Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. There are weeks where I keep a running list of things I want to talk about during ToL and weeks where I sit down to write without a single clue. This week happens to be the latter, so we’re going to fly by the seat of our pants and see where it takes us.
2. We’re also going to [try and] include a selfie in each one of these posts because it adds a nice little personal touch, no? (Hi!!!!)
And now we’re going to stop referring to ourselves in the the plural form before people start thinking we I suffer from multiple personality disorder. I don’t. I swear.
3. Speaking of selfies… you know all the cool and collected coffee selfies I post from my trips to the moutnains? What you don’t see is my face after we go over a bump and the coffee comes flying out the little hole and lands all over me…
4. Obsessed with this song. Ob.SESSED. The only thing is that I can’t watch the official music video because it makes me all sorts of ragey to see so much over the top objectification of women in the racing industry, especially because that’s a world I used to be pretty heavily involved in and I’ve had to deal with a lot of that nonsense myself. Boycott the song? Pretend the video doesn’t exist? Gah! Moral dilemma…
5. At least picking out a snack hasn’t been as big of a problem. I’m seriously crushing on these no-bake carrot cake energy bites that I posted yesterday, and they taste even better after they’ve been frozen…
6. I’ve had to cut back on the amount of potatoes I eat. I went through a phase where I was eating them around 3 times a week, and then I started getting these dull throbbing headaches… which is weird for me since I’ve never really been one to get headaches. I didn’t connect the dots at the time, but I stopped eating potatoes and the headaches went away… then I had them again and the headaches came back. I can’t say that potatoes were 100% responsible, but it would make sense since they’re nightshades and can trigger things like migraines and joint pain in some people. It makes me sad, though…
7. You know what else makes me sad? Going to the mountains and not being able to snowboard. My back is feeling about 95% better now, but I’m still bitter that it had to pick that exact weekend to act up. I couldn’t even go skating on the frozen lake on the off-chance that I’d lose my balance, flail my arms around to steady myself, and pass out from the pain that sort of thing would cause in my shoulder. And the worst part is that I won’t be able to go again for at least another month π₯
8. Buuuuuut I really can’t complain since I’ll be heading to Maui in a week (omg!!! *happy dance*) If anyone has any recommendations of must-see places or must-do things, I’d really love it if you could share them with me! I’ve been spending a lot of time on sites like GoHawaii and checking out the top attractions, but I’d rather hear about someone’s personal experiences.
9. And on that note… Happy Thursday, friendly faces! Rock some socks off today π

No questionsβ¦ just tell me whatever comes to your mind! π
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Oh do not even get me started on the objectification of women!! And people ask why we need feminism? Honestly.
Rants aside, in 2 weeks and 2 days I’m going skiing for the first time in FOUR YEARS!! I cannot wait, it’s going to be the best post deadlines treat ever!!! Hope your back recovers soon for you, it sucks being injured.
Treats are ALWAYS better cold…ALWAYS. Frozen carrot cake bites sound spectacular. Also, I had no idea you were big into the racing world.
I would be super sad if I had to cut back on potatoes…though I guess I don’t eat them every day. Roasted sweet potatoes are nature’s candy! π So excited for you for Hawaii!! I have never been, want to go so badly! Any fun trips/excursions planned or just relaxing?
Nothing concrete planned so far in terms of guided tours or lessons, but we’re definitely going to do a tonne of hiking, snorkelling, and exploring.
mmm those carrot cake bites look delicious. i’m sooooo fiending to get out snowboarding — sadly, i haven’t gone once this year, and i love it so! we’re getting tons of snow in NYC right now…but there’s no mountain here…sad face. maybe i’ll hit the slopes upstate soon!
I just started typing to come up with my post today. I keep saying I’m going to get super organized and jot these things down as they pop into my head but so far that hasn’t happened. I’m also going to act like I didn’t read about the potatoes, cause I love them especially sweet potatoes! Oh wow Maui, can’t wait to see the pictures! Have fun and thanks again for the linkup! π
Potato headache, hey? I get egg headaches. Hopefully some rotation will put that to rest soon enough. I’m going boarding again this weekend! Wanna come?!
Stop picking weekends that are bad for me! I gotta work this weekend since I’ll be gone for the next few π
You’re pretty good at flying by the seat of your pants! Usually I would just skip posting, but that’s a little trickier with a regular weekly posts hundreds are looking forward to. Fortunately you can just write a random list. Good thinking with this link-up. π
Thanks for hosting, pretty lady! <3
UGH. That little sippy hole on the top of the coffee is simultaneously your best and worst nightmare. I mean, it gives you your dose of delicious life support in the morning, but it also has led to me needing to wash so many of my clothes over the spills. It doesn’t help when you try to hold coffee and bike to class at the same time, I’ll tell ya that ;). ALSO… MAUI?! SO JEALOUS.
