Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. I’m gimped! I don’t know how I managed it (I’m special), but I somehow gave myself a crick in the neck while washing my face. Everything was all fine and good until I looked up from the sink to see if I got all the cleanser off my face and literally felt something slink down my neck and into my left shoulder blade. It isn’t horrible, but I’m hoping this goes away soon and doesn’t turn into what happened to me back in February because that started out the same way and ended up knocking me on my a** for a good 2 weeks…
(circa earlier this year)
2. On that same FML note, I spent a good 4 hours curled up in the fetal position on Sunday night after eating something that didn’t agree with my stomach. And by “something” I mean pasta sauce laced with lots of garlic. Tomato-based sauces have given me grief as far back as I can remember, and garlic has a way of chewing up my guts like nothing else… which means I had a feeling that eating the pasta sauce would give me some issues, but I did it anyways. Please tell me I’m not the only one who does that. And please tell me I’m not the only one who makes deals with God, promising to never do it again if only the pain will go away this one.last.time π
3. I’m just thankful that the problem with tomato sauces doesn’t transfer over to salsa, because I can literally eat that by the cupful. I don’t even need anything to dip into it… just give me a spoon and I’ll call it good.
4. While we’re on the topic of food, I’ve had quite a few people ask me why I never do What I Ate Wednesday posts anymore, and the honest-to-God truth is because they started to feel repetitive and I just stopped enjoying them. I know they’re a reader favourite, though, so what I’ve been thinking about doing is taking pictures of random meals/snacks when I’m in the mood and dumping them all into a monthly roundup. It wouldn’t be a full day of eats, but at least it would give you an idea of what I’ve been putting in my belly. Besides these…
5. And speaking of monthly roundups, lots of people said they’d be interested in seeing the return of my Monthly Favourites posts, so those will be coming back as well. Yay!
6. So it’s Thanksgiving for us here in Canadaland this weekend, and I’m not even close to feeling in the holiday spirit. I don’t even think Thanksgiving is as big of a thing up here as it is down in the States, which is sad because I’m always looking for an excuse to fill my belly with an abundance of delicious food. Either way, I’ll still be heading over to my family’s to celebrate, and I’m in charge of dessert
7. And because no ToL would be complete without random facts, here they be…
1. Wow. So… I think I’m just going to elope.
2. This reminds me of how they said Oprah wasn’t fit for television, or that Walt Disney didn’t have a creative bone in his body. Never let negativity get in your way!
3. Mind = blown. I actually had to look into this one, and this is what I found. I may never see this song in the same light again…
4. The real question is… where do they go?!?
5. I’ll admit to being surprised that the number was this low. It kind of boggles my mind how much effort goes in to creating an image on social media. Who got time for day? Almost everyone, apparently…
8. Hope you guys are having a great Thursday! Ending things on #8 today because I’ve been trying to keep my posts shorter, and this one is already nearing 700 words. Apparently I just like to talk. Or think out loud π

No questionsβ¦ just tell me whatever comes to your mind! π
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the damn salsa. Could not get the thought of it out of my mind after leaving C town.
Well I can for one say that I am not a contributor to the loss of bobby pins statistic π I think the last time I used any form of pin/clip was in grade school! Yes bring back the monthly favorites – such fun posts.You and me both with the salsa, best stuff on earth.
Hahaha I do the same thing, with dairy. My husband will be like, “well what did you eat?” and I’ll say, “I didn’t eat dairy….well except the pizza, and the mozzerella balls, oh and that block of blue cheese.” It’s ALWAYS worth it!!!
Also, happy thanksgiving. I’m a Canadian living in the states, and the one problem with the sitch down here is that it’s WAY too close to Christmas. My ideal would be Canadian schedule with American level of celebration π
Have a good one!
Happy Thanksgiving, Nicole! I always thought the American one was a little too close to Christmas too, but I kind of like the fact that it sort of kicks off the holiday season. Our Canadian one just kind of comes out of nowhere π―
That sucks about your neck and your stomach! It’s been a rough week for you! I hope you’re feeling better today.
The whole wedding thing is so true! I tried really hard to be mindful and keep it small for that exact reason and it still ended up costing close to ten thousand. I can’t even begin to imagine how much people spend on huge weddings. Probably close to 50k! Insanity!!
You totally should have come to Cleveland for Thanksgiving. You could have seen what all the fuss was about. Actually you still can. We’ll just have monthly visits. π
I can’t get over how delightful those chocolate ball/brownie bites things look. Please share.
