Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. 3.more.days until I can go back to chewing gum again. 3 more days! I wish I could say that I experienced some awesome health benefits as a result of giving up gum for 40 days, but… I didn’t. Then again, I was only chewing around 2 or 3 pieces a day (I chew half a stick at a time), which I guess isn’t much in the grand scheme of things. I miss the taste and having something to do with my mouth, though, so… three more days [until Easter]!
2. On that note… spring really needs to stop being such a bipolar tease. It went from a gorgeously sunny 17°C (63°F) one day to a cold, wet, and windy 5°C (41°F) the next — and we might even get some snow out of it [edit: we did indeed end up getting snow]. Things were looking so good for a while there, and I even managed to crack open the windows and listen to the birds sing. But now? I’m back to drinking my smoothies by the fireplace and walking around looking like this…
3. There’s only one place I’m okay with having more snow, and that’s up in the mountains…
The conditions weren’t all that great on our last trip up, with tonnes of wind, limited visibility, and snow that went from sheets of ice near the summit to heavy slush near the bottom. The season usually lasts until early May, but I’ll be lucky to get one more trip in before I have to break for the summer/fall. Sad face.
4. So I discovered a favourite new way to cook brown rice! And by “discovered a new way,” I really mean “finally tried something that’s been around forever but I’ve just been too lazy to do.” Rinse and soak [and rinse again] your grains first. It doesn’t even have to be for long (I think I soaked mine for about 30 minutes?), but it’ll give you the fluffiest and most filling pot of brown rice that you’ve ever had. Give it a go!
5. And while you’re at it, whip up a batch of my almond butter protein fudge as well! I don’t want to toot my own horn, but… toooooooot. This ish be good.
6. It only took me 5 months, but I finally got around to getting a new phone case. I figured it was time to stop tempting fate and throw some protection on that sucker before I dropped it and it turned into iPhone smithereens. I like it well enough, but I’m currently going through that awkward phase of trying to get use to holding it all over again. Watch me end up dropping it just because of that…
7. So I’m back to playing FarmVille… I randomly stopped playing around 3 months ago, and then randomly decided to pick it up and got hooked all over again. I’d call it a nasty habit, but in all honesty? Video games are my escape and good for my mental health. Yup. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
8. You guys know I adore my Erin Condren Life Planner* (referral link), so I’m super stoked to tell you that you can now get one for the remainder of 2015 for 40% off the original price! It’s a great way to try one out and see how you like it if you weren’t too keen on the price before. You can click here to check out my in-depth review, and if you sign up using my link, you can also get $10 off your first order. Not too shabby!
9. For the past couple of weeks, a tonne of my comments have been going to spam. I always do my best to try and comment on as many of the ToL linkup posts as I can, so if you haven’t been seeing me pop up then look for me in your spam folder and get me out of there! I have no idea why it randomly started to do that, but I hope it randomly sorts itself out soon because… grrrr.
10. I always mean to make these ToL posts a little shorter, but it never ends up happening…. Happy Thursday, friendly faces! Get out there and rock some socks off!

No questions… just tell me whatever comes to your mind!
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3 more days till I can eat chicken and fish again!!! Yes!!!! Speaking of food – I gotta try making brown rice your way – brown rice tends to be so much less fluffier than it’s counterpart!
Happy Early Easter Amanda! xx
I had been wondering where you disappeared to! I figured TOL had just grown too much for you to still comment on every single one, so that is so nice that you do! Always gives me a smile.
I’m definitely going to try chewing half a stick of gum at a time. I keep going cold turkey and then giving up, so that sounds like the perfect way to wean myself off slowly.
I think your blog demoted me to spam when I tried to comment again today
Hey girl, I linked up a post and the system said it didn’t have a backlink but I do have one! Just to let you know!
Thanks, girl. I have no idea why it’s so finicky with some links, but I try to check it regularly and pull them out.
I absolutely love the Erin Condren planners!
The Almond Butter Protein Fudge looks so yummy!
