Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. It feels so good to be back! I know I’ve been MIA for the last little while, but I wanted to thank you guys for sticking with me through the crazy. I was basically OCD about my manuscript until the very last second, but it’s done, it’s submitted, and I can finally get back to giving Spoons my undivided attention… squirrel!!!
That being said, I’m super excited to be diving back into things, and while we’re going into a time where blogging usually slows down and people are on vacation and spending more time outside, I’m stoked to be going back to 5 posts a week and bringing back things like WIAW and Monthly Favourites. It’s gonna be good.
2. Side note, I just picked up my jacket to go hang it up (I usually write my posts while walking around and doing stuff since that’s when I have the easiest time forming coherent sentences 😳), and it smells SO strongly of coffee. I guess that’s what I get for spending 3-4 hours a day at “the office.” I don’t hate it.
3. Speaking of coffee shops… I know not every place has them, but if you have the choice, do you guys ever find yourselves sitting at the bar stools instead of the regular chairs just so you can swing your feet? No? Just me? Fine. You guys are no fun 😜
4. Remember how I said that I was having a hard time typing because of how long my nails were getting? I was having an even harder time convincing myself to cut them because of how pretty they looked, so my car door did it for me. I don’t know how it happened, but my hand somehow managed to get in the way of the door’s path, and the inside surface of it hit my pinky head on and snapped my my nail right down to the fingertip. I don’t know if that made any sense at all, and I hope it doesn’t sound like I crushed my finger or anything (it didn’t hurt at all), but the point is… no more long nails. Problem solved.
5. Next problem – trying to decide which cover and colour scheme I want to go with for my next Erin Condren Life Planner…
They released the 2017 collection yesterday, and while I probably won’t order one for another month or two, I’ve been playing around with the customizer to see which one I might ultimately go with. They have a new neutral colour scheme that I’m kind of intrigued by, but I feel like I’d probably regret it if I went that route. We’ll see! I’ll definitely let you guys know when it happens. Like always.
6. Hold on. Chocolate craving…
Better 😍 Side note – I really need to go shopping. The only chocolate I have at home is chocolate chips. But I guess that’s better than the bittersweet baking cubes I used to eat when times got rough 😂
7. I also really need to stop multitasking and trying to watch the Stanley Cup finals while writing this post. Any fellow hockey fans out there? Who you cheering for? I’m rooting for the Penguins, but pretty much for no reason other than the fact that the name reminds me of my penguin buddies back in Hawaii…
8. I also, also really need to get better at foam rolling and stretching consistently. I’ve been slacking a bit lately, and my legs are definitely feeling it with all the biking I’ve been doing. And the worst part is that it really does make me feel better and I know it works. I’ve just been lazy 😑
9. And that’s it for me today! Before I go, I just wanted to thank you guys for all your input regarding recipe nutritional info that I talked about in my last ToL. I haven’t had a chance to respond to comments or make a final decision just yet, but I’ll be doing that asap… so see you soon with more FOOD 😁

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Yay for manuscripts being done and for WIAW back- I’m excited to catch up on it, as I need some (big) meal inspiration!
I’m so horrible about stretching. I even don’t like doing it with my clients haha.
YES to hockey. And I think I’ll go with the Penguins because I think it’s cool to see all-stars’ teams do well. Like, the best in the world having the most success, ya know? So, even though I’m not specifically a Sidney Crosby fan, the fact that he’s so good means it’s satisfying for me to see him do well. 🙂
I’m guilty of the bittersweet chocolate consumption…haaaha. I see nothing wrong with handfuls of chocolate chips though!
welcome back welcome back welcome back! but first… go rest. Okay? Love you oodles and congrats!
Well done on completing your manuscript – exciting times!
I hear you on smelling like coffee… There are worse things though… I went to the hairdressers this week and I was convinced I smelt like the thai curry I had just cooked up for dinner…!
Congrats on finishing your manuscript! So exciting! That blue colour scheme you have on the planner is beautiful.
It’s one of my favourite covers! I just like the bright and vibrant colours.
I never get a chance to sit at the bar stools in Starbucks, cause I’m in and out like a flash every morning for my Americano! Then straight into work! Maybe one day. I do frequent 2 or 3 different Starbucks weekly though, just to vary it a bit. Lol
Yeah, confession. I eat those bittersweet chocolate baking cubes too! 😉
I’ve been trying to get myself in the habit of foam-rolling lately but just can’t seem to keep it up. I know keeping it in easy reach would help, but having a tiny apartment and being a neat-freak makes that challenging.
HUGE congrats on submitting your manuscript!! Man that had to be the best feeling EVER. I can’t wait to see it when it’s all finished!
It’s rare that I am able to swing my feet when I sit anywhere because I am so tall but I see the appeal. I’m sure it makes you feel like you are getting some form of movement in when you’re sitting for so long which also helps. 😉
It was seriously such a huge weight off the shoulder. Kind of like finishing that last big exam and finally being able to relax. Now it’s on to all the editing though 😛
I am a religious foam roller. I do it almost every night when I’m watching a tv show or movie. I did back to back marathons (two in two days) a few years ago and I don’t think I could have done the second had I not spent about 45 minutes on the foam roller after the first. Best invention ever!
45 minutes?! Daaaang, girl! I’d be happy if I could get myself to do 10. I’m definitely going to try it while watching TV.
Squirrel!! Haha, totally made me LOL.
Congrats on your manuscript!! Whoop whoop!
The life planners are amazing. Love mine!
OMG eating chocolate chips out of the bag is my fave!!