1. Last week pink, this week red. 1 coat, 2 minutes, 3 days of not fussing. Win all around! This has seriously become my new favorite nail polish.
Revlon Colorstay in Red Carpet.
2. I’ve recently discovered a delicious new use for overripe bananas. As much as I love using them to bake up a loaf of banana bread, lately I’ve had nothing but cookies on the brain. Nothing wrong with that, except for the fact that last week I bought a few too many bunches of already ripe bananas that have recently turned overripe. Solution? Freeze them Dunk them in cocoa powder, obviously…
I have no idea what possessed me, but there you have it. The overly sweet banana gets balanced out by the bitter cocoa for a strangely satisfying snack.
3. I’ve come to the conclusion that I cannot work out first thing in the morning. I just can’t. Why? Because my appetite basically becomes uncontrollable for the rest of the day. I woke up the other day with another hefty dose of early morning energy and decided to hit up the treadmill for another early morning walk. After that, I proceeded to spend the rest of the day eating everything in sight. Woof. Then again… maybe that’s not such a bad thing? It can get expensive though…
4. You know you might have a slight coffee addiction when you need a fix so bad that you don’t even care that they take shortcuts with your name…
Hi, my name is Amy and you can call me whatever you like as long as you give me coffee. Apparently Amanda just takes too long to spell out when there’s a lineup of people waiting to be served…
5. And speaking of coffee addiction, I need this in my life…
6. I also need to acknowledge that my mom is pretty darn awesome (Hi Mom!). Promise not to laugh when I tell you that despite being all of 28 and living out on my own, I still beg bribe my mom to bring me food, which, bless her kind heart, she occasionally agrees to do…
You’re laughing, but hear me out! I love eating chicken, but I can’t stand working with it when it’s raw (hello fear of food poisoning!). I’ll do it if I have to, but I’ll also jump on any opportunity I can to avoid it. I’d consider our arrangement a fair one, though – she bakes me chicken, I bake her cookies.
7. Speaking of baking, I recently got a new kitchen toy to play with…

That would be a new spatula from GIR, and I’m kind of smitten. I used to think that all spatulas were created equal, but after taking this one through a couple of test runs, consider my mind changed. What makes it so special? How about that it’s super sturdy yet flexible enough to make mixing even the thickest and toughest of cookie doughs a breeze? Or that it’s one solid piece so you don’t have to worry about it breaking or gunk getting in any cracks? … Or the fact that it’s apparently indesctrictible. I really have no idea why you’d need an indestructible spatula, but I guess it doesn’t hurt? Either way, I’m a fan.
8. Taking a trip down memory lane with this week’s song obsession…
9. The book I’m currently reading (The Wise Man’s Fear) has 1000 pages. One. Zero. Zero. Zero. That in itself is no big deal – it’s an amazing book and I would read it even if it were 2000 or 3000 pages. The problem is that the dratted thing is heavy, and trying to hold it up with one hand while I’m laying in bed exhausted after a long day does not make for a pleasant reading experience. And no, I still refuse to get a Kindle or Nook – begone you crazy kids and your crazy technology!
10. Did you notice that this was the first post in a long while that hasn’t included any mention of breakfast? Well we can’t have that now, can we?…
Happy Thursday, my beautiful people!
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Anyone else feel ravenous for the rest of the day after a morning workout?
Do you use a Nook/Kindle?
What was breakfast this morning?
Helpful info. Fortunate me I discovered your website accidentally, and I am shocked why this twist of fate
did not took place in advance! I bookmarked it.
Dude! I’ve done bananas with “healthy chocolate sauce”…which is just cocoa powder, water, and stevia, but I’ve never thought to just dunk them in the dry cocoa! Genius m’dear…pure genius! And I can’t wait to try it out!
Amy? Really?! haha! Well, I guess it’s better than “A Man” 😉
Oh, wow! Bananas and cocoa powder! Why didn’t I think of that? Most of the time I just don’t want to eat a plain banana and I don’t always crave nut butters so I just leave the poor bananas in the fridge and eat something else instead. Now I’ll never ignore a banana again!