I started to have a problem with sweet potatoes! They would make me nauseous every time I would eat them and/or smell them. I haven’t had one in like 6 months. Normal potatoes were fine though. Weird!
Trade youuuuuu! I like sweet potatoes well enough, but I’m definitely not as crazy about them as I am with regular potatoes.
Oh goodness! I share your obsession with that song! Cannot hear it enough!
Potatoes giving you migraines! That sucks. And I’m sorry to hear about your back. Injuries are just the worst but I’m glad you’re being careful about it and letting yourself heal up.
I love that we are both talking about obsessed with a song this week! And I love that you are off to Hawaii shortly!
Gah, you are just gorgeous and I’ve been loving that you’ve been adding selfies to your ToL posts! (Wow, that sounds so creepy, but I mean that in the least creepy way possible.)
I’m so sorry to hear that potatoes aren’t doing it for ya. I never knew that they could cause headaches. And OMGSOEXCITED for your Maui adventures! When I used to live in LA, we would have the luxury of being able to fly to Hawaii pretty easily. I remember going to the Iao Needle in Maui, and it was absolutely breathtaking. I was probably young and whiny back in the day having to hike up there, but I would kill to go there today!
Just Googled it and it looks -gorgeous-! Definitely adding that to the to-do list π
lol! So I was at Whole Foods the other day and stopped for a coffee and I was so excited. So I’m pushing my groceries outside hanging onto my cup for dear life and we just keep hitting bump after bump after bump. Sam was dying laughing as I keep getting covered in coffee but she eventually took over pushing the cart because she knew I couldn’t waste the precious liquid from the Gods!
I definitely have those days too when I can’t think of anything to write. I am about to go for a run and then come back to write my masterpiece of a post to link up here. Look out for it’s awesomeness haha.
I have back problems, too. Have you tried a heating pad at night for your back? I sleep with one every night and it helps me. I also get massages often (guilty pleasure) and have my therapist put peppermint essential oil when she’s working my back. Smells good and feels wonderful.
Have fun in HAWAII! Jealous.
I’ve never tried it at night, but I’ve been using one off and on throughout the day and that definitely helps. Have you tried any of those Deep Relief patches? Those have been helping me a -tonne-.
No, but I should!. Thank you for giving me the perfect excuse to make a Target run this weekend!
Oh man, so sorry to hear about your back!! But, I’m thinking a vacation to Maui will make up for the snowboarding. π So interesting about potatoes! I’m with you though…I go through my potato phases where I want them all the time. They’re just so good!
Love the coffee selfies when going over the bump!! And Maui?! That sunshine and warm weather will be a crazy and welcome change for you! I’m glad your back is getting better, but I sure it is hard to go by those powdery mountains and not being able to hit the slopes.
Overnight, it snowed A TON in pittsburgh…like there’s a foot of snow that just appeared this morning. My bus came 30 minutes late and was super packed because of that…so I’m not having the best start to Thursday. Plus, I have no less than 7 meetings scheduled today. At least tomorrow is Friday! π
Oh noes! Hope that your day starts improving a little! Or that you can at least find some humour in the whole thing π
Don’t bumps just always seem to come at the perfect time?! Lol not! I can definitely understand that, MI potholes are horribleeeee so I hit them (and spill) often. I’m glad you back is feeling better<3 have a great Thursday Amanda!
I highly recommend watching the sunrise from Haleakala in Maui! It’s spectacular. Even better is doing a tour with a biking company — they pick you up at your hotel (granted, it may be at 3am…so maybe do this on your first or second day in Hawaii), take you up to the top of the volcano, you watch the sunset (bring jackets/layers/sweatshirts/hat…it’s super chilly) and then you bike down the volcano. It was seriously incredible and not a tough ride at all. Just gorgeous. Also, Big Mama’s Fish House is an establishment on the island and very yummy!
That sunrise watch sounds incredible. Thanks for the suggestions, Meg!
Maui!! I need some of that in my life! Bottle up some sunshine for all of us!!
Will do! I’ll need to bring some back with me as well. It’s been gloomy as heck here lately!
Here too!!!!! π
I’m so jealous you’re going to Maui!! It must be amazing π
Can’t believe you’re going to Maui!! I’m jealous!
I got married on Maui and it is my favorite place in the world!
