Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. I feel like I always have something to say about coffee or Bux in these ToL posts, but it’s something that I do on the daily, so I guess it’s only natural for something to come up. Anyways! no new nicknames this time, BUT I decided to go the hot coffee route again after drinking iced for about a month, and I just burned the crap out of the tip of my tongue and the roof of my mouth. As in… I currently have two patches of very smooth skin in my mouth and no feeling in either spot. Patience. I need more of it.
2. VIQ! (very important question)… Do you turn your computer(s) off when you’re going to sleep at night? Or do you just close your laptop and/or let the desktop go to sleep? I used to always shut mine off completely, but then I got lazy and started letting them go to sleep instead so that I didn’t have to wait [the whole 10 seconds] for them to boot up in the morning. I’m not sure if that’s okay or if I should go back to shutting them off. This is why I come to you guys for help ☺️
3. Also! VIQ#2 – is frozen fruit bad for your teeth? Because it’s one of my favourite things to munch on in the summer months, but I’d rather [try to] break the habit if it’s going to cause me problems down the road… especially given my fear of the dentist. My teeth have been feeling a bit more sensitive lately, but I’ve heard that can also be due to things like stress, hormones, and just getting older. Tell me what you know!
4. And yes, I know I could just Google both these things, but there’s no human interaction in that! Besides… you know what it’s like when you look things up on the internet…
5. Speaking of strange things on the internet… have you heard about the Chipotle diet guy? A guy named Devin Cunningham who’s been eating Chipotle every day for almost a year while bulking up and then cutting down? He even took a 3-hour road trip up to Canada to bring back a two weeks-worth supply of burritos when the E-coli outbreak hit and his store closed down. Now that’s dedication… and makes me really wish we had a Chipotle up here. Until we do (it has to happen one day!), I’ll be over here eating my homemade burrito bowls…
6. In other strange food news, have you guys heard of Matt Stonie? He’s a world famous competitive eater and I’ve been binge-watching his videos wondering how such a small guy can put away such a massive amount of food. Like… it literally boggles my mind. Check this out:
I mean, I love Cinnamon Toast Crunch and all, but can you imagine eating that much of it in a single sitting?!? I guess this is why I’m not a world famous competitive eater 😳
7. Speaking of eating, have you ever noticed that you can eat the exact same thing on two different days and have a completely different reaction to it? It makes trying to figure out what my stomach likes and doesn’t like a huge pain in the ass… and I’m starting to think that my levels of exhaustion and/or stress have a bigger effect on my stomach than the actual food I eat.
8. And now it’s time to wish you guys an awesome day and say goodbye! I’m currently watching the football (read: soccer) game since hockey is over, and I’m not 100% sure what I’m saying anymore. See you Saturday with more foods!

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I am sorry you had to experience that kind of burn – it’s the worst feeling. However, I read somewhere that the skin in your mouth will heal very quickly after a burn, because eating is so fundamental to survival. The body knows what’s up!
Shaking my head at both the Chipotle diet guy and Matt Stonie. I have a friend who claims he can never gain weight, no matter what or how much he eats. We jokingly told him, “It’s easy – just stuff yourself with processed carbs!” but I guess there really are people who aren’t affected by them. That’s a nice problem to have, in my opinion!
I’m very guilty of never turning my laptop off at home or at work! I always just close it and the IT people are always yelling at me saying I’m not getting my updates…oops…
I need to stay off WebMD. I’m SUCH a hypochondriac haha!! And that burrito bowl still looks pretty amazing. I need to start making my own. I’ve been so obsessed with Jasmine rice lately, so I just need to make the rest of the toppings!
I have heard about that chipotle guy! So crazy. Your homemade burrito bowl looks great though. I switch back and forth between hot and iced coffee. Usually hot first thing in the morning, then iced later on in the day if I’m in need of another coffee!
That cinnamon toast crunch is insane! I love the cereal but I defintely couldn’t do that. i would probably never eat it again.