Hi Amanda! I gave up chewing gum months ago and have seen zero health benefits as well. Maybe I will go back to it? Can’t believe it’s so cold there still! Getting warm in the Bay Area right now!
Happy Thursday!
Gosh, those AB Protein Fudge look sooo good. Can you bring some to Blend?
Can you believe this season went over without me being on the slope? It’s sad. But ast week when I was up in the mountains, it was fog and rain everywhere – which was also welcome, cause I got to be inside and being lazy. Nothing to complain here
“Tooooot, that ish be good.” <— best line in this post. I recently started chewing more gum and I do appreciate the distraction when I want to eat, but know it's just boredom.
I feel like everybody west of the tropics is experiencing weather fails! That’s not scientific, by the way, I have no idea what I’m talking about lol. You’re so disciplined to give anything up for all those days. My only accomplishment of that kind is quitting smoking, but that’s about all I’ve been able to quit for any length of time over 10 days!
That’s a HUGE accomplishment, though! And great job giving it up!
The weather here in Chicago has been weird too. It was gloriously in the 60s, then dropped back into the 30s and dare I say even 20s. Just yesterday it finally got above 60 and it was glorious! I’m hoping last week was the last we will see of winter, but we’ll see…
oh my lawd those bars look amazinggggggggggg… drooling
I’ve definitely never thought to rinse my rice! I rinse quinoa but not rice, but seeing how fluffy it is I might have to start!!!
Yea! Socking rice (or any grain) really helps! Plus I have been obsessed with just simple rices lately….so werid!
My parents live in Colorado and they say their ski season is done. My mom just got new skis too that she’ll have to wait to use until next season.
“It’s so fluffy, I could die”! -> Brown rice made me do it!
I have a really addictive mindset, so I try to stay away from video games because… it’ll get bad. Kingdom Hearts comes out for PS4 in December. Someone hold me.
Ugh. The newest expansion for World of Warcraft came out a few months ago, and I’m trying to keep my blinders on. If I suddenly disappear from Spoons, it’s because WoW took over my life… again.
That planner is adorable! I have one from Cath Kidston that is just darling.
And this spring really needs to figure itself out all over the northern hemisphere I think…I went outside yesterday in capri leggings and nearly froze my calves off, it was 40 when it should have been 60 F according to the prior day!
I’m not sure where I ever picked it up but I’ve soaked my rice almost my entire life, it’s funny now that you mention it because people will always be like why is your rice so good and I always thought it was just because i have a rice cooker.
I’m with you though, I’m ready for warmer temps permanently, I hate the yo-yo weather!
I feel ya about that spring temperament. It was blizzarding on Saturday but the past few days have been sunny, cool, and perfect. Hopefully the latter is here to stay!
3 more days until I can listen to music!!! I’m so excited, and I’m trying to figure out which song I want to blast first
I gave up music for holy week as well, and ugh… SO hard. And so quiet
Love your new I-phone case! I’ve got the giant 6+ and there are no cute cases!
that phone case and planner are gorgeous!!
Seriously what is going on with Spring?! I need some warm weather! I love your phone case! That fudge looks yummy.
Love the Kate Spade! By the way, the first pic of you had me laughing. I needed that!
That’s how we do it up here in Canada!
You’re so pretty!! Well, we can only see part of your face, but that part is so pretty!!!!
And thanks for the rice tip. I’ll have to give it a shot.
OH MY GOOSES. So much fun!
Also — Farmville still exists?!!!!! Crap. I’m doomed.
Mother nature has been so bipolar here to and I’m SO over it! That almond butter protein fudge looks amazing. You always have the best recipes! I had an Erin Condren planner last year but they are so expensive I decided not to get one this year
And wow, I had no idea rinsing your rice made such a difference?!
