Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Oh man. I had another late night last night, but this time I went to sleep around 1:30… and that’s only because I finished my book and had nothing left to read 😜 Even so! It took me a good while to calm down enough to get tired, because… THAT ENDING! Omg. How am I supposed to wait another year to find out what happens next?!?! You think if I volunteer to be Maas’ in-house baker, she’ll let me sneak peaks at her next manuscript? Because that would be ideal.
2. Wishful thinking aside, I wanted to thank you guys for all your great insight on yesterday’s clean eating post. It made me realize how much I missed writing more thoughtful posts like that, so I’m thinking it’s time to bring them back and make them a more regular thing again.
3. So let’s talk about golden milk, because I mentioned about two weeks ago that I was going to start a little experiment, and figured it was time to share the results of that. So what I did was make it a point to drink a cup of golden milk every night for 14 days to see if I’d notice any positive changes. And I did. With the main one being the effect I’m assuming it had to my digestion. I say “assuming” because my stomach has a tendency to go through phases where it’ll behave for a little while and then go apeshit for no apparent reason (ya feel me??), so this might all be a coincidence. Then again, it might also be legit. How’s that for good science?
Anyways, the first couple of days were a little rough – lots of gas, bloating, and frequent trips to the bathroom (which isn’t normal for me, even when my stomach is goofy). I seriously considered throwing in the towel at that point, but I knew that introducing any kind of strong substance to your body is going to require a bit of an adjustment phase, so I waited it out… and I’m glad I did because my stomach has been feeling pretty freaking fabulous since. No more bloating or gas (even less than usual when my stomach is “behaving”), and just an overall feeling of wellness. So yeah. Golden milk. I recommend giving it a shot.
4. In other “what Amanda has been drinking” news, my yearly supply of tea came in (I hope you didn’t think I was kidding when I said how much I buy), and thank goodness for that because I’m not quite sure how I’d manage if I ran out. No, really. I’ve been drinking this stuff every morning (and sometimes afternoon) for the past 7 or 8 years, so I wouldn’t know what to do with myself otherwise. I can’t drink coffee first thing in the morning, and no other tea compares.
5. Also… when did Swedish Berries get so good? For some reason, I never really paid much attention to them because I had it in my head that they were bland and boring, but I randomly decided to pick some up (read: they were on sale and right next to the checkout), and… these things are good. I can see this being a problem.
6. VIQ – do you shower in the morning or at night? And no, I’m not asking to be a creeper… I’ve just found that there are two pretty distinct camps, and both sides are pretty adamant about their choice. I used to be a night showerer, then I became a morning showererer, and now I think I’m moving back to becoming a night showererererer. The main reason? I’m lazy and having to wash, dry, and style my hair in the morning on top of putting on my makeup and getting ready for my day is just too much self-care all at once… so being able to break it up by getting ready in the morning and showering at night is much more manageable. Also… I find I get more volume in my hair when I fall asleep with it slightly damp.
7. Speaking of hair washing, I’m trying out this new thing where I’m only washing mine with conditioner… and I know it sounds crazy but it’s really not. It’s an actual thing called “co-washing,” and it’s supposed to be really good for people who have either curly, colour-treated, or dry hair (<- hi). It’s not necessarily the best thing for people with fine hair (<- also hi), but I’m willing to give it a shot. The idea is that there are enough detergents in conditioner to clean hair without completely stripping it down, so you’re left with smoother, softer, and more manageable hair. I’ve only been doing it for a short time so I don’t want to sing its praises just yet, but I have noticed that the ends of my hair don’t feel as dry anymore, and I don’t have to deal with that ridiculously unmanageable first-day hair. We’ll see. I’ll keep you guys updated.
8. And because it wouldn’t be a ToL without mentioning coffee, I give you the latest instalment in Starbucks nicknames…
Amanada and Semanta. I can see the first one but… Semanta? I guess that’s what I get by answering “it’s Amanda” when they asked me for my name 😂😂😂 Have an awesome day, friendly faces!

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Your hair looks great so I am going to give co washing a try. I have thick, curly hair.
I’m curious to see how the co-washing works for you! I’ve heard of it and it makes sense but I have a feeling my hair would be plastered against my head if I did it, lol. You’ll have to post before and after pics! 😉
Eeep! I wonder if it’s too late to take before pictures because it totally slipped my mind 😆 It’s been pretty good so far, but I feel like I need to start using dry shampoo a little more often. I might try using a clarifying shampoo every so often just to get rid of any build up.
I really like the golden milk, so it’s too bad it interferes with my meds, although maybe it’s responsible for more energy and hence your later nights. You should try drinking it in the morning and see if that changes.
I’m a morning shower person because otherwise my hair stands on end and I look like Kramer from Seinfeld. It’s charming certainly, but not for social settings. 🙂
I feel like I’m already drinking so many things in the morning that another cup would be hard to sneak in there 😛
I honestly do not know how your name gets so contorted at Starbucks ahah, it’s the best!
