Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. We made it! I think. At the time I’m writing this (Wednesday afternoon), Spoons is still in the process of migrating servers (why so long?!?!), but by the time you’re reading this, I’m hoping that we’re all nice and snug in our new home. I tell ya… techie issues have got to be some of my least favourite issues to deal with, probably because that’s a realm that I know next to nothing about. You would think that I’d have some sort of grasp on it after 3 years of blogging, but there’s literally always something new to learn. Or always something new that breaks. Or always something new you thought you learned but ended up breaking. Please let this be the last of it.
2. And speaking of “something you thought you learned but ended up breaking”… I randomly stopped receiving email notifications whenever someone leaves a comment after doing some server upgrades last Saturday, so if you left me a comment and I haven’t answered yet, I swear I’m not ignoring you – I’m just trying to sort out the mess that has become my blogging life and figure out how to get those notifications back. Please let this be the last of it.
3. So hey! It’s Valentine’s Day this weekend! ? And while I know it’s a Hallmark holiday that lots of people love to snark on, I’ll admit that I don’t quite understand all the cynicism. I’m not all out crazy about Valentine’s Day, but regardless of my relationship status, I’ve always enjoyed it… if for no other reason than because it’s a break from the ordinary and another reason to get excited… even if it’s just a little bit, and even if it’s over something silly. You know those little boxed Valentine’s cards we used to give out in grade school? The ones we took reaaaaaaaally seriously so that we didn’t accidentally give the wrong one to the “weird” kid in our class? I miss those. I hope they’re still a thing these days.
4. You know what else I miss? You guys. As much as I enjoy writing and photography, blogging feels a little dry and lonely without the connections and conversations… and the lack of e-mail notifications paired with the craziness of trying to get my server situation sorted has made me a little more absent than I’d like to be. BUT! the good news is that things are definitely looking up! There’s just one more really big tweak that I have to tackle before I’m in the clear, which I’m hoping to do within the next day or two.
5. I’m also hoping that I’ll have a chance to tackle this pizza craving that’s been plaguing me for… well… only for a day or so, but still! It’s been relentless. I’m thinking pizza night needs to happen this weekend, and I’m thinking that I might just go all out and whip one up from scratch. You guys… it’ll be my first time. I hope it’s gentle.
6. In other foodie news, this basically sums up how I’ve been feeling about potatoes lately…
Forget chocolates for Valentine’s. Perfectly roasted potatoes are the key to my heart ?
7. And so is perfectly roasted kabocha…
8. So yesterday was Ash Wednesday, which means that Lent is officially underway. It started crazy early this year, eh?! I realize this isn’t something that everyone observes, but for those who do, what are you giving up this year? Not surprisingly, chocolate is the #1 answer, according to this website, with social networking and alcohol coming in at #2 and 3. Kind of dying over the fact that school made the list. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work that way ?
9. And because I know a lot of people don’t like it when I end things on an odd number…
10. … I’ll drag it out to an even one ? Hope you guys have the best Thursday! Love you, miss you, talk to you soon!

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Haha that greeting card is a Simpsons classic! I’ve been craving pizza too ever since my Snapchat was filled with National Pizza Day amazingness. I’m not giving anything up for Lent this year — I don’t know, something feels not right about it considering I haven’t been to church in awhile. But who knows..maybe I’ll “add something in” instead of cutting something out. We’ll see!
Hehe I had a pizza craving too after I learned that it was national pizza day the other day! And I absolutely love that you are so connected and caring towards your readers/ other bloggers. <3
It’s what makes the whole blogging thing worthwhile! If it weren’t for the community, I probably wouldn’t write anything online and just journal instead.
not to shamelessly plug or anything…but i have a pretty fantastic pizza dough and sauce recipe on my blog. I love pizza to my core and I’ve worked and tweaked my dough/sauce recipe to try and get close to the napoli style pizza. if your into that kind of thing…https://catchmeifyoucanbyrachael.wordpress.com/2015/09/11/foodie-friday-7-plus-lots-of-love/
Oh man, that does look freaking good! Thanks Rachael!
Making pizza from scratch is actually quite easy–the dough is a lot more forgiving than yeast bread dough. Glad to hear you’re finding ways to resolve the blog issues–we’ve missed you too!
That is such a bummer about all the problems your having! Hope it clears up! And I totally miss vday in elementary school when we exchanged cute little valentines to our class mates!
