Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Oh man. I had another late night last night, but this time I went to sleep around 1:30… and that’s only because I finished my book and had nothing left to read 😜 Even so! It took me a good while to calm down enough to get tired, because… THAT ENDING! Omg. How am I supposed to wait another year to find out what happens next?!?! You think if I volunteer to be Maas’ in-house baker, she’ll let me sneak peaks at her next manuscript? Because that would be ideal.
2. Wishful thinking aside, I wanted to thank you guys for all your great insight on yesterday’s clean eating post. It made me realize how much I missed writing more thoughtful posts like that, so I’m thinking it’s time to bring them back and make them a more regular thing again.
3. So let’s talk about golden milk, because I mentioned about two weeks ago that I was going to start a little experiment, and figured it was time to share the results of that. So what I did was make it a point to drink a cup of golden milk every night for 14 days to see if I’d notice any positive changes. And I did. With the main one being the effect I’m assuming it had to my digestion. I say “assuming” because my stomach has a tendency to go through phases where it’ll behave for a little while and then go apeshit for no apparent reason (ya feel me??), so this might all be a coincidence. Then again, it might also be legit. How’s that for good science?
Anyways, the first couple of days were a little rough – lots of gas, bloating, and frequent trips to the bathroom (which isn’t normal for me, even when my stomach is goofy). I seriously considered throwing in the towel at that point, but I knew that introducing any kind of strong substance to your body is going to require a bit of an adjustment phase, so I waited it out… and I’m glad I did because my stomach has been feeling pretty freaking fabulous since. No more bloating or gas (even less than usual when my stomach is “behaving”), and just an overall feeling of wellness. So yeah. Golden milk. I recommend giving it a shot.
4. In other “what Amanda has been drinking” news, my yearly supply of tea came in (I hope you didn’t think I was kidding when I said how much I buy), and thank goodness for that because I’m not quite sure how I’d manage if I ran out. No, really. I’ve been drinking this stuff every morning (and sometimes afternoon) for the past 7 or 8 years, so I wouldn’t know what to do with myself otherwise. I can’t drink coffee first thing in the morning, and no other tea compares.
5. Also… when did Swedish Berries get so good? For some reason, I never really paid much attention to them because I had it in my head that they were bland and boring, but I randomly decided to pick some up (read: they were on sale and right next to the checkout), and… these things are good. I can see this being a problem.
6. VIQ – do you shower in the morning or at night? And no, I’m not asking to be a creeper… I’ve just found that there are two pretty distinct camps, and both sides are pretty adamant about their choice. I used to be a night showerer, then I became a morning showererer, and now I think I’m moving back to becoming a night showererererer. The main reason? I’m lazy and having to wash, dry, and style my hair in the morning on top of putting on my makeup and getting ready for my day is just too much self-care all at once… so being able to break it up by getting ready in the morning and showering at night is much more manageable. Also… I find I get more volume in my hair when I fall asleep with it slightly damp.
7. Speaking of hair washing, I’m trying out this new thing where I’m only washing mine with conditioner… and I know it sounds crazy but it’s really not. It’s an actual thing called “co-washing,” and it’s supposed to be really good for people who have either curly, colour-treated, or dry hair (<- hi). It’s not necessarily the best thing for people with fine hair (<- also hi), but I’m willing to give it a shot. The idea is that there are enough detergents in conditioner to clean hair without completely stripping it down, so you’re left with smoother, softer, and more manageable hair. I’ve only been doing it for a short time so I don’t want to sing its praises just yet, but I have noticed that the ends of my hair don’t feel as dry anymore, and I don’t have to deal with that ridiculously unmanageable first-day hair. We’ll see. I’ll keep you guys updated.
8. And because it wouldn’t be a ToL without mentioning coffee, I give you the latest instalment in Starbucks nicknames…
Amanada and Semanta. I can see the first one but… Semanta? I guess that’s what I get by answering “it’s Amanda” when they asked me for my name 😂😂😂 Have an awesome day, friendly faces!

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Nooooowwww I’m craving Swedish Berries!! Soooo I ran out of shampoo one day and didn’t want to both buying more because I’m cheap so I thought I’d try just conditioner and now I’ve been doing it for about 5 months and love it! I had no idea it was a thing and just thought it was my laziness/frugalness hahah!
