Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Woohoo! I’m super happy to hear that you guys enjoyed yesterday’s banana post! I’ve been wanting to introduce more nutrition and health related posts to Spoons for a while now since I basically live and breathe the stuff every day (work and school), but I didn’t want to bore you guys with it if there was no interest, so I’m happy to see that there is! And don’t worry — the recipes and randomness won’t be going anywhere.
2. Oh, and just in case you thought I was kidding around when I said I’ve been going through a lot of bananas lately, check out this pic from the checkout of my last trip to the grocery store…
π And, yes, that is indeed a Frozen Advent calendar. Is it December 1st yet?!?
3. Because I really, REALLY want to dig in to my chocolate start decorating!
I may have mentioned that I try to hold off until December 1st every year? Well it’s getting harder to do when so many of you guys are taunting me with pictures of your Christmas decorations already! Staaaaahp it! Maybe I can make an exception just this once and put them up early?
4. No…
π #grumpycatforlife
5. At least Mother Nature is setting the scene and starting to make things pretty…
6. One thing I don’t like, though, is [almost] running out of gas in the middle of the night when it’s -25ΒΊC (-13ΒΊF) outside…
You guys know I have a tendency to push my luck when it comes to driving my car until my tank is nearly bone dry, but this time I had a good reason [other than laziness]! We got hit with a nasty cold snap last week, and I was trying to wait it out before refilling my tank so I wouldn’t have to stand outside and freeze my butt out while pumping gas. Did.not.work. I ended up having to make an emergency stop at the gas station on my way home late one night because I was honestly afraid I wouldn’t make it. It was a little chilly.
7. I really want to see this movie…
8. I can’t decide if this site relaxes me or drives me crazy. It’s one of those “ambient noise” type dealios where you listen to the sounds of a forest in the background, but I think they may have gone a little overboard on the birds because… wow… just wow. I think I’ll stick to my coffee shop noise.
9. I have a sneaking suspicion that you guys only like me for my food. Case in point: the food pics I post on Instagram get way more likes than the more personal pics…

That’s okay… I love your friendly faces anyways π Happy Thursday!! Make it a good one!
No questions… just tell me whatever comes to your mind! π
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I thought that I bought a lot of bananas but you win that contest. Actually I need to start buying more because they are always gone before I get a chance to freeze any or bake with them.
Ummm WHERE did you find a Gumpy Cat Santa because I think I NEED it. Awesome.
Christmas decorations are going up next weekend. Since December 1 is a Monday, I think it’s perfectly reasonable to decorate the weekend prior and I CANNOT WAIT to decorate π
I’m kinda really delayed…but heck yes I loved loving more on the yellow buggers after yesterdays post.
Oh my, I forget you guys fill-up your own cars on that end of the world! And in that cold! Jeez.
Guess whose got her hands on a bag of coconut flour? And is addicted to a certain banana bread mug cake π …buuut being too lazy to blog about it – I might not get to broadcasting it. Bummer.
I was just thinking about how I need to get an advent calendar this year. But it needs to be good chocolate. I’m not about the plastic-tasting kind. No thanks. I love seeing all the Christmas decorations up! I used to be of the “after Thanksgiving” belief but the happiness that comes with Christmas lights deserves to stick around for a little bit longer I think. I don’t know how you deal with that cold. It’s been in the 20s here and I’m already planning my move to the tropics π
Girl, that’s a lot of bananas! I bet you’ve come up with some great recipes with them. π I did my first real Thinking Out Loud post today! I love random. Thanks for hosting, and also… stay warm out there! #yikes
Love that you put the C–>F conversion. I’ve thought about doing that but I just hope my American friends understand its always frigid no matter what the temperature…stupid windchill.
I’m TRYING to hold off putting up xmas decorations till after my boyfriends bday on the 27th.
That movie looks really good! Why is it that there are always so many good movies out this time of year?
We started decorating the store I work at last night!!! To put it simply, it was awesome :). And come Black Friday, I will be wearing my elf hat, because if I have to be there Thanksgiving night and Black Friday night, I will be wearing what makes me happy haha. Omg and I thought I was the only one that bought an excess amount of bananas!!! Good to see I’m not the only one!
I always push my luck when it comes to gas! That’s funny about the Instagram pictures. People love food! I actually heard it is the most searched for hashtag on Instagram. Stay warm!
I totally have the itch to put up christmas decorations too! But I have to wait until December to get a real tree anwyays so I think I’ll wait to do it all at once.
And your stack of bananas kills me! Too funny.
Ahhh, I want to see that movie so badly now!!
LOL Frozen Advent Calendar!
I would say decorate away! I already have my outdoor stuff up!
1) I love your Christmas decorations, from what I can see of them! I’m ITCHING to get my Xmas decorations up, but am limited to not being able to get my Christmas tree yet. Gah. I. Can’t. Wait.
I’m not one who likes to push my luck with gas and I’m definitely getting extra nervous with our RV as we’re finding the gas gauge isn’t really the greatest. PLUS if our gas tank gets too low, the generator will shut off and when it’s FREEZING outside, that’s a bad idea because the heat would probably be the next thing to go…eek!
WOW it gets cold where you live!
I think we all know someone like you when it comes to waiting to fill the gas tank til the last minute. The rebels in our lives.
