Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Oh hi there!
I thought I’d start off this Thursday with a smiling face and proof that I actually wear something other than black and/or grey… even if it’s just white and grey π I know, I know — it wouldn’t hurt me to introduce a little more colour into my life — but wearing colour just makes me feel all out of sorts. I can do pops of colour with accessories and makeup and what not, but when it comes to actual clothes? I like to stick to a pretty neutral palette. It just feels more me.
2. Speaking of colour, remember how I ordered this Enchanted Forest adult colouring book over a month ago? Well, it still hasn’t come. Heck, I haven’t even gotten an e-mail saying it’s been shipped yet. I know they said it might take 4-6 weeks because they were out of stock, but daaaaaaamn… I was hoping they were kidding! This is what I get for wanting something that apparently everyone else wants as well. All I can say is that it better be worth it…
3. But at least I’ve had other books to keep me busy…
I’m currently reading Red Seas Under Red Skies, and I’m really liking it so far. It’s the second book in the Gentlemen Bastards series by Scott Lynch, which actually makes me think of a fantasy-world Snatch meets Ocean’s Eleven. Thieves, egos, plots, grand schemes… the whole nine yards. It can be a little vulgar at times, but I love the humour, I love the wit, I love the writing, and I love the main character. I was actually crazy disappointed when I finished the first book, not because I didn’t like how it ended, but because I was sad that it ended… especially because I didn’t have the next book on hand to keep going. In any case… love it. Highly recommend it.
4. Also highly recommend staying away from these if you see them…
Now… I realize I may be slightly biased here since I kind of, sort of developed an instant aversion to them when I made myself sick after eating an entire box in one day, but still… That was probably a good 12+ years ago, and the thought of them still makes me feel a little queasy. You’ve been warned.
5. So guess who’s back at Starbucks?!? This girl!
It’s been a good handful of months since I stopped going to Bux daily (I blame the milk frother), but I had to rekindle my relationship with my window booth after my AC decided to break down on me when it was plus a million (read: 27C/82F) outside. I know I should probably have someone come in and look at it, but I’ve already have 3 different companies come in on 3 different occasions to look at my heating/cooling system over the past 1.5 years, and none of them have done much besides take my money and temporarily “fix” the issue… so forgive me if I’m a little hesitant to do it again.
6. Until then, I’d like to introduce you to what’s been doing it’s best to keep me cool at home. Bloggy friends, meet Bug, my [biggest] fan. Along with my phone for size comparison’s sake…
π π π And I know the iPhone 6s are big, but Bug really is that tiny… hence the name. He’s not good for much unless you set him on the table and point him straight at your face, but I’ve had him for as long as I can remember so I’m not willing to let him go. Sometimes he starts to rattle and whizz like he’s about to die, though, so I give him a rest and bring out the big guns…
7. This is getting a tiny bit long, so I should probably end things here… But not before announcing the winner of the Love Grown giveaway!
Congratulations, Vivian! I’ll be getting in touch with you asap (unless you beat me to it) to get your contact info, and your package should be on its way soon! Thanks to everyone who entered, and keep your eyes out for more giveaways in the future!
8. Happy Thursday, friendly faces! Go make a positive difference in someone’s day π

No questionsβ¦ just tell me whatever comes to your mind! π
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I have ordered the Secret Garden and the Enchanted Forest books too. Not sure if you know but the publisher underestimated the popularity and they had to do another printing. I ordered it in April and Amazon just sent me an email today saying I should get one of them next week. I heard that they were being distributed to retailers in May. I have flipped though a copy that was on hold for someone at Barnes & Noble. It looks really cool and I am looking forward to coloring in it.
Your AC is still down. Well, that’s unfortunate. I still refuse to turn my on. It’s toasty but bearable, at least in my humble opinion. It’s also possible the Hubby will have it up and running by the time I get home from work today.
I like the stripes.
Hope the coloring book comes soon.
I like how your definition of heat is 27 degrees and meanwhile we already hit 34 and I haven’t even thought of turning the AC on yet (apparently I’m not alone judging by the comments above π ). I check the weather forecast every morning and think “Please, don’t go above 30” and it keeps doing it every time. At least it’s not super humid yet and the nights get cooler. The actual summer is hell. I still wonder why I chose this city when I can’t stand temperatures above 30… But it could be worse. I could be like my SO who starts hating life at 20 degrees xD
Btw, colours scare me too. I just bought a dress with a flower pattern that I think is really pretty but I’m scared of wearing it outside…
I started checking out (old school library style) every book you have listed the last few months after I feel in love with one of your recs–I adore your style. Do you happen to have a list of your recommended reads on the blog? Would love to check out some of your favorites! Fantasy/dystopian/hero chicks…I dig it.
I might put together a favourite books post in the future, but I don’t have one up on the blog just yet. If you want, shoot me an e-mail letting me know which ones you’ve already read and I’ll give you my favourites!
