Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Biiiiiiiiig yawn. Hi 🙂 It’s currently 1pm on Wednesday afternoon and I’m trying to shake the grogginess that comes from staying up way too late on Tuesday night. Yep, I was up ‘till a little after 2am watching the election, and I’m not even American. I’m not going to share my thoughts on the results because politics is one of those taboo subjects that you just don’t talk about with friends, but I will say that I can’t pull off the late nights like I used to. Granted, I also used to sleep in ‘till around noon whereas now a late night will have me “sleeping in” ‘till about 7:30, so there’s that. But 12 – 12:30am is currently my happy place.
2. Oh! So I had a few people ask me if it was possible to replace the egg in my pumpkin snickerdoodle mug cake with an egg white, and the answer is YES. BUT! You’ll lose some of the fluff factor in the process…
On the left is the mug cake using an egg white, and on the right is one using a whole egg. They both taste pretty much the same, but the one with the egg white comes out slightly flatter and less air pocket-y. You can totally switch it up depending on your dietary needs, though.
3. And while we’re playing the comparison game, black beans vs. kidney beans -> which do you prefer? I’m team kidney all the way, mostly for the firmer texture and earthier taste. Yay for most random question ever.
4. Okay, so this one’s for all my fellow bloggers. If you have a WordPress blog and you’re experiencing weird timeout errors or really slow load times, check if you’re using the Jetpack plugin and try disabling it to see if things improve. I had some random site issues come up last week after I deleted the plugin that I originally thought was responsible for them, and it turns out that it was actually Jetpack that was messing things up. Definitely not what I expected seeing as Jetpack is pretty much the most popular plugin for WordPress 😡
5. In other blogging news, my new photography backdrops came in!
… which might not make a lot of sense seeing as I don’t even think I ever mentioned ordering any, but I did place an order with Erickson Woodworks a couple months back and got my double sided board in the mail late last week. I really like it. Now to figure out how to manipulate the light to make it look the best.
6. Fact: Ky hates eye drops, and I hate giving them to her even more. She’s got what we’re hoping is just an infection on her lower eyelid, and she’s on drops and meds for the next week or so. She’s not overly impressed and not currently speaking to me.
7. And we’re gonna end things here with a VIQ (very important question). I’ve been thinking about the future of Link Love for a little while now, and I need your guys’ opinions because I’m not entirely sure what I want to do with them. To be completely honest, having 2 posts a week that are kind of locked in with linkups is starting to feel a little burdensome since I don’t really have all that much wiggle room as to when I post. That and there are weeks where I really have to spend a lot of extra time looking for posts to include. So my question is – do you find them useful and do you want to see them continue? Or is it okay to drop them and replace them with another kind of post? OR maybe just cut back to having them every other week? I don’t mind keeping them if you guys enjoy them, but I also don’t want to keep doing them if you don’t. Let me know!
Let’s chat!
No questions! Just tell me whatever randomness comes to mind!
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I like the Link Love posts. It’s a way to find other interesting reads that I wouldn’t have found on my own. I like the recipes and photo links the best – fitness and life ones are good too – I’m not a blogger so I don’t follow those links.
Black beans in most things but kidney beans have their place too 🙂
I usually stay away from the internet on sundays, so I don’t always catch the link love posts, but you gotta do what’s best for you! Also, I did not realize you needed to pick a side when it came to beans haha. I’d probably choose black beans though, since I use them for more stuff.
I love those blogging backdrops- Erickson Woodworks has the best stuff 🙂
I don’t like either kind of bean, so there’s that. Although I’ve only had kidney beans a couple times, and it’s been a while, whereas I hate black beans passionately because I had them a lot as a kid in this on dish that I *hated*. So maybe kidney beans would be better? But I wouldn’t choose to eat either.
