Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. The problem with long weekends is that they come with the very real danger of making you forget what day of the week it is. Yesterday felt like a Tuesday, which made me think that today was Wednesday. Not the biggest problem to have, except for the fact that I almost forget that I had to get a ToL post up for today. Oops. Still managed to squeeze one out, though! Which means I’ve been doing this for 147 weeks without missing a single beat. In.sane.
2. Also insane? Home renovations. This one doesn’t really affect me directly (thank goodness), but my parents have been doing a little bit of work to their new place and I can’t say I envy them π―
3. You know what’s a great feeling, though? Thinking you finished your coffee before realizing that you still have one sip left — it’s almost like finding a forgotten 20 in an old pair of jeans. Almost. And is it weird that I actually love room temperature coffee? That needs to be an option at Starbucks… Yes, hi. I’d like a grande Pike, please. Room temperature.
4. And speaking of coffee-ish things, I tried out the new-to-me Vega protein powder in mocha and kind of fell in love. I can’t exactly remember where I picked this one up (I’m thinking Blend?), but I’m worried that it’s not a permanent flavour because I can’t find it on the Vega site and I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen it in stores π₯ I like the vanilla and chocolate flavours well enough, but… everything is better with coffee.
5. Everything is better with the right attitude, too…
6. Tell me this doesn’t scream fall…
That’s what I saw when I looked out the window this morning… And I know people are still talking about hot and humid weather in the 90’s, but it’s been cold and wet here for the last handful of days, making it hard to remember that it’s still technically summer. And you wonder why I’m busting out the pumpkin already…
7. Speaking of pumpkin… I’m going to try super hard not to bombard you guys with tonnes of pumpkin recipes this season, but you know how it is when you crack open a new can — you gotta commit to at least a handful of recipes just to use it up before it goes bad. I’ve had pumpkin start growing white fuzzies before — it’s not pretty.
8. And last but certainly not least… everyone’s favourite random facts!
- And here I was feeling all super proud that I managed to hit 2 minutes. Pft.
- I actually tried this on a mosquito bite once and it made it stop itching. Bananas are magic — I’m telling you.
- And people look at me like I’m crazy when I tell them that the heavier the music, the calmer I feel…
- I had to laugh at this one because the last time I was in Universal Studios, we didn’t get to see Jaws on the tour because — he was broken π
- Which is why you should look at -everything- that you come across in the health and fitness industry with a critical eye and not jump on the latest fads. Just sayin’.
9. That’s it for me today! Happy Thursday, friendly faces π

No questionsβ¦ just tell me whatever comes to your mind! π
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Confession. It’s 1.39pm and I’m eating a late lunch and finally catching up slowly from my saved posts and…..even have a cup of room temperature coffee. NOT EVEN KIDDING.
MORE than 5 hours? I wonder if this person owns digestive organs, or if they were replaced by muscles….scary.
And oh yes, bananas are the best. Especially in public.
Love the quote! Totally needed that today.
Does the cooler weather bring an end to smoothies?
Never! I drink smoothies even in the middle of winter π
I love pumpkin season! I’ve already made some pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin shakes, pumpkin biscotti. Love it!
We are doing some home improvements too and I’m trying not to get overwhelmed. Yikes, it’s all fun until you have to put things back together.
But it’s so worth it in the end when things look just the way you want them to π
I couldn’t agree more with number 5!! So true!!! And #3 – heck yeah – but it never happens to me! π
I am stumped at the fact about holding a plank for 5 hours??? I can barely hold one for 5 minutes!
Right?! I want to know how he managed to last that long without getting bored. I’d be out of my mind after not being able to move for so long…
Oh man, I like my coffee HOT! I’ll see if I can work on the room temp thing at the bucks. HA. Love that banana peel fact, I so want to rub peels all over my skin now.
Oh man, I can’t do room temperature coffee. I need a full commitment towards hot or cold. No in between.