😆 Okay that’s seriously awesome. I always went through shampoo way faster than conditioner, and it drove me nuts. Hopefully this’ll help my OCD-ness.
Okay, you’ve totally convinced me that I NEED to get caught up on this series! Haha.
As soon as I finish the Canvendon Women (and reread The Royal We for book club) I’ll retstart the series!
Also, if you haven’t read anything by Barbara Taylor Bradford, I HIGHLY recommend her books and sagas.
I’m not a big candy fan, but I will crush a bag of Sweedish berries in no time. The Scandanvaian Swimmers from Trader Joe’s are also fabulous.
Confession: I almost always type Amanada and then have to change it to Amanda. But no, I’m not a Starbucks barista 😉
YES! NEEEEEEED. It’s seriously ridiculous, and I think I like it even more than Throne of Glass… because of one character in particular who’s name begins with “R” 😆
I am currently obsessed with Swedish fish, like give them all to me, right now! It takes all of my self control to just get a small bag once a week…I need it! I am in the take a shower at night camp, I wake up at 4:30am to go to work, I would much rather sleep for an extra 15 minutes!
I see the Berries becoming a regular thing for me as well. I’ll have to try Swedish Fish!
I actually take showers at random times during the day bc my schedule is all over the place. Usually it happens after I work out, which can be at 6 am, 930 am, or sometime in the afternoon. If I had a more consistent schedule, I would definitely pick morning though. I’ve always been a morning showerer.
Haha! I can’t believe the names you get. it’s not even that difficult of a name lol. At least it’s funny
I’ve been ‘co-washing’ my hair for the last 15 weeks or so (and had no idea it was a ‘thing’, or even had a name). I work out/run 4-6 days a week; my hair needs to be rinsed, but not stripped with shampoo all the time. I LOVE the results. My hair is so much less greasy than it ever used to be, and I get the sweat and salt out of my hair, but it still keeps its body. I am PRO, co-washing 🙂
BTW, I am relatively new to your blog, but LOVE what I’m reading – thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing your co-washing experience, Kelly! I’m really hoping it has the same effect on my hair 😀
never heard of shampooing only with conditioner…but I do like to use the all-in-one versions….maybe I will try it…
what book are you reading? ( I must have missed that post)….and the tea? what kind do you like so?
I tried your turmeric milk smoothie and it was great….I plan on making a big batch of turmeric milk and keeping that in the fridge so it’s ready quicker….I made chicken with turmeric on it last night….so I got it in without the milk yesterday…
The book I just finished (and loved) is called The Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas – http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17927395-a-court-of-mist-and-fury. It’s the second book in the Court of Thorns and Roses series, and while the first book was good, the second just knocked my socks off. And the tea is called Hot Cinnamon Spice from Harney & Sons – https://www.harney.com/hot-cinnamon-spice-tea.html. SO good if you like sweet and cinnamon-y teas.
Hahah the starbucks names crack me up. You wouldn’t think Amanda would cause that many spelling issues! It’s not like it’s an uncommon name!! I loved your post yesterday and miss reading your thoughts on health, so I’m happy to see you’re bringing them back! As for showering, I’m a “whenever I exercise” showerer. If I run in the morning, I shower then, if I go to yoga at night, I shower then. Sometimes that means twice a day, or when I don’t work out (like today) that means 0 showers haha i’m lazy.
Hahah I’m lolling at those Starbucks names. They can never get it right!! I shower at night or in the morning, I never really follow a strict schedule. Or if I”m not feelin it, I’l just throw on some dry shampoo and call it a day 😉
Dry shampoo is seriously my life. I panic hardcore when I run out.
i am very interested to hear how that conditioner only thing goes for you i have all of those hair problems too so might be worth a try. i used to only shower at night to calm me down from the day and help me get to sleep but now that i workout in the morning i obviously shower after the workout. i prefer showering at night because it doesn’t take as much time out of your day but im not going to walk around all sweaty and nasty all day so thems the breaks 🙂
Is there any way to describe what the golden milk tastes like? It looks like butternut squash soup. Do you drink it hot? Slowly? So many questions.
Uhhhhhm… it kind of has this earthy sweetness to it – I really don’t know how else to explain it. The flavours seem super bizarre, but they go surprisingly well together. And sometimes I’ll drink it hot and sometimes I’ll drink it cold – it really depends on what I’m craving more.
