Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. I seriously can’t believe that Christmas is literally one week from today. One.week. I don’t know if it’s because this year flew by and my brain’s still stuck in the beginning of November or what, but I’ve really been struggling with the Christmas spirit this year. Normally I’m all sorts of excited, but I had a hard time even convincing myself to put the tree up this year. It’ll probably hit me the actual day of, but for now, this is basically how I feel…
2. In other Christmas news, did you know that this Christmas Day will be the first one since 1977 that will see a full moon? So if you’re younger than 38, it’ll be the first Christmas full moon that you’ll see… with the next one not happening until 2034. I’m not huge on astronomy and I have no idea what that means, but it showed up in my news feed and I thought it was an interesting little tidbit to share ?
3. I also thought I’d share some pictures from last weekend’s trip to the mountains because… pretty ?
4. And in case you were wondering (because I know you were), a snowboarding boot makes for an excellent cup holder…
5. Testing the limits of your car’s gas tank on the highway, on the other hand, is probably not as great of an idea…
6. So you know when you’re going through your workout and a song comes on that makes you feel like you just got a huge shot of adrenaline? That’s exactly what happened to me while I was snowboarding last weekend. I’ve been feeling a little meh towards music lately, so I grabbed one of my old iPods (from 8+ years ago?) to see if anything older would do the trick. Let’s just say that this song very much did…
7. An update on my planner drama:
That finally happened yesterday, which means that my planner should be here at some point today. I’m trying not to get my hopes up too much, but I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t really looking forward to getting my hands on my ECLP. If everything goes according to plan, I’ll hopefully be able to get a review up for you guys some time next week. Fingers crossed!
8. And are we seeing this?!
I found it while I was at the grocery store the other day (the checkout shelves ALWAYS get me), and I HAD to pick it up because… minions ? That being said, I’ll probably never use it because it’s made with a tonne of chemicals that I don’t want anywhere near my mouth (polyisobutene, phenoxyethanol, yellow 10 & 5?!?). I love that it smells like bananas, but I’ll stick to my lip butters from Rocky Mountain Soap, thanks much.
9. And to end things on an awesome note, you have GOT to check out this video from People Are Awesome. Just don’t try any of these things at home ?

No questions… just tell me whatever comes to your mind! 😀
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Ahhh you’re making me so jealous with those mountains! this is the first year i wont be spending christmas in calgary with family, so i will miss them! (the mountain i mean… and family too i guess 😉 ). And personally i lerv that Charlie Brown tree!!
The temperatures finally dropped here in Chicago so it feels more like Christmas, but I think next week they are supposed to go up again. So lame.
I have definitely ran out of gas before. I have a 1998 Camaro and it does not come equipped with a low fuel light. I learned the hard way that when it’s anywhere near an 1/8th of a tank, it needs gas. I also learned that if there is slightly less than 1/4 tank left and you get sideways in it, the gas might slosh away from the pick up tube and cause the car to shut off. Oops. 🙂
WOW your photos are so gorgeous. This makes me want to get out and get in the snow! Too bad we won’t have any in Wisconsin for Christmas! 🙁 Merry Christmas to you!
Your mountain pics are beautiful!
And sorry to be *that* person, but astrology is your horoscope. Astronomy is the science of what happens in the heavens, which is the A word the full moon falls under.
D’oh! Thanks for the heads up, Christine! I went ahead and edited that 😉
The mountains are BEAUTIFUL. I could never get tired of looking at them. Mother Nature always knows best. =)
I can’t believe Christmas is next week, too! In one sense, I still have so much preparation left to squeeze in – but on the other hand, I am kind of looking forward to it being over so I can take a deep breath and relax! The holidays are stressful times!
Happy Thursday, Amanda! 🙂 Sending you some holiday cheer, because I think you need it!
Aww thanks so much, Ashley! <3
My son would LOVE that chapstick but I don’t know if I like him putting all those chemicals on his face either (since the chapstick is applied, and reapplied, for hours and usually ends up EVERYWHERE on his body haha!
