Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. I think I need to change the name of my blog to Running with Muffins & Loaf Pans since those always seem to be the recipes that you guys like the most…
Would you be mad if I just started posting muffins and quick breads? Because I definitely wouldn’t hate it 😉
2. So I finally got around to finishing the book I was working on, and I’m gonna go ahead and put it right up there with Allegiant as a third book that completely killed a trilogy [for me]. I’m normally pretty indifferent about books that I don’t particularly enjoy, but there are some (i.e. this one and Allegiant) where the ending just straight up pisses me off. The cheese, you guys! I couldn’t handle the cheese. And not only cheese, but cheese that’s full of holes. Pffft. Good riddance. On to bigger and [hopefully] better things.
3. Promise not to judge me when I admit that I haven’t been eating my veggies? Like… at all? The only ones I’ve been getting in have been orange, and even then it’s been through really unconventional vehicles like “cheese” sauce, pancakes, and… err… chocolate bread 😂 But to be completely honest, the reason I kind of gave up on veggies is because my stomach just wasn’t having a good time with them and I was feeling pretty blah as a result. I don’t think it liked all the fibre and bulk, so I’d end up getting more and more bloated and lethargic as the day went on… which hasn’t happened since I stopped. Hey… it’s about doing what works, yeah?
4. That being said, I know veggies have some really important vitamins and minerals, which is why I’ve been considering juicing… and by that I mean adding a fresh juice to the meals I’m already eating, not replacing any of them. My parents actually used to make me a tonne of fresh carrot/apple/celery juices when I wouldn’t eat my veggies, and I’d like to get back to that. Speaking of which… I should probably remember to ninja their [neglected] juicer the next time I’m over there 🤔
5. I blame my forgetfulness on Ky’s ridiculous cuteness…
6. … and on the fact that I’m over here making my planner look all festive…
7. Speaking of which, is it crazy that I want it to be next year so I can start using it already? Actually… I want it to be Christmas and then next year. No way I’m willing to miss out on my favourite holiday… which is only 2.5 months away, by the way 🤗
8. And I feel like that’s a pretty happy note to end things on. I hope you guys are having an awesome Thursday, and I’ll see you again in a couple of days!
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Can we use you as the veggie experiment? I think we’ve been getting them in the same way….pumpkin/sweet potato style lol!
Also, read Wild Swans.
Lol running with muffins, I love it! You have been making some delicious looking recipes lately Amanda, and I am a huge fan of your photography! I have always been known as the “veg head” and never seem to have a problem getting enough in. Actually I was at the doctor this week and she commented on my orange tinted palms and soles of my feet. So I may need to cut back on the baby carrots 😉
Haha! I can totally relate to that, Sarah. I used to have an orange tinge to me as well, which I didn’t even notice until I compared my hands with a friend’s. At least we have a nice glow through the colder months? 😉
I’ve been having more salads now that it’s fall which means I can eat warm ones (mmmm), but for summer when I’m not always feeling them, I cram tons of greens and throw a zucchini into my smoothies and that makes me feel a little better haha
About the veggies! You should absolutely invest in a Nutribullet Rx. I got one last year for Christmas and it is AMAZING. I actually made a smoothie this morning which included: 5 frozen spinach cubes, 1 large zucchini, 2 small cucumbers, a handful of chopped celery, pineapple, hemp hearts + water. I essentially got my days worth of veggies in one sitting!! (I had a second breakfast later in the morning, pumpkin oats actually!) But the Nutribullet Rx is absolutely unreal and veggies blend seamlessly.
That sounds really awesome, Amy! The reason I was looking into juicing rather than just making smoothies is to get rid of a lot of the fiber, since I think that’s what my stomach has the most issues with. Unless maybe I could strain it through some kind of cheesecloth..Hmm.
Sad to hear the book didn’t get any better…I read the first Throne of Roses book and never really got into the 2nd because I didn’t like the drama she was stirring early on. I know it’s good and has an ending I’d be happy with – a friend spoiled me when I asked lol – but I just can’t deal with the drama for drama’s sake. It’s shame – that author seems talented but there’s something missing!
Never read that series, but I’m with you on Allegiant. And I’m with you on (sadly) not eating my veggies lately. I’d love a juicer but I literally don’t have room for another appliance!
