Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. I think the dogsled team delivering my Ipsy shipment must have gotten snowed in somewhere, because I just got January’s baggie on the 30th, when they usually come somewhere around the 15th. But what can you do?! It’s not like I’m hurting for beauty products (ahem), and I’m always happy to see this baggie no matter what time it shows up in my mailbox. It was a good one this month, too! We’ve got a styling cream, a lip scrub, a highlighter, some pretty eyeshadow, and some crazy double sided tweezers that make me feel like I’m going to hurt myself. The baggie reminds me of 80’s workout spandex though 😆

2. Also, we don’t -actually- get our post by dogsled… it’s just Canadian winter memes, because laughing is a good way to warm up when it’s -30 outside.
3. Although, honestly? Even laughing won’t do much for you when you plan a trip to the mountains on a weekend that was supposed to be nice if the weather didn’t decide to pull a 180 at the very last minute. That’s the kind of cold where even the marrow in your bones needs time to defrost. Was still good times, though! Boarding always is.
4. But hockey games are warmer times, especially when your team decides to play well and actually wins for once. Real talk for a sec. Going to hockey games feels so much stranger now that I’m older because about 90% of the team is way younger than me. Like our best guy on the Oilers? He’s something like 20 or 21. And considering they all retire in their mid to late 30’s… I dunno, it just makes me feel old 😆
5. Sad news for me. So remember the weird rash I was getting around my eyes that I attributed to the little mascaras I was getting in my Ipsy bags? I had a similar rash pop up a couple weeks ago and I had no idea what was causing it since I wasn’t using those little guys. Turns out it was a face mask that I used to use regularly with no issues whatsoever. Glam Glow Supermud was the culprit, and the craziest thing is that I’d get a rash in a place where I didn’t apply the mask (around my eyes), while the places on my face where I did apply it were totally fine. Like… how does that even make sense?
6. Speaking of eyes, do you ever do something a little extra with your makeup for a night out or something, and you finish up one eye and just wish you could copy/paste to the other one? I love working on my right eye, but I literally can’t be bothered to do as good of a job on the left one. I think maybe that’s why I wear my bangs off to that side – to cover up my laziness 😆
7. That’s it for me today! Hope you guys are having an awesome Thursday and an awesome start to February! See you soon!
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Prepare your plan!
You have some interesting points in this article. I would never have reviewed any of this if I hadn’t come across this. Thanks!.
If you’re old, I’m ancient.
You’re ageless <3
I don’t do too much with my makeup, especially my eye makeup but I totally get that! haha It’s so funny when I just can’t even get my eyeliner to look the same between both eyes!
Don’t even get me started on my eyebrows some days…
LOL at that flat tire gif.
I suck at applying eye makeup, so on the off chance I do a good job on my first eye, I definitely wish copy + paste existed!
I’ve heard so many good things about the Ipsy bag… I really want to try it, but I promised myself to first use up all the makeup I have lying around (yeah, right…).
ALWAYS a good day when you’re boarding!
Ugh! I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve told myself that I’m going to use up some of my makeup before I get more… especially because I -LOVE- finishing something and being able to get rid of it. But then they come out with something pretty and new and I cave. Makeup is my weakness.
Wow that’s amazing that y’all get such a snowy winter; but it makes sense because you’re so much farther north than us; I’m so glad you got to go boarding. And I had to smile/laugh at that ‘flat tire’ in Canada because we have 4 Siberian huskies. 😀
Aww! Best puppies. Our first dog was a husky 😀
I literally cannot believe how cold it is all winter in Canada. I dunno how you do it. I hate walking outside in 30 degree weather. But snowboarding and the beautiful mountains would definitely make it a bit better!
I think honestly it’s because it’s all I’ve ever known 😆 I’ve always lived here do I don’t know what I’m missing 😛
Glad you figured out where your rash was coming from but boo for even getting it. January flew by and to be honest, I’m glad February is here. January is always a hard and lonely month!
It seriously did fly back! And February always feels so much shorter so I can’t even imagine how quickly this next month will go by.
I’ve been thinkng about rejoining Ipsy. Thanks fo rthe reminder.
It’s like a mini Christmas every month 😀
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who’s had that thought about wishing they could copy and paste their eye makeup!
You have too?! Lol omg that makes me feel so much better.
now that Jagr left the league last week, I think I’m officially older than all of the players in the NHL! it’s so weird and horrible lol
It seriously is! Back in the day the guys were all around my age, but now those guys are retired and kids are playing 😆