Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. So I learned something pretty freaking crazy the other day. You know the carrot oatmeal muffins I posted on Tuesday? That was actually the 1,000th post I ever published…
One, zero, zero, zero. When the heck did I write that many posts?!? And how?! I mean, I know it happened gradually over 3+ years… but still! It totally boggles the mind. It’s one of those things that really makes you wonder how much different life would be if you didn’t randomly get inspired to start a blog and nervously hit that publish button on your first post. Never know where things are going to take you!
2. I also never knew I had it in me to get emotional over an ad for batteries…
Have you seen that Duracell commercial floating around on YouTube? The one with the father sending his daughter a teddy bear with a voice recording? I usually skip past the ads as soon as I can, but I decided to watch that one to the end for whatever reason and OMG THE FEELS! I can’t even say that I know what it’s like to have a father that’s in the military, but my dad did a lot of travelling/working when I was growing up, so I know what it’s like to miss him. Freaking heartstrings… Well played, Duracell. Well played.
3. Speaking of the feels, I stayed up until about 1 AM to finally finish Morning Star the other day, and… woooooow. Just wow. I honestly can’t remember the last time a book took me on such an emotional rollercoaster, and I’m feeling a little lost knowing that that’s the last of it. Brown referred to this series as “Braveheart in space,” which is 100% totally accurate. So much betrayal, so much sacrifice, so many bad decisions made, so much redemption, so much manipulation, so much love, so much death, so much “NO! That did NOT just f*cking happen!!!!” If you’re into that kind of thing, then you’ll adore this book. I did. And I think I might have to read parts of it again just because. Definitely a satisfying (and surprising!!!) ending to an amazing trilogy.
4. I actually would have told you all that in my February favourites post, buuuuuuuut there won’t be a favourites post for February. I was all set to post one on Monday until I took a look at my notes and realized that I didn’t have a single favourite thing written down for the entire month. Not.even.ONE. That’s not to say that I’ve been hating everything, but I didn’t really come across anything new that I felt compelled to share with you guys. Here’s hoping March is a little more exciting on that front.
5. At the very least, it’s looking a lot more exciting as far as travelling goes! I’m [finally] heading to the mountains this weekend (insert happy dance ->here<-) after not being up there for a couple of months, and I’ll be headed to Hawaii at the end of the month for the Spoons’ annual family vacation (insert BIGGER happy dance ->here<-). We were going back and forth on a few places, but finally decided on Maui after enjoying it so much last year. Can.not.WAIT.
6. Can someone please tell me why I no longer get e-mail notifications whenever someone leaves me a message on Facebook? And why this is what I see when I click on the “Notifications” tab?
Everything was working fine and dandy at one point until it just randomly stopped. What the heck did I do to have such horrible technology juju?!
7. On the bright side (literally), I finally fell into the habit of remembering to turn up the brightness on my monitor whenever I’m editing pictures. But before you go praising my proficiency, I should probably admit that the other day I caught myself trying to edit out something that I thought was in the picture when it was actually just a spec of dirt on my computer screen. Cue #facepalm… ->now<-.
8. And if you’re wondering what it is that I was editing, that would be this bad boy right here…
… which’ll be up for you guys to.mor.row. I’m excited.
9. I’m less excited about the fact that I can’t get my eyebrows to jump through hoops for me today (read: eyebrows are NOT on fleek).
10. BUT! I hope you’re having better luck with yours than I am with mine (read: that you’re having an awesome day), and I’ll see you hip cats (what?!?) tomorrow with some more FOOD 😋

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Maui…..so jealous.
Even though I am up for any adventures, I am going the safe road with my eyebrows and have them permanent maked up. Actually, my first tattoo 🙂
Congrats on 1,000 posts!! That is a huge milestone girl! That sweet potato just looks heavenly. I hope you have a great weekend! 🙂 xoxo
omg LOL. The original vine video of that girl. EYEBROWS ON FLEEEEEEEEK.
Um. Hawaii?! AGAIN? Oh well, it IS pretty there. Pit stop LA?