I love love love your iPhone case! It is motivating me to get a new one. I purchased the iPhone 6 when it came out which meant limited case options. Having a “naked” phone is a no-no in my world because I have butter fingers, I bought the first one I saw. It is time for an upgrade
I think that’s a big part of why I put it off for so long — I wasn’t crazy about any of the Apple ones. It’s something you use everyday, though, so it’s totally worth investing in one that you like
For some reason I get multiple “real” comments going to my spam folder every day, so I am always checking it. Its really weird because its usually the same people. I don’t think you were one of them though!
Nice job making it the 40 days without gum!
I cannot believe the EC planners are 40% off. That is such a great deal!
I missed gum for a while but now that it has been 2 years since I chewed any I don’t miss it. Have a lovely Easter!
Thanks Hollie! You too
Ahhh I’d be missing gum sooo much! I gave it up once and it was terrible!
We’ve had bipolar weather, too. Two weekends ago it was 60 degrees. Last Saturday it snowed four inches. Yesterday it was 60 degrees. Oh Spring!
#9 totally happened to me once… I don’t remember why, but I know that I called Bluehost and they somehow sorted it out (like they always do :)) As for soaking rice–YES. My problem is that I’m typically starving and don’t want to take the extra time to soak it. ….I should probably work on that.
1- I still need to update my phone to the 6. 2- always get the kate spade cases because they are so pretty 3- can’t wait for my Erin Condren fancy notebook to arrive!
This is me reminding you to go out and get a 6
That case is adorarble. And I am with you–I like snow… where I like it. I don’t want it and it’s cold weather partners just lying around will nilly. Please, have some respect, atmosphere. Also, I’ve noticed Akismet has gone a bit cray of late–another thing that has allowed the power to go to its head!
I need a new phone case so maybe I need to take this as a sign to finally get one. Interesting how that is the purchase I wind up putting off? I also had the spam problem months ago and it was really frustrating since we put so much effort into reading and commenting! And I’m also completely ready for spring to stop acting crazy!
Did the spam issue clear itself up for you? I had a problem with one blog but then it got better when I removed the @ from my name. I wonder if that could be doing it…
The @ is a problem with some blogs but for me I was somehow marked as spam through my email and had to contact akismet, they corrected it right away and I haven’t had a problem since.
I have the same phone case and love it!
Love the new Kate Spade case, girl- super chic :)! We always soak rice before cooking but I always assumed it was just to get any dirt out haha–> I didn’t realise it helped produce a fluffier texture (total blonde moment right there)! My aunt was asking when Lent officially finishes (tomorrow or Sunday) – will let her know it’s on Sunday! And who says you can’t learn a thing or 2 from reading blogs :)!
Presoaking rice first….interesting. I will give it a try. Got any tips for overcooked rice to the point of almost mush. I’ve got a Tupperware full in my fridge right now.
I’m stoked to see you playing video games again because I do believe it’s good for your mental health. It’s your “you” time, your relax time which goes very much with your post Hawaii goals. I love it.
I need a better iPhone case. I toss my around like a popcorn playa. It’s a wonder it hasn’t broken yet…er again.
Is it weird that I love overcooked rice?? I love it when it clumps together ! Haha!
Overcooked rice, eh? Now that’s a toughie. I would say try adding it to a soup (tomato is my favourite!) or stew since you can’t really feel texture as much that way. Part of me also wants to know if it’s possible to toss it into a smoothie
I just got into chocolate smoothies. I don’t think I’m ready for rice yet.
Same here! Spring then back to winter, then spring and then back to winter and snowing again!
I do so love your new Almond Butter Protein Fudge, the pictures are stunning. Did you do them with the new photography light I seem to remember reading about you waiting for? Or did I read that somewhere else?
Thanks, Neil! Those were actually taken in natural light — I only resort to using the artificial lighting if I can’t shoot during the day or of it’s cloudy and gloomy outside. The only recipe I’ve shot with the new lighting so far is my morning glory muffins.
Finally. Dressed. not sure that’s my colour though.
AS IF you’re only just on the rice wagon pre soaking. Soak that goodness in coconut milk.