What’s one food item that you’ll make unscheduled grocery trips for?
Did the ducks make you giggle?
What are your feelings on HRM pictures?
ok about the HR monitor pics….I have done this, and no its not to brag! I do it to motivate others..If I do post it, I usually do after a pure barre class or after a lifting session to show that you can burn calories and fat by these exercises alone, not just from cardio…I explain this in my posts along with the pictures! 🙂
I know that most people don’t mean any harm with it, but I think more bloggers need to realize that there are a lot of girls who suffer from disordered eating or full blown eating disorders that read HLB’s and images like that are super triggering to them. So it’s kind of like… is motivating someone worth the risk of triggering someone else. Tough to say 😕
So you’re motivating people to burn as many calories as you? Sounds like you are holding yourself up as an example to others, which sounds like bragging to me. Food for thought.
This post was awesome! I am still laughing about the Tamagochi, I love those things!
Funny how you mention it. Ever since I started reading and commenting on blogs – and even more so since starting my own – I feel as though I used smilies in almost every sentence. It’s actually some kind of a “safety measure” because I seem to have a strange kind of humor not everybody understands ;). I’m really afraid of unintentionally hurting others or sounding conceited.
Cumin is my cinnamon. Honestly, it’s embarrassing how much of it I use – pretty much every time I feel a savoury dish is lacking a little something-something. And yes, I did make emergency grocery runs for it. But maybe I need some more cinnamon in my life again, too?! It pairs well with cumin after all.
HRM pictures annoy me like crazy. Really, why would it matter to me how much somebody else burned? If it’s meant to show off how crazily active you are or to make others feel guilty: Thank you very much, Mr/Ms Dislikable.
Kirby, on the other hand, seems like a smart little cookie 😉 – nothing but candy, huh?
I will make unscheduled stops for froyo and milk because I need both daily….I am praying with everything I am that I didn’t just wake the boys up with my laughter at the ducks (made my day and probably just reserved my spot in hell for saying so)…and oyyy I’m at the point with those heartrate things that I just scroll as fast as possible to the next part of the post without mention of it…so not my cup of tea
I can totally relate to going scroll crazy when I come across those. I see a picture of a watch and I don’t even bother looking at the info on it anymore.
Yep same here love
I feel you on the cinnamon, I get borderline anxiety when we’re almost out. I could put it on everything, well, I pretty much do! Totally guilty as charged with the HR monitor pics (blushing a bit), I think it’s the blogger peer pressure you mentioned recently as well as the “how far is too far & when do you say something” that so many of us get sucked into. I personally enjoy wearing mine when I strength train as I’ve noticed what an awesome workout it is. Coming from being a past cardio-queen, I like to see how hard I’m working & know that my muscles are growing. PS. I saw an empty bottle of vodka outside my gym the other day, now THAT’s some good fuel 😉
Girl my car is horrible looking. Besides the horrific dents in the side (dumb accident…) the inside is ALWAYS dusty or filled with dirt/leaves (Im a soccer player remember?) and the outside is horribly streaky and dirty. Its not too bad right now since its winter time, but oh man in the summer it looks BAD!
I actually just bought a polar HRM, so Im sure you will see my obsession on instagram. I basically use my instagram as a collage for ME. So if and when I post a picture of my heart rate monitor, it will be to remind me later on down the road how many cals I burned from fat and which ones from fitness. The goal for me is to gain fitness and not burn fat, so I want to see less fat calories and more in the fitness zone!!
Haha I also have an obsession with Cinnamon, I just need to break down and buy one of those giant bulk containers I see at some stores!
As for the HRM I posted a couple because I was amazed at how much you burn at Zumba! But I stopped after a few because I just felt awkward. The reason they’re all over the places is because Polar sent a bunch of bloggers HRMs through FitFluential, so they’re all supposed to tweet/instagram about it. I’m sure after a while it becomes a bit of a habit.
I remember the Fitfluential thing, but I didn’t think they had to keep pimping it. Hopefully it does die down soon… seems like lots of people aren’t huge fans.
Ice cream is my food of unscheduled grocery trips…. I LOVE ice cream. Yum! And maybe peanut butter.
Ducks make me giggle no matter what they’re doing..they’re silly. Penguins walking on land makes me lose it because they just look so uncoordinated and ridiculous!!
I. Love. Animals. So I’ve seen that duck video 100+ times and it NEVER gets old! 😀 I’m one of those people who frequents websites like cuteoverload.com… haha.
