Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Can we please talk about the matcha craze that’s been sweeping the web lately? Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like I’ve been seeing it everywhere lately. Or maybe I’ve just been noticing it a lot more since I’ve never tried it and have serious FOMO as a result. What do you think? Do I need to give it a shot? Is it all it’s hyped up to be? Let me know!
2. What I have been using is kind of like matcha only without the “t” and “h” 😂 Lately I’ve really fallen into the habit of including a small spoonful of maca powder in my smoothies every other day, mostly because I found a baggie of it in my pantry and I don’t want it to go to waste. Maca is an adaptogen that’s supposed to help the body adapt to stress, as well as balance hormones, increase energy and stamina, improve mental clarity, and a whole host of other benefits. Sounds pretty awesome, eh? I don’t think I’ve been taking it regularly for long enough to really say much about it, but I definitely notice the improved energy bit. And because it’s a bit more of a potent superfood, you might want to talk to your doctor prior to using it if you’re dealing with any kind of hormonal issues, on any medications, or pregnant/breastfeeding.
3. Speaking of potency… maca also boasts a pretty strong taste that not everyone is going to love. It’s…uhm… earthy, nutty, and kind of what I imagine chewing on burnt tree bark would taste like. Yup. Burnt tree bark. You know that smokey smell that hangs in the air when trees burn? Take that and inject it into a powder, and you have maca. It’s bitter and kind of ashy, and the only way I’ve been able to tolerate it is to cover the taste with cocoa. That seems to completely mask it, and you’re left feeling like you’re drinking a dark chocolate smoothie. I’ll take it!
4. And while we’re on the topic of chocolate smoothies… I’ve been drinking one for lunch every day for about a week now, along with an almond butter and jelly sandwich on the side. What can I say? I’m a big kid at heart. That and I picked up this new jam that I’m kind of obsessed with. I’m normally a blueberry jam kind of girl, but this raspberry one from St. Dalfour is to.die.for.
5. Also! I finally got around to trying out that Costco brand almond butter that I told you guys about, and I give it two thumbs way up 👍🏻👍🏻 It’s got a nice and drippy texture with a roasted almond taste, and I love that the only ingredient on the label is “roasted almonds.” No oils, salts, or sugars in this guy; and you seriously can’t beat that price tag.
6. I feel like I’m constantly moving from one “kill it on repeat” song obsession to another, and right now it’s this remix of “Faded” by Alan Walker. The original is pretty awesome too if you want to give that a listen.
7. What else, what else, what else… OH! Have you guys seen the new teaser trailer for Beauty and the Beast? They barely show us anything good, but the song gives me the feels so bad! I was 6 years old when BatB originally came out, and it’s always been one of my favourite Disney movies.
8. So I’ve been munching on a bar of chocolate while writing this post and I’m pretty sure I just ate some of the foil wrapper in the process. Oops? And that, my friends, is the real danger of eating with distractions 😂
9. Very important question time! What are your guys’ opinions on nutritional info being included in recipes? I ask because, while I don’t care much for it personally, I know it’s important to a lot of people, and it’s probably the most common question I get asked regarding my recipes. I don’t like to encourage people to count calories or macros, but at the same time I realize that it’s what a lot of people do, and that not providing nutritional info isn’t going to encourage them to stop counting, but to move on to a recipe that has it. Then there’s the whole issue of people not caring so much about the calories, but about things like sugar and carbs (for those dealing with diabetes, for example). If I did end up adding it in, I’d probably put it on a separate page so that those interested could click over, and those not interested wouldn’t have to see it. Right now I’m leaning more towards adding it in, but I’d love to hear your guys’ take on it!

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I’m not much on counting calories per se, but I do like to know how much sugar ends up in a serving size of a recipe. I just know we eat way too much of it already and I like to be able to alter a recipe accordingly.
I know I’m late, but I would prefer no nutritional info. I like knowing your recipes are healthy without scrutinizing what I eat too much. Also, speaking of matcha…how about a matcha breakfast bake??? 🙂
I see your raspberry loving game is still going strong, this time in jam form. Very nice.
Did you mention the whole pregnant/breastfeeding thing about matcha for me? I feel like you did. Just say yes either way. It’ll make me feel special.
I loved Beauty and the Beast. I can’t wait to see this one. I’ll probably take the tomato. 🙂
I know people completely obsessed with matcha who buy every new matcha drink or dessert that comes out but I personally have no feelings for it. I don’t hate it but I don’t crave it either. I usually buy matcha-flavoured products only as souvenirs but even that isn’t always a good idea. The matcha KitKats and chocolates I bought for a friend in Hong Kong ended up in liquid form because of the heat there. Oops.