That golden milk sounds super interesting. It may have to be my next experiment… 😉
And thanks to that berry gummy picture, I’m now craving gummy candy. If I buy any,
I blame you. 😉 haha. Or maybe I should blame the baby…
I admit to nothing! Definitely the baby 😛
I went to bed early, but I mighttt have woken up close to when you went to bed, because we were leaving my grandparents this morning at around 5:45 AM. 🙂 And your experiment with golden milk sounds like something I should try, because digestion is not always A-Okay. I LOVE to shower at night, because I usually work out in the afternoon. I’ve heard of that washing with conditioner, and I tried it once, but it didn’t go really well for me. HOwever, you know what is helping the frizz in my hair? Leave-in conditioner is THE BEST!
Have you tried any deep conditioner hair masks? Those are really great for moisturizing too!
LOL what the heck is so difficult about your name Amanda?? Starbucks can’t do anything right…
I shower whenever I want to shower or whenever I have time. My hair usually looks awful when I sleep with it damp, but I can just do a ponytail or bun if that happens. So night showers, morning showers, middle of the afternoon showers (on the weekend) – they all happen.
I used to a strict night showerer, but since I work out in the morning, I generally shower in the morning now. My hair doesn’t really like summer that much anyway, so I often end up pulling it back. 😛 I tried golden milk once (in smoothie form) and got much bloatier than I was expecting…. so I guess I can give it another go. Anything that might improve my digestion is 100% worth it in my book!
I was up late last night as well, even though I was also up at 4:30am that day. My hubby is out of town and apparently when the hubs is away, Kat becomes a night owl. No really, it just doesn’t feel right sleeping without him. Well that and I’m ridiculously stressed about the insane project of death I am working on right now [aka 100 muffins in 1 month] 😉
As for the shower, I’m moring all the way. I tend to wake up feeling grimey, so a shower really helps me feel like I’ve washed it off. That and I always workout in the morning and since I sweat like a stuffed pig at a BBQ, I kind of have to hit the showers!
Girl… I seriously have no idea how you’re doing it. I was crazy stressed working on the recipes for the book and my timeline wasn’t nearly as crunched as yours. If you ever need to vent, hit me up!
Night shower person!! Mainly because I’m just too lazy to make myself get up even earlier to shower, blow dry my hair, style it , do my makeup and get dressed. Just too many steps. I’m seriously considering trying some dry shampoo though. Everyone seems to love it!
“Just too many steps.” <-- my thoughts exactly 😆 And I seriously wouldn't be able to live without dry shampoo. Try Batiste! It's one of my favourites and it's not too expensive so it's no big deal if you don't like it.
I’m a morning shower person, because I shower after I run. I just embrace air drying for my hair, but I also work from home so wet hair or a ponytail is not a problem.
HAHA I think I’m a night showerer. Unless I’ve run in the morning (which isn’t very often). I like having extra free time in the morning and I agree – my hair is so much nicer when it’s not freshly washed. Dry shampoo 4 life.
Omg YES. I’m looking for that Dove one you mentioned. I’ll have to see how it compares to Batiste for my hair.
I love harney & sons tea—I get so cranky when my supply is low.
Working in hospitals turned me into a night showerer so I could wash the day off and do my hair the night before to save time in the morning. Even though I only do a few clinical days a week now, I tend to keep up this schedule because it helps with my seasonal allergies too.
I haven’t tried the no-shampoo, but I do go for shampoo without sulfates (it doesn’t suds up) so I’m wondering if that does the same thing.
Very interesting about the golden milk too! Thanks for hosting!
Yesterday I watched a video on Youtube about Starbucks workers playing with the customers by messing up their names on purpose…its hilarious! I got a coffee yesterday and they wrote Tess on my cup…my name is Heather! Growing up I was a night showerer, then i moved to morning when i was in the working world, and now that i have a job that requires me to wake up at 530 i shower the night before. I guess i just switch depending on my work schedule!
