Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Sports games are way too stressful for me. And by “sports games” I mostly mean hockey games since those are really the only ones I watch. But I just finished watching the latest Oilers game, and we went from winning 2-0 in the first, to losing 3-2 in the second, to tying 3-3 in the third, to losing 4-3 in overtime. My poor nerves are a little bit shot right now. I think I need a hug.
2. Also stressful? Clutter. And I know it sounds a little crazy, but it seriously stresses me out. Like… I’m so bad with clutter and having extra junk lying around that I’ll regularly go through my things and get rid of what I don’t use or don’t want just because it bugs me to know that it’s there. And the real kicker is that tossing things just feels so, so good – like a huge weight off the shoulders. I don’t want to go into a huge tirade about the merits of minimalism, but I really think that al the materialism society pushes on us does a lot more harm than good.
3. That being said, one place where I don’t seem to mind clutter is my collection of books. Like… I still refuse to get an e-reader of any sort just because I don’t feel like it’d give me the same satisfaction that books do, so I have this massive collection of books that’s basically littered throughout my entire house because then don’t really all fit in one place. Wouldn’t change it for anything.
4. Speaking of books, I need to go pick up the third book in the Court of Thorns and Roses series since it came out a few days ago and I kind of need something new to read. I’m currently juggling 4 books that I’ve already read before just because I’m not really in the mood for any particular one.
5. I am in the mood for something to snack on though, which is why I’m so, so thankful that the thought of eating after ‘X’ time doesn’t give me anxiety like it did back in the day. There are a lot of things that I thought/did back then that I have a hard time understanding right now. Like… why did I put myself through all that? Why did I force myself to go hungry all those times? I’m not sure how familiar you are with my story, but yeah… it feels like a completely different lifetime. And for the record, cereal is still and probably will always be my favourite night time snack.
6. Random thought. Do they still teach kids how to type in school? Or do kids just naturally learn that on their own now through texting/messaging their friends? Because I still remember having to learn home row and all that jazz back in elementary school, and being completely horrible at it for such a long time. Mind you, this was back when I don’t even think we had a computer at home and we barely ever used them at school (yes, I’m that old). Then we finally got one, and I became a speed typer just through all the messaging and e-mailing I did. Man… do you remember ICQ? And AIM? And MSN messenger? AnD tYpInG pRoFiLeS LiKe tHiS bEcAuSe YoU tHoUgHt It WaS cOoL? Edgy song lyrics that you didn’t understand included, obviously.
7. Alright friendly faces! Thanks for hanging with me for a bit 🙂 I hope you’re having an awesome Thursday, and I’ll see you in a couple of days with more food 🙂
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Perfect post for me today, decided to clean my whole house and get rid of things today. I would love to see a post on your books, it looks like we have similar tastes, some fictiony drama-y and some some sci fi.
I’d love to know if they still teach kids to type too! I remember taking typing class in high school and I can’t imagine where I’d be now if I never learned the proper way to do it. Now I type like a speed demon!
Have you heard that they’ve also come out with a Court of Thorns and Roses Coloring book? My daughter loves the books so I’m getting it for her. It looks pretty cool.
I love all the books! I see them as beautiful, not as clutter! 🙂
Your closet is impressive AND I’m equally impressed there’s some color in there.
I remember playing classic concentration on the computer and our first game system was an Atari. I’m really old. Ha.
I took typing as an easy high school elective because I had already developed good typing skills on my own through the chat programs. I remember in elementary school, we had to sign up for computer time and was always frustrated because it was booked up all the time. Now at my old elementary school, the older grades are given assigned laptops for everyone to use during the school year. The thing that they no longer teach…how to write in cursive.
Hahaha AIM and typing all kind of crazy. That’s hillarious! Because I definitely did it!
I am with you, I get so much pleasure from decluttering and hate being surrounded by ‘stuff’. Actually having to downsize to move to Australia was so I much fun and calming for me – I loved figuring out what we actually needed and what meant the most to us.