Ohhhhh my gosh I forgot Beauty and the Beast is coming soon!! Chills, that song. (I have the Celine Dion version saved on my Spotify.)
As for the nutritional info thing, I think having a separate link for nutritional info is a happy medium!
oh i love maca! i go it almost a year ago, but eh, have barely taken it since december,, woops D: i did notice a bit of an energy increase when i took it! also, we’ve bought those preserves before, i think the strawberry, and it was so good!
YES for nutritional info!!
can you please share your lunch smoothie recipe, please?I must have missed it!
I like the Costco almond butter but I really wish there was a crunchy version.
My instincts kind of cringe at the word ‘nutrition facts.’ I counted calories obsessively for about half a year, and your site was actually a huge inspiration and help to me when I wanted to learn to stop counting.
But that’s just me. i know many readers would appreciate them. I just would appreciate if they’re linked on a separate page, as you suggest. Seeing calorie counts is still a big trigger for me.
As for matcha, it’s not my favorite. But try it! You won’t know whether you like it until you try!
Yay now it’s morning and not bedtime for me I can actually read your post and comment!
First off thank you for sorting out then link up, don’t know what happened there!
I am loving St Dalfour jams too, infact it’s a part of my TOL post this week! Try the black cherry one if you can, it’s amazing!
I watched the trailer for beauty and the beast too… I wasn’t really fussed about it as I’m not a big Emma Watson fan buuuut after watching the trailer and hearing that music, I am so excited about it!
I have yet to try matcha or maca! I feel totally out of the loop haha. I think the author/chef of the recipe has the right to decide whether or not to post nutrition facts. It is their creation, and if the nutritional information and macro breakdown is important to them then awesome, and if not, it’s not that hard for someone to figure it out on their own if they are truly interested!
I don’t think you should add nutritional info; it’s super easy for people to figure out if he/she really wants it. I think nutritionals take away from the post and may deter people to try new recipes. Also, you offer so many substitutions for your recipes that what the original recipe’s info may be posted may not be the same as the nutritional after someone makes substitutions. That could lead to being a dissatisfier.
Maca powder is suppose to be very helpful for energy. I have been adding it to smoothies. I tried adding it to coffee but found it didn’t dissolve too well. Can’t hurt. LOL Lauren
That St. Dalfour jam is to die for! Isn’t it? I used to work in a hotel when I was a student and instead of spoonfuls of it ending up in pretty serving dishes for the guests, they usually ended up in my mouth. Oops! 😉
Regarding nutritional labels. I think it’s a personal choice on your blog. Have a lot of people been asking for them to be added? If not, I’m not sure I would bother. I have them on my site, just so people can make the choice, but I’m not sure if they make any difference to whether or not people go for a recipe or not.
One thing that might happen one day that I think about is that websites like ours might be required to carry such a nutritional label. We’re more heading that way in the UK with food labelling in supermarkets and shops. So I think if it’s happening there, its something that could happen on UK web sites one day. Well that’s my opinion anyway. And I could be entirely wrong! 😀
ah, matcha. Every so many months a new food comes out as a “superfood” and it becomes all the rage. I’ve had it before and am a big fan of green tea, matcha feels heavier. Never heard of maca, but if you have to mask the flavor, not sure I wanna! I’m on the fence about nutritional info. Personally I don’t need to see it necessarily esp if you list ingredients. Someone could figure it out on their own if it’s that important. It’s your blog obviously and if it creates more work for you, hmm – not sure if it’s worth it.
Okay, so this is SO weird, Amanda, because I was just inking about the matcha craze!! And I’m sure it’s at least partly due toFOMO on my part as well because obviously it’s been around for some time, but I still haven’t tried it either. I’m just not a tea person generally, but especially not green tea. But I keep finding myself wanting to try because it seems that literally everyone is singing its praises. I can’t find it at my usual stores, though, so I’ll have to go somewhere special. Please report back if you do try it! I’m simultaneously anxious to try/apprehensive. Also, I’ve been wondering what maca was and if it was related to/a different spelling of matcha, so you answered that for me. And now my FOMO’s like, “I’ve gotta try that!” 😜
I’m totally with you on the nutritional facts. I dislike them due to my past ED and continued struggles with disordered thoughts, but I totally understand the argument for including it. I really liked your idea of including a link so only one interested would have to see it. Sounds absolutely brilliant to me!