I think we did actually connect through LAX one time… but we’re going through Vancouver this year. Road trip up there 😛
Wooooo-hoo! Congrats on the 1000 posts! Man, that sweet potato looks 🎶A-mazing!!🎶. I’ve been craving all things sweet potato recently and got my craving somewhat appeased by the most phenomenal meal at Cheesecake Factory the other day with my favorite ever sweet potato fries. But I cannot wait for yours as I’m looking for more ways to get in more of my current addiction. 😄
Oh, and also…I have the worst tech mojo ever as well. I can try something and it doesn’t work, can’t find the solution, etc., and then my dad or one of my sibs comes over and I SWEAR does the exact same thing did and it works! What can I say, technology hates me. 😝
Yes!!! A sweet potato recipe!! I cannot wait!!
Urgh my eye brows are killing me right now, I just can’t get them to look good no matter what I do – major sigh. I want to get them professionally done but I don’t think I have enough for them to work with :-S
You never know what kind of magic they can do! Have you looked into any of Anastasia’s brow products? She has some amazing pencils, gels, and pomades that seriously changed how I do my brows.
Congrats on 1000! That’s a lot of awesome work and delicious food you’ve given us. 🙂
Enjoy your upcoming vacations! I just wish my family traveled to Hawaii regularly!
I always make excuses about how I don’t have time to read, but this summer, I really do want to get into a book/triology. I miss all those feels!!
Also YAY for 1000 posts and mountains AND Maui! 😀 Can’t wait to live vicariously through you.
Congratulations on 1000 posts! That takes some serious commitment. I’m sure you will have the best time in Maui – it’s such a perfect family vacation destination!
That sweet potato looks amazing!! I’ve finally gotten my husband to enjoy stuffed sweet potatoes and I am loving the benefits!
OMG Hawaii!!! How fun! I’m going to Honolulu next month and besides the fact that I’m TERRIFIED to fly alone, I’m so excited!
I need to carve out time this weekend and sit down and FINALLY get into Morning Star. I downloaded it a month ago and I’m still barely 1/4 of the way in. Yikes!
I’m so jealous of your Hawaii vacay I WANNA GO TO HAWAII!
It was definitely a little drawn out at times, but it picks up and there are SO many WTF moments thrown in there. Ending kind of came out of nowhere.
SO jealous you’re going to Maui!!! Take tons of pictures and I’ll reminisce over my vacation by living vicariously through you haha
Gah! I was DYING watching your snaps while you were there. We’ll be on Kaanapali too, so it’ll all look familiar 😀
Wow, 1,000 posts?! That’s amazing! I think I’m somewhere in teh 400’s.
And I can’t believe you’re going to back Maui!!! I’m so jelly. I love that freakin’ place so much. You better show me all the snaps while you’re there! 😉
I’m hoping to! I’ll need to buy a data package this time around because walking around without an internet connection is just tragic. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve wanted to post something to IG and been like… oh wait 😯 I imagine it’ll be even worse this year since I’ll have Snapchat.
While I haven’t tried to edit them awy I do get confused by spots on my screen at times. Honestly. why is it such a pain to keep them clean?
Given that I’m sure I’ve read every single one of your posts – and many other blogs in addition – I wonder just how many I’ve seen in total … A lot of lifetime spent on the internet for sure ;). Congratulations on hitting this milestone! I hope you won’t retire from blogging anytime soon.
I honestly have no idea about the computer screens. The keyboard I understand (and mine is a mess), but I have no idea why my screen gets so dirty – I don’t touch it that often! (I think)
Happy 1000th post! That’s awesome and impressive.
Also, whatever the recipe is that you will be sharing with us tomorrow is for, it looks absolutely delicious. Can’t wait to see it!
Happy Thursday!!
I haven’t ever seen that commercial before, but I rarely watch the commercials anyways. The one that always got to me was the JIF one where the girl makes her dad a sandwich. So cute!
I don’t think I’ve seen that one before, but anything father-daughter related always gets me.