Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Not to be the bearer of bad news or anything, but has anyone else noticed the days getting way shorter? It used to still be pretty bright until about 10:30 or so, and now it’s pitch black by 8pm. And while I realize that I wake up unspeakably early (read: 4:30 – 5am), I was waking up to the sun already peaking through my windows just a little while back, and now… not so much. I don’t hate it (yet), but it’s definitely been a little harder to leave my warm and comfy bed in the morning.
2. And speaking of waking up unspeakably early (err, what?!), I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that my body maxes out at around 5-6 hours of sleep. Remember how I told you that I was going to sleep later and it was actually helping me sleep better (i.e. falling asleep faster, sleeping through the entire night, not waking up at the crack of dawn)? I figured I’d try to go to sleep a little earlier the other day (10:30), and woke up ready to jump out of bed at 3:45am. Let’s just say the day is very long when it starts before 4… and you end up eating lunch somewhere around 10.
3. But you know what’s awesome around this time of the year? Coffee shops. I mean, they’re awesome year round, obviously, but there’s just something extra comforting about sitting in a warm coffee shop when it’s dark, cold, and rainy outside. I don’t think I set foot into Starbucks all summer, but I’ve been in there pretty much every day over the last week or so…
4. … because it’s been raining on and off for pretty much the entire week, which made me realize one very important thing — I don’t own an umbrella. Or rubber boots. Or a real rain coat. But in my defense, we don’t get much rain over in these parts and I don’t really mind getting wet, so I probably wouldn’t use any rain gear even if I had it. I also don’t own an iron. Or needle and thread. Clearly I’m winning at this life thing… #ornot.
5. But I’d rock the socks off any trivia game!
1. And here I am complaining that my size 9’s never look as cute as the size 6’s. I’m guessing no shoes look good at size 879.
2. … because I really need to talk to myself even more than I already do.
3. Truth. I’d go as far as to say it’s easier to share things with complete strangers online than it is with friends, seeing as I’ve blogged about things that I’ve never even told my RL friends.
4. One? Try at least 75% of my playlist. I think I need some new music.
5. … because poisoned paper cuts aren’t creepy at all π―
6. Anyone else fall in love with running just a little bit more in the fall? This is the first year in a long while where I’ve actually been running for a good chunk of time prior to fall hitting, but a lot of years past saw me lacing up my running shoes for the first time as soon as the leaves started to turn. The perfect weather and gorgeous sights are just too hard to pass up, and I’m trying really hard not to think about the fact that it’s going to be -30 soon and I’ll be forced to do most of my runs on the treadmill. Eep.
7. Speaking of the treadmill… I’ve been using the gym in my building a few times a week to do some light strength training, and I’ve come to the conclusion that all of my neighbours must love country music. Why? Because whenever I happen to find myself in there with someone else, they always have the radio set to the country music station. I’m not sure if it’s just that no one knows how to change the station or what, but yeah… country music. Always.
8. On that note, I’ll admit that I don’t actually dislike country music as much as a lot of people seem to. It definitely isn’t my favourite genre to listen to, but I spent a good chunk of my younger years out in the sticks so it kind of grew on me. Heck, I’ve been known to rock out to country songs on multiple occasions. Don’t judge me.
9. So I finished reading Queen of Shadows, and it was just… okay. Not a bad read by any means, but not good enough to really suck me in and keep me up at night. Why? Too much boring filler. The book is 650 pages long, and I’d say that at least a third of that could be done away with. The first half of the book was super slow, and I found myself wanting to skip ahead on multiple occasions because I just didn’t care about what was happening. Pair that with the fact that the author really butchered some of the characters and relationships I loved, and yeah… it’s nothing to write home about. I’ll still read any future books in the series because I’m too invested in it at this point, but I really hope it takes a turn for the better.
10. Do not laugh at my fluffy sheep pyjamas. But do have an awesome Thursday! π

No questionsβ¦ just tell me whatever comes to your mind! π
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Five or six hours of sleep?! Crazy. I need 8 or 9 because I looooove sleep.
I forgot that book came out, I need to get my hands on it, even if it was a bit “meh”.
