Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Oh hi! So I totally missed you guys yesterday, and while I had every intention of putting up a June Favourites post, I got the first phase of edits back for my manuscript and spent most of the day with my eyeballs glazing over glued to those. I mean, I probably could have pumped out the post too, buuuuuuuut sanity would have severely been compromise at that point. I’ll still squeeze that post in somewhere, though, because it’s been way too long since I’ve done one and I have some things I’ve been loving that I really want to talk about. I debated putting them in this post, but there’s too much other life stuff I want to talk about.
2. Like the fact that I’m enjoying a lovely case of [what’s probably] tendonitis. So what happened is that I somehow tweaked my left wrist on a particularly rough trail ride a while back, and I didn’t think anything of it until 3.5 weeks later when it wasn’t showing any signs of improvement. It’s not horrible or constant pain, and mostly only comes in acute bursts when I hold my thumb in certain positions. I went to the doctor a few days ago just to get it checked out, and he said it’s most likely not broken (phew) and should heal up on its own as long as I let it rest… but he’s sending me for an X-ray and ultrasound “just in case.” Unfortunately, the soonest appointment I could get for an ultrasound is a month from now, so I’ll just be over here rocking my stylish tensor bandage until then.
3. [Edited to add] – sooooo I was putting my hair up in a ponytail (this is much later in the day), and I think I may have just fixed my wrist 😳 You know how I said that it mostly hurts when I hold my thumb in certain positions? Well, you ladies know that anything hair-styling-related involves a lot of hand/wrist work, and I haphazardly twisted mine “just so,” experienced a few seconds of really bad pain paired with the feeling that my tendons were catching on something, snapping, and/or grating up against each other, and then… nothing. No more pain, even when I move my thumb 😳 I mean, it’s still a tiny bit sore, but nothing like it was before. I think I’ll keep rocking my tensor bandage for a few more days, just to be sure, but… just call me Dr. Spoons.
4. Have you guys seen the new gel couture polishes from Essie? I haven’t painted my nails in… forever… but I spied them looking all new and shiny on their fancy display case while I was picking up a new bottle of foundation, and that was all the convincing I needed. I mean, obviously the idea of a super shiny, long-lasting gel polish that doesn’t require any UV light to set sounds appealing, but I haven’t tried it on my nails just yet, so I don’t know how legit that claim is. I’ll let you guys know when I test it out. Probably next ToL.
Spool Me Over and the clear top coat.
5. Aww heck. Let’s do it now. Hold on…
Okay! First impressions – I’m really impressed. Essie finally changed the shape of their brushes, making them slightly wider and tapered at the end to match the shape of your nail bed. The actual formula is really easy to work with, giving a smooth and even application that goes completely opaque with just 2 coats. It also dries really fast so you’re not sitting there waving your hands around for 15 minutes while you suddenly have to pee and do ALL the things. AND it feels soft and gel-like, which I’m hoping means it’ll be less prone to chipping. The clear top coat, though… it may be the best one I’ve ever used. It’s luxuriously thick without being sticky and hard to work with, and it’s got some killer shine. Now all that’s left to be seen is the longevity, but either way, I love the formula and shine enough that I’m going to pick up some more colours.
6. Has anyone else noticed that the mosquitos situation seems to be a little out of hand this year? They don’t normally bug me too much, but for some reason, they seem to be extra thirsty this summer. And the worst part is that they’ve turned into some kind of psychotic super bugs… Like, they’re even biting me through my clothes, and I’ve got a couple of bites on the front of my neck (!!!!!), which takes the whole bloodsucker thing to a whole new level. Also, Google “mosquito memes” and look at the images if you want some good laughs…
7. Do you ever find yourself standing in line behind someone (or, even worse, sitting behind someone) and really having to fight the urge to pick a loose hair off the back of their shirt? Actually, do you fight the urge at all or just silently pick the hair off? Because I was standing in line in Bux the other day and there was a very blonde lady in front of me with a very long blonde hair stuck to her very black shirt. Like… it was RIGHT THERE. I didn’t want to be a creeper so I kept my hands to myself, but I was SO tempted and I’m thinking maybe I should have tried to grab it without her noticing. Decisions, decisions 🤔
8. Speaking of Bux, this may be the first week in a month or so where I don’t have any crazy nicknames to report. That means they’ve spelled my name right a whopping 5 times in a row, which means they’re probably plotting something especially diabolical for the next time.
9. And that’s it for me today, friendly faces! I hope you have an awesome day and I’ll see you… possibly tomorrow if I can get my favourites together. Bye!

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Oh thank you for the Essie Gel review! I have no idea if this already arrived in Switzerland (I probably have to wait forn another 56 years) but I am intrigued. I haven’t painted my nails in months because this whole chipping off story made me tired. So I really hope that one works!
And I am glad you fixed your wrist. I call you next time when my back acts up, k?
LOISI was my last nickname at Bux.
And yes, I feel you on the urge. Even more when the label of the shirt sticks out. Ugh.
How weird about your wrist! I feel like I’ve done that before…had a really bad pain or something in my knee, and then stepped funny and “cracked” it back into place!
I want to pull loose hairs of strangers too!! I sometimes wonder if they’d thank me for it…maybe it wouldn’t be as awkward as I think!
That is a beautiful polish color! I haven’t used gel myself before, but I want to get the Jamberry gel kit!! If you haven’t tried Jamberry yet, you should! I think they’re right up your alley!
Paging Dr. Spoons. Paging Dr. Spoons.
I legit cut my nails down to stumps every week and then they grow back like weeds. I’m always afraid my long nails will hurt the baby. And all this without a strengthener. Impressive eh? It’s the prenatals which I’m still taking until the nursing is done.
P.S. Happy Canada Day.
Oh no! Hoping you get to take that bandage off soon!
OOH Ican’t wait to hear if that nail polish lasted!!! I chip my nail polish like its nobodies business so have only really been able to maintain gel manicures…however can’t do those often bc of expense. I ‘ll keep my fingers crossed that this lasts a long while for you.
So love the gels from Essie. Way to go girl.
Oh tendonitis no bueno, it’s all that work on your book!!!