I never ever shut off my computer. My last MAC lasted for years, I only upgraded because they didn’t support the old software anymore so I figure, its no problem.
You know, I try not to be a judge-y a-hole about most things in life, but competitive eating makes me a little sad. Don’t get me wrong; it’s so fascinating that some people’s bodies can work to accomodate insane amounts of food. BODIES ARE CRAZY! But, dude, WHY? Most other sports at least improve your fitness as you go along, but competitive eating just wastes a lot of food and seems like it would ruin normal food experiences. I guess everyone wants to be really good at something, though, so…just do you,, I guess?
I always watch competitive eaters and wonder the same thing! It makes me such t watch them!
I love cereal so much, I bet I could complete that cinnamon toast crunch challenge! But I might pick a different cereal!
I used to really like eating frozen fruit but I’ve developed an aversion to the texture! It’s like nails on a chalkboard. I don’t think its bad for your teeth, though!
I’m so lazy about turning my computer on and off. I’ve heard it’s better for it if you turn it off rather than just shutting it, but I’m so lazy. Then I’d have like 15 updates every couple of weeks. I’m impatient I guess. And I’m guilty of googling symptoms sometimes but then I automatically assume I’m dying so I try not to do it too often haha
I’m curious now about the frozen fruit thing too. I can’t imagine it would do damage but I know ice does make a tooth more sensitive. Have you tried sensitive toothpaste when it happens?
I always turn my computer off so it can update and it’s old and doesn’t like being put to sleep lol. My teeth are more sensitive because of the way I sleep like holding my jaw tight together maybe it’s the same for you?
I heard about that chipotle guy haha. I love chipotle and all but I don’t think i could ever eat that much of it!
You were cheering for the pens during hockey season, right? RIGHT?! I hope so 🙂 That sure is dedication from the Chipotle guy! I won’t even drive across town to get one if my store is closed. Too lazy! Thanks for hosting the linkup 🙂
I hate to say it, but it has never crossed my mind that stress may be why my body reacts to things differently on different days. I always thought it had to do with the other things I had to eat that day & how they interacted, but stress makes A LOT more sense.
Also, somehow I don’t think my abs would pop if I ate Chipotle every day. Though honestly, all things considered, it’s a little high in sodium, but the overall calories & macros aren’t bad, especially if you ignore things like cheese & the burrito shell, which I tend to do. 🙂
I hibernate my computer at night. I think it saves on electricity but I’m not sure if it does anything for the computer. At work, I leave my computer on all the time.
I don’t turn my laptop off at night, only when it needs to update or dies. And I have used that Mac for six years now! My stomach reacts differently to foods also. Some days it loves eggs, other days eggs don’t sit well.
Since I work in the medical field I usually just ask a nurse/doctor/PA/NP about any symptoms (I’ve had them look in my ear, at my throat, etc.) I dont think frozen fruit is bad for your teeth- I just think anything frozen is irritating if you have sensitive teeth. The only thing on my mind right now is leaving the country in less than 12 hours 🙂
I literally JUST googled my symptoms because I think I burned the roof of my mouth. But, don’t worry, it told me I could have a serious infection now. As for the laptop, I always turn it off at night. But my cell phone is a different story. I only turn it off if it needs an update.
I just finished a box of cinnamon toast crunch, not in a single sitting. Wow. That puts my breastfeeding eats to shame.
My computer is an older Mac, so it tends to get hot after a few hours of use. I like to think that if I turn her off I’m giving her a break from all her hard work 😉
Googling symtoms is the WORST. Everyone has done it I’m sure, and everyone has been told they were dying by the internet. Thanks for the extra stress Web MD!
And yay Pens! As a Kings fan it brings me nothing but joy to see the Sharks be made into sushi 😉
Googling symptoms should come with a warning. I have done it and man it’s a scary world on Google.
When I was a kid, my mom told me I wasn’t allowed to google symptoms because I’d freak out, and I was a total rule-follower, so I think I listened. I’ve carried that rule into young adulthood because she’s right – I would freak myself out.