I’m anxious to see if he do a good job with BatB as well. I watched it later in life, but I still really like the original, and am always somewhat territorial and opinionated when it comes to redoing/remaking original works. Like I own the original. 😆
I’ve wondered the same thing about matcha powder and have been wondering if I should be trying it oh for at least 2 years now lol. I’ve never had maca powder before either, but I could use some of those benefits you listed….. Beauty and the beast was not my favorite disney movie, but her gold dress was hands down my favorite disney dress and I always wanted it haha
Before even finishing your question, I was thinking you could have the info and make it a “click here for nutritional info” so I definitely agree with that! I am not one to care (usually..) but I do think some recipes, like protein balls, for example, where you can get carried away eating them would be nice to see it labeled. I wouldn’t not make a recipe, though, because it doesn’t have the nutrition. I’d put it in My Fitness Pal or something to find out!
Also, matcha, not my fave. I did come up with some pretty tasty recipes for it but after eating all the food I got kind of tired of it.
I want to try maca powder! Looks interesting. And that almond butter= dangerous. So good!
You are right on the matcha powder taking over the culinary universe. I’ve never heard of maca powder until now! There have been many times when I ate the foil on the chocolate without noticing, too. I don’t care so much about nutritional information (sometimes I’d prefer NOT to know so I don’t scare myself) because I can usually get a pretty good sense just based on the ingredients. So I’m more concerned about ingredients disclosure than calorie counts! On that note, hurray for the almond butter to have no ingredients other than almonds! PERFECTO.
I’m so excited about Beauty and the Beast! It was one of my favorite movies as a kid and I know Emma Watson is going to kill it.
Annnd now I’m craving an AB/Jelly sandwich. Sadly, my nut butter collection is looking a little sad and the only thing I have is crunch PB. I guess that will have to do!
1. Matcha was a thing like 3 years ago and I agree it’s starting to come back like crazy!
2. You just reminded me about how I would eat AB + cherry jelly sandwiches on cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread and it was the best thing EVER.
3. I don’t really care about nutritional info on recipes. If I can see the ingredients, I get a pretty good idea of whether I’m going to eat it or not and all yours are super awesome!
I am pro nutrition information. For a few reasons. Sometimes I just don’t care, I’m making a treat // recipe because it will be delicious. And other times I want to make sure it fits into my daily life. Is this something I can eat daily? I know that a healthy breakdown of macro-nutrients keeps my feeling fuller longer. So, it’s nice to see if I’m giving myself what I need. If I can see that I’m not maybe I can add or substitute to use the recipe in a way that would best suit me.
I honestly really dislike when blogs include nutrition information. I feel like the blog world is filled with so much obsession over calorie counting and macro tracking, that it really contributes to the disordered mindset that so many bloggers and readers have. I feel like if someone is really into that, they’re probably used to calculating it themselves anyway.
I’ve never heard of Matcha…hmmm…and Beauty and the beast! I was a little disappointed that there wasn’t much there, but had NO idea they were making a live version of it! If it’s anything like the Cinderella they put out, I can’t wait.
I wish I had a good blender because I’d make a chocolate smoothie (aka frozen hot chocolate) every morning. Instead I sell my soul every weekend and treat myself to one at a local coffee shop haha
I’ve never tried any of the “crazy powders” but I’d be interested in it. I just want a tiny sample of each, though, so I don’t go wasting money on them if I hate them…
SO EXCITED for Beauty and the Beast. Like, that teaser barely even had Emma Watson in it, but I’m already hooked.
Aaand nutrition. I do include it for my recipes on a separate page, but I’m still cognizant that brands differ and serving sizes aren’t exact and, if you’re being reeeeeally picky, sizes of fruit differ. It’s a good ballpark, though, and that’s really all calories end up being anyway 🙂
I like to have the nutrition information just to make sure when I’m planning my breakfast it has adequate protein and fiber so I’m not hungry in 3 seconds 😀
Maca is one of those foods like chia seeds for me – freaks me out and I just can’t get into it! Even though my allergies force some creativity with food, I’m still an eggs and burgers girl.
I tried matcha once and didn’t care for it, blechy!! is all I can say. Answer to your question- I love have the nutritional info that you put on your recipes!! I hope you continue it helps me so much with my food choices for the day. Thanks and can’t wait for the book!!!