Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
one million pins, i’m thirsty, and
1. Mind = blown; socks = rocked right off. You know my banana oat Greek yogurt muffins? Those little suckers that always seem to hog first place in my popular posts widget?..
I just realized the other day that they hit over one million pins on Pinterest. One meeeeeeeellion… I don’t even know what to say. I don’t even think it’s really sinking in. All I know is that I’m freaking stoked over the fact that I decided to actually post that recipe since it was one that I was kind of going back and forth on for a while. It’s funny… there are times where I’ll think a recipe is going to take off and it ends up just doing okay, and other times where the most random recipe will get heaps of attention. Funny in a frustratingly annoying kind of way 🙈
2. To celebrate, I busted out the happy dances whipped up a tribute recipe that I’ll be sharing on Saturday. I have a feeling you guys’ll like this one, but then again… what do I know. See #1 😂
3. And now for the most random thing you’ll probably ever see here on Spoons… puppy poop bags!
I grabbed this at the off-leash area while I was out with Ky, and I had to share it with you guys because the look on the dog’s face seriously cracks me up. What’s with the smug grin?!? I mean, I know we’re the ones picking up your poops, but that’s only because you’re not smart enough to use toilets and we don’t want to accidentally step in your craps and ruin our shoes. Savvy?
4. So one of my biggest fears came true the other day (read: not actually a fear at all but something that’s crossed my mind a few times). I grabbed a carton of almond milk out of the fridge, went to shake it, and realized a little too late that the cap wasn’t screwed on all the way. Let me tell you… that sucker came flying off and milk went everywhere. On the floor, on the cabinets, on the walls, on the stove – it was like I just popped open a bottle of champagne. I wish I had snapped a pic, but it was early in the morning and the lighting was bad (#bloggerproblems). Thankfully I’m not one to cry over spilled milk 😉
5. On the topic of liquidy things that you drink, here’s where I admit that I haven’t been drinking enough water… which is nuts because I KNOW how important it is and it’s something I’m always telling other people to stay on top of. I don’t even know how it happened! I could blame the cold and say that I haven’t really been thirsty, but apparently I have been because I’m pretty sure I experienced some of the symptoms of mild dehydration. Extra fatigue, cravings I couldn’t pinpoint, headaches, bloating, heartbeat higher than it should be during workouts… Nothing extreme, but all adding up to make me feel a little out of sorts. And all cleared up when I made it a point to start drinking more. I’m back to my approach of filling up a 2L jug of water and making sure I get through it each day.
6. Orrrrrrr summer could just hurry up and bless me with an abundance of watermelon so that I could get my fluids in that way. Eh? Summer? What do you say? Hook a girl up!
7. Until then, I’ll just be over here eating my weight in dates… which I seriously need to restock on seeing as I only have one more piece out of the pound I bought less than a week ago. These ones from Caramel Naturel are just crazy addicting. (Edited to add: that one piece is now gone. In fact, I’m eating it as I type this).
8. Speaking of crazy… the orchid that I got for my birthday is still alive and well, which means that I somehow managed to keep it alive for almost 2 months. I don’t know how, seeing as they’re supposed to be one of the harder ones to care for and my thumbs aren’t exactly green, but there ya go — proof that miracles really do happen.
9. And I feel like that’s a good note to end things on, but because I know people don’t like those odd numbers…
10. … have a happy Thursday, friendly faces! Do something epic 😁

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Yay on the million- Here’s to another million bajillion. It just goes to show not to second guess yourself! I bought this sparkling water thing to boost my water intake…….it’s failing so far.
I have ZERO self control with dates and end up eating at least 6 in one sitting, which results in a head ache. Every.Single.Time. Depressing.
I LOVE watermelon! I can’t wait for it to be in season again. Come on Summer!
Congrats on one million pins, that’s so exciting. Also — I’ve done the almond milk thing before. I also am known for dropping the container of Fage more times than I can count.
congrats on your million Pinterest hits! i need to start checking our your recipes!
That crazy your muffins got over a million pins – way to go!