If I’m being honest, I used to love the link love, but it’s starting to get to be kind of a chore, even though I don’t read anything I don’t want to, having so many things to read is kind of a lot, and I’ve been reading less and less. My criteria is getting higher and higher, essentially. So yeah, I think if you did it when you felt like it or every other week would be great. That way, we can have two weekends to read through your links, or have a weekend off. I’m also completely fine if you just replace it with something else all together. Just don’t get rid of TOL. I don’t think you were thinking of doing that, but a couple people have suggested it, and that would be catastrophic! Everyone does link love, but you are the creator of TOL, and it’s literally the best link up ever invented! ❤️
Aww thanks so much, Abbie! No, ToL definitely wouldn’t be going anywhere since it’s one of my favourite posts to write. I might just end up cutting back on the Link Love to every other week or once a month.
I personally love the link love posts, but can totally understand how they can be time consuming. Maybe every other week? Or even once a month?
Every other week is actually starting to sound pretty good 🙂
I’m a newbie here but I believe you should do what’s best for you! I love link-ups because of the new bloggers you’re able to meet!
P.S. Those pumpkin snickerdoodle muffins look fabulous! I’m definitely going to give them a try!
I love the love link!
IF you are feeling like two posts that are locked in is too much, then pleaaaaaase, do what is best for you! I can’t imagine feeling the burden of having to write two posts a week on top of other posts you want to include. Follow your heart!
Thanks Stephanie 🙂
Totally swooning over those photography boards! I need to get some. Maybe an early Christmas present? I love your linkups and find so many good posts through them. I’ve also connected with so many new bloggers as a result of it. I love the community it brings together, but I hear what you’re saying about it being a lot of work. If I had to choose, I’d say keep your Thursday linkups and do every other week Sundays.
They’re definitely a nice thing to invest in! Its nice to have a bigger surface area to work with for sure 🙂 And I’ll probably end up cutting back to every other week after taking a little break from them.
I just want to dive into the mug cake! Yummy!
I’m a big fan of your TOL posts, they are some of my favorites though the week!
Love your backdrops too, those look pretty dreamy 🙂
Link love is so important to me! I prefer it to TOL. Even if I don’t have time to follow them all, I can pick and choose and it always points me to new blogs/websites. It you decide to stop, please encourage someone else to take over.
I probably won’t cut it out completely – just cut back a little bit.
The jetpack thing makes me so sad! It’s so useful. But I do have a little bit of slowness, so I’ll look into it. Thanks for the heads up!
And I agree with others that link love is fun, but I don’t always have time to read it, so cutting back or eliminating it would be okay. Plus, there are lots of those weekly roundups floating around (though admittedly without the lovely link-up portion).
And that mug cake needs to happen very soon. I always manage to forget about mugs cakes and have no idea how.
honestly I love your sunday link love posts – it has become a sunday morning activity for me to go through them. I totally understand your question but would really miss them if they weren’t there!
I probably wouldn’t end up getting rid of them completely. Just cutting back to every other week or something.
I really do like the Sunday link love posts, but don’t always have time – so a biweekly (or even monthly?) collection would suit me just as well. I’m more of a fan of this post than the Thursday TOL actually. But you do what you feel is best for you – its you baby!
Black beans are my general preference for everything (hello mexican food lover)….except for chili. Chili needs kidney beans.
Thanks Cora. I’ll probably end up taking a break from them for a little while and then cutting back to once or twice a month.
I’m American, so I did have to write my feelings on the election- well, not entirely, I kind of spun it a different way.
On another note, I really enjoy the Thinking Out Loud link up- I don’t always link up because I work a lot and sometimes don’t get around to posting, but its nice to have the option to do so.
I haven’t tried the jetpack suggestion but I will if I ever experience that. Thank you!
ToL definitely won’t be going anywhere Montana 🙂 It’s one of my favourite posts to write!
I am team black bean all the way – I love them!!
I dropped my link love posts to be once or twice a month and it’s so much better. I love them, but you’re right, they do take up a lot of time.
