Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Firstly and foremost-ly, thank you guys SO, so much for all your sweet comments, messages, and e-mails regarding the big news. I haven’t had a chance to respond to all of them just yet on account of travelling and all, but I wanted to send out a huge temporary TY;LY (thank you; love you) because you guys seriously rock my socks off, and none of this craziness would have been possible without you.
2. Speaking of the craziness, I’m still trying to transition my brain to vacation mode. I have a feeling it’ll be a couple more days before it finally sinks in 😬
(book edits on the flight over)
3. But let’s talk about the trip so far! We’ve only really been here for 1.5 days so there isn’t tooooo much to say just yet, but I did already manage to get slightly sunburnt (as per usual)…
4. Befriend some handsome local fellows…
5. Eat my weight in tropical fruit (don’t worry – not the ones on display in the hotel)… (and o.m.g the papaya is amazing)…
6. Spend plenty of time on the beach [trying to get the perfect wave shot]…
7. And become slightly delusional as a result of staying up for way too long while trying to combat jet lag…
8. I think I’m going to end it there since I’m pretty