Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Firstly and foremost-ly, thank you guys SO, so much for all your sweet comments, messages, and e-mails regarding the big news. I haven’t had a chance to respond to all of them just yet on account of travelling and all, but I wanted to send out a huge temporary TY;LY (thank you; love you) because you guys seriously rock my socks off, and none of this craziness would have been possible without you.
2. Speaking of the craziness, I’m still trying to transition my brain to vacation mode. I have a feeling it’ll be a couple more days before it finally sinks in 😬
(book edits on the flight over)
3. But let’s talk about the trip so far! We’ve only really been here for 1.5 days so there isn’t tooooo much to say just yet, but I did already manage to get slightly sunburnt (as per usual)…
4. Befriend some handsome local fellows…
5. Eat my weight in tropical fruit (don’t worry – not the ones on display in the hotel)… (and o.m.g the papaya is amazing)…
6. Spend plenty of time on the beach [trying to get the perfect wave shot]…
7. And become slightly delusional as a result of staying up for way too long while trying to combat jet lag…
8. I think I’m going to end it there since I’m pretty sure this ToL has to go live in about 15 minutes (home is 4 hours ahead), but I’ll talk to you guys again soon, and you can always follow me on Snapchat (username –> runningspoons) to see more from the trip!

Let’s chat!
No questions! Just tell me whatever randomness comes to mind!
More places to find me!
E-mail — [email protected]
Twitter — runwithspoons
Facebook — runningwithspoons
Pinterest — runwithspoons
Instagram — runwithspoons
Bloglovin — runningwithspoons
Snapchat — runningspoons
Sorry to hear about your sunburn! I think that’s par for the course in Hawaii. 🙂
Also, those penguins are too adorable. I need to stay there next time I go back!
Seeing your adventures on Snapchat has been envy-inducing, but I’m SO happy that you’re having a blast!! What I would do for a beach…it’s snowing here tomorrow hahaha. Those penguins ♥︎
Eat lots of pineapple for me!
Oh my gosh!! Looks like such an amazing trip!! I wish I was there! …and I absolutely wish I was eating my weight in tropical fruits!! Those hotel pineapple displays are oh so tempting!! Hehe! 🙂 Happy Friday pretty lady!
xoxo Cailee!
Just read your news…. AMAZING!!! Can’t wait to see it and i know it will be great. All the recipes i’ve tried from here are incredible and i make over and over.
Say hi to those little penguins for me – damn they are studs!
It has been such a long time since I have linked to your TOL! Two things: Congrats on the book!! And have a great time on vacation 🙂
Hawaii is totally on my bucket list! And I can’t get over how cute those penguins are!
congrats on the cookbook!
Ooh- so jealous of Hawaii!!!
I have been on such a papaya kick lately – so eat some for me while you are there! Those waves sure are mesmerizing! Hav e a wonderful vacay!
Ah, I know what hotel you’re at. Those penguins! My friend works there. Don’t worry. I won’t stalk you. I’m in California now. And I’ve actually never been to Maui. One of my biggest regrets when I lived there was not island hopping.
Have an awesome trip!
I am so excited for you! Congrats on the cookbook! Have fun on vacation! You’ve earned it 🙂
Glad you’re having a good time! It looks gorgeous!
That’s awesome about the cookbook! Jealous of your Hawaiian adventures–looks like an amazing time 🙂
I just reentered the blogging world so I wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS on the book! You are incredibly deserving of this, and I cannot wait to try it out. I’ll be sure to give it a review on the blog when it’s out 🙂
I hope you have so much fun!! We just booked a trip to Mexico in June and it’ll be my first time out of the country since my honeymoon!