I think I’ll probably end up doing the same. They were just starting to feel so impersonal.
I wouldn’t mind if you replaced link love with something else. I have found a lot of new sites through your link love posts so now I’ve usually already read some of the links! I enjoy your currently and monthly favorites posts, so please keep those around — I am always interested in your makeup reviews!
Thanks for the input, Anna! I definitely wouldn’t mind sneaking in some more recipes and favourites. The link loves were just starting to feel really impersonal.
DON’T get rid of Thinking Out Loud Thursdays. They are my favourite posts to write and my favourite to read of other bloggers.
I’ve been having problems with my wordpress, thanks for the tip! I might try getting rid of Jetpack and seeing if that helps.
I love the Thinking Out Loud series, too! I have found some really fabulous content from other bloggers, and it’s so nice to have a designated prompt to just rattle off what’s going on with me.
ToL definitely isn’t going anywhere. I love them 🙂 And definitely try disabling Jetpack and see if it helps! I feel like mine is performing a lot better.
I’m a link love lover, but usually binge read those posts when I have time to click to all the other links on a slow weekend morning, so I think you could cut back. Give you more time to stumble upon links. Or, keep the weekly format if you like it but do less categories, or fewer links overall?
Pumpkin snickerdoodle mug cake looks right up my alley – I am checking that out for sure!
I use both black and kidney beans when I make soup but when I’m at Chipotle and feel like I can only get one, I choose black. Not sure why LOL
Did you get rid of Jetpack for good? I have that plugin and I mainly use the Site Stats on it (even though I do also have Google Analytics, I just like the Jetpack graph better) but I feel like it might be doing other things for me also?
Yup! I totally deleted it. I was worried that I would lose something important, but so far I haven’t noticed anything besides the “top posts” widget that I used in my sidebar. And I feel like my site is performing a lot better since?
Personally, I really love your Thinking out Loud posts, because it’s fun to read people’s personal rambles and about their lives during the week, especially foodie bloggers, because I’m always curious to see what their daily lives are like…
I’m definitely team kidney bean, AND… how did I miss that mug cake? Your mug cakes are so good.
Thanks Emily! ToLs definitely wouldn’t be going anywhere because it’s nice to take a break from the food and talk about life stuff. I might just scale back on the Link Loves.
For myself, I don’t really care for the linklove, haven’t found anything in there, so I’m up for a different post. love the favorite posts and the recipes!!! and TOL!!!
Thanks Anne! I’m definitely down with doing more recipes and favourites instead 🙂
I’ve been having some trouble with jetpack too and their e-mail subscription function. UGH!
My dachshund totally gets mad at me too. So dramatic. 🙂
i’m sorry — pumpkin snickerdoodle mug cake? I need to make this immediately. YUM. I love the link-ups, but only personally participate in TOL. I’m sure you could skip a week if it makes the most sense for your posting needs! We’ll all be here when you link up again 🙂
I personally love Link Love and read it every Sunday morning. However, I understand if it is a hassle for weekly posts. Could just be random, just whichever Sundays you have enough to share. But I don’t want it gone.
Thanks for your input, Dana! I need a break from it for a little while, but I can see myself doing it every other week. Or even including some favourite links in my ToLs.
I love the TOL linkup – sometimes, I read almost all of the posts. But the link-love, I don’t always have time for on the weekend.
Thanks so much! ToL definitely isn’t going anywhere – it’s my favourite post to write 🙂
Love the photography board!! I would love to invest in a few – but invest is the keyword there. Those things aren’t cheap!I would like to try my hand at making one though!
Omg it’s crazy how pricey they are! I think making your own is definitely doable and then you really get to make sure you get what you want.
So I decided to give myself the day off yesterday with my election night hangover. Still nursing it today but it’s time to get back to work/life, etc!
I do enjoy reading Link Love posts but usually stock pile them for a day of interrupted reading (which doesn’t always happen, and more like once every other week). Do whatever feels less stressful for you 🙂 Also, I love those photo boards!
