Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Can’t stop, won’t stop! The banana ice cream obsession continues, only this time with cocoa powder and cacao nibs for a double dose of chocolate and some crunch <- 🔑. I ran out of raspberries or there would have been some of those guys hanging out in there too…
2. Speaking of banana ice cream… and chocolate… and raspberries… have your eyeballs seen the banana ice cream breakfast parfait I posted yesterday? Because it’s kind of the perfect addition to your summer breakfast rotation seeing as it’s nice and cool and super easy to make. Not to mention nutritious and delicious. Just saying.
3. So I think the barista had a little finger slip up while taking my order the other day…
Just call me Q-manda 💁🏻 Or “Quanda” as another barista called out when my drink was ready. But, really… call me whatever you want as long as you feed me coffee.
4. And while we’re talking typos… I’ve been making more than my fair share of them recently too, and I 100% blame it on the fact that my nails are getting way too long, which makes typing super awkward. I also can’t get cream out of a jar without getting a tonne of it stuck under my nail, and I’m a little paranoid about gouging my eyeballs out whenever I handle my contacts. I’m thinking it might be time to cut them.
5. That being said, the sound of nails being clipped has got to be one of my least favourite sounds in the world. It ranks right up there with loud chewing/swallowing and listening to people be judgmental/hypocritical. Don’t do that sh*t around me! 😡
6. DO feel free to follow me on Snapchat where I’m constantly showing off my productivity #skillz, though 😂
(username: runningspoons)
7. And on Pinterest where I spent a good hour tinkering with the covers of my boards…
BUT! Pinterest is kind of part of my job, and presentation is important, so I was basically working 😜
8. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, I’m still biking [almost] everywhere… even if it’s only to the store to pick up ONE zucchini that I needed for a recipe 😂
9. What I’m wondering is whether or not I should buy a new collar for Ky. She’s had the same one for… ever?… and while it’s all worn out and faded, I’m thinking it’s probably also worn in and comfy… like that favourite pair of jeans with all the holes in them that you just can’t bring yourself to get rid of because they wear so well… ya know?! My little Ky-ote (and her ratty collar)… on her posturepedic puppy mat 😂
10. Also! Before I forget, I wanted to thank everyone who left me book recommendations! I’ve got them all jotted down and I’ll be picking a bunch of them up the next time I’m in the bookstore… which hasn’t happened yet just because it’ll probably take me close to an hour to bike there 😂 But in case you’re in need of a new read, here’s a list of the ones that were mentioned! (all links go to Goodreads)
Secondhand Souls by Christopher Moore.
The Martian by Andy Weir.
Red Rising (trilogy) by Pierce Brown.
Fall of Giants by Ken Follett.
The Lake House by Kate Morton (<- I’m assuming since no author was given)
The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.
Landline by Rainbow Rowell.
The Legend of Sam Miracle (“The Outlaws of Time” series) by N. D. Wilson.
100 Cupboards (series) by N. D. Wilson.
The City of Bones (“The Mortal Instruments” series) by Cassandra Clare.
The Lightning Thief (“Percy Jackson and the Olympians” series) by Rick Riordin.
The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton.
The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George.
Holy.snap that’s quite the list. You guys rock my socks off 😍 And I’ll see you hip cats (ehh?) in a couple days with a recipe featuring that aforementioned zucchini. I think. Either way, stay awesome!

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very intresting
LOL! Qmanda!
Um..that book list looks stupid. 🙂
I loved The Time Travelers Wife. In fact, I’ve read that book multiple times and even own a copy. Just come to Cleveland. I’ll let you borrow it and you can feed me. Deal, deal. 🙂
yayy for the booklist! Seems like a lot of people are readers on here 🙂
Your puppy looks soooo sweet curled up on that mat. Just a big ball of fluff. And Quanda is a pretty amazing name. Like, I actually love it. Hahaha
Happy Friday xx
I just did the free month trial of Kindle Unlimited and read (some audio) 21 books in the 30 days! Whew! Good luck on your list, I’ve read about half of them.