I can’t do clutter, but…. right now I’m dealing with it because I (am trying to) understand my roommates are too busy to clean. I’m REALLY looking forward to summer when I’m home and can purge all the things!
I’d like to have a bowl of that cereal 🙂 It’s still one of my favorite things to eat too. Anytime!
My son is in 1st grade and he’s learning to type in school!
I’m the same with my books, have to read good old paper books! But that makes for a huge collection of course. And with typing, they have kids using computers in the classroom and at home but maybe later on they offer actual typing classes? My oldest is in 4th grade and about half of her homework is on the computer at this point. One sort of funny thing is that my kids think every single computer has a touch screen 🙂
Decluttering is a constant struggle. I am book “collector” too.
Oh girlll I feel you on the sports thing! Seriously nothing makes my nervous go bonkers like watching some sports. And your book collection is goals. I see so many awesome books in there! Specifically Jodi Picoult. Gah I adore her stuff but I haven’t picked up anything new from her in a while!
I’ve wondered about all kinds of things that we learned in school and I wonder if they still teach?! Heck they are learning things I had to learn post college in like first grade, ha!
Book clutter is the best clutter! I do not (and might never) get an e-reader because there is something just so satisfying about holding a book in your hands.
I also agree with you on not having anxiety about eating X anymore. I’ve had ice cream the past three days which, a year ago, would have made me so riddled with “guilt.” Today, I’m more than happy to eat good ice cream each and every day.
And, I hadn’t thought about whether typing is still taught in schools until you mentioned it. I remember having keyboard covers in grade school (so you couldn’t see the keys) and typing to Mavis Beacon games. Ahhh, the good old days.
I’m not good with clutter either; I’m kind of in the same boat. I’ve been slowly decluttering over the past which has been fun. Also… I’m thankful to be rid of the food rules of having to eat at a certain time too.
I completely agree with you about clutter! I have purged so many areas of my house and it’s been so liberating. I also love that it makes cleaning easier and less time consuming. Double win!
Oh my gosh I love your organization!!! My daughter just read that third book and said it was amazing!!!
Hell yes about the playoff hockey (I’m a Pens fan so it’s been stressful especially with Crosby getting injured in Game 3)… I’m trying to declutter my closet this weekend- hoping to go through and get rid of clothes I don’t wear any more!
Clutter is my middle name. Im SO bad. Like, real bad. i dont know how it builds up without me realizing– then its too late and i get ovwrwhelmed hah. I LOVE sports games!!! Anxiety provoking? YES, but that rush is amazing!
I love having and reading actual books too. I stare at computer screens all the time for work and for blogging–why stare at another screen to read?!
I can’t stand clutter when it’s on my kitchen island or desk, other places it doesn’t bother me quite as much. And I’m a teacher and I can’t say exactly what the computer teachers teach, but I know not every student has computer class. And when I’ve watched kids on computers they use their pointer fingers. My husband works in a high school and says kids will type papers on their phones, which I think is crazy!
I love going through and getting rid of things! It’s like my favorite pasttime, ha. If only it wasn’t all my stuff so I could pitch way more. I hear ya on Sports games. I actually haven’t watched many hockey games, and the one I did watch the other night we lost, so I guess I’m done for the season lol
My house would give you a heart attack. I already know this. And we had typing and computer classes in elementary school where we played computer games that taught you to type!
OMG clutter stresses me out too. Even a day’s worth of mail on the table makes me feel like my world is crumbling.
I can relate to the clutter actually. When I have too much stuff, lying around it’s stressful. I feel as though I don’t sleep as well and always feel like there is something in the back of my mind to do.
This was way back when, but I did take a keyboarding class in high school. I would be so curious if they still had that.
this is why we are such good friends. hockey playoff game stress us out, we hate clutter and can’t understand how to not eat when hungry!