Kudos for your week obsession! I absolutely love Dolphin’s Cry.
I used to do my workouts in the morning but now I do them right before bed. I had to reorganize my schedule completely in accordance with a particular time zone (making things complicated is my specialty) but I don’t notice any difference in my appetite caused by that. Maybe it’s different for different people.
Last note: mum sending you food = totally awesome *waits patiently for parcel*
Hi!! I’ve been reading for a while but have yet to comment. So thanks for the entertaining posts!
I, too, find that when I work out first thing it makes me ravenous later on! I see it as a good thing though, because I’ve worked for the fuel my body is asking for.
I’m so picky about spatulas, so I feel ya there. My Christmas stocking was full of them, just for me, because my family knows how much having good ones matters to me!
And finally, I had my usual breakfast. A combo of greek and regular yogurt, 1 flavored 1 plain, with a banana chopped in and frozen berries, a bit of AB and dried cranberries + amazing granola on top. To go, of course, because I never get hungry right away.
Like you, I stick with the tried and true favourites.. It kind of makes me worry that it’s part of my disordered habits, though.. Are you afraid of breaking out of that bubble too? Do you worry that you do it out of a need for control over your habits/nutrition?
I used to worry that that might be the case, but experience showed it to be related to laziness/convenience more than anything else. I don’t have a problem switching up my breakfasts when I have to, like when I run out of something or I’m not home to be able to eat what I want, but when left to my own devices I just tend to gravitate towards what I know, mostly because I don’t really feel like trying to think up anything new.
Oh my gosh my beloved spatula broke in half this weekend so you’re posting this right in time…I need to get that spatula! And love that your mom brings you food 🙂 My mom still brings my sister food (she’s 31) too…they work in the city together and meet up weekly to pass meals along. It’s so precious and makes you feel so loved right? When my parents would visit me in college they would also drive down for hours with huge bags of food. It made the homesickness disappear immediately!
Wow, is that a sci fi or fantasy book? I used to be into that genre, but have lost the attention span for them. Maybe you are a fan of The Game of Thrones series?
I want to ask about “witness to fitness”. I REALLY want a plan kinda to try and follow (I DESPERATELY need it). Wondering if you can tell me a
– sample meal plan day on her 28 day routine,
– sample fitness plans (what does she prescribe for daily fitness? gym? (I have none). Running (I’m not one).
PLEASE give me your thoughts on this 🙂 Super interested before I hit “buy”.
Bananas in cocoa powder! Genius!
Urgh I hate presumptive name shortening. I also get it A LOT. It’s got to the point that I just ignore it now. I hate Jess but most people just assume that’s my name even if I introduce myself with my full name. It’s one my gripes. I hate it, it’s so rude.
I recently read a 976-er but in softback so not so much of a weight! I love it when you have a good, long book though…you get to have so much time with it!
holy freakin’ CRAP. dunk bananas directly into cocoa powder? you are a genius. really you are. my two current obsessions (as you know) combined.
I give you props for reminding me about cocoa powder. It kind of got buried in my pantry there for a while!
I don’t know why, but I have a super strong aversion to overripe bananas. Like it’s intense. Like, if I don’t eat the banana within hours of bringing it home, I’m giving it to my neighbor. It’s not even normal lol So thanks for the tip! 🙂
It’s official: I need that nail polish in my life. I have the worst luck with nail polishes and even professionally-done manis last a week tops, with some chips. I love having painted nails but hate having to redo them every other day so I will be looking for this brand.
Oh my. Not only do I now need eggy banana oats in my life, I also need cocoa-dunked banana slices! This is a rather extraordinary idea, Amanda! And as luck should have it, I have three overripe bananas hanging out on the kitchen counter that need to be taken care of…tomorrow. 😀
I definitely empathize with the Starbucks addiction–I was there twice today, and believe it or not, the barista misspelled my name both times. It’s easy to do that with a name like “Sara,” though; people naturally make more work for themselves by adding on the “h.” I’ll cut the baristas some slack this week because I think I’ve confused them by mixing up my order. I’m telling you, those foamy mistos sure are wonderful. 🙂
Happy almost-Friday! <3
I completely and absolutely love and adore my Kindle. I’ve had mine for a few years now so I am rockin’ the old school version as opposed to the new fancy dancy Kindle Fire or Paperwhite. Honestly, I thought I would never go for having an e-reader but it is the most amazing thing to have all your books in one place. I’ve even found that I replaced books I have in paper version to e-versions because another added benefit is that you can look up any words that are hard to understand. Not that I read a lot of books that are difficult to understand – I think I have a pretty decent vocabulary but I found in particular with Cloud Atlas, it was a godsend to have the dictionary right there.
