Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Thank you guys for all the well wishes after my last post! 😘💕 I’m pretty much back to feeling 100% normal again, and SO ready to eat something besides soupy oatmeal and applesauce 3x a day. I’m still keeping things pretty basic as far as food goes (read: avoiding most veggies, spices, and sauces), but we’re getting there, friends. We’re getting there.
2. The only thing I’m not 100% sure that I want to bring back into my diet is coffee –> 😲😯!!! I know, right? I’ve only professed my love for the stuff about a billion times over the years, but I haven’t really craved it since my stomach made me give it up about 5 days ago and I kind of want to see how long I can drag this out for. Granted, caffeine never really did much for me in the first place and I haven’t had any headaches, or lack of energy, or anything else that’s usually associated with caffeine withdrawals, but I do love the taste, so… we’ll see!
(please take me back to this place)
3. Also not invited back into the diet? Frozen blueberries and rice cakes… for reasons that I do not want to discuss but I’m sure you can guess. Actually, I’m kind of giving the side eye to most frozen fruit these days after hearing about the huge recall at Costco… Because guess who buys frozen fruit at Costco? And guess who just got over dealing with some mysterious stomach ailment? Just.saying 🤔
4. On a more serious note, one good thing that comes from being off your game for a little while is that it really makes you appreciate your health that much more. I know I’m always harping about gratitude and positivity and finding the good in a bad situation, but that’s because I 100% believe it and it has 100% changed my life. It’s easy to get caught up in the minor annoyances of day to day life and complain about the traffic, or the weather, or work, or taxes, or whatever it might be, but if you have your health then you already have the most important thing that you need in life. Think about it… what good is anything else if you’re not healthy enough to enjoy it? What good is money, or fame, or a nice house, or tonnes of stuff if you’re dealing with chronic pain, disability, or a life-threatening illness? Ask anybody who’s in that situation, and they’ll [most likely] tell you that the only thing they want is to be healthy again.
5. That actually reminds me a lot of when I was recovering from my eating disorder and how amazing it felt just to be able to do regular, everyday things again. I’m serious. I still clearly remember marvelling over the fact that I could walk up a full flight of stairs without having to stop in the middle because I didn’t have the energy to pull myself up the rest of the way. It’s been a long time since I’ve had to deal with anything like that, and an even longer time since I’ve been sick, so thank you food poisoning or whatever the heck you were for putting things into perspective.
6. And thank you weather for finally clearing up enough to let me go outside and do something I love 🚴🏼
7. And thank you guys for such a positive response on my PlantFusion post! As promised, the giveaway winner is making an appearance in today’s post, soooooo….
Congratulations, Haley! I’ll be getting in touch with you asap to grab your info so that I can pass it along to the people at PF.
8. Happy Thursday, friendly faces! Make it an awesome one!

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Good luck with giving up your coffee! I gave it up years ago because I have tummy problems. I miss it so much, but dandelion has been a good alternative for me. Is this permanent or temporary? Have you tried decafe? It doesn’t work for me because it’s still acidic. You’ll get used to not drinking it.
Thanks Beth! I don’t really have any plans for how long this’ll go on. For now I don’t crave it, so I haven’t been bothering to eat it. Have you tried herbal coffees? They’re not -exactly- like coffee, but similar enough to help. Teeccino is a brand that I like.
I hear you about feeling so grateful for good health after a time of recovery. I’ve felt that both after recovering from my eating disorder and more recently–I too came down with the stomach bug not once, but a couple times this spring. Glad to hear you’re feeling better and got to get out on the bike!
I’m glad to hear you’re feeling all better, and you’re right, being healthy really is the only thing which truly matters.
So glad you are feeling better. I know how you feel about the coffee. A doctor once told me that my stomach would never be totally fine unless I gave it up. I have tried… and tried. You are so fortunate not to have any withdrawal symptoms. Our health is everything. Priceless. Sometimes it takes a stomach bug to remind us. Stay well. xo Lauren
Have you tried herbal coffees at all? They’re not -exactly- like coffee, but it helps with the psychological aspect of it. Teeccino is a brand that I like!
I love your positive outlook! Our health is everything and you are 100% right. If we have that then all of the other things will work themselves out.
