Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. I’m currently writing this post while walking on a treadmill, so blame any errors in spelling on the fact that I’m desperately trying not to trip and fly off the back of it. Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration since I’m only going about 2.8 – 3 mph and I’d most likely just gently stumble and roll off, but the first way sounds so much more interesting. I’ve just found that my thoughts are the clearest when I’m moving, and this is better than pacing around my condo and forgetting what I wanted to say as soon as I sit down to type it. Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot…
2. I really wish I could figure out how to edit and upload videos so that I could show you guys some actual footage of me snowboarding in the mountains, but until that happens, I’m afraid we’ll have to settle for stills…
3. I just realized it’s been foreeeeeeever since I’ve done an “As We Speak…” post, or even shared an entire day of eats. I get the odd comment saying that you guys miss them, and honestly… I do too! They can be a bit of a pain since: a) selfies are awkward, and b) my eating habits can be really random and sporadic, but I do miss the personal touch they added to Spoons. What’s say we sprinkle them back in every now and again, eh?
(don’t ask… NO idea)
4. Also… holy snap do I ever need to see some sun. Watch out, Casper!
5. Speaking of white things… I tried dragon fruit for the first time the other day. I’m not really the most adventurous eater and I had to Google how I was actually supposed to eat it, but it ended up being really good! I think mine was a little overripe (which is why it was grey instead of white), but that just made it that much sweeter. Kind of reminded me of a kiwi.
6. Also really good? Second [or third] day banana bread muffins. In true banana bread fashion, they taste better the longer they sit. And if you pop them in the fridge, they have a texture similar to brownies. So.flippin.good.
7. Yesterday marked the first day of Lent, and I’ve decided that one of the things I’m going to give up for the next 40 days is chewing gum. I don’t normally give up anything food related for Lent since I don’t find it too hard to go without a specific food as long as I have something to replace it with, but gum chewing has become a serious habit/addiction and I feel like it would be a good sacrifice to make. Case in point: I’m regretting it already and it’s only been one day ๐
8. I seriously need to set up a stricter no-work/no-technology time. I used to be really good at shutting down for the night around 8:30 or 9, but lately that cut-off time has been getting later and later. i.e. — it’s currently 10 PM and I’m still writing. But that’s because my schedule has been all wonky. I’ll work in the early morning, take a break for a few hours in the middle of the day since that’s when I feel the most brain dead, and then start working again after dinner when I get another burst of energy. It’s not horrible, but it’s definitely had an impact on how long it takes me to fall asleep at night. I used to be dead tired by 9 PM, but now I don’t usually go to sleep earlier than 11. Oops.
9. And on that note, it’s probably a good idea to end things here. Happy Thursday, friendly faces! ๐

No questionsโฆ just tell me whatever comes to your mind! ๐
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Is it weird that I always want to participate in lent even though I’m so not catholic? I just love the concept and feel like it makes us rethink our habits.
Not weird at all! I think “detoxing” from something is always a great idea. I honestly didn’t even realize how big of a habit/addiction gum chewing was for me until I gave it up. I’m seriously afraid that I’m going to subconsciously reach for it one day because it just became so habitual.
Ah! No gum for 40 days… I’d cry. You’re a stronger person than I ๐ And I feel ya on the technology thing. It is hard when you’re working from home per your own schedule. It is nice to take breaks in the middle of the day but I’m basically plugged in from 6am-10pm!
Don’t hate me for saying that I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one ๐ I feel like so much of my life depends on technology that I just kind of feel lost and alone without it ๐
Ahhh! Those pictures are gorgeous. Kudos for you with snowboarding! I can tell you love it, and the thought alone really freaks me out. Also, dragon fruit is the BEST! <3
I would love to see some As We Speak posts up here!
I like reading on the treadmill. It helps give my mind just enough to focus on that I can’t start daydreaming or thinking about to-do lists. Your mountain pictures are stunning – and so is your selfie! ๐
I wouldnt know how to eat dragon fruit either. That’s what Google is there for. I always think they look pretty but was afraid to try one! I’ll have to give it a go! My sleep schedule has been out of whack since the holidays and I can’t seem to get back to my normal schedule. It’s driving me nuts!
Ugh, I’m with you on the Casper front! I’m sooooooo pale it’s not even funny. Granted, I’m always light-skinned but this cold, dry, pale skin is driving me crazy!
Do you use any bronzers at all? I find they really help add some colour when I’m actually in the mood to spend some more time on my makeup.
Mmm those banana muffins ๐ I have a weakness for banana bread and I’m not about to give it up anytime soon!