I never thought they might do it on purpose! But I can definitely see that being a thing because it’s probably something I would do too 😆
Night shower. I don’t like feeling like I’m going to bed dirty. And I am not big on having to blow dry my hair in the morning, so night wins for me. I have a giant tea stash too. I use at least two bags in the morning every single day. Then sometimes I have a cup at night too. I hate when I finish a really great book or TV series and then have to wait for the next installment/season to come out. And, especially with TV shows, what if it gets cancelled?! These are real problems, right!? 😉
I shower after I workout! Lately that’s been in the morning before work, so I’ll workout, shower at the gym and walk to work. If I run or do something in the evening, I’ll shower before bed. I don’t really have a strong preference to either, but sometimes I wake up feeling a little funky when I shower at night so I’ll just wash my body in the morning. This should be a poll or something..very interested to see what others say 🙂
The evening showers can definitely be tricky. I really have to watch the temp of the water because if it’s too hot, I have a hard time falling asleep.
YES for golden milk! I’ve only had it like two or three times now but I need to somehow make a big batch so I can just reheat when I’m lazy. As for showering, I shower after workouts (usually morning), but in Florida summers, I tend to shower at least twice a day because it’s so damn hot and uncomfortable. I hate going to bed sweaty! Regardless, I don’t do my hair anyway 😉
Oh man. I can imagine Florida would be tough to deal with because of the humidity. It’s pretty dry here so it’s not as big of a problem.
ok fine, you’ve convinced me. I’ll look into golden milk. But I don’t know if I can do it.
morning showerer here! And heck yes to the co-shower! I need more conditioner in my life.
I know it totally doesn’t sound like the flavours should work together at all, but I promise it’s good! Just make sure to use enough sweetener.
I’m a night shower gal. There’s just no time for that in the morning (unless I get a morning workout in). Those Starbucks workers are so on top of things, aren’t they? 🙂
I just made golden milk for the first time last night and experienced the bloating you mentioned. I thought for sure it was just me. My stomach is so sensitive.
Mine is pretty finicky as well. But it goes away! Or at least it did for me.
I’m a night shower girl because my hair is super curly and it just “sets” better at night! LOL and I really have to try golden milk now, I’m so intrigued!! Starbucks has actually never messed up my name, which I find hard to believe, but Amandana that’s hilarious! Hahah
Staying up late to finish a good book is such an awesome feeling. 🙂
I’m a morning showerer because of curly hair– there is no way to save it after it’s been slept on. 🙂 I’ve been using conditioner-only for a couple of years and I love it. I can dump a bottle of conditioner in my hair without it getting greasy, though, so I don’t know how it is for less extreme cases.
Have a wonderful day!
Haha! I’m still trying to figure out all the details, but it definitely feels a little weird to be slathering conditioner all over my hair. I heard there are special ones you can get just for co-washing? I might have to look into that.
It does take some getting used to. I haven’t tried any conditioners branded specifically for co-washing yet– I usually just get one meant for dry and curly hair, but I switch brands every month or so. I’m using Tresemme right now and it’s working well.
That’s interesting about washing with only conditioner. I’ve never heard of it before but it seems like it would be a good idea. I might have to give it a shot and see how it works. I normally shower at night and then put my hair is an bun to get more volume.
I’m seriously laughing because Diana has a tendency to skip really shampooing and go straight to using too much conditioner all over her hair and I nag her about washing better every single day. Plus, she does have thick wavy/curly hair. As a mom I’m very torn, lol! I’m a morning shower person since I run early morning and then shower, which is non-negotiable! I hate washing and doing anything with my hair though as you know.
I’m so glad you’re giving cowashing a try!! I started it back in November and in the least melodramatic way possible, it’s been life changing!! I actually washed my hair for the frsr time in 7 months last week for some.weird reason and immediately regretted it.
I’m hoping it solves my I-hate-to-wash-my-hair woes. The only thing I’m worried about is that I have fine hair which isn’t exactly recommended for it. I Guess time will tell!
Anything gummy type is just not my thing. Chocolate all the way.
I’m an afternoon showerer. I sweat. A lot. So why go to bed sweaty? I can’t do it in the evening because it takes too long to dry & I don’t like to blow it dry. I use devacurls shampoo & once in a while living proof. Just conditioner leaves my hair too greasy — there’s a no poo devacurls, which I’d essentially cowashing, but it didn’t work for me (greasy hair); I use the low poo. Don’t ask me why they chose that name — I mean poo, really? Doesn’t bring to mind cleanliness.
😆 That was my first thought when I first heard about the no-poo method. I’m like… that just sounds dirty. Why would anyone do that.