Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. The best part about being [slightly] jet lagged is the fact that it kind of put me back on a more normal sleeping schedule. Not that going to sleep at 9:30pm and getting up at 4:30am was the worst thing in the world (*snort*), but I kind of prefer the whole 11:30-6:30 thing I’ve got going on now. Sometimes I’ll even force myself to stay up a little later just so it’ll help me sleep in. I mean, I love early mornings and all, but waking up 4am makes the day feel really, really long; and it kind of sucks to look at the clock and realize it’s only 10am when it feels like it should be 2pm.
2. Speaking of the longer days! Are we loving them or are we LOVING them?!? I went out for a little walk at 8:30pm to get some fresh air after being in the kitchen for most of the day (cookbooking is no joke!), and it was still pleasantly bright out. It’s a big change from Hawaii, where the sun was setting at around 6:30.
3. So I brought two things home with me from Hawaii: a pretty decent tan (for me… I’m still pretty pale comparatively) and a serious cereal addiction. I mean, I already had a pretty big one going in, but Hawaii definitely kicked it up a few notches. I went through almost 3 boxes of cereal in the 10 days I was there, and the habit’s been going strong ever since… namely with these, these, and these.
4. In other food news, I was happily (yes, happily) going to town on some applesauce the other day and I thought to myself: “man, this is the best tasting applesauce I’ve ever had!” Turns out the reason it was so good was because I accidentally bought the sweetened kind without noticing 😂 The sweet-tooth is real, my friends. And it reigns supreme. Actually, I should probably go back to making my own homemade applesauce again.
5. Can someone please tell me why most medical/professional buildings have such creepy hallways?! I was only in there to have my yearly eye exam, but the heebie jeebie vibes were real. And the best part is that my optometrist’s office is at the veeeeeeery end of aforementioned ominous hallway.
6. I seriously love my doctor, though. I’ve had the same one since I got my first pair of glasses at age…. err… 10? and he’s always telling me stories or giving me eyeball biology lessons when I see him. Yesterday’s lesson was all about the anatomy of the eye, and I had a chance to see pictures/scans of the inside of my eyeballs (creepy) and even some pictures/scans of eyeballs that had cataracts, haemorrhages, and macular degeneration (also creepy). Pro tip: to keep your eyes healthy, eat lots of leafy greens, orange bell peppers, and goji berries. Each of those contains high amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are two carotenoids that help prevent macular degeneration. Learn something new every day!
7. On that note, if you wear glasses/contacts, how old were you when you got your first pair? I feel like I needed them super early, which is weird because no one else in my entire family is near-sighted, and I didn’t even watch a lot of TV or have a computer as a kid. I’m also the only one who has a life-threatening food allergy. Yessssss.
8. And last but not least, time for a little cookbook Q&A! I’ve been getting quite a few questions regarding the book, so I figured I’d answer some of the more common ones here:
- When will it be coming out? I don’t have an exact date for you guys just yet, but I do know it’ll be early 2017. As soon as I find out, you guys will be the… err… second to know. Possibly third if Mama Spoons gets to me first 😂 And the closer we get to the publication date, the more details I’ll be able to share.
- Will it be all new recipes or ones that are already on the blog? Brand spankin’ new, baby! Besides 2 or 3 personal favourites that I really wanted to put in there, it’ll be 80 new recipes that I’ve been making behind the scenes and just not telling you about 😜
- What kind of recipes will they be? So you may have noticed that there’s been a lack of flourless muffins around these parts for the past couple of months, and that’s becauseeeee…. that’s the concept for the book! Healthy flourless muffins, as well as some flourless brownies, bars, and cookies. I’ve completely revamped my go-to flourless muffin recipe and I seriously can’t wait for you guys to see all the tasty flavour variations I came up with 😁
Let’s chat!
No questions! Just tell me whatever randomness comes to mind!
