Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. It snowed. Like… legit stuck-to-the-ground snowed. All day. In May. That’s all I have to say about that…
2. Thankfully, I’ll be blowing this [literal] popsicle stand soon because there’s just one more week until I hop on a plane for Blend!
I had such a blast last year that I seriously can’t wait to do it again this year. The only thing is that I’ll be missing some of the faces that won’t be able make it again this year, especially this lady right here…
(told you we’d manage to get that picture)
But at least I got to see her a handful of times over the past couple of months now that she no longer lives all the way on the other side of the country, and there’ll be some new faces at Blend that I’m looking forward to meeting, so I guess it balances out.
3. I don’t know what it is, but I probably take around 85% of my selfies in my car. Some people have a thing for sweaty gym selfies or bathroom mirror selfies, but me? Car selfies all the way…
4. Speaking of cars, have you ever thought about putting eyelashes on yours?
I came across this gem in my parking garage the other day, and I couldn’t help but wonder what might convince someone to put a set of falsies on their car. I’d consider putting them on my own eyes (I’ve never tried them before), but on my car? Not so much.
5. I also can’t help but wonder what would compel someone to abandon their shoes in the middle of a set of stairs in the river valley. And not only that, but to arrange them so artfully…
Add this to the list of strange things I find on the side of the [road], which includes but isn’t limited to: pants, underwear, bunny slippers, and a half-eaten box of Oreos.
6. In case you missed the 29 Delicious Slow Motion GIFs link in my last link love post, this is me encouraging you to go check it out. I mean… how cool is this?!?
7. And while you’re at it, head on over to Defonic and whip yourself up some background noise. Defonic is a free online noise generator that lets you choose from a variety of different ambient sounds to play in the background if you need something to kill some silence. You can choose from things like waves, rain, thunder, campfire, coffee shop, city street, and even white noise. Or you can layer a bunch of different sounds to create something totally unique. I’ve been finding it super helpful when I’m working from home and it gets way too quiet. The noise is just enough to fill the silence without being super distracting like music or the TV.
8. And because I apparently like sending you away from Spoons, I’m going to tell you to head on over to Savory Style to check out my latest recipe for Lemon Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes! But make sure to come back tomorrow because I’ll be sharing a pretty epic chocolate packed recipe that I think you guys are going to love.
Happy Thursday, friendly faces! π

No questionsβ¦ just tell me whatever comes to your mind! π
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Can I just say one thing? If I woke up and saw snow in my backyard today, I would be crying, and get on the first flight outta there and near a beach! I do not know how you can stand it π
I honestly do not know how you are coping with more snow. I thought snow in April was bad⦠I would NOT be ok with snow in May!! At that point I would probably have to move to a warmer climate.
Oh, I haaaaate it when I find underwear on the side of the road. I get so upset over all the possibilities!
The shoes in the middle of the staircase remind me of last weekend when I was at the airport I saw a random pair of jeans on the staircase! Is undressing while walking up the stairs a new thing?
I hope not, because that would require way more coordination than I actually have π
I cannot believe you are still getting snow up there. I don’t think I could handle that. We’re in the 80s now and I couldn’t be happier. I really wish I could go to one of those blog retreats like Blend, which seems like the most low-key, relaxed one of them all, but they just never work out with my schedule. I always love reading about them after though!!
As for the eyelashes on the car, I don’t understand it either. I don’t put makeup on myself, so the idea of putting falsies on a car- no thanks.
Oooooh have fun at BLEND! I’m sad I can’t go this year–I went last year and the previous year to that. It’s SO fun! (and I was only there for a day last year so I didn’t meet a ton of people, sad I missed ya!)
I ended up missing a tonne of people that I wanted to meet! It can just be so tricky where there are so many people you want to say hi to while spending time with closer friends too!
Those pancakes… WANT! You and Sam are gorgeous!! <3
I always wonder the same thing when I see eyelashes on a car lol. Yes to the weird things on the side of the road! I always wonder, “hey won’t you need that shoe?” “How did you only lose one shoe and not notice?” hahaha it’s so strange!
I’ve seen the car with falsies, but I honestly thought it was a company like the cars with the pink mustaches? Do they have those around you? Those I think are supposed to be pick up cars for women who need a designated driver, the pink mustache is supposed to be a “trusted” symbol or something. I figured the lashes were the same thing! But apparently I’m wrong lol
Pink mustaches?! We definitely don’t have those around here, but I think I’d die if I ever saw one π
Those pancakes look to-die-for. I am a huge fan of the flavor combination of lemon and blueberry. Have a great time at the Blend Retreat! I wish I could go to all of the fun blogger conferences. Someday I’ll have time and money to do that, right? π Safe travels!
Haha I love all of these. Those gifs are pretty sweet for sure.
Last year I went to Fitbloggin but I can’t this year due to a wedding so I signed up to go to Blogfest in LA this July. I am super pumped bc I love blogging conferences. I hope you have a good time at Blend!
Oh man, I can’t believe you got snow! I’m so glad that’s over in my neck of the woods for a while. The weather has been amazing here – high 70s/low 80s and sunny. I’m loving it!
Rub it in π I had to turn on the heat this morning. THE HEAT. In May.
I like car selfies too, the natural lighting is more flattering. Eyelashes on my car, never. I’ve never understood that either.