It’s funny that you should mention the vegtables. I was just thinking today that my stomach has been so much better recently and then I realized… I haven’t food shopped in 2 weeks which means I don’t have any veggies left at home. Coincidence? Probably not! e
It was the same for me! I wish I could eat them since I really enjoy them, but it’s hard to deny that I really do feel better off them 😕
Your quick bread and muffin recipes are great (and easy to veganize–I just use flax eggs and coconut yogurt if it calls for Greek yogurt)–my parents are visiting this weekend, and I’m definitely making one for them. I definitely would not hate if you posted only those (oh, and pancakes:))
I’m super glad to hear that the breads can be veganized, Anne! I keep meaning to try it myself, so it’s good to know that I don’t have to worry about a big flop for when I start experimenting.
I am so hooked on your smoothies…it’s getting chillier here so I thought Id be on to your mug cakes which I did last year…but the smoothies are the best. The new chocolate greek yogurt bread is cooling and it looks amazing. I’m on book 2 of that series…maybe I should just skip the rest…should I?
Nooo! I don’t think things came out the way I wanted them to, because I was actually talking about another series (The Night Angel trilogy) that was the one I didn’t really like. The Throne of Glass series is still really great 🙂
That planner cover is too cute! I don’t do the best job getting my veggies in either but I’ve been trying to drink green smoothies more regularly to help with that. I still have yet to try adding oats to my smoothies though!
I haven’t even been doing great on the smoothies lately! Gah. I really need to up my game a little. I just wish my stomach wasn’t so finicky with them!
I’m all about the muffins and the quick breads! Just made a lovely loaf of your greek yogurt pumpkin banana bread, as a matter of fact. Pardon me while I go eat it all since it’s cool enough to slice now.
They’re my favourite things to make too. I hope you enjoyed t, Jennifer!
Don’t even mention Christmas. I am SOOOO not ready!
You still have 2.5 months 😀 And it seriously looks like Christmas around here…
Crazy that Christmas is only 2.5 months away! I would like to start juicing, too. I’m always stunned by how expensive those fancy juices are at the juice bars. Doesn’t seem like it would be that hard to make them yourself if you had the right equipment, yes?
Yeah they’re actually super easy! And a lot of stores sell things like carrots that are especially for juicing and a little bit cheaper than regular carrots.
Happy Thursday!
I eat the most fruits and veggies during the week. on weekends? I eat whatever I feel like and it does not include a ton of them. Whoops.
Haha! I’m good with fruits, but veggies are definitely a bit more of a struggle.
Coincidentally I made chocolate chip pumpkin bread for my daughter’s dorm room care package. What is it about dessert loaves that makes one feel so accomplished?
I want to make a planner with the tape and whatnot! So cute 😍
I’m not entirely sure, but I do love them! And they feel especially comforting around this time of the year.
I really should turn orange as a result of my pumpkin/sweet potato/carrot consumption. Those are the veggies that sound good when nothing else does. Also, they go well in baked goods 😉 My strategy is usually to make a soup or chili full of veggies because it’s warm and cozy and I can there are leftovers I can live on for a week. But hey, if you feel good, that’s what matters, right? 🙂
A soup actually sounds really great right now. Is it sad that I’ve never actually made one on my own and have no idea how to go about doing it? Lol. I know. I bake, not cook.
I literally pretend that Allegiant doesn’t exist. In fact, I just say Divergent is the only book. Yep – that’s what helps me through the pain and stupidity that was Allegiant. Ugh…
I have a juicer but I’ve noticed that I like using my Vita more. Just give me the entire fruit/veggie intact!
Omg I was SO mad at Allegiant. I didn’t even want to watch the movies because I was so pissed off with how things ended. And at what happened with Four.
I was thinking the same thing about juice the other day. I’ve been slacking on my veggie intake! Luckily I have a juicer at home, now I just need to buy some veggies. Our veggie drawer is literally empty.
Haha mine too! It has some bell peppers, but they’re looking a little sad.
I can’t believe another year is almost done. I’m beating whether or not to get another planner since I only used my for 2 months! I was so good with it then would forget about it for weeks, relying on my iPhone notes again to keep me on track.
I think one of the main reasons I stick with it is because the electronic stuff just doesn’t do it for me. That and I think it’s fun to decorate 😀
I don’t mind a veggie diet that consists of mostly orange veggies. And I do love your bread recipes, but I like your mug cakes and your pancakes too. 🙂 Keep doing whatever delicious things you dream up; we will definitely make them and eat them. However, if you just want to do muffin and bread recipes, that would be totally wonderful too.