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I got my glasses when I was maybe 7 or 8? In elementary school for sure. Back then they weren’t too bad and I only had to wear them at school to read from the black board. But I needed new, stronger glasses every year…I have my father’s eyes :-/ Now I’m kind of stable at -6.00 or something. So pretty blind bit out could be worse! I switched to contacts a few years ago and I’m hoping to get laser surgery one day!
Mine have gotten progressively worse over the years too. I have one eye that’s a -4.50 and the other is sitting at -5.25. I haven’t needed to increase my prescription over the past couple of years, though! So I’m hoping they’ve found their happy place.
LOL at the long creepy hallways. When we moved into our new building last August there were no pictures or anything on the walls and we started referring to our back hallway as the insane asylum hallway. There are still no pictures, but I guess we’ve just gotten used to it!
I didn’t get glasses until 23 but now I wear them all day everyday.
Congrats on the book. I just published a book too and it’s really a fulfilling experience. You can check mine out here:
That’s so amazing! Congratulations! 😀
I always love when the days get longer. I feel so much less tired and want to be active in the evenings, it’s refreshing.
Seriously – CANNOT. WAIT. for your cookbook – especially now that I know the theme of it! Youb are the flourless muffin queen! And You sure are right – I manage to learn something new everyday – today that is that goji berries are good for my peppers! And yay – The sweet-tooth is real indeed – here’s hoping it reigns supreme 4-EVA! Glad you are back friend!
Thank you so much, Shashi! I really appreciate the support 🙂 And I think that even knowing that goji berries are good for my eyes isn’t going to make me eat them. They’re not exactly my favourite berries 😆
I got my first glasses in 4th grade, 2 of my 3 kids so far have gotten them around the same age. My youngest is in third grade so time will tell…
I am super excited about the cook book, I am a bit of a cookbook junkie 😉
Aww thanks so much, Amy! I really appreciate that a lot 🙂
No carrots on that superfood eye list? I thought those were the loaded vitamin A veggies for eye health! And I got my first pair of glasses at…maybe 9? And contacts soon after that, when I went to kick a PK to win a championship game and missed it wide right because the goal posts were blurry lol Haven’t miss one since 😉
Sooooo stoked for your cookbook babe! This means a book tour right? So that I can stalk you and meet up with you somewhere? 😉
I think carrots were on there too! Cooked over raw, though. Not sure why. And the tour thing is definitely a possibility! Eee! That’d be so exciting. I hope that’s the way it goes!!
Cheers to longer days—about time! That’s so exciting about the cookbook : )
So excited for the cookbook! I can’t imagine all the behind the scenes work that goes into it!
I work in a hospital (so, lots of doctors offices) and our hospital is much brighter and significantly less ominous looking than that hallway! Not to say that probably makes people *excited* to go to the doctor, but it can’t hurt!
Have a great day Amanda! 🙂
Thanks so much, Sarah! That really means a lot 🙂 And yeah – the workload is kind of insane, especially when you factor keeping up with blog recipes into it. Totally worth it, though!
I think I was 12 when I first got glasses. I wanted them so badly but when I got them I refused to wear them. I don’t need them all the time, but I wear them most of the day at work so I look older! Being short makes it hard to stand out from high schoolers.
Getting your own cookbook is so DANG exciting!!!
It really is! I seriously can’t wait 🙂
I got glasses in Kindergarten! Hows that for setting a child up for an entire life time of “fun.” I didn’t think I’d ever be able to get contacts because I have stigmatism, but eventually technology rolled around so in grade 8 when I finally got contacts it was like an entire life shift.
LOVING the longer days… summer is coming! 🙂
I have astigmatism, which is actually one of the reasons that I’m not sure if I should get Lasik or not. Last I heard, it was a little less successful on eyes like mine. I should have asked my doctor!
I was nine when I needed glasses, and my dad was younger when he needed them, so at least that runs in the family. I love my contacts, though I know I should give my eyes a break once in a while. I’m in the market for a new eye doctor because I don’t like the ones I’ve seen for the past 6 years anymore.