I hate that they put in garbage like that and market it to kids 🙁
The mountains look so pretty! I am not a cold weather person, but it is unusually cold here in southern california. I don’t like to live in cold, only visit 🙂
I don’t -hate- the cold, but I actually wouldn’t mind if it it only snowed around Christmas and then only in the mountains after that 😆
Your posts always make me want to try winter sports. I’m such a wuss, but it looks like fun!
So cool about the full moon! I hope the weather is clear enough to check it out!
Oh my gosh I really cannot believe how close christmas is – its freaking me out! Are we really almost to 2016?!!
True story – Limp became super popular when I was in elementary with the song “Rollin” Somehow it became my theme song because my last name was Bollen, so all the guys would say “keep Bollen, Bollen, Bollen”. They thought it was super clever.
Ooo that was another good one! Definitely not a bad theme song to have 😉
I can’t wait to go snowboarding/fall over 100s of times this year. I now have a board, and I just need a helmet. I’m secretly hoping that I might get one for Christmas? 😉
I love adrenaline songs. I crank up the music and zone out. They’re usually great running songs with their beats.
I love your posts because you help me look totally cool and intelligent to all my friends – sharing little bits of “did you know” knowledge like the Christmas full moon bit. I’m going to be so cool today spreading that around. Fingers crossed for your planner!
That reminds me — I need to bring the random facts back! Those were the best for trivia.
I am always sooo jealous of your mountain photos! And, on another note, can they please make a life planner that plans my life for me and realizes that I don’t want to be over-scheduled!?
Wouldn’t that be amazing?! Let me know if you find one!
Those mountain pics are beautiful. And somehow I always decide to play “chicken” with my gas tank when I am on the highway, near nothing. Why my brain works that way I will never know.
I doesn’t feel like Christmas where I live but those pictures sure do. They are gorgeous. I don’t like the cold or ski but they almost make me want to go there.
It’s hilarious to me that you bought that lipbalm with zero intentions of using it! And sorry to nag but please no distracted driving! Taking photos while driving isn’t cool.
I never take pictures when I’m the one driving — only when I’m sitting in the passenger seat 🙂
OMGAWSH – my palms are all sweaty after watching some of those daredevil escapades in that last video!!!!
This year has gone by way way too quick – but I am so looking forward to next week – Christmas is my favorite holiday ever! Even though this year our tree took 5 days to decorate!
That Minion lip balm packaging is just too cute! Hey Amanda have you ever tried chicken poop on your lips? A coworker gave me some for Christmas and I love it – it’s full of good-for-you-stuff too – here’s the link https://www.ilovechickenpoop.com
5 days?! Shashi! Your tree must look AMAZING. My building doesn’t allow real trees, so I have a fancy fake one that already comes pre-lit — it definitely saves some time 😉
Oooh full moon on Christmas? Should be pretty! You mentioning that we only have one week left is making me panic about all the things I still haven’t done yet. Eeeep, better get on it!
If it makes you feel any better, I’m pretty sure everyone is in the same boat! 😀
Hahaha I LOVE how you bought the minion chapstick! Checkout lines are evil, but whoever arranges them is genius and fully understands my weakness.. I would have bought that too!
Oh my goodness those mountains, I NEED them!
YAY! for the mail finally getting here! I was NOT into Christmas last year for whatever reason, but this year I’m alllll for it. I think it’s mostly because my son’s 18 months now, so I feel like he gets it more. (He totally doesn’t. He barely knows the worst no. I keep asking him if Santa’s coming and he just says no. Or if he wants presents. No.)
The excitement of little kids definitely makes the holidays that much more special! Now to get my hands on some little kids… 😉
I also find it hard to believe Christmas is so close. We don’t have any snow yet, so it feels less Christmassy. Those mountains look incredible. Skiing/boarding out there must be awesome!
I’m also not super feeling the Christmas spirit this year. I think it’s because we haven’t seen anything close to snow around here, which is definitely out of the norm.