Un-scheduled grocery trips: random cravings for peanut butter (I have trouble eating it in moderation — something I need to work on! — so it’s not a staple at my house) and chocolate milk 🙂
I am as big of a cinnamon addict as you are- thank goodness for Costco. I can’t believe your Tomagachi is still alive! I killed mine after a few… hours. And I’m just as bad at keeping plants alive, flowers are much more preferable 😛 I got a HRM at Christmas and love it to help me track my personal progress and to help keep me on pace throughout training. I’ve posted a picture or two on IG because of the time, not so much the calorie burn. Actually, I made a comment on one of the pictures that I had a fab workout and the calories are just a number, that they don’t mean everything, and got some backlash… I was unaware that I had to sweat XX number of cals to be considered a “solid workout”!
The sad thing is that I suck at keeping plants alive… I have one in my home and he’s died and been revived more times than a cat has lives…
Maybe they are getting paid to pimp the Bands?
Thus, the more times they show it…
I only read one blog where she recently started posting it and I doubt she is even counting calories eaten or burned (she’s prego (0; ) so I am guessing that’s it — atleast in her case.
PS- Dont feel bad about slacking on the cinnamon and the car — if I lived somewhere cold I doubrt I’d leave the house at all. (0:
Haha I am the same with overusing smilies- especially if I think my message may sound rude/emotionless! I also tend to stretch out the letters e.g. “niceeee”! Glad I’m not the old one who relies on non-verbal written gestures! More than the HRM pictures, one thing that I’ve noticed a lot of is selfies of people at the gym- yeah you work out, I get it…we ALL get it! I know it sounds cheesy but I feel like you and I are completely on the same wavelength, Amanda :)!
Cinnamon is just lovely, isn’t it? I love adding it to Indian-inspired foods, soups, and most frequently…on top of PB or AB slathered toast! Yum, yum, yum! 🙂
My car? Ugh, don’t even get me started on how horrible it looks. I hate the idea of spending money to wash it knowing that it will just get dirty again.
You think you’re a horrible person? I am the homicidal maniac who wants to kill Thumper 😀 But that video was adorable – I am very glad that they showed all the ducks waddling off into the sunset at the end though, because I was worried the babies might be hurt by the sheer force of the wind.
Those HRM shots hack me off to be honest. I’m happy I wasn’t the only one who noticed. And one blogger *always* juxtaposes them with shots of (usually ‘strange’ i.e disgusting) food, as if she needs to justify eating it by showing ‘look, I burned 493 calories’ or whatever. Sad.
I love Kirby by the way – I hope he (?) lives a long and happy Tamagotchi life. I wish I still had mine. Oh, and I need emoticons too. Particularly this one: 😛
Hehe I was actually thinking the same thing about the ending. It would be a lot more difficult to laugh if any of the little guys got lost or hurt, but they just went along on their merry way acting like nothing happened. It reminds me of how I try to act perfectly normal when I slip on ice and make a fool of myself when lots of people are around…
Just think about a duck family sitting around a thanksgiving table one night reminiscing over wine …”remembet that time when..” and “we were like,..” and crying with laughter.
I am sure ducks laugh because I listened to a RadioLab podcast about laughter (I dount they might cry when they do really hard) and I know they don’t drink wine. Or gather for Thanksgiving…Or eat at tables…LOL.
You get what I’m saying I hope.
Or just get that I am ridiculous. (0:
mmm cinnamon!! I also need to replenish my own stash. I use it daily and I know you do too so it only makes sense that we go through it quickly!
I have definitely made emergency trips to the store multiple times just to buy carrots.. they are my favorite snack and I always need to have a few bags on hand!
I had a friend at school who spent her free time reviving old tamagotchis, does it get much better than that? I’m not sure how successful she was but, still, better spent time than my constant re-watching of The 1940s House. (If you google that, I used to desperately want to live my whole life there. Still do. I mean how doesn’t want an wireless??) Anyway, I used to make my mum ‘look after’ my tamagotchi when I was at school. Pretty sure it stayed in her handbag all day long…
I make unscheduled trips to the grocery store all the time because a) I always forget what I most need and b) I buy a lot of things I don’t need and don’t know what to do with. Milk has to be top of the list though and, perhaps, bananas.
My car desperately needs to be washed too! And I have no excuses, I live in Florida! My husband said it’s embarrassing…oops.
And I am the same way with emails – I always add an extra exclamation point or two just to let the reader know that I’m being friendly. The amount of time I spend strategically placing said exclamation points is probably unnecessary and not something others think about, but yeah, I’m crazy like that!
S4! Nice 🙂
Oh it warms my heart to see that someone caught on to that. Cars are love.
LOTS LOTS LOTS of hrm posts. it bugs me. i use an hrm because i don’t have a damn clue how to pace myself/push myself otherwise but i always skip over the calories burned page otherwise i get obsessive. it’s like the “fitspiration” posts – does not motivate me, do not understand the point.