Roasted potatoes sound really good right now… might have to get some potatoes this weekend. Do you season them specially or plain-roast them? And homemade pizza sounds equal parts fun and delicious – the perfect way to satisfy a pizza craving!
It depends on what I’m in the mood for, really. Sometimes I’ll do them plain, and then other times I’ll do them with either fresh rosemary or some kind of Italian spices.
Heart shaped potatoes? Amazing!! That kombucha looks amazing. And I also need to satisfy my pizza cravings. Hopefully this frustrating blog stuff resolves soon!
I have been so upset that my TJ’s has not been carrying kabocha lately, your perfectly roasted kabocha is making me jealous! I wish I could give up school for lent lol but again, I think that defeats the purpose of lent haha!
The one good thing about living in the Canadian prairies is that we -always- seem to have squash. I’ve actually never had any issues finding it!
I agree about Valentines day. Why be cynical? It celebrates love and what’s so wrong with that? I don’t think people need to go all out but having a day to celebrate is nice I think.
Homemade pizza. Do it. It’s my favorite Friday night activity 🙂
Boo i cannot get mine to link up! Keeps saying no backlink (there is.. I’ve checked a hundred times!) and error loading link. Darn! I tried at least 🙂 I hateee technical issues on the blog. I’m awful at figuring out what goes wrong. I’m glad you are almost out of that mess! I’ve missed you!
I hope everything is fixed and back to A-Ok with Spoons!
And seriously, I want to buy those kid valentine cards just so that I can hand them out again. Can’t I just mail them to people? I mean really, how stinkin’ fun are those things? It’s decided…I’m totally buying some. My siblings have yet ANOTHER reason to be embarassed of me. Maybe I’ll stand outside their school and pass them out to their friends as they leave 😉
Lolol! I actually thought about mailing some out myself, but I think I’m too late this year. I might try it next year!
I think you’ll be happy to hear your site is ALREADY so much faster for me!!! YAY!!! So the server migration or whatever behind the scenes stuff you were working on is definitely doing it’s job! Long live Spoons! 🙂 PS: That perfectly roasted squash is calling my name!
Hahaha school?! That is hilarious. Valentine’s Day is also St. Trifon’s Day (patron saint of wine) so really February 14 has your back whether you are single or coupled up. 😀
I am a cynic when it comes to Valentine’s Day. Not because of my relationship status, but the feeling that people HAVE to do something that day. I wouldn’t want any guy I’m dating to feel obligated to do something. He should want to do something.
Plus, Valentine’s Day isn’t fun after elementary school because we can’t waste a whole day on candy and cards like we used to. You mean we still have to learn/work?
Aww yeah I hear that. It was definitely more fun as a kid and the expectations are something I can do without too. But as long as the guy you’re with is doing stuff for you on the regular, then I guess that makes it just another day 🙂
Blegh. From someone who is also currently amidst the technical hassles of blogging malfunctions – here’s my wine glass clinking to yours. Although, me being in my first year only, and you in your third, I realize that this will not be a one time thing. Ah well!
I so miss those valentines cards. I really do hope they are still going. I wonder. I hope they aren’t doing any sort of e-card or iPhone text crap. Good luck with the rest of your blog moving and homemade pizza making!
Usually I don`t do Lent, but in this year I am thinking about break my obsession with shows. Can`t wait Game of Thrones though 😀
oh yay for new servers! i had to do that in december. no more blue host.. sadly. but i like the new one. anyway, i’d give up school for lent. That’s genius! haha. Love you!
No more Bluehost for me either. I had no idea you left! I would have asked you to talk me down from the ledge 😆
Ugh, tech problems are the worst! I’ve learned that I have to breathe and just not panic when something goes wrong with my blog. When I start freaking out it just takes me that much longer to fix it! Hope that’s the last of your tech problems!
I’ve never tried kabocha. Do you roast it plain or put some seasoning on it?
I usually just roast it plain since it’s super sweet on its own.
Yum I think potatoes are the way to my heart as well! 🙂
Ohhh! I hate blog technical stuff too. When I redid my site, I had so many issues and was in tears so many times! It’s hard to not feel in control of something that matters so much to you! Best of luck.
Ohhh there were definitely plenty of tears shed and a handful of breakdowns. You’re totally right about the control aspect of it!