If that wasn’t so mean I’d almost wonder if the people at Erin Condren are intentionally making [some] people wait longer to increase their popularity/factor of exclusiveness? Can you ever really know with the marketing people out there?? I’m glad to hear yours is finally on its way.
#5 is one of my driving horrors. I had that recently with the display slowing counting down the kilometres left from 35 down. It was no funny.
I’ve actually run out of gas a few times in the city. Thankfully it’s never happened on the highway though 😯
the mountains look so pretty, Im so jealous! And I love that minion chapstick, so freakin’ cute!
One week. That is insane. It’s amazing how quickly it comes every year. I better get on my present wrapping train again, although I did manage to get together another 40ish cards last night.
I love that Limp Bizkit song. I’ve been listening to lots of Eminem lately. 🙂
I used to listen to a lot of his stuff when I was doing more lifting and weight training. I should see how he treats me while I’m boarding…
I love the feeling of a song giving you some weird jolt of energy during a workout or even during the regular day! And your mountain pictures are, as always, stunning.
I agree that it is so hard to believe that Christmas is coming up so soon. Your photos make it more realistic though. It’s been 60-70 degrees down here so I cannot get in the spirit.
Part of the reason I’m not too Christmas-y is that we don’t have many decorations up this year. Being on crutches, cleaning is such a hassle that we just kind of have things everywhere, so I feel like if we put the decorations out, it would be adding insult to injury!
Awwww. Sending you tonnes of healing vibes, lady <3
I haven’t been feeling too Christmas-ey either. I blame it on the unseasonably warm weather we’ve been having. I mean, it’s hard to listen to White Christmas when it’s 70 degress outside!
I am really excited to read your review of the EC planner! I’ve been going back and forth on it for YEARS, not willing to spend that much on a planner, but all I hear is great things and I think I’m ready to give in 🙂 I’d love to see what features you use, because I feel like there are SO many options and it gets confusing! Glad it’s finally on the way! Happy Thursday!
I definitely know what you mean about the price, but the way I see it, you’re using it every.single.day for 365 days, so it’s not a horrible investment. And it really does help me stay on top of my planning. My review will probably be up this coming week, but have you seen my review of the 2015 one? That might give you a bit of an idea! — http://www.runningwithspoons.com/2015/01/19/erin-condren-life-planner-review/
Your tree looks a lot like how I’m feeling this year about Christmas. I’m just not that excited about it. Meh…
I’m trying not to beat myself up about it if it doesn’t happen. There’s always next Christmas 😉
The idea of running out of gas horrifies me yet I’ve been in that situation on the highway as well. The whole month of December flew by and I can’t believe winter break for the kids is next week already. The holiday spirit passed me by this year.
The mountains are gorgeous; I’m still happy we have no snow & none in the forecast, either (although plenty of rain, unfortunately).
Keeping my fingers crossed you get your planner today! Geez, it should be free after all this time!
It didn’t end up coming 😡 Now they’re saying Monday… Maybe the post is overwhelmed with all the holiday stuff?
Oh no! That really sucks. 🙁 I’m sure they are overwhelmed, but still.
It doesn’t feel like Christmas to me at all this year! I don’t know what the problem is.
Your pictures of the mountains are gorgeous! I’m a big baby about the cold, so I have to enjoy things like that vicariously. 🙂
I am actully more of a beach person but your pictures of the mountains just really really make me want to be there right now. I am a chronic wanderlust…
I totally get you on the Christmas spirit or lack thereof. We have put up the tree but it hasn’t changed anything for me. My Christmas spirit level says June, not December!
Fingers crossed for your planner! 🙂
STILL not here! Now they’re saying Monday 😡 And I know what you mean about the chronic wanderlust. It’s not a horrible thing 😉
I heard about the full moon but I didn’t know those stats! I also can’t believe Christmas is next week. I think the warmer weather lately is making me feel like its early fall:)