I would have saved you some if you didn’t have a thing against protein powder π I probably could have fed them to you without saying anything, buuuut that feels a little dirty. And we ended up having to opt out of Thanksgiving because of all the craziness that came with my parents’ move, so maybe we’ll end up celebrating the American one instead π
Oh no – so sorry to hear about the tomato sauce incident! does that happen often with acidic foods? π I just got married 2 months ago..that is a depressing tidbit!
Eeek! I hope you feel better soon and that it doesn’t lead to a bigger injury!
Oh and I’m with you on eating salsa straight out of the jar with a spoon… In fact I did that with some amazing fresh salsa we bought the other day – it’s like gazpacho, right??!!
Really Semisonic?? I don’t buy it. I also don’t buy into the idea that you eat anything but chocolate… and maybe some salsa. But not together… Ewwwwww
Did you watch the video though?! He totally explained that it was true!
Lol that bobby pin stat is so true! I probably lose like a billion of them myself. π
Hope your neck feels better soon – I hate it when that happens to me!
If I could survive on a diet of chips and salsa, I totally would. π My Dad used to be a district manager for Old Navy and he and his coworkers used to sing this song to each other when they were closing their store back in the day so the fact that it’s actually about something else is so funny haha! When we figured that out we were so weirded out!
Those facts always blow my mind!! Number one is especially unnerving as someone who is engaged. Can’t we just NOT and say we did?? I know people who have gone into debt paying for their wedding…why?? //end rant
Happy Thursday, friend! Try to feel better! (and yes I’m there with you on the stomach thing…i think the last thing I ate knowing it might hurt was sour cream and I didn’t think it would be a big deal but yeahhh) <3
Yeah I can’t see how going into a new marriage with a tonne of debt over your head is going to help in the long run π There’s always the option to elope π
Lucky you with Thanksgiving already!! I am going to be in Hawaii during our Thanksgiving and we aren’t really celebrating it, so I will miss the pumpkin pie. Maybe I will celebrate it this week and pretend I’m Canadian π
Trade! We ended up opting out of Thanksgiving this weekend because of all the craziness of my parents’ move… so maybe we’ll end up celebrating the American one instead.
Oh no!!!! So sorry to hear bout your neck! But – don’t feel bad – last Friday my daughter managed to fall UP the stairs!!! I thought she was joshing me and then she showed me by doing it again! WTHey???!!!
Yes – I’ve eaten cheesecake and even ice cream at times knowing that my lactose intolerant belly is gonna be mad later- but the taste was worth the pain and flatulence! YIKES – TMI!!! π
Fact # 1 is why I am a huge fan of eloping!
I’ve fallen up the stairs on multiple occasions… probably more than I’ve fallen down them π
Injuries are such a bummer! Feel better soon, girl!
I always talk about how weddings are so expensive! They are fun and all, but so not worth the investment. Thats a down payment on a house!
It gets a little crazy when you think about it that way! I used to think I wanted a huge elaborate wedding, but the older I get, the more appealing something smaller and intimate becomes.
I haven’t been booted out of your last 2 posts! Yay fingers crossed. Yes, Yes and Yes I can’t eat anything with GARLIC, literally sick for over 24 hours. I feel your pain. One of the BIG reasons I do not go out to dinner often. Glad your feeling better.
I am the same way with salsa. I just love it! My friend uses it as sauce on his pasta!
I’m the same with WIAW. I never post for it, mostly because I don’t eat as “healthy” as other bloggers and I feel like what I eat is my business. Hehe.
Ugh foods fighting my guts is like the story of my life. I’ve been on a two month “I don’t give a ….” and have been suffering the consequences. Needless to say it’s time to treat my innards a bit better and avoid the triggers.
Oi can I relate. On the plus side, if you go through a little elimination and healing phase, your guts will mend and be able to handle food a little better. It’s just about giving them the opportunity to repair.
I identify with the eating something you know will wreck you. I know sugar will kill me yet will indulge in my favorite, jelly beans, by the dozens every couple weeks and pay for it severely. Same with cheese…and I love cheese but oof kills me. Ate some super delicious pizza the other night and fetal position it was. But so worth it. I probably eat something once every couple weeks I know will give me an issue because, some food is too delicious to care.
Amen to that!
As someone who is in the process of planning their wedding right now…I totally get that figure.
I can’t handle raw garlic or onions either. So much pain. (I get a headache too!)
And tomato anything gives me heartburn.
I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving, friend!! π xoxo