I live in my contacts too. My doctor is always telling me to take them out in the evening, and sometimes I do, but glasses can be such a hassle… and mine haven’t been updated in YEARS.
Im so excited to read your book. I’m constantly searching for healthy muffin recipes!!
I don’t wear glasses but when I was younger I wish I did and would buy fake ones to wear hahaha!
Thanks so much, Kaella! That means a lot 🙂 And I actually had a few friends that did that as well! One even went so far as to buy actual expensive frames and just have them put clear glass in there 😆
Every year I think, were the days always this long? I can run anytime now!!
Oh my gosh, Puffins AND Mini Wheats in one bowl?!?! That is my kind of breakfast right there 😀
It’s seriously ridiculous. I always mix my cereals because I’m kind of a freak for different textures 😆
I’m with you on the creepy halls at doctor’s offices. It doesn’t help that if it’s a new office I’m bound to get lost trying to find my way. I feel really lucky that I don’t need glasses (knock on wood) but my mom has lived at the eye doctor’s lately.
I got my first pair of glasses at age 10 but just left them in my desk at school and refused to wear them. Then I got contacts at 14 when my eyes had gotten just a bit worse.
I love the longer daylight hours also!
Ahhh SO STOKED about this cookbook, Amanda!
I got my first pair of glasses when I was 6 or 7, and then contacts when I was 12 or 13. Everyone on my dad’s side of the family has pretty messed up eyes. B-)
Love you! And appreciate that a tonne 😀 And my parents both wear glasses now, but they got them waaaaay late in life and they’re both far sighted.
I didn’t get glasses until late college and at that point I only used them to see the board in the front of the room. I didn’t start wearing them all the time until a few years later. I got pretty lucky.
It usually takes me a few weeks to get back on regular time after a Hawaii trip.
I’ve my eye doctor since I was a kiddo too. My dad loves him because he would only increase prescriptions if he really had too. I got glasses at 13, but eyes got increasingly worse. I’m always surprised when other adults say they don’t wear them because everyone in my family does!
Im on a cereal kick too, mainly with peanut butter puffins, those things are like crack! I am also so excited about your cook book and can’t wait to hear more deets!
Thanks so much, Rachel! I appreciate that a tonne 😀
My eyesight is awful. I got glasses my junior year of HS when I couldn’t read the dry erase board and contacts after my freshman year of college. Now I WISH I had perfect vision. LASIK…one day!
I’m so excited for your cookbook! 🙂
Lasik is something that I keep going back and forth on as well! It’d be so nice not to have to worry about putting contacts in every morning and taking them out at night.
I was wearing glasses at 6 or 7 then got contacts when I was 13. Four years ago I had lasik and it was the best thing I ever did. Should have done it years ago.
I keep going back and forth on lasik! I’m kind of tempted to get it done, but I have astigmatism, which I heard lessens the chances that it’ll work. I dunno. I should have asked my doctor about it!
I got my first pair of glasses at 12 and contacts at 14. My whole family and my husband are near sighted, so I feel like there’s not much hope that Matilda will escape it!
My eyesight is terrible! I was the last to get glasses in my family (around 4th grade maybe?), but I have the worst eyes. Good to know about the leafy greens and orange bell peppers. Super excited for your cookbook!
The longer days are so nice! If only it’d be warmer too, ha. I love cereal but reign in my addiction or else a box lasts like 2 days. Oddly enough I’m the only one in my family who doesn’t need glasses. So weird but I’ll take it! Can’t wait for your cookbook. No doubt it’ll be amazing. Just curious, did you pitch the idea to a publisher of did someone contact you?
Someone approached me. I always had it in the back of mind that I wanted to write one, but I was waiting for “the right time” to come up with a pitch… which probably never would have happened 😆
The hallways in my apartment building are freaking ominous. Why did they repaint them battleship grey and then leave the lights without shades for a month? No reason. I am so done with out apartment building. Problem after problem after problem. Thank goodness we move in a month!