In addition, you can read books that are scandalous and/or embarrassing on public transit with no fear of being discovered. I read the whole Fifty Shades trilogy on transit and apart from my unforgiving skin that tends to blush when I am embarrassed or nervous (ironically similar to Anastasia Steele in Fifty Shades), no one would ever be the wiser.
Totally unrelated… I tried the almond butter that you buy – purchased it at Whole Foods the other day and it is amaze-balls! I love that it stays so liquid-y (ha!) even after being in the fridge. My other brands like Mara Natha always seemed to solidify. I was very pleased with that purchase. 🙂
Gah! Stop trying to be a bad influence on me with all the e-reader praise 😛 And I’m glad you liked the almond butter! It’s pretty much the only one I’ll eat, which is kind of a pain since it’s so expensive 😕 I usually just wait for it to go on sale and stock up.
I too refuse to get a kindle/nook thing! Nothing beats turning pages, seriously. I also could never read anything more than one page on a computer screen ugh. And hey, nothing wrong with getting your mom to give you food at any age – FREE FOOD!!!! lol. I definitely need to try this banana + cocoa powder thing….I’m usually left with one or two slightly overripe bananas when I buy a bunch. I bet they’d be good if you chilled them and then dipped too….hmmm….
Dunking ripe bananas into cocoa, huh? Sure, why not! I love bananas and I love cocoa so it has to be a good combination. Maybe the addition of some peanut butter or almond butter would be delicious, too :).
Honest to goodness — I have a sony reader and really don’t like it. I use it for books that will take FOREVER to get at the library or big series that I can’t for the library to get me the next one ASAP. But there are certain things about books that I love .. the smell, the feel of the pages and turning them, checking out how far until the end of the chapter .. the little things I never thought of until I got a reader.
Plus — chicken for cookies = totally fair trade. Love it.
I love the look of painted nails but I hate doing them because I don’t like to wait til they’re dry! What do you do while you’re waiting? (I know that some nail polishes are “quick” dry formulas, but it really takes a full few hours before they’re completely, completely dry, you know? Like if you press really hard it will dent or something).
The waiting was what always drove me insane as well, but with these polishes, I only use one or two coats, and they honestly dry within a few minutes. No worrying about denting or smudging!
I used to be very anti e-reader, but after my husband bought me a kindle for Christmas 2 years ago, I can’t live without it. I still love and purchase regular books (reading one right now!), but it is so convenient for vacations, work, etc. I just love reading in general.
Also, your appetizing breakfast pictures have inspired me to create my own yogurt “mess.” 3 days in a row, they’re quickly surpassing oats as my favorite breakfast. Today’s included vanilla Greek yogurt, pomegranate seeds, wheat germ, cinnamon, a mixture of cereals, and almond butter!
That sounds delicious! I never really thought that anything would be able to replace oats for me either, but yogurt and cereal seems to have done just that.
i hate that about books! i get so tired of holding them up i am in some weird position this it on my knees and chest by the end of the night. i would totally have those coffee beans around my house they look so cute, you should def do that lol.. after i go on long runs, i can easily eat anything in the house.. by if i do my runs later in the day i’ll eat normal and then wake up the next morning wanting to eat everything! can’t win so ill do it when i can and eat everything if i gotta lol i had some pumpkin pancakes this am, i was up earlier then usual and decided to get alittle fancy ;-)!
Breakfast this morning was granola. I am looking forward to the weekend when I can be a bit more adventurous with my breakfast. Aka, it doesn’t have to be the first thing I can grab while heading out the door!