And I read your banana post yesterday, thoroughly enjoyed it, and forgot to comment that I did.
girl… you better start filling that car up! I don’t want you freezing on the side of the road!! Crazy girl…
I am kind of OFF bananas now for some reason. It’s not that I don’t like them anymore, they just fell out of rotation!
You are a daredevil with the gas! As soon as my E light comes on, I’m like GET ME TO A GAS STATION! Gas prices are pretty low now, so it’s not a horrible thing anymore.
That’s because you need a cute baby in your selfies. duh. π but really though, that mug cake…A+.
And yes, go ahead and decorate for Christmas….or you can come down here and do it for me…the thought of it makes me really sleepy (even though I love how everything looks afterwards!) We left the letters “N-O-E-L” up on top of our cabinets until June one year because we got lazy. Whoops.
I’m pretty sure that the majority of the world only like food and baby pictures, haha. I always feel bad for not “liking” people’s pictures of their kids. Grumpy cat in a Christmas hat is fantastic. Definitely sets a Yuletide mood!
What we can we say….IT’S FOOD PORN!
I ALWAYS push my luck when it comes to gas…. I was freaking out 2 weeks ago because I was certain I was going to run out *enter panic mode*
ahhh I had to stop for gas the other night on the way home too in the middle of a snow storm with wind chills below 0! I was soooooo mad haha. Needless to say I waited in my car while the gas was actually going into my car to minimize time outside…made it a little better!
I try not to let my gas light go on. I don’t trust it! It will flash at 34 miles and then suddenly be at zero. Actually, it doesn’t say zero, it just starts flashing, in case you are wondering. I was panicked when that happened once so I try really really hard to avoid it every happening again! It’s like that Seinfeld episode where Kramer tests out a car trying to see how long till it runs out of gas.
I am the same way with gas…. But after seeing what happened to those people stuck in their cars for days in Buffalo I don’t think I’ll be doing that in the winter again!!!
I love the food AND the friendly faces on Instagram!! The trees are lovely but I’m so glad we haven’t gotten any snow yet. I have a mortal fear of running out of gas. Ralph likes to push it to the limit (especially on our cross country trips) and it makes me Crazy! Have a great day, Amanda!
I think it’s always like that with instagram. Instagram is never about your life it’s about what you eat, do and the caption LOL. I’m not saying I agree with it, I’ve just noticed that before.
I’m such a holiday person so I can relate.
I alwaaaaays push my luck when it comes to gas!!! Such a terrible habit LOL
I really want to see that movie too!! It looks so sad, but so amazing!
Guess what!? You are saying about how you have an advent calendar already….when my parents visited in october, my mum brought mine over from england!! It has been patiently waiting, and I can’t wait, cause its a really good chocolate company that makes it! They don’t really have them over here, it makes me really sad!
I wanna see that movie too! Sounds goooood! Have a wonderful day π
Haha so many bananas! Holy cow, girl, how do you eat them all so fast? I really want to see the theory of everything too, I bet it’ll be amazing!
Wow, I think I would freeze solid in those temps! When it hits 30 degrees here it is cold! I really want to see that movie too. I plan on getting some of the Christmas decorations down from the attic this weekend and start decorating! π
You just can’t have enough banana’s!
And don’t feel ashamed about the Frozen Advent Calendar π I’ve twice roasted chestnuts in my oven this week already. Yum Yum!
Woohoo, bring on Christmas, I love it! π
I am sooo ready to put up Christmas decorations but need to be in town for more than three days in a row to do it!!
Geeezzzz. I am terrified of running out of gas. In fact…seeing your tank that low made me anxious. Lol.
Now I must go read about your bananas. Errr..that’s what she said. π
Dang girl you put my banana stash to shame!! I just stocked up on some with the intention of making a banana loaf or 2 over the weekend…it’s been far too long! I am shivering just at the thought of those temperatures…although part of me is slightly jealous! I miss the coziness of snuggling indoors in the winter and of course winter wardrobe. Be sure to have a hot chocolate with me in mind..extra marshmallows please :-)!
I always push my luck with gas as well. So far I haven’t run out, but I’ve cut it way too close before. There’s something about the cold and snow that makes you push those last few gallons to the max.
Yup, no love for the non-food pics on instagram! I think people follow me for my eggs, period. And yesterday I said we eat about 40 bananas a week but it might really be more like 50. It makes sense because everyone likes them and it’s an easy snack but still, seems like a lot! We also go through a ton of sweet potatoes, grapes, and apples!
You are so brave letting your gas tank get so low! I freak out when I get anywhere close to E and need to fill up immediately. I think in general food just gets more “likes”on instagram than anything else- not sure what it is but I think people just like looking at pictures of yummy food!
I loved your post yesterday about bananas. I too eat at least one (sometimes 2 or 3) a day. Glad to know there are a lot of positives about that!
I feel the someway about Instagram. Even though I do not get as many likes as you π Whenever I post a scenery or food pic I get wayyyy morel ikea than when I am in a pic. ha!
As if we got less likes. Maybe next time we should dress up as damn mug cakes.
I still remember the bananas you bought in Toronto. And then you had MORE bananas. You know how people can turn orange eating carrots? I wonder if you can turn yellow.
Yellow. Hello.