That coloring book thing looks awesome. I can’t wait to see the final product, whenever it arrives, that is. I love coloring. Something about it is relaxing! xoxo, ganeeban
Great Post! The coloring book looks so cool, I think it will be worth the wait!:)
Oh gosh I hope you’re ok in the heat! That little fan can only give so much relief!
Love the personal fan! I still use my heater at work and will all through the summer! You see the guys in the office keep it like a meat locker and unless I go around with a winter coat on (which I’m not) I freeze especially after having my ice cold shake in the mornings. They don’t even say anything to me anymore. Ha
That’s actually one of my least favourite things about the summer — I never know how to dress because I’m crazy hot outside and usually freezing inside!
Ha! Temperature is relative I guess. It’s currently 94, on its way to 100 today, and I JUST NOW turned on my AC. Here we don’t wait if it stops working. WE GET IT FIXED! Fast!!! 82 sounds a little chilly to me π
I love the idea of an adult coloring book, need to get one now! and maybe some fun gel pens?? I’ll have to hide them from my kids though!
That sucks about your AC but at least it gives you a reason to get out of the house and get some Starbucks! I’m usually pretty efficient whenever I set up shop there. It doesn’t make sense but it just works.
And that fan is so adorable! Although it doesn’t exactly fit your dreamy decor. Your living room looks beautiful! Swoon…
I’m thinking it probably has something to do with all the caffeine in the air π Thank ya, lovely! <3
I’ll take the blame for you not getting your coloring book, I ordered a couple (including enchanted forest) I probably got the last one! Sorry lol. Another great post Amanda (luv your sense of humor) have a great day.
Is it weird that I like the plain Cheerios best? My parents never bought me sugary cereal as a kid so I used to remedy my Corn Flakes, Shredded Wheat & Cheerios by dumping 800 spoonfuls of white sugar into the bowl when they weren’t looking. Also – there’s something so nostalgic about cruising the cereal aisles in the grocery store. Which reminds me – I haven’t had any CTC for MONTHS. I need to change that. Like this weekend.
It probably wouldn’t make half bad fuel for a race π
I’m getting worried about summer in the RV…we’ve been trying to find some battery operated fans so we can even make an attempt to stay cool. Having the generator on so you can have fans on just doesn’t make much sense since that would mean 1 side of the RV with windows closed so we don’t die from the fumes….#rvlife π
My kids are all addicted to having fans on while they sleep, even in the winter months. They need the white noise. I feel bad because whenever they go to a friend’s house to sleep over, they have a tough time sleeping without their fans. I need to find a cute little one like yours that they can pack! Lol!
I love miniature versions of everything. I just bought a tiny Poohbear and Eeyore at Target because I could not STAND the cuteness. “I can’t even…”
LOL I used to live at Starbucks/library at college during the dorm days (No AC). I should have just slept there.
At this point I’m thinking about just sleeping out in the hallway because it’s cooler out there π Thankfully it’s starting to cool down, though.
My AC is broken too and it’s been broken since the weekend! I live in a high rise so you’d think that they would get on that since so many people live here but nope, still not fixed. Also, you and I are gray soulmates.
It always makes me laugh when people have broken AC’s just because I never had an AC until I graduated from college! We never had them growing up, so I just got acclimated to being hot all the time. That might be why I can run in summer better than in the winter….
I’m always FREEZING when my fiance turns on the AC at night, and I have to sleep in another room without one just because I get too cold! It’s so weird. I do hope that yours gets fixed soon though!
I actually grew up without any AC as well, and I don’t usually mind the heat in a house, but my condo is higher up and it gets heated from the sun. I die a little inside…
Forgive me for saying so, but I think the frosted cheerios look kind of good? Maybe more for dessert than breakfast. π
Oh they’re definitely good! That’s why I was able to go through a whole box in a day π The resulting stomach ache and nausea were what turned me off.
I’m the same way about clothes – I live in neutrals, except the occasional bright workout shirt. And even with makeup, I’m all about the neutrals – probably because I overdid the vibrant eye shadows back in college.
The little fan is too cute. Hope your AC returns to functioning soon though!
Happy Thursday!
π I went through some pretty crazy makeup phases myself. Blue eyeshadow being a particularly cringe-worthy one…
Hi there!
I am the complete opposite–if it has color in it, I want it! Especially in the spring and summer.!
Dang-I have actually benn wondering about your coloring book. I hope you get it soon.
Look at that little fan!
I’m the total opposite with clothes. I’m all about colour. Seeing me in black is a true rarity.
You always look adorable in your selfies! I am bummed your coloring book has not come yet. I actually have been waiting to see how it is in person hehe. It looks incredible online!
I think we are opposites when it comes to color and b+w. I feel sad if I wear too many dull colors and happier with color! So weird how colors affect us differently.
Also I really REALLY want to color now! I might need to order an adult coloring book!!
I actually think that colour is -supposed- to make us feel happier, so I’m not sure what’s up with me π