Oh. Man. That is one of my number one fears in the kitchen! From the time I was little, my mom would tell us this story of my uncle unwittingly doing that with an open ketchup bottle…with dire results. She always cautioned us to put our finger on the cap first thing, but I’ve been scared stiff ever since that one time I’ll forget. I’m sure I have before, but nothing that singed itself forever into my memory.
I’ve flip-flopped on the whole water thing, as I have no idea what to think anymore. First they say no one drinks enough, then I’ll read articles saying that, because we’re all being told we don’t drink enough, we’re all actually drinking too much…I dunno. I’m with you, though: if your body is saying you’re dehydrated, that seems good enough to me. 😆
Woot, woot! Congrats on the million pins! 🎉 Bahaha, that puppy’s face! 😂 Especially funny I think if you’ve ever owned a dog, lol! And that recipe looks priiiitttyy awesome to me (and if that’s chocolate on top, no need for any more words)…now I’m anxious for Saturday!
Man, that’s a lot of pins..definitely need to try those muffins! Thanks for hosting the linkup!
Congratulations on the one million pins! To me, that’s not even a tangible amount, so Im astounded by you and your blog’s success. Love watching you thrive Amanda!
Can I just say that, until I started making recipes from Spoons, I had never even considered eating a date. Now I bake with them all the time – LOVE THEM! – but still had never eaten one just out of the container until a friend mentioned he eats them in place of dessert many days because they totally satisfy his sweet tooth. Wow! Game changer 🙂 Love the orchids and watermelon … HAPPY PINNING!
TOTALLY can agree with the whole dehydration thing. I was feeling so blah last week and realized I haven’t been drinking as much water as usual. This week, I made a good ol’ post-it in my planner to keep track. I’m glad to report that it is working and I feel TONS better! Yay for the simple things in life?
Congrats on ONE MILLION PINS! I can attest to how wonderful they are. You introduced me to baking with greek yogurt!
Congrats on the million views…that’s an incredible accomplishment! and that surprise recipe looks YUM!
Congrats on making it to a million. That is straight up incredible and you so deserve it!! So sorry about the almond milk, that sounds awful! I had a similar mistake with coffee creamer once, it wasn’t fun!
HAH! We commented on each other’s posts at the same time 🙂
One million – wow! Back in the day that number would have impressed me -even- more than it does now because a figure as large as that was beyond little me’s imagination. You can bear the title muffin queen now. Crown, scepter, everything included :).
Also, you and me both on the orchids. The fact I have been able to keep several alive over years makes me doubt if they really are one of the hardest to care for plants. Their fragile and beautiful appearance has me want to stick with that, though. Am I making sense??
Dang! Those muffins are the gift that keeps on giving! One million…that is so freaking awesome. Congrats girly!!
Also, that has totally happened to me with the milk. It’s an ongoing joke in my house that I am horrible at screwing caps back on things. Toothpaste, milk, jars, etc. It would be funny to see ourselves doing it though, right? 😉
Ummm banana bread anything with chocolate chips is amazing. Prepare for one million AND ONE pins on that recipe! Haha. That poop bag is so funny. I’ve never seen one with a smug little dog on it!
That orchid is beautiful! Those things are tricky to keep healthy.
I can’t wait until I can binge on watermelon!! Seriously worth the stomachache.
I’ve had the almond milk thing happen to me before too!
I can’t even begin to count how many times I’ve shaken a not-quite-closed almond milk container. I feel ya! Happy Thursday!
No wonder that those muffins got a million pins, they look so amazing! And I hear ya about the water, I need to drink way more but I just don’t get that thirsty very often. I’d much prefer it if I were able to get my water intake via watermelon 🙂
Wowsers!!! 1 mil pins…that is freaking AWESOME CONGRATS!!
Watermelon and mango…favorite summer fruits!!
Look at that orchid…so pretty!
I have most certainly been lacking in the water department as well, and I amblaming it entirely on my office at work being too cold. I always go for tea to warm me up!
Costco was sold out of my dates the last time I needed them! (insert crying emoji). I found some pitted ones at the local store, but of course they were overpriced and SUPER soft and squishy. Ugggghhhh I just want my old, dried up dates back!!
Woohoo! Congrats on that milestone! A million pins is AMAZING!
I totally need to get better at drinking more water every day too. Sometimes I just really hate the inconvenience of having to go pee though 😉