And I totally hear ya about the same food + different reaction. Our bodies need to get it together 😛
I’m totally guilty of googling symptoms. I’m basically dying. But my friend who gets tired during the day (probably from being a mom…) googled hers and she has narcolepsy. 😂
Stress is a big one for me too. If I’m unstressed I can eat whatever I want. If I’m stressed, I have to watch it.
And yes to burrito bowls!! YUMMY!
I hate burning my tongue on coffee. I get so to drink it and then..boom! Also, I totally agree about eating the same food and experiencing different symptoms. I’m working on an elimination diet right now with a client for that very reason. I think anxiety/feelings has something to do with it. Have a great day, Amanda!
The thought of eating that much cereal makes me want to vom, and I love cereal! As for the computer question, I NEVER shut mine down–ever ever–except when it starts getting really slow. I should probably start shutting it down at night at least once a week….I’m not sure what you’re supposed to do though. No help here!
Stress has a huge impact on digestion. The sympathetic nervous state goes into fight or flight and temporarily shuts down digestion. If it becomes chronic, other hormones begin shutting down. This is what happened to me.
I love Mexican but we don’t have a chipotle where we are. Your burrito bowl looks yum!
I am so bad with hot drinks. I am not a coffee drinker, but I like tea, however I am impatient and always burn my tongue if I make hot tea. Other times I just wait for it to reach room temperature but then it doesn’t taste as good, so I like to stick with iced tea. I have heard of the Chipotle guy though I think it would be cheaper if you just made your own chipotle bowls at home (but that’s because I am more frugal). That Matt Stonie guy I can’t even imagine eating that much cereal, my max is at 2 or 3 bowls and sometimes I don’t finish all the milk, especially when it’s that sugary. I will never be a food challenge person either.
That’s interesting. I don’t shut down my computer at night either but this makes me wonder if I should. We don’t sleep in the same room as our computer so that helps too!
My husband will tell you that Web MD is the WORST. Use Mayo Clinic, if you are going to use any of those types of sites. Or just call your dentist and ask them!
That burrito bowl! WANT.
Too much realness there, regarding symptom-Googling. It almost always ends with me convinced of my imminent death. 🙂 As to your VIQs… I hope someone else has an answer, because I’m right there with you!
Have a great day!
I hadn’t heard of the chipotle guy. Chipotle’sbetter than McDonalds or Subway, but still!
We shut off our computer, but I’ve hèard arguments both ways.
No idea about the frozen fruit — not a fan (except banana soft serve). I know I’ve read eating ice cubes isn’t good for dogs, but I don’t remember why.
Frozen fruit hurts my teeth but I doubt it’s actually bad for them, I agree it’s great in the summer! Oddly I have a Chipotle 5 minutes from my house and have never been there. It’s actually in the same shopping center as a grocery store I go to all the time, the timing is never right though. Adam loves watching competitive eating (anything completive!) but it grosses me out way too much!
I just let my computer go to sleep too. It only gets shut down completely if there is some kind of update to do. Not sure if that’s a bad thing so I want to hear the answer to your question!
I love Chipotle but your homemade burrito bowls looks delicious too!
I try not to google symptoms of anything because it will usually tell me something horrible instead of what is actually wrong. maybe because the fruit is frozen, it’s super cold which is affecting your teeth. very cold things can give you those feelings in your mouth.
The eternal struggle for me, ever since I began chain-drinking tea as a 12-year-old, and then moving on to coffee in my teens…. STOP DRINKING IT SO FAST LIZ! Something that I do for a while, then try to make a resolution to stop, and then get impatient again and burn my mouth. The cycle continues. Working on it.
As I understand, fruit shouldn’t cause cavities? Cavities only started becoming a big problem when sugar began being produced. My mother always told me if I didn’t have toothpaste, ‘clean your teeth by eating an apple’. Possibly this is why I have had cavities in the past. Or, she was right. Who knows. I like apples.