Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Waiting… waiting… waiting… THERE IT IS! I swear… I’ve been sitting here for at least 20 minutes trying to get started on this post, and nothing. Nada. Zip. My brain felt like a dried up, crusty used Kleenex. And wow… yeah. Sorry for that mental image, but apparently that’s what comes out when I try to combat writer’s block by telling myself to just write… I blame it on having snot on the brain as a result of dealing with my allergies. Just being honest.
2. And while I’m at it, I should probably confess to this as well…
Don’t judge me. You do it too.
3. So besides “just writing,” another one of my favourite ways to deal with writer’s block is to go through the pictures on my phone and see if any of them spark a thought. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it just makes me realize that I really need to get better at turning off my camera before I put my phone down….
But what’s really impressive is that I somehow managed to take a panoramic shot of my leg and centre console without even trying. Skills. I gots them.
4. And then there’s gems like this, which I came across in my building gym…
Does anyone else find it ironic that: a) there’s a bottle of Coke in the gym (albeit diet), and b) that it’s sitting on top of a book titled Live Longer, Live Better? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure that Coke and health don’t exactly go hand in hand.
5. Then again, I’m probably not one to talk since some of my “workouts” may or may not look like this…
6. And I may or may use the fact that I’m stuck in traffic as an excuse to get some sun…
7. Actually, can we talk about traffic for a second? Or just drivers in general? Because I don’t know how things are in your neck of the woods, but I swear that the drivers are getting worse in mine. At first I thought that people were driving slow because of the snow on the roads (which is fine), but we’ve had clear streets for months now, and, without fail, people are constantly driving 5-10 under the limit. And before you go thinking “oh yeah, need-for-speed junkie Amanda would say something like that,” I’ll have you know that I’m not the only one who’s noticed, thank.you.very.much. It’s becoming a problem!
8. And speaking of problems, I’ve found a way to deal with this one…
You know when you get to the end of an EOS lip balm and have to get rid of it because you can’t get it on your lips anymore without simultaneously smearing it on most of your lower face? Don’t throw it out! There’s still a tonne of product in there, and it’s really easy to get to. All you have to do is push down on the leftover balm until it all falls to the bottom of the tub and you can see this sort of plastic star over the top. Then, take a pair of nail clippers, clip each of the little spokes, and voila! More bang for your buck!
9. Tomorrow is National Donut Day!! Buuuuuut I made you muffins instead. I’m not sorry; and I have a feeling that you won’t hold it against me, because these.are.in.sane…
10. And that’s that! I’ll see you guys tomorrow with that recipe, and until then, have yourselves an awesome day! π

No questionsβ¦ just tell me whatever comes to your mind! π
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I will definitely accept those muffins instead of donuts!
I was trying to write my post last night and couldn’t come up with anything to say… so I went into my phone to look for pictures to use and literally didn’t have anything new. I go in waves where some days I take a million pictures (and delete half), and other weeks I take none. I use sitting in traffic as an excuse to tan too– sunroof open, windows down, tan mode ON.
The only problem is that sometimes one side of you ends up darker than the other π
Haha the coke on top of the health books is awesome. My gym has a candy dish at the front desk. Nice trick with the EOS lip balm! I have so many I have yet to get to that point since I’ve got like 4 different ones in rotation
Oh my, #4 is hilarious and sooo ironic!
And I live in Northern Virginia and traffic is beyond awful!!
Thank you for telling me about National Donut Day! Maybe I will get one today in pre-celebration.
Since I moved to the city I barely drive at all (except to Costco) and I miss it! I used to love just driving and having time in my car to hang out.
That’s one of my favourite ways to relax as well. Especially on late summer evenings when there aren’t so many people out and it’s still warm out. Bliss.
Hi Amanda! I often get inspiration off my iPhone photos as well. And I also love that EOS lipbalm and have one that I THOUGHT was nearing the end. Perhaps not. Thanks for the tip. See — you did some good with these thoughts today, even if it was a struggle hahah! π
The driving thing is a problem here too – I’m constantly amazed how slow people will happily drive. Those muffins look AMAZING!! I saw that Krispy Kreme and Dunkin Donuts were giving away free donuts tomorrow – but your muffins look better!! Love that you are going against the mold!
You know what’s sad? That we don’t have either Krispy Kreme or Dunkin up here… so no free donuts for us π
You should move to Pittsburgh – we have the opposite problem with traffic! Drivers here are crazy and speed all the time. The only time they slow is if a tunnel is coming up (unfortunately we’re a very tunnel and bridge-rich city, so it’s inevitable when you’re out). Hope that I can get a free donut tomorrow π
OMG drivers are the worse!!! i have to catch myself all the time as the kids are now picking up on my annoyances and shouting at drivers-lol!
You random photos look like what happens when the kids get to my phone-it is always very comical to me.
Those muffins though!!!!! look delicious!!!
National Donut day 2 days after National running day-it should be the other way around-lol! I got my email from krispy kreme this morning. Now to figure out how to get there before dropping the kids off to school.
Have a terrific Thursday!!
How do you put on the lipchap once you’ve hacked it up like that? I guess with your fingers? And you have to eat the heads off teddy grahams first, it’s the only way!
Yup! Just with my fingers like I would any other balm that comes in a little tub. Not the greatest for when you’re out, but it works at home.
Can’t wait to see the recipe tomorrow!! π
Writer’s block can be terrible I walk away from my computer completely and go for a walk or runto clear my head. It seems to help!
YES, drivers are so annoying! I was stuck behind a slow person on my way to work this morning. Ugh!
Awesome solution for the EOS lip balms! I always just end up throwing mine away, but I’m totally going to do that next time!