The point is just to have something “healthier” to obsess over, because you’re not trying to be skinny, you’re trying to be strong 😕
I remember when you first showed me that duck video! I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time..but I only laughed haha. OMFGGG (yes that deserved the F in there) YOU HAVE A Tamagotchi!?! I USED to go batshit crazy for those..and for the other brand which I can’t think of. I also had this pocket Pickachu that I was obsessed with. I am going to try to get it to work again. God I miss being a kid! I haven’t noticed the heart rate monitor pictures, I must not be friends with the people that post that stuff haha. Not sure what it’s for either! When you find out, please share! I will make unscheduled grocery trips for just about anything. Specifically chocolate and PB!
Printstagram?! What will they think of next? I print pics from there sometimes by getting them off fb and they turn out horribly! The quality is terrible. I bet this works better! Yes I’ve noticed the same thing. I wouldn’t even trust something like that to give an accurate reading just bc everyone is so different. I think it can be an attempt at masking underlying insecurities personally. Which we all have those so it isn’t necessarily bad but just something for people to be mindful of 🙂
Awesome positive note – and Rittersport chocolate simply rocks!! (I live in Germany, I can practically bathe in that stuff every.single.day! :-))
I love cinnamon too! I’m impressed by your cinnamon stash 😉 I love the HRM rant. I’m not a fan of them to begin with but I do feel like it’s just another way to obsess about calories burned. I’m glad people are becoming more active but I do think the new fitness obsession is just as bad as the diet obsession! Everything in moderation right?!
I’ve totally been thinking the same thing about the heart rate monitor pics!! Seriously…is it something in the water?
Hope not. If it is, then I’m going to have to start buying the bottled kind…
I think I need to go out and find one of those tamagotchi things again. I want to bring it back into my life and rekindle my childhood memories. It will be dead in a hot second but I still want to use it again! I’ve been seeing the heart rate monitors lately too and I think it’s just another fad, like half the crazy diets some bloggers follow. Hopefully it will pass because I just don’t really care how many calories anybody burns in a day or a workout. Oh, and cinnamon? Yes. I have an addiction too.
Those poor ducks!! My jaw dropped and I kinda choked on a laugh. At least they weren’t hurt 😉 Love cinnamon. It’s a staple at my house! The HRM posts interests me but also kind of worries me. When I had a HRM that worked, my sister and I sneakily compared each other and she always beat me in rate and calories and it drove me nuts (in the middle of my E.D.). I have been thinking of getting one for my own use, but not to post stats and stuff. It shades to much on the side of dangerous territory for me. And you reminded me I have to go get my car washed. I think it’s been about a year. . . .
Haha, your cinnamon stash makes me laugh because mine looks just about the same!
Seriously addicted to that spice!
I loveeee that how to have a lovely day
Oh my gosh…those ducks are the cutest little things! Poor guys hah.
Yesssss, as I said yesterday in my comment with the HR monitors drives me mad. I have one myself, but I’m never going to post how many calories I burn/my heart rate. It’s a personal thing and can become a competitive thing in the blog world with many disordered eaters. It’s almost like posting your weight. Grinds my gears a little;)
Heehee. The “grinds my gears” thing always reminds me of Family Guy. I need to start watching that show again.
SAVE THE DUCKKSSSSSS that is the first thing that came to mind. My eyes got big and I wanted to reach out and save them. Fluffy things. I would be distressed. Mom save me! Ok side tracked there. Caught my attention immediately. Never heard this song but of course I am in heaven. Listening to it on repeat. I thank you for that. I don’t use instagram for that reason. Everywhere heart rates come up and I hate it I really do. I could care less that you did a massive two hour workout – I mean who has time for that?
I think the heart rate monitors are more to show how much lifting can burn because a lot of people put lifting to the back burner. At least that’s the “main” gist I have been getting from them. I’m not gonna lie, I kind of want one. Haha. Sometimes I wonder just how much I’m burning even if I’m doing yoga. I shouldn’t care but I’m just curious!
The ducks made me laugh so much! It’s so horrible but so funny 🙂
Un-scheduled grocery trips: nut butter, yogurt, cinnamon, or bananas.
I thought that’s what it was about at first too, but I see it from enough runners to question that. Maybe we’re trapped in the middle of a war of which form of exercise is better… Hope the casualties are minimal…
And your emergency grocery trip buys are pretty much spot on with mine. I could survive without everything else, but those 4 (and cereal) are must-haves.
I agree, I see them posted after cardio sessions quite often. Honestly, lifting does NOT burn as many calories(short term) so people don’t tend to show big numbers on their HRM for that. I ignore the HRM pics or honestly, even roll my eyes when I see them. Besides, everyone burns a different amount doing the exact same thing. I tend to burn less calories because I have a really low resting HR and I have a friend that burns 1/4 more than me every workout but her resting HR is naturally higher. I just don’t get the point….it feels very competitive to me.
