Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Hi, hello, and good morning from Las Vegas!
I mean, it’s technically kind of late at night [right now], but I haven’t had a chance to take a picture of Vegas during the day since I spent most of it (Wednesday) travelling and settling in. Okay that’s not even really true. I could have taken a picture earlier, but Vegas just looks so much prettier at night.
2. So I love my iPhone7, but the fact that it doesn’t have a headphone jack kind of drives me nuts. Especially because I always forget to carry around that little adaptor cable, which is to say that I forgot it at home when I left for the airport and couldn’t listen to music for my entire flight. At least the views were pretty.
3. I also forgot to charge my Fitbit before I left, which kind of sucks because I wanted to see if I could beat my record from last year, which I think was something like 17,000 steps in a day? The good news is I found my Fitbit charger in the baggie where I keep all my other chargers, so all hope of record breaking is not lost. The bad news is that I’m still missing my headphone adapter. And I have a blister from however much walking I did today. Send help.
4. One thing I seriously don’t want to forget to do, though, is drink enough water. I seem to always get headaches when I’m here, and I think I’ve nailed it down to not drinking enough water… even though I always thought I did? But more water seems to keep the headaches at bay, so I’m currently lying in bed with about 5 empty water bottles around me and praying that it works. And the kind of scary thing is that I still feel a little parched. It’s just a little warm here…
5. A few pics from the gardens at the Bellagio since it’s kind of become tradition to visit them every year at this point…
6. Aaaaaaand I’m gonna finish things off with this random pumpkin plushie I came across because it made me think of you guys and how pumpkin is such a big thing in our blog world 🙂
7. Happy Thursday, friendly faces!
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I am also a bit upset with the IPhone 7 not having headphone jacks. I did not realize this until I was at the gym running and bored =(
I almost forgot my headphones at home a few weeks ago! I ended up going back for them and I’m so glad I did otherwise I would have been without music my whole trip.
have a great visit in Vegas!
Wow; I’ve never been to the Bellagio when we’re in Las Vegas. We have family there, so we go about once or twice a year. 17,000 steps a day is amazing. I don’t think I ever do more than about 12,000. :o)
I haven’t been to Vegas in ages but I’ll agree with you – it’s definitely prettier at night! Though all the crazies come out at night too, so there’s that 😉
And seriously, what’s with the no headphone jack thing? Like, now we have to pack yet another thing when we travel? I guess they want us to use those gosh awful ugly wireless headphones that they have. Noooo thank you. How do people not lose those things?!
Wow – Vegas – so exciting. I’m going in Nov to run the half.
I have the iphone 6s – god to know about the headphone jack.
Happy Thursday! Hope you are having a great time!
I want to go to vegas again! Giving me the travel bug here. I would hate not having a headphone jack— i guess I’m stuck in old ways, but its just more intuitive and easier for me!
Hope you’re having an amazing time. Your photos actually make me want to go to Vegas!
Wow, absolutely beautiful photos inside the Bellagio!
Those pictures of the gardens are beautiful!!
The gardens look gorgeous! Have so much fun in Vegas and definitely make sure to drink enough water.
I’m dying to see those flower sculptures in person!
For some reason I had to think about that it was Thursday this week. This week has flown by but it’s been nice to get back into normalcy. May was crazy but I’m looking forward to a quiet June.
have so much fun! and now that you mention it, I think my latest pair of headphones that came with my iPhone 7 came with headphones that didn’t need the jack. when I lost my iPhone in February, they sent me a new one which maybe means they stopped giving the attachment piece now? I have to check.
I was just in Vegas n our way home from Lake Tahoe! So much random fun!!!!
Okaaayy … so I just quickly looked up the temperatures in Vegas right now and … wow. Anything over 30 °C is just plain hot for me. The highest temps we got here two summers ago or so was ~38 and I avoided moving too much and drank all. the. water. I hope you’ll be able to keep those headaches away and enjoy your stay!
Those gardens are beautiful. I’m not a gardener at all but amazed by the pretty displays others arrange; even if not always as artistically as shown here.