I am definitely a night showerererer, always have been. I do take the occasional morning shower though. Golden milk definitely sounds interesting, I have an upset stomach a lot of the times too….
Not being able to put a book down is the best. Then you finished and you need the next fix.
I have curly hair which means I never wake up with hair that looks good. I have to shower in the morning. But my hair is pretty low maintenance – product & air dry. I also co-wash. I do about 2 days co wash then shampoo with sulfate free shampoo. It works for me.
Ooo I like that idea! I might try to use a clarifying shampoo every now and then just to make sure I’m getting off any gunk that builds up over time.
I’m intrigued by the co-washing concept! My hair is extremely dry at the ends – no amount of conditioning seems to help. But my scalp is pretty oily. So it’s a tossup on whether or not I might be the right candidate for co-washing. Will have to give it a try!
I’m totally a morning shower person. It helps me wake up in the mornings and gets the day off to a fresh start!
Always worth a try! My hair is pretty fine so I’m not 100% sure how that’ll work in the long run, but I’m gonna wait it out and see. Thank goodness for dry shampoo 😀
Haha – so if you volunteer as Maas’ in-house baker, does that mean she’ll be your in-house taste tester? Cos, I thought I was in the running for THAT job?!
I missed your Golden Milk post and need to go back and read it as I have been having an insanely badly behaving stomach – it’s been like those tantrum throwing 2 year olds yu hear about!
And, guess I’ve been “co-washing” for awhile now, started to do it a few years ago where I only use conditioner 3 to 4 days of the week as my hair started drying out – I didn’t realize it was called cowashing, I just said I was just conditioning my hair only – love how I manage to learn somthing new from you almost every week!
Well, I hope you have a wonderful weekend, sweet Semanta! 🙂
I love a book that will keep me up all night reading! I just got an email from Amazon that I have a book credit from them, so I’m going to definitely look into this series!
I am addicted to Swedish Fish. When I let myself buy them, I eat the entire bag at once! Same with Jelly Bellies!
I can’t recommend the series enough! The first book is good, but the second one rocked my socks right off. And I actually have the same opinion on Swedish Fish that I did on Swedish Berries, so I’m thinking I’ll have to pick up a bag and prove myself wrong.
Always a morning shower for me! But that’s because I train at 6am and really feel that I have to shower afterwards! Look forward to hearing how you get on using conditioner though – the ends of my hair get super dry… But that might be due to the straighteners…
I’m laughing at Your Starbucks names! How hard is Amanda?? I’m curious about this co-washing thing. I have really dry ends, but my scalp does tend to get oily so I’m not sure if it would work on my hair. I’m a morning and night showerer. I have to shower in the morning to wash my hair. I can’t wash it at night or its oily in the morning. Then I have to shower at night because I run or workout during the day.
I so want to try the golden milk thing now! Thanks for giving us the deets.
Funny you mention the showering thing. I have always always been a morning only showerer, but I think I might switch because i’m finding I just wait and wait and wait each morning and then before I know it I’m showering after lunch and that’s just weird. It’s either night or morning, not middle of the day showering!
Amanda, Semanta..all semantics 😉
YES to my stomach going apeshit for no reason. I guess this means I should do the golden milk experiment too!
And I have this shower convo with all my guy friends all the time, because the guys are mostly morning showerers, but my girl friends and I are almost all night showerers. Guys: “What do you do during the day that makes you need to shower at night??” Girls: “What do you do at NIGHT that makes you need to shower in the morning!?”
So I’m a night showerer. Unless I work out in the morning!
“What do you do at NIGHT that makes you need to shower in the morning!?” <-- seriously dying 😆
my hair is such a mess (thick and crazy curly) I’m not sure that just conditioner would work for me. I’m desperte for a new do! I too miss writing posts for the heart! Do what you feel girl!
Your hair actually sounds like it’d be ideal for co-washing! It’s supposed to be the best for curly hair, which is why I’m waiting to see how it behaves with my straight fine hair in the long run.
lately, im obsessed with golden milk..i dont know how much it is impacting but physical health but i feel better drinking it before bed…and im a total morning shower person 🙂
I am kind of a both-er showerer. I definitely used to be all in on the morning camp, but I find showering at night to be strangely exhilarating, fun and relaxing. I usually turn the lights off in the bathroom so I can be getting my eyes used to the dark (not always the best idea as I have more of a tendency then to drop something 😜), and it feels very different in kind of an adventurous way. I still take most of my showers in the morning, though, but I don’t mind doing it at either time.
Despite my hatred of turmeric, I’m thinking I should try golden milk. I have lots of inflammation troubles (gut, arthritis, etc.) and I’m wondering now if it would help. Especially since you like it, I am much more convinced to give it go. 😉
Showing in the dark does sound strangely nice, but I’m not sure it’d be good for me since my bathroom doesn’t have any windows so turning off the lights would literally make it pitch black. And definitely give golden milk a go! Turmeric has been shown to be SO so good for inflammation, so I’m betting it’d help!