That dog is so precious! I can’t. Also, thank you for the book recommendations; I’ve been meaning to get back in the habit as well and can’t seem to find anything worth the emotional investment.
And thanks for the linkup! Have a great weekend.
The Martian seems to be getting a lot of thumbs up so that’s one I would definitely check out!
Hey Quanda! Has a nice ring to it…
So with the dog collar thing. I get the whole comfy and worn in thing, but they deserve new and fancy every now and again.
I have NO IDEA how your nails are so long, woman!! I can’t stand it when my nails are above the nailbed. Typing is a nightmare!
And banana ice cream. I need to make that this weekend. It looks awesome.
I think that you are biking everywhere is awesome. Always looking for that next great can’t put down book. “All the Light We Cannot See” was amazing. Ky is probably happy with her worn in collar!
I love banana ice cream, I could eat it every day. My dogs don’t like it when I take off there collars so I have to do a quick change so they don’t drive me crazy.
Qmanda, your banana cream creations are freaking OUT OF THIS WORLD PHENOMENAL – raspberries or no raspberries! Abd ooh Ky is just too adorable trying to fit onto her Posturepedic puppy mat! I was going to get my puppy (who is 3 now and technically not a puppy anymore) a collar too because his old one was chewed up, but he refused to wear the new one, kept trying to scratch at his neck! Iended up ordering some soft dog collars off Amazon last week – fingers crossed he is ok with this one!
Mine always scratch when they get new collars too! Which is why I didn’t want to change hers. But the soft ones are definitely better than leather at first, so hope your little guy likes his!
I totally get what you mean about the sound of clipping fingernails. I thought I was the only one!
your recipes always amaze me and those pics look SO GOOD!
Hi Qmanda! I so need to try this banana ice cream recipe. I don’t have a Vitamix, but my Ninja blender will probably do the trick reasonably well. If there are some chunks in the bananas, that’s not necessarily a bad thing, right? Good for you for continuing to bike everywhere – all of these efforts definitely add up over time! Thanks for all the book recs, this is a fantastic list!
The Ninja is a pretty powerful blender as well so it should be fine! I’m actually kind of curious. Let me know how it turns out if you try it!
I am so loving the banana ice cream obsession! You’re pictures and recipes look amazing. Who doesn’t love sleeping puppies! I could watch mine sleep all day. Thank you for sharing!
Try banana ice cream on baked oatmeal. It’s great!
Ooo that DOES sound good. Will do!
You are having a ton of fun with Snapchat… 🙂 And your banana nicecream is getting me hungry for icecream… Ice cream isn’t as popular here in Ireland.
Ahh I love book recommendations! I’m going to check out that list soon:)
I can’t have long nails. Like, as soon as I can see the nail over the top of my finger, I must trim it. Growing up I always kept them short, and then when I played violin for 7 years I had to keep them short, so now I just can’t grow them without it bugging me.
I’ve never minded the sound of nail clipping that much, but I do feel that way about knuckle-cracking. It makes me rage.
I went through a long period of time where I had to keep mine short too because of guitar, and then biting them when I was younger, so maybe I’m making up for lost time? 😆 It’s really kind of bothersome though.
My nails are NEVER long. I went through the whole fake nail phase in my 20s and now I can’t deal if they’re too long. I file them instead of clipping them because I think they look nicer that way 🙂
Your nails look so pretty though! I’ve tried to grow mine out for years, but alas they never get very long. they love to break and split. Probably because I’m really hard on my nails (and hands). Also the reason I can never keep nail polish on and not chipped for more than a day …if that..boo. I get what you mean by getting stuff under your nails, that’s why I could never do fake nails
Have you tried any nail strengtheners? Sally Hansen has a really great one called Hard As Nails and it’s clear so you don’t have to worry about issues with it chipping. Definitely helped me out!