I feel you on cinnamon. I don’t know why I’ve been going through it so quickly lately. Well yes I do, I’ve been dumping it in my hot cocoa haha…Anyways-that video is probably one of my favorites of all time. Just hilarious.
On the heart rate monitor note, yes I have. I don’t really know how I feel about it. I don’t care for the straps I find them super painful so I don’t think it’s something I’ll ever get into.
hmm glad you brought up the whole HRM obsession. I definitely think it has a lot to do with bragging- and omg look at how much I burned. I don’t think so many bloggers should be posting them though… mainly because we all know that a big group of healthy living blogger readers have/had eating or exercise issues. Why can’t they just put I ran 5 miles? We don’t need to see that you burn 437.65 calories.
Genuinky concerned about those little ducklings! The mum hugely panicked bless her. How cute though!
I get nervous when I have no apples so I feel your pain about the cinnamon. My husband luckily understands my need and has often gone on an emergency apple run for me.
Oh my goodness, the ducks. Cannot.stop.giggling.
I desperately try to avoid unscheduled grocery trips (because going for one item inevitably turns into twelve)…but I will do it for bananas, eggs and olive oil if I feel like I really need it.
So much cinnamon – but I would hate to go without it!
I’m not sure what to think of the HRM pictures..I notice it more with lifting than I do with cardio workouts, so maybe it’s a “look-at-how-many-calories-lifting-burns? IN YOUR FACE cardio people!” That’s my interpretation, anyways. :-p
That’s what I thought it was at first too, but I see quite a few runners do it a lot as well, so I’m not sure…
I will make unscheduled grocery trips for eggs….and mushrooms (don’t ask – I have a weird obsession with them lol)
I am also obsessed with cinnamon! I actually get these huge tubs from Costco that are SO CHEAP!! I have probably five of them, but I use A LOT of cinnamon so I figured I would stock up!
I don’t know what the current obsession is, but I agree that I do see heart rate pics a lot now. I think that it is definitely a bit of bragging, which is fine to me. We all want to be proud of our hard work and workouts! I also think it is kind of interesting to compare the calorie burn of different types of workouts. I still have my heart rate monitor but I have not used it in like three years because I know how to gauge my workouts.
I can definitely see how it can be somewhat annoying that everyone feels the need to show that they burned “x” amount of calories, so they are just sooo awesome. lol
I posted the ducks on my Facebook profile today when I saw it in your comment on Jessie’s blog – I can’t handle it!
And I can’t handle the watch/monitor pics either. I don’t know what the purpose is. I don’t look at them, and neither at mine – I have a watch to check the time but I NEVER wear one of these heartrate bands cause I really don’t care how many calories I’ve burnt. I know, I did burn a few, so fine.
Could we do a Skype chat where you do a Instagram/Pinterest tutorial for me? I am so lame. I can not get into these 2 pages. I feel so overwhelmed when I open it, that I hysterically close it again immediately. I feel like my Mom when she starts her iPad, she always seem so scared.
Of course we can! Instagram and Pinterest are still okay for me… it’s Facebook and Twitter that overwhelm me 😯
Haha, me, too, Instagram seems like a lot of fun but I need somebody explaining to to me …
Eggs and milk are definitely unscheduled grocery trip worthy. Because when I decide I need to make cookies or homemade hot cocoa, there is no stopping me! 🙂
My cinnamon jar lasts me probably for more than a year. I never know what to put it on besides yogurt or pies. Any suggestions?
I think I go through it so quickly because when I add cinnamon to things, it’s not just like a small dash or two… my food ends up basically smothered in it 😉 Adding it to yogurt and oatmeal are my favorite uses, but some other great ones are: on sweet potatoes (with nut butter), on apples, in applesauce, in coffee, in hot chocolate, on toast, and in baking. I add cinnamon to almost all of the recipes I bake, even if they don’t call for it. I find it always adds a nice little depth.
Ah, its been way too long since I last commented here, but I have been following you every single day!
I really cant believe how much cinnamon you are eating :O That is crazy!! 😀 (I like crazy!)
Have a lovely day Amanda.
Ooooooh those poor little ducklings! That’s one of those videos that’s surprising, and by that I mean, I’m surprised I can feel so badly while laughing at them all at the same time. giggle
Thanks for sharing the song. Def gonna check it out. 🙂
Right?! It’s like laughing when you see people do something stupid and hurt themselves. But it almost feels worse because it’s animals…
Those ducks are too cute! Thanks for sharing! And, I am glad I am not the only one who neglects to wash their car in the winter.,,heck who am I kidding,,,, in the winter, spring, summer and fall!