Last year it DUMPED here in Denver on Mother’s Day. Speaking of Colorado — have fun at BLEND. I was thinking about going, but my littlest is only 5 months old and I’m not ready to be away from her, not even for just a weekend.
i cant believe it snowed this week for you!! Ugh. GO home winter… your drunk π haha. <3
Cannot believe it snowed there! I was miffed when it snowed in NY over spring break in late March but that was normal…MAY?!
Is it sad that I wasn’t even that surprised? π Living in Alberta for 30 years… you just kind of learn to expect snow at any time of the year. We’ve even had it in June before…
I need to check out that noise background thing — that would be perfect for work!
I’m sorry it snowed it May! It’s been cold here (Victoria BC) for May but hoping it gets nicer before I head out for my first camping trip next weekend!
oh my gosh, I cannot believe it snowed there! That is crazy. It kinda looked like it was snowing here yesterday except the snow was the white ends of dandelions blowing around… they were EVERYWHERE! The rain the night before must’ve blown them all lose from their stems. Yuck. On a happier note those blueberry lemon pancakes look like something I need to make for breakfast this weekend! YUM.
I’ve always thought the putting eyelashes on your car was ridiculous. There are only certain types of people who would be into that and it’s not me! I might have to check out that defonic site. I’ve been having some trouble sleeping, so maybe that sound will help.
I don’t understand the whole eyelashes on cars thing. I think it’s cute when people put antlers and a red nose on their cars around Christmastime, but eyelashes- no thanks!
The antler and nose thing was the first thing that popped into my head, too! I think that’s adorable, and I saw bunny ears around Easter time which were super cute too, but on a daily basis? I like my cars unadorned. I mean… what’s next? Putting earrings on the side mirrors?
Snow?!?! Seriously? So ridiculous lol. We’ve been pretty warm here and I was positive it was over, but now I’m not so sure π
p.s. that car was clearly made to have eyelashes
I always wonder about abandoned shoes or when you see a random lone shoe on the highway. How does that happen? The slow mo gifs are so cool!
Snow??????? I totally feel with you! Hope you enjoy the time at Blend! Most probably there will be no snow!
I totally suck at taking selfies! No matter where. How do yours turn out to good?
I can add: camping chair, umbrella and (not kidding) floor lamp to the list of abandoned things!
Whaaat?! You’re crazy! Your selfies come out looking great too!
Haha only when I pull a face and accept that I won’t look pretty π
It snowed?!! That’s just craziness. Oh and LOL at the eyelashes–they’re just too much.
This weather is insane and needs to decide what season we’re in SOON! And I agree with you..not a fan of lashes on cars. Keep it on your faces, people! Thanks for hosting π
Have so much fun at Blend!! The location is going to be incredible and I can’t wait to read about it. Also, eyelashes on a car? LOL. I have tried to put them on myself and it isn’t the easiest task, maybe it would be much simpler on a vehicle π
Gonna miss you this year, girl! <3
I don’t know, I kind of like the eyelashes. I always refer to my car as “she” so why not? Shoes on the side of the road (or abandoned anywhere) always make me wonder. So someone left them then hobbled away barefoot? Weird.
If I had a little VW bug I might think about eyelashes, but I’d probably never actually do it.
So sorry about the snow π
I would die if I saw a car with those eyelashes. That’s hilarious! I mean, what would possess someone to even buy them! haha I am so sad I will not be going to Blend π One of these years I’m going to make it. It actually falls right on my birthday too!
Aww! That’d be awesome if you could make it one year! I’d love to meet you π
I cannot believe you got snow. Boo! But yeah for Blend! I’ll see you soon pretty lady!!!
Can you believe that it’s only a week away Eeek! I need to start figuring out what I want to bring…
Snow?!? Ahhhckkk. Pool are starting to open around here. (Thank goodness… now if only I had a tan.)
Snow? Get out. We had crazy fog and low temps the past 2 days, and it is supposed to be nice today and then rain for like 4 days, but at least that is seasonally appropriate. And the eyelashes on cars thing is just beyond me. I first saw it during our trip to Madison last year. I’ve seen it a few times since. People are weird.
It blows my mind that it snowed for you this week. It’s been so hot here…after the winter though I could never see snow again and be okay. I know you enjoy it most of the time so I guess it isn’t the end of the world.
I’ve seen cars with those eyelashes before and they aren’t for me (or any of my vehicles). LOL.
I like the snow when I know it means I can go snowboarding… But considering all the resorts are closed already, this is just cruel…
Wow to those pancakes π I also take selfies in the car, I feel like they come out better than anywhere else actually!
No thank you to the eye lashes on the car – I never understood it! You put me in the mood for pancakes and I never feel like pancakes. Maybe I will actually order pancakes when my son and I go out for breakfast on Sunday. It’s usually a toss between the blueberry walnut whole wheat pancakes and the baked oatmeal..Obviously you know which way I end up going a majority of the time.
You should totally switch things up and go for something like eggs. Or crepes. Oooo crepes! Those will probably always and forever be my favourite breakfast out food.
I have seen some pretty strange things on the streets and it really makes me wonder the story behind it. I have actually seen shoes quite a few times, usually on the weekends, but never arranged nicely like that!
I bet that the car is a good place for selfies due to the natural lighting:)
the jet lag woke me up at 4.54am today. Getting better ha!
That’s totally your car isn’t it. Silly eyelashes. Also….. BLEND means NYC, right?
Why sleep in a city that never sleeps? π