I’ve been having similar issues with my sleep schedule all month, too. Except instead of working (since I do that all day) I am watching TV. Shows are just so good and I want to get them all in! So I end up watching TV until 10, then reading until 10:30/11 and then I don’t want to wake up & go to the gym. It’s a problem! Maybe that’s what I should make my Lenten goal. Get up and go to the gym by going to bed earlier. Yeah… that sounds good. ๐
I miss your As we speak posts too! I think they’re interesting because they are a little bit more personal and I love hearing your perspective on topics related to those things. Your pictures always come out absolutely gorgeous- you have some serious photography talent ๐
Gushing. Thanks, Sarah!
I am impressed at your coordination, walking and typing at the same
When you said you could give up any food for lent i thought of bananas right away. They would be hard to replace! I didn’t realize that lent just started but you have inspired me to give something up too. Thanks!
๐ I actually thought about bananas for a second, but they’re more of a survival thing since so many of my meals/snacks depend on them, whereas gum is more of a habit/addiction. And I think what you gave up for Lent is awesome!
Before even reading no.4…my thoughts were on those lines exactly LOL. You would give Casper a run for his money being wayyy cuter though!
The pattern of your energy levels sound a lot like mine; mornings I’m on fire…but somewhere in the centre I get hit with major brain-fudge and I’ve got to take some time out.
Fingers crossed on those “As we speak” posts..they are just so much fun to read/see ๐ .
Gah! Thanks, Ms.J ๐ You’re such a sweetheart!
I admire your commitment! I could NOT give up gum! Good for you!
I still haven’t decided what I will be giving up… Such a big decision.
Time for that “what’s in my cosmetic bag” which I loved so much in the past. Have tried your mascara & the concealer and LOVED them. What are your favorites (old & new)? Please share with us.
I can definitely do that, Christina! Makeup is probably one of my favourite topics to talk about ๐
Kudos for being able to type on your treadmill. The most I can manage is changing songs! 8:30 is usually my cutoff time for technology every night. It feels nice to put away the laptop and phone, but I totally understand the allure and how it sucks you back in!
Yay – go YOU for trying dragon fruit! Over ripe is best! Someone told me that there were pink flesh dragon fruit too – but I haven’t found one yet.
Giving up chewing gum for Lent is such a great idea! I chew it to stay awake on long drives and contemplated giving it up too, but then figured, it might not be the best option – safety wise!
Happy TOL, Gorgeous!
I don’t know how to do no technology time…I know that sounds terrible, but I’m horrible at it! I’m constantly working on stuff for 50 states, my blog, or trying to catch up with friends who I don’t get to see because I’m constantly on the road. I know I need to work on fixing that, but I just haven’t been able to yet…
You and me both, girl. I feel like so much of my life is online that I can literally be at a loss when I don’t have access to it…
Ever since I saw those banana bread muffins on your blog I have been itching to get in the kitchen and try them out! I loved the post you had along with it too, you never know how different types of diets make individuals feel!
Thanks, Hilary! IT felt a little weird addressing a more serious topic in a recipe post, so I’m glad people liked it ๐
I have a few bananas in my freezer just begging to be made, so I’ll be making your muffins soon ;). Good for you for doing the treadmill whilst blogging – I know for sure I’d break my face if I attempted that!
Don’t put the thought in my head or I’ll psych myself out and it’ll end up happening ๐
I love the snowboarding pictures. I used to go skiing every year and still have some of the best memories from it. It’s been forever.. And I can’t even text while on a treadmill, let alone so a blog post! At ANY speed haha!
I have gotten in the habit of grinding my teeth recently (anxiety probs), so giving up gum would be a NO GO for me. Plus, I’m OCD about my teeth so there’s no way I would risk teeth grinding over gum. And I know gum isn’t the best for your teeth but I’m just weird. LOL.
I LOVE THAT SELFIE. AND YOUR HAIR. so pretty. sorry to yell, but seriously!
I’m tyring to learn how to snowboard! I kind of got the hang of it the first time I went but haven’t gotten to go again yet. It always looks really fun and I’m so jealous of everyone who is good at it lol. If we’re going to have so much snow, might as well enjoy it ๐
Exactly! It takes a while to learn, but it’s so, SO worth it!
Those pictures are breath-taking!!!!! I usually don’t give up anything for lent but instead I try to do more; like volunteering or carrying with me something to hand out to those in need or go somewhere and give back somehow and being conscious about it as compared to doing it just as the opportunity may come. I started doing that back in HS and have stuck with it ever since, for mylsef its just more challenging then giving up something and it helps make me a better person over the 40 days by helping others instead of using it for my own self gratitude like giving up pop of sweets. Good luck with giving up the chewing gum!!! I don’t know if I could do that! It’s also a habit for me, a big one!! I need to work on no-work/no-technology time too… I have slim to none of it. Happy Thursday! And hope your week finds you well!