The coke on top of that stack of books is hilar! Love it. Callum grabs our phones/iPads/iPods and runs around taking selfies so when we scroll through our galleries at the end of the day there are all these adorable pics of him smiling with his huge cheeks and drool. He’s too cute to get mad at.
I like the way you think! I’m all about getting my tan on, no matter where I am, so traffic is a great place to do so-I approve! π
The car is the best place to get a little tan, right!? I just have to remember to put on sunscreen before going out anywhere. I’m a slightly obsessive about protecting against UV rays.
And yepβ totally a Teddy Graham decapitator.
Just make sure it’s a healthy sunscreen! There’s a lot of research coming out these days about how some sunscreens are actually worse for us than the UV rays.
Slow drivers make me crazy (errr… drive me crazy? sorry…)
I can’t wait for tomorrow’s recipe. I’ve been craving sweets in the morning, and I think I’m due for a pan of muffins!
Oh heavens I cannot wait for that recipe! And I am sorry, I know it’s not funny, but I just couldn’t help busting out a chuckle at your “snot on the brain” dilemma! Though joke’s on me as now every-time I see a crusty tissue all that will come to mind is a flash of a gooey brain! That’s just shudder-worthy!
As far as your drivers dilemma – I think I can help – move down here to Atlanta, where the speed limit seems to be just a suggestion and EVERYONE seems to go 10-20 OVER the limit@ No Lie!
So cannot wait for that recipe!
Speed limits as suggestions?!? Omigosh I would fit right in. I hear it gets a little hot down there, though…
Allergy brain is the worst!! I totally feel ya!
Yes, I completely agree with you about drivers! I talk about that all the time with my family!
When I get writer’s block I just walk away from the computer and don’t write anything! I never put pressure on myself to post if I’m not feeling it. Luckily I’ve been on a roll lately with 4 posts a week!
So excited for the recipe tomorrow! And I would be lying if I said I never had a diet coke after a work out⦠it was just so needed : ) Hope you have a fabulous Thursday!!
Thanks for the heads-up on the lip balm. I haven’t bought the EOS just yet but am notorious for keeping my lipsticks even if there’s really just a tiny amount left because … I don’t really know why π . You can never have too many, right?!
It looks like gyms over there are WAY different from ours. Here it’s more like one TV per ten [rough guess] people and no way to change the program. Screens on every machine for individual choices? Keep dreaming … Le sigh. <- first world problems …
No judgement here, that’s how I eat crackers in the shapes of animals too. And chocolate bunnies, etc. Those muffins look amazing. I always seem to miss these holidays dedicated to food so I’m not sure I can miss National Donut Day tomorrow, I may have to get on that train!
I hear Dunkin is giving out free donuts! But… we don’t have them up here π₯
The pink sleeves are back at Starbucks?!?! I haven’t seen them yet π
I honestly have no idea. We just got them the other day when some new bakery started supplying all the baked goods.
Writers block is the worst! That’s when I just walk away and then usually something will come to me.
I feel like you should get pulled over for driving under the speed limit too, especially if you’re on a highway. That sh*t is dangerous.
Also, love the selfie. I need to find myself a sun patch and soak it up.
Last thought: I think diet coke is worse than regular coke. I’d rather people drink sugar than a bunch of chemicals. Studies show people who drink diet products end up consuming more calories in the long run which defeats the whole purpose of diet anyway.
Confession: I’ve never had any sort of diet drink. My mom kind of drilled it into my head that fake sweeteners were the devil, so I steered clear. That being said, I did go through a phase where breakfast was a can of coke…
Personally, I don’t trust people who don’t decapitate their cookies and crackers. I mean, who do they think they are? They know they want to. They are just denying themselves their natural urges.
Okay, literally craving tiny teddies now. Google it.
I still see casper.
I don’t actually like to keep a lot of excess photos on my phone so I end up deleting a ton of them LOL. I do try and use them occasionally for inspiration or motivation.
Double chocolate anything is the best (from muffins to cake to donuts).
Not gonna lie, those muffins look mighty tasty but I will be partaking in a free Dunkin’ donut π Hehe! And YES, let’s talk about drivers for a moment, shall we? Try living in the old people capitol of the world… Thankfully, most snowbirds are gone by the beginning of May, but FOR REAL. They all drive Bentley’s or other super nice cars and drive slower than slow. Isn’t that the point of having a nice car?! Need for speed? No? Maybe I’m confused π But yeah, anytime you feel the need to complain about drivers, call me up. I could rant for daysss.
I’ve -heard- that the reason people in nice cars drive so slow is because they don’t have anything to prove — everyone knows they have it. That and it gives people a longer time to stop and stare π
Love, love, love the EOS lip balm trick! And yes, I bite the heads off too.
I know you are jealous that I share my birthday with National Donut Day π
More jealous that it’s not -30 on your birthday π
Momentary panic when I realized I made bars not donuts for my recipe tomorrow. Oops on that, national days don’t seem to be my forte! I think writers block lends to funnier posts because getting frustrated can make me a little crazy π
π Don’t feel bad about the bars — I made muffins π
I find some of the most random pictures on my phone too! Usually right after I take a real picture I will somehow snap a few others without realizing it.
Ive been complaining about traffic and drivers alot more since I moved since now I actually deal with a commute. Ive started leaving for work really early to try to avoid as much of it as possible.
Have a great Thursday!
National Donut day huh? Maybe I’ll celebrate by whipping up your chocolate glazed donuts; I’ve been quietly craving them forever ago but always -just polished off- the yogurt or didn’t have the whole wheat flour. Do you reckon all purpose will mess with the texture?
More [gorgeous] muffins π !! Seriously, you’ve got skills.
Honestly? All-purpose will probably work better in donuts and make them a little fluffier. It’s always easier to use AP than WH. And… happy donut day! π