The only thing on my mind lately is house hunting! Found the house of my DREAMS yesterday..and unfortunately it’s the house of about 5 other couples dreams because we’re in a major bidding war. We’ll see what happens, but that’s all I can think about today!
Ack! House hunting can be so nerve-wracking. Sending you all the best of luck!!
I love the lent talk! It’s oddly kind of my favorite time of year. Something about advent and lent change my mindset into preparing, which us bloggers love preparation! I stopped giving up things in college because I found myself focussing more on the challenge aspect of it (read my blog for 5 seconds and you’ll see I’m entirely too competitive with myself) so for a couple of years now I’ve just been setting aside daily time for prayer and journaling and it really does help me focus on the important things so much! I also love Valentines day… I’m not too cynical in any regard, I’ll celebrate it all.
I’m with you on giving things up! I mostly stopped doing that a few years back as well and focus on doing something a little extra instead.
That heart potato is too cool. I love when I find random things in the shape of other random things (did that make sense?)Also, those Valentine’s day cards are definitely still a thing! In fact, if you look at any mom blogs, they may be taken even MORE seriously – parently seriously make them themselves these days!
Oh wow. I feel like so many things are taken so much more seriously these days. I blame Pinterest 😆
Especially with the abyss that is funemployment (and not being a recipe blog, lol), I don’t know what I would do without being able to blog and such. Talk about going out of my mind! You guys are my connection to the “real” world. Zoe the cat tries, but she just can’t quite hack it 😀
Good luck making pizza from scratch! I like making homemade pizza, but have never tried to make the crust myself! And I have to say, the updates you have done seem great so far…your page is moving SO much faster!
So glad to hear it. Thanks for letting me know, girl!!
I’m glad things on your website are coming together. Hopefully everything is working well with the notifications soon. The other day was national pizza day so you should definitely enjoy some pizza this weekend.
I hope you are able to sort everything out with blogging. I can’t imagine how messy that is because your blog is so big.
That pizza looks amazing by the way. I’ve been craving pizza lately so I could go for that.
I’m thinking potatoes are a good idea as well. Glad to hear things are getting fixed on the blog front slowly but surely. Must be a huge relief!
Definitely! Although I’m still in the stage where I’m so paranoid and always expecting something to break 😆
I’m all about potatoes lately too. Especially roasted. SO GOOD. I’m actually not a fan of Valentine’s Day, relationship or not. I did like it when I was in grade school and handed out the cute cards, but I just feel like it’s so commercialized at this point. It just seems crazy that it has turned into a holiday of huge expectations for presents, candy, etc. I’d rather not celebrate and go do something low-key. Skiing, hiking, Netflix binging 🙂
I think I enjoyed Valentine’s Day a lot more when I was a kid as well. The pressures and expectations are definitely something I can do without.
Glad the blog things are falling into place! I’m the same with tech stuff – I don’t understand technology and probably never should’ve started a blog in the first place. And the cards are definitely still a thing! My kids did theirs last night and I had the same thought about giving which one to who. My kids didn’t seem to have the same thoughts and just wanted to make sure names were spelled correctly 🙂
Fingers crossed that your server woes are sorted!
Good luck on your pizza! I love making pizza from scratch– it can be super fun.
Well, don’t number your thoughts, then!
Tech problems are always so annoying.
I’ve gotten more into sweet potatoes since I discovered the Japanese kind, but a good ole baked potato surely hits the spot sometimes!
I’ve been hearing so many amazing things about Japanese sweet potatoes but I haven’t been able to find them yet! I’m thinking I might have to check out some Asian markets.
I am so glad you were able to post today! I hope things remain smooth from here, it’s been enough of this tech nonsense for you! And yes, they still have the cute little cards for the kids to give out in class – my son used to in elementary school. it was so fun. they even have a valentine mailbox that you put on your desk to collect them! It stops though by like fourth grade I think, if I recall correctly.
I -think- I’m in the clear. Now I’m just dealing wit the paranoia that comes with constantly expecting things to go wrong 😆
School?! Well, if you asked one of my little German students he’d tell you it was a great idea. He suggested school only on Saturdays and Sundays yesterday. When I told him that meant he’d have to go there two and a half times as many years he reconsidered ;).
My fingers are crossed crossed crossed for you – both on the blogging and pizza front.