Also stayed up way too late looking at the elections for some reason even thought I’m not American lol. Definitely still feeling the effects of that late night days later.
And yay for new photography backgrounds! I’m planning to make a couple new ones this weekend – hopefully they look as good 🙂
Oh and maybe you can combine link love and TOL somehow? If not, just stop. It’s your space right? Gotta do what works for you <3
I definitely might try to sprinkle a few links into ToL and then just do my best to share more via social media. I just need to break from it for a little while 😆
I’m still dying to eat thank pumpkin snickerdoodle deliciousness! I was feeling that extra tired feeling yesterday–starbucks in the afternoon got me through the rest of my work day!
Duly noted about jet pack. I’ll look into that.
I love your linkup BUT I know they can be a Biden. You do whatever you need to do and the rest of us will make do with whatever you decide. 🙂
Also, I linked again. And I got the error. I don’t get it. InLinkz smh…
Apologies again, Rachel! Hopefully I dug you out fast enough 🙂
I think everyone is having a hard time adjusting to the time change plus staying up late Tuesday night for the election, it’s been quite a week! And black beans for salad, kidney in soups, but I really love them both. As for the links I would keep in mind you don’t always have to participate. I’ve ready plenty of link posts where the blogger hosting says something short and sweet and still lets everyone link up.
I love link love but lately I have been too busy to read it (just being honest!). I think you need to do what’s easier for you. I have discovered some really great posts and new blogs through the sharing, however.
I love your new backdrops! I’ve been using rile from Lowe’s…but I want to purchase some real ones as I *try* to improve my photography.
Totally the appreciate the honesty Catherine! And I definitely understand. I’m excited about these new backdrops. It’s nice to have a bigger surface to work on.
I love the comments just before mine–I don’t think there is much more to say! There ya go! lol
I have to admit I don’t usually look at the link love — sorry! I can definitely see how that would be a time consuming one, too.
Poor Ky. I pray Bandit remains healthy, getting him examined at a vet could still be quite the issue, I don’t know. Which is why I’m just taking him in on occasion now. As if he didn’t already complicate my life enough.
I didn’t even think twice about going to bed my normal time Tuesday. I do try to avoid politics on the blog, though. It’s about the only thing I avoid! You’re gonna find out what happened eventually (unfortunately, and there ya go, you know my opinion).
Black beans. Definitely. So is your oven fixed now?
No need to apologize, Judy! It’s definitely a lot of extra reading that I know not everyone has time for. And no the oven is still gone 🙁 They brought me one that was the wrong size.
I think you could cut down your link posts to once per week. Whichever you decide to replace would be your choice. I do enjoy reading your link love on Sundays but you could do that every other week. It would give you more time to accumulate links too? Just a thought!
Thanks for your input, Hollie! I’ll probably take a break from it for a little while, and then do it every other week or something.
jetpack causes issues lately in their recent updates but now mine is working totally fine. I really like the plug in so I hope it doesn’t screw anything else up going forward for me! and like link love! but you do what you are comfortable with. and I prefer black beans over kidney beans BUT I made my vegetarian chili this week and added a can of kidney beans along with the black beans and I think it’sa great necessary combo.
The only thing I really noticed losing was my top post plugin? I was scared that I was going to lose more, but I haven’t really noticed anything missing.
Thats so interesting about Jetpack! Did you feel like you lost any features from deleting it? I get emails a couple times a month from jetpack letting me know my site was down for x number of minutes- usually less than 5. But I wonder if that plugin is the cause? I just redid my whole site so I have some new plugins and it makes me so nervous when I don’t know if they will mess things up!
Plugins can definitely be a tricky thing to gauge. The main thing I noticed losing was the “top post” plugin that I used in my sidebar. I’m still on the search for a new one to replace it. Oh, that and the WordPress stats, but I use Google Analytics for that anyways.