The diet statistic doesn’t surprise me in the least. I’ve been saying that shit for years, right along with you. Nonsense.
Also, tell Mama Spoons I recognize carpet tacks when I see ’em. The floors will be beautiful when they’re done, especially with all the light streaming in the bay window there.
Oooo you’re got a good eye! Floor first for Mom and Dad, followed by kitchen. I have a feeling I’ll be bringing over more than a few dinners π
I was laying my bed without the blanket on this morning and thought to myself: “I’m ready for fall.” It’s time to part with this summer heat, I think.
Also, I’m going to try rubbing the inside of a banana peel on this pesky dry spot on my face to see if it helps π
Well I know I’m in the minority’s here but I’m not a huge fan of Fall! I just love summer and hot hot weather! Fall to me means that my least favorite season is not far behind so maybe that’s why it gives me anxiety?!?
I love random facts. Especially that planking one. I did a plank challenge last summer and I think I got up to about 4 or 5 min! But yeah HOURS?! No. Ha
Right?! What I want to know is how he didn’t get crazy bored during that time…
Alas it’s normally the opposite for me, I always think I have one last mouthful of coffee left, go to take that glorious sip and… Nope all gone π
I have 2 insanely itching midge bites right now so am totally going to try the banana trick!
Also I listen to heavy metal to help me sleep, especially if I am traveling – sends me straight off!
Please bombard us with all things pumpkin, I would not be disappointed!
Planking must be the most annoying exercise ever. Whoever lasted 5 hours should be given an award for patience, not stamina. I don’t even know how long my muscles can handle because I run out of patience very quickly. Being unable to move drives me crazy so the longest I’ve managed was one song. Then I needed a long series of sit-ups to calm down π
Oh I totally get it. The first thing that came to mind when I read that was how he managed to keep from getting bored. And going to the bathroom.
The Vega Mocha flavor is Whole Foods specific right now. I’ve found the nutritionals on the website, but I never looked to purchase it there. Hope that helps. I hate bananas, but this almost tempted me to try it, almost… xoxo, ganeeban
Okay, I’m still not ready for fall – it was so. damn. cold today – but that picture might just get me in the mood a little.
Maybe I’m an odd one out but I really really like planks. I won’t go into how long I hold mine because I don’t want to appear braggish but yes, I like them. We’re talking minutes not hours in my case, though, because: 5 + hours?? There’s more to life …
I did a quick search and it looks like Amazon had the Vega you’re looking for. Though I guess you might have already looked yourself so it coud be different kind?
I like planks as well and I’m constantly working on getting mine up, but 5 hours? I think I’d get seriously bored…
Ahhh how do you like room temperature coffee?! I can’t stand it!!!
Fall . . . Changing leaves make me so happy. Is that protein powder good?
Very! Perfect if you like the taste of coffee with a slight hint of chocolate. And the ingredients are awesome.
I’ve always wanted to try Vega protein powder. And please do bombard us with pumpkin recipes. If anyone complains I’ll throw a pumpkin at them. Part of me really wants to break that planking record…
You know what’s sad? I don’t even know that I’d have the upper body strength to hurl a pumpkin at somebody. Gotta love them chicken arms π
I did a “who knew Wednesday” yesterday and I learned so many interesting things. Bananas rock, I love them. I am not ready to let go of summer just yet. The quote is spot on, and I love th view out your window. Have a great day
I am so not ready for Fall yet. As soon as Fall hits, the rest of the year just flies by, and I am not ready for the holidays yet! Ahhhhh
I would love it if the temperature would drop here! I ran 6 miles on Sunday when it was 87 F with 85% humidity. Holy sweatfest!
Also, I totally agree with the fact about “agressive” music. Heavier music is very calming. My friends always joke that I’m so “angry”, but honestly I like it because it shows emotion. Sometimes it’s just nice to know that other people are sad or angry too and that you’re not alone.
It really is. I know that it’s the heavier music that’s gotten me through a lot of my harder times. So comforting in a roundabout way.