I’m loving the longer days of sunlight. When I was driving home from the gym yesterday morning at 6am, it was starting to get a bit light out and I love having some sun after work, it has definitely helped my overall mood. I first got glasses when I was 5 years old but after kindergarten, I decided to stop wearing them. I actually went back to the eye doctor and they said my vision went back to 20/20. Fast forward to age 14, I noticed my right eye couldn’t see the board well at school. Basically I needed glasses for my right eye only, but eventually the changed and by college I was wearing glasses all the time, left eye can’t see near and right eye can’t see far…I never thought I would be one to wear contacts, but as soon as I found out I needed to wear them all the time, I got contacts. I’m also glad to learn that leafy green and orange bell peppers are so good for eye health, since I have both of those daily.
Oh wow, I didn’t know you could have one eye be near sighted and the other be far sighted. Interesting stuff. And I basically live in my contacts as well. I keep meaning to update my glasses, but I can’t find a frame that I’m super happy with.
I have been loving the longer days as well. It makes me happy to walk outside after work and it’s actually still light. I’m glad you are back on a normal sleep schedule. I know how much an off schedule stinks.
I bought sweetened cinnamon applesauce for my kids one and of course now I have to every time. I figure there are worse things, oops! Oddly I love long office building hallways I think because of my past gymnastics, I just picture doing a tumbling pass and get a kick of adrenaline – weird now that I think of it!
Haha! I would seriously love to see someone tumbling those hallways. So far it’s only been little kids skipping.
i got my first pair of glasses when i was in second grade!! i then wore them until i was 11, didn’t need them much for years (except for some reading) until my son was born, then i basically needed them again all of the time. i live in my prescription sunglasses!
Super excited for your cookbook!
I got my first pair of glasses when I was 10– I’m the only one of my siblings with bad eyesight. I’m the only one that needed braces, too. Lucky me! 😉
Thanks Courtney! I appreciate that a tonne 😀
I’m lucky enough not to need glasses…yet. Most of my family got them later in life so I’m sure I’ll be there one day.
I go through phases with cereal. Right now, I’m on an oatmeal kick so that’s my breakfast everyday. But cold cereal with milk does sound amazing. Problem is I always go for the sugary cereals so I better stick with plain oatmeal for as long as I can!
Ok this might sound a little crazy, but have you ever tried adding cereal TO your oats? IT doesn’t work with all of them, but I’ve found that replacing some of the oats with something like shredded wheat squares or Weetabix does AMAZING things to it. Seriously amazing.
Can’t wait for the cookbook (I may have mentioned that already?). I’ve no idea how you cook up new recipes for a cookbook while still posting new recipes to the blog. Without gaining 300 lbs.
I never really thought about hallways in doctor’s buildings, but that could be because I don’t go so often, as I happen to mention in my post. Maybe if I hadn’t moved 4 times and keep having to find new ones . . . but after being a sickly child I’m kind of a doctorphobe.
I did get glassed at 12. Contacts right before I got married and 30+ years you can’t pry those things out of my cold, dead eyeballs, so to speak. I’m also the only near sighted one in my family, but then again, I was born cross eyed and had surgery at 6 months to correct that — thank God!
It definitely helps to have a lot of friends, family, and friends of friends/family that are willing to accept tonnes of baked goods 😆 The struggle is seriously real, though. And I’m not huge on the doctor either. I can’t remember the last time I went to an actual GP, but I needed new to order a new set of contacts and they wanted to get me in for a check up to see if anything had changed.
Oh man, I feel you on the long days! Anytime one of my kids wakes up early by the time it’s their bedtime I’m like. Okay, me too, it’s bedtime! And that’s at like 7 pm..
#FBT (flashback Thursday) 2014 when I used to comment first.
I can’t wait for the flourless toothpaste recipe. I took mum to the docs the other day and the walk to the room was like a walk through a bloody dungeon.
Lolol! I was gonna say! Just like the good ol’ days 😉