That’s an awesome thing to do for Lent, Nichole! I always try to do something more for Lent as well (this year it’s attending more weekly masses and spending more time with my bible), but I decided to toss the gum in this year as a little extra. It’s been surprisingly difficult ๐
I’ve never tried a dragon fruit! YUM……
I need to cut myself off from technology too. I can’t resist continuing to look at my phone. woops!
I’m loving your beachy waves, friend! I’ve never tried dragon fruit either! At least I don’t think I haveโฆ I’ve always kind of assumed it would taste like nothing.
Gum used to be one of my addictions too, I forced myself to kick the habit due to stomach issues and try to only use it for emergenciesโฆ like when I accidentally eat raw onions or garlic.
I’m actually curious to see if I notice any health benefits from it. A decrease in bloating would always be appreciated.
I have never tried a dragon fruit, but if it’s anything like a kiwi sounds like something I need to try, asap!
I feel bad for saying this, since we are having such wonderful weather in this part of Australia at the moment, but I am insanely jealous of all that snow! I seriously need to vacation in Canada!
And…. I’m pinning that muffin recipe because I am totally making them once I am off this Whole30.
Thanks for hosting the linkup Amanda. Have a lovely weekend.
Treadmill blogging is one of the highest forms of art in the blogging world. Seriously, it is an art. I’ve given up gum before (not for lent) and it actually was pretty helpful overall–really helped me curb my craving for it. Good luck!
I am always amazed by people who can type on their phones while running on a treadmill! I could probably do it while walking, but then again I’m not even good at typing on my phone while standing still:)
Love all the snowboarding pics! They actually make winter look pretty…around here the snow just looks gross and I am SO over it. I need some sun too!
If it makes you feel any better, the snow looks pretty gross around the city here too — it’s only when you head out into nature that winter actually looks pretty.
I have never seen a dragon fruit in my life. I’m curious about it now. Those mountains are so beautiful! Cold, but beautiful!
Dude. Treadmill typing. That’s impressive!! I totally get what you mean by the evenings creeping later and later. It’s been happening here too! ๐ snowboarding video! I’ve said this a bunch… But you should totally do some vlogs ๐
Big thanks to a Google so we can figure out how to do things like eat fruit! Seriously I wouldn’t know how either so at least we have a way to make these things less intimidating ๐
Did my post the other day inspire you to give up gum? lol I should give it up with you for lent and I don’t even observe lent.
๐ It’s actually crazy how much of a habit it’s become — I keep having to stop myself from grabbing a piece. And I’m curious to see if I notice any changes in how I feel without it.
I love the mountain pictures! Those landscapes are breath taking!
I used to be a gum addict and chew over a pack a day. Fortunately I was recently able to cut down to 2-4 pieces a day.
I really miss the โAs We Speakโฆโ and day of eats posts, so I am happy you decided to start doing them again ๐
That would be so cool to see videos of you snowboarding! I have never typed anything and walked on a treadmill so I can only imagine blogging and doing that.
I always enjoyed your personal eating posts too (because I’m nosy) so I can’t wait to see some pop up. ๐
I once tried to type a text message on the treadmill – I failed. I had to stop, type and then restart… fail! I even have a hard time to switch music on the thing.
I love your mountain pictures. So damn pretty! You’re the first to make me wish I could actually snowboard or ski but the sad thruth is that I can’t and won’t learn anymore. But the view is breathtaking!
I can do it if I’m walking slowly, but all bets are off if I’m running or jogging.
Even writing while walking at 2.5/3 mph on the treadmill is impressive- I’m pretty sure I’d trip over! Drooling over those muffins..even more so at the thought of them having a brownie texture ;)! As for shutting off a certain hour- oh the joys of working for yourself…it just doesn’t seem to stop! That being said, I try to cut off work-related stuff (unless absolutely urgent) by 6.30/7 pm, some days earlier if I can hack it! Gotta respect the mental health and all that jazz!
6:30?!? Whaaaat?! Clearly I’m doing it wrong, because sometimes I’m only just getting started by 6 ๐
Your pictures always get me – so pretty!! I had a really bad gum habit where I would chew over a pack a day. I quit cold turkey ha. This year I am giving up cheese. It is going to be so hard because lately I have noticed myself eating so much of it.
I agree, love the pics! I’m going to have to pick up some dragon fruit now.
You’re giving up GUM? The world may actually suffer a financial loss when it comes to gum chewing.
You can borrow some latte tan.
Can you bottle it up and ship it to Canadaland? K.Thx.Bai.