Thanks Emily! I’ll definitely keep making more than just breads and muffins, but they’re probably one of my favourite things to make!
Muffins & quick breads work for me. 🙂
I eat LOTS of veggies. But thankfully, so far, knock on wood, my stomach’s pretty tough. I got a juicer at a garage sale this summer but life has been SO crazy, not to mention I’ve been away more than I’ve been home — haven’t even tried it yet!
Ky is so FLUFFY! The furkids can definitely be distracting. 🙂
I’d kill for a more hardy stomach! As it stands, the only things it likes are super simple and get kind of boring after a while 😕
I actually dig juicing in the Fall because I tend to eat less veggies unless it’s a soup. I think it’s totally legit. Carrot juice with a side of pumpkin bread! haha. Vitamin a!
If you are changing your name, I change my to Cotter Crock Pot.
I’m seriously going to turn orange at this rate! And I about died at your name change. Let’s do it.
I wouldn’t mind just loaf pans and muffins 🙂 Hope you have a nice Thursday. Thanks for hosting!
Thanks Julie! Hope you had a great day as well.
I think the new planner color is fabulous and I’m glad you’re going to jazz it up for Christmas at least. I say stop waiting and get on that thing. 🙂
I want to eat veggies. I just have such little time to cook them lately. That being said, I housed a kale salad last night.
Outlander….give it a try. I got the Hubby to start the first book last night.
I’ll bust into the new stash for next week. You’ve inspired me.
Veggies do that to me too and I haven’t been eating them much at all lately either. I definitely understand what you mean, though. Just gotta do you! I’m so excited for Christmas. I’ve started buying things and I can’t wait to finish up and enjoy the season!
You’ve already started your Christmas shopping!? Gah! I was hoping to finish mine up earlier than I normally do (last week before Xmas), but I haven’t given it much thought yet!
haha I don’t think anyone would be mad if you posted only muffin and bread recipes, all of them are MOUTH-WATERING! Also can’t believe that Christmas is coming up, last I check it was still summer!
Thanks Rachel! And it actually looks more like Christmas than anything else here. We seriously only got like… 2 weeks of fall.
I didn’t like Allegiant either. Total awful ending. Did you see the movies?
I didn’t. I caught part of Divergent on a plane ride, but never ended up trying to watch all the movies.
I didn’t like Allegiant either. Total awful ending. Did you see the movies?
Oh my gosh your dog is ADORBS. Can’t handle the cuteness! Running With Muffins and Loaf Pans sounds good to me. 😉 I’m making your chocolate pumpkin bread tomorrow!!!
Looking forward to hearing what you think of it, Marina! 🙂
Breads and muffins are my favorite sweet treats to have in the morning with coffee! And sometimes I’m not in the mood for veggies either, go with what you’re body is feeling, I’m sure you’ll crave them again soon. I have always thought of juicing too, but never looked into it. Let us know if you give it a try!
Will do for sure! Maybe it’s just a seasonal phase 😆
The forth book in that series is a lot better! Even Rowan gets a little bit interesting, which I didn’t think possible after the third book. 🙂
Gah! I don’t think what I meant to say came across properly. I was actually talking about not liking The Night Angel trilogy that I just finished. I still really enjoy The Throne of Glass series!
I must admit that your muffins do always look good and I want to try them.
I can’t wait for the Holidays. It’s honestly, my favorite time of year but I’m right there with you. I cannot wait to use my new planner! I love the Halloween theme you have going on with yours right now.
Haha! And it’s funny because I have one that I use now, but it’s like I just want that new and fresh feel, ya know?
Drew is on your veggie diet lately too, it’s a project to watch him eat one carrot, but sweet potato fries are okay, and of course all the sweet potato brownies and cookies I’ve been making. I’ve never juiced, but I’m always curious about it. And OMG your planner! Love it!
The breads and bars have been my main way of getting them in too. And the sauce!
I want all of those quick breads! Definitely keep them coming. That chocolate pumpkin bread is right up my alley. I also need to work on my vegetable in take. Unless I prepare some over the weekend for the week, and is hopeless and I don’t eat them.
I wish it was just an issue of food prep for me! My stomach is just too fussy 😕
I like that planner cover! we still need discuss which one I am ordering. by next week I will be back to normal and thinking about these other things!
Deal. They keep coming out with cool new ones!