Must do:
Old Lahaina Luau
Surfing Lesson
Secret Beach (Makena Cove)- we got married there!
Kihei CafΓ© (for breakfast)
Sorrento’s on the Beach
Hula Grill
Shrimp truck on the way to Makena Cove
Can I come with you? π
Married in Maui?! Ahhhh a dream! Thanks for the suggestions, Julie!
Those days where you don’t have a clue what to write? Same here. Or actually, I -do- have a few drafts I’ve been meaning to publish for a while but perfectionism got the best of me and none is ‘ready’ to post yet – in my mind at least. And when I felt anxious and like I HAD to post today and decided to do the opposite: no post. Not linking up. Gotta face that anxiety right there, huh π ?!
What you wrote about David Guetta’s video is makes me upset about quite a few songs I actually like, too. As long as it’s just the video I pretend it doesn’t exist – and apparently you can’t even watch Guetta’s video via Youtube over here?? – but I’m more torn about lyrics at times. There’s at least one song I can think of where I like the beat but can’t get over the objectifying lyrics. That whole genre of music promotes a very twisted image of women. I could ramble on for hours but will keep it to this.
Happy Thursday!
We all need those mental health days every now and again, but I know what you mean about the anxiety that comes with breaking routine. It’s not so bad when you realize that nothing bad happens as a result, though π
Nooooo the potatoes! At least it’s not chocolate right? YAY car selfies and YAY Maui! So soon!
I actually wouldn’t mind keeping my socks ON today (literally) because it is due to be hella cold around these here parts. Figuratively, sure, why not. Speaking of…. MAUI????
That is really sad that potatoes could potentially be causing you headaches! I eat them almost every day and I don’t know what i would do if I had to stop eating them.
Maui is going to be amazing! I was there 2 years ago…we took a tour of the Road to Hana which was beautiful but it takes all day…and I wouldnt recommend if it you’re scared of heights because you drive along some pretty steep cliffs:) But lots of gorgeous views and you get to see some of the black sand beaches!
I was definitely hoping to take the Road to Hana! I’ll keep that in mind about the cliffs, though π―
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh your car selfies make me smile so big! And I really hope your hip is all ready to go when you go on your trip!
I never knew that about potatoes. That’s crazy and I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe in moderation it won’t be bad?
I’m hoping so! I’ll try laying off for a little while and reintroduce them to see if that helps.
You always do so much travel, I am jealous!
Sorry to hear about the potatoes. I’ve actually never heard of that happening to anyone before. So strange!
I’m sorry to hear about the spuds. They’re some of my favorites, and it makes me sad you won’t be able to eat them anymore.
Love the selfies and I’m excited for your trip to Maui. I’m going to live vicariously through you.
Maui is AMAZING!!! The beaches, food, views – where to begin?! My favorite parts were whale watching and the sunrise while sipping coffee on the balcony and sunset on the beach with a drink. You honestly can’t go wrong with anything you do, it’s pure heaven.
π That’s what I’ve been hearing, which is why I’m not toooo worried about all the planning. I’ll keep an eye out for the whales.
So exciting about Maui! That is huge! At least you’ll be feeling better for the trip even if you had to skip a weekend of snowboarding. Also bummer on the potatoes, that’s one of my staples too.
I am glad for you that your back is better again. And a big fat YAY for the planned trip! You’ll definitely have a blast! Looking forward to your pictures already.
Btw I love the coffee spilling pictures π
You know what’s so crazy? Our baby is allergic to potatoes! I didn’t think anyone was allergic to potatoes. And you know what’s even MORE nuts? Is that my husband was born in Belfast! This kid should NOT be allergic to potatoes, of all things, being half Irish!
That’s definitely the first potato allergy I’ve heard of. But it would be even crazier if your baby was allergic to rice — I’m pretty sure that’s almost impossible.
LOVE this David Guetta song- his songs are always so catchy! So jealous you’re off to Maui- trip with friends or familia? Either way, it’s going to be a blast! That’s such an interesting side-effect of potatoes- I’ve read about them causing certain symptoms but I guess I always assumed it was in the rarest of cases. Have you noticed the same with any other nightshade veggies?
It’ll be a family trip this time around, and it’s super exciting because we have some more family flying in that I hardly get to see π And I’m not sure about the other nightshades causing headaches because I don’t really eat them — tomatoes and peppers make my stomach complain for days so I tend to avoid them.
Wasn’t it you who told me to youtube the video to Nicki Minaj’s anaconda π
I’m going to blissfully ignore what you said about potatoes. That’s all.