I’m kind of jealous. I am never read to jump out of bed, even after 7 or 8 hours of sleep.
I definitely have more than one song I always skip. I like the songs and I am convinced I will want to listen to it again… Someday.
Great song, I am a country music fan!
Damn girl you only need 5-6 hours of sleep!? I wish that were the case for me. I feel like a zombie if I don’t sleep 8-9 hours! I agree with you on running in the fall and I seriously enjoyed my run the other day 100 times more than the previous day because it wasn’t 105 degrees out. So ready for the cooler temps and bundling up in coffee shops!
I don’t like the days getting shorter either, but I am enjoying the cooler weather!
NOTHING better than fall running. I wake up so excited to get out the door every day. The weather is just perfect for it. I don’t know how you live on 5-6 hours of sleep but we all need different amounts and it’s crazy that our bodies just know what that number is. For me, it’s closer to 8-9 hours (I can’t get more than that, but I also am a zombie if I settle for much less. It’s definitely becoming harder to wake up as it starts to get darker in the morning!
All your photos make me want to curl up in a blanket with tea and not go outside today… haha! I guess coziness is the one good thing about fall… otherwise give me summer back!!
As much as I love fall running I cannot get all gungho about it because I know it leads to snow and ice and that fills me with hatred. Not dramatic.
Okay just kidding it is awesome but I just want to hang on to summer a bit longer.
I also haven’t been in a coffee shop in a very long time. Nothing beats coffee and Fall, and am I not even fan of the infamous PSL LOL
I feel your waking up early struggles. My body is up and ready to go by 5:30. I like waking up early, but what I don’t like is what you mention: being ready for lunch by 10, hungry for dinner by 4, etc. The struggles of being an early bird. Still, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I’m so much more productive in the mornings.
I have pretty bad sleep issues myself and I whole-heartedly agree that the day is looong and ugly when it starts before 4am. I wish I could stay up later to see if that helps but I’m falling asleep around 9-9:30pm. It sucks! Anyway, I hope your sleep continues to get better!
Happy Thursday, Amanda! I’m excited for the changing seasons, because it was pretty hot in the Bay Area. And we’re supposed to get some much needed rain as well. And those Google Facts are the best. Oh and three cheers for country music. π
I do love coffee shops in the fall, the coziness sucks you in everytime for a $6 coffee.
And running in the fall is pretty great too. Darn you Amanda, I will not turn into someone that likes Fall!
One Hell of an Amen is my current inspiration/motivation/what are you doing with your life – song. Such a great message. It also helps that Brantley is pretty good to look at π
I feel you on the low on sleep/getting up early stuff! While my insomnia has improved IMMENSELY since going gluten-free, I still can’t get my body to sleep in past 6am!
I talk to myself all the time; I’m the best listener after all π
I LOVE running in the fall. I have a hard time taking my workouts in doors when it’s so beautiful outside.
I WISH I could function well on 5-6 hours of sleep! Man, I think I’d get so much more done in a day… But nope, I definitely need my 7-8 hours. And your melty PB&J looks amazing by the way!! YUM.
I <3 fall, and that picture of those crunchy leaves makes me smile. <3 Running in the fall is one of my favorites!
I have quite a few songs on my iPod that I skip but keep on there. There’s always that one time I want to listen to it and if it’s not on my iPod, I have to get to my computer to add it.
i was laughing to myself reading about your sleep, b/c i slept almost 9 hours last night and STILL didn’t wake up til my alarm went off, and slept right through my workout alarm, and could probably sleep more right now if i didn’t have to be at work…and i have no idea why i’m always ready to sleep! 3:45 wake-up would kill me lol. but yes to coffee shops in the fall, and i can see the Statue of Liberty every day all day from my desk window, so that was a fun fact to read. π
Oh!! I just started the first book in the throne of glass series! I’m not very far into it but if you made it to book four that’s a good sign. Also, the Google fact about sharing more with online friends. So true and so funny, isn’t it?? Humans can be strange creatures.
I’m trying to ignore the fact that the days are getting shorter – only part about Fall I don’t love.