I’m glad you are feeling better and I hope you have a wonderful weekend! <3
Glad you’re feeling better! Being sick is the worst! I drink hot tea like other people drink coffee and I don’t know that I could give it up! The caffeine has never bothered me before and that’s not at all why I drink it, I just LOVE the taste and the experience of a nice cup of hot tea (Stash Irish Breakfast is my favorite). I’m trying my best to think positive, I’ve been dealing with some hip issues and have been in physical therapy for it. My physical therapist is AMAZING and I love her but she’s also MOVING so I have two appointments left, then I have to do everything on my own. And I have a very strange issue, so it isn’t something that just anyone would be able to help fix. But I’m trying to stay positive and think that things will get better and I’ll be able to run again without pain. But that’s hard when I run and there’s still pain. Thanks for the reminder about positive thinking – I needed it today! 🙂
Aww I’m sorry to hear that, Sarah 🙁 Have faith in yourself, though! No matter what happens, you’ll find a way to make it good 🙂
Glad you’re feeling better – I’m dealing with a cold/allergies myself, after catching it from my baby. Ugh. Seriously makes me appreciate good health, however, just like you said!
After the past few days at the beach, I think I have coffee running through my veins instead of blood. Not as relaxing as we’d hoped – but still awesome – so lots of coffee was consumed! 😉
Oh my, no more coffee? Good for you girl for listening to your body. I need to cut back on my coffee drinking, I know there’s benefits to coffee, but not when you drink the amount that I do, then it starts to have drawbacks. I am going to try switching to decaf in the afternoons and save the real stuff for the mornings.
Thanks for hosting the link-up! I am impressed by your ability to give up coffee… I have tried several times in the past, but I just love the taste and the burst of energy in the morning… I’ve decided if coffee is my worst vice, then I’m doing pretty well!
Definitely! Besides, there’s a tonne of research out there that coffee has a lot of benefits too, so as long as you’re not going overboard, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it at all.
Ohhh good luck with no coffee! I hope you can stick it out… I mean, if that’s what you REALLY want 😀 And I agree about good health..I definitely try to keep that in the back of my head at all times.
Glad to hear you’re feeling better! I must be living in a hole as I did not know that frozen berries had been recalled. Maybe that’s because I’m not near a Costco… My daughter LOVES frozen blueberries for breakfast, snacks, and dessert. Thanks for hosting the linkup and good luck on the no coffee kick!
Awe that really blows. I’m sorry you were so sick. This makes me think of the time my neighbor came over freaking out because her baby’s poo was all black. Yes, she showed it to me (mothers can get a little crazy) and then I convinced her that it was because her baby had eaten a lot of blueberries.
Leave it to me to talk about poo. Sorry.
Lolol! I feel like I’ve heard it all at this point. I don’t mind the poop talk.
Hey Amanda! It’s been awhile since I have linked up. Glad you are feeling better!
Hooray for feeling better! I definitely can’t drink coffee when I’m ill either. I also crave orange juice, saltine crackers and toast – I think it’s because that’s what my Mom used to feed me when I was a kid/sick.
A couple years ago, I got hit with a bad stomach bug and it turned me off eggs, cherries and Diaya “cheese” for MONTHS!!!
Isn’t it weird how stomach bugs can totally throw us off and change our cravings? Kudos to you for giving up coffee for the time being. I don’t think I could. Glad you’re feeling better!
I’m sorry to hear you were not feeling well, but man does all of that food at the top look amazing?! I wish that someone would meal plan for me for a week and make it all look so beautiful and delicious. Randomness: I was walking up the stairs at the college I work at yesterday and someone had stuck a ton of emoji and flower stickers on the railing and it made me think of your sticker love.
Aww that’s super sweet! I’ve been super stingy with using mine – I don’t want to use them all up 😆
Oh man – I had a bug like that about a month or so ago – I felt super fine and then all of a sudden things went downhill very fast with “other things”. I couldn’t eat real food for about a week. It was absolutely awful.
Sounds like you had a rough week. Glad you’re feeling better. Also, thanks for the heads up on Costco. We don’t shop there often but I was planning on heading there this weekend for some frozen fruit… guess not this time!
They just announced a bunch of recalls at Trader Joe’s too! Be careful of the frozen veggies.
So incredibly glad you are feeling better – because like you said in #4 – healthy is EVERAYYYTHANG!!! Amanda I so <3 your positive spin on life! I heard about the Costco recall and EGAD – throw 'em berries far far away!
There’s been even more recalls now! Be careful of the frozen veggies at Trader Joe’s!
I know I’m sick when I don’t want coffee. That’s how I know for certain there’s something seriously wrong. I was off coffee for a week when I had the flu this winter and I was so excited to have it back. It’s not so much about the caffeine for me as it is that I just truly enjoy my morning cup of coffee.
Glad youre feeling better, and its all about perspective right!? It’s amazing how humbling something like the stomach bug can be.
So glad you are feeling better- I feel like there is a new recall every week 🙁 This spring has been all over the place weather wise- but I can’t wait to start getting in some loooooong bike rides!
Did you hear about the recall at Trader Joe’s now?!? Crazy stuff.