Seriously, why don’t I just delete the songs. It’s crazy dumb that I keep them and just skip every time! It’s like separation anxiety over a song, haha! I don’t own rain essentials but I should get some. I had rain boots a few years ago in college, but they got a hole in them so there they went. I need to invest in those and a pair of snow boots this year. I don’t want to trip and slip while carrying the little one!
Google Fun Facts are the best, it’s always some completely random thing. But I will admit I do have songs on my play list I just skip but can’t delete…I might be in the mood for it one day? Peanut Butter Melted on toast….now I’m hungry again! That’s the best!
It’s been raining all week here, which has made it very difficult to get out of bed to go to class (or do anything!). I actually do love country music but some songs aren’t great for working out. I’m surprised it’s so popular in your building!
No judgement– I’m the girl always listening to the country music π I do live in the mountains of North Carolina though– this place makes you WANT to listen to country or bluegrass!
Yes, to fall running!
I wish I could function off of so little sleep. I need 8 hours badly! It’s funny how everyone’s body is different.
I always skip certain songs too, but then cannot delete them because I DO like them – just don’t want ’em on during whatever I’m doing! Right with you on waking early and then eating odd stuff…I just ate 3 squares of peanut butter cake (which, okay, PB = breakfast, but still) I woke up really early, so it was only 7am, and now I’m feeling a bit icky!
That is sort of a creepy fact about paper cuts! Who knew?
Haha I always learn the most interesting things about my neighbors, going to the gym in my building. I pick up on a lot of gossip that way too! Hilarious.
Yessss about it the running in the fall!!! I’ve taken a huge leap back in to running this week. I blame the 60 degree afternoons π
Where I grew up, country music WAS the the music, so I can totally understand your attachment to it. As I got older, I grew apart from it (#rebel), but I still enjoy it from time to time. Also, the fact that your survive -30 degrees… hats off to you. :O
The days are definitely shorter, but I like it. During the summer I sleep less and do more and by now, I need more rest. Less daylight means less productivity for me. That’s a good thing and a bad thing.
Every time I put my music on “shuffle” I end up hitting skip at least 10 times before I land on a song I want to listen to haha.
Fall running is the best! I can’t stand running in the freezing cold, or when it’s too hot, so fall is where it’s at.
Believe me, as a marathon coach with morning and pm sessions, I’ve noticed the days! Also on the topic of country–I didn’t listen to it at all growing up (except for Faith Hill and a little Leann Rimes and such). But now I listen to it regularly. I started with one of my friends and then I just needed something that was different from everything else I was listening to! Pandora has a station call Fitness Country or Cardio country that is pretty good!
Yes, I’ve noticed the shorter days (and my waning energy – I’m solar powered).
I’d be a zombie on 5-6 – I can do it for one night, but after a few of them . . . zombie. I wake up the same time as you, but I go to sleep earlier & I do fall right asleep. Staying asleep, or getting enough deep sleep . . . that’s a different story.
Love fall running! It’s the best!
I’m 5’1″. So cute is a word often thrown in my direction. I wear a size 8 (and a size 9 1/2 running shoe!). No idea why my feet are so out of proportion to my body.
Have a good weekend!
Oh yes, #3 of the random fact is so absolutely true. Sometimes I wonder what exactly happened to me sharing more intimate information with blogging friends that I do with most of my real life friends. Then again, I think you can trust in your gut feeling [most of the time] telling you who’s trustworthy and not. And #4 … you know it. Isn’t that possibly the lingering hope you -will- eventually like it again?
I love fall running! It’s the best. I want to run every morning, even more than usual right now!
Yes, fall running is nothing but magical. Between the air and the views it’s just the best π and I’m with you on sleep – if I manage to get 7 hours one night it’s always 5 the next.
I definitely love fall running….and I am in Starbucks so much more in the fall/winter months!
Also, I am embarrassed about how many songs I have on iTunes that I always skip. It makes me wonder why I ever downloaded them in the first place!
Yes to talking to yourswlf!!!! I always talk to myself to remind myself what I’m doing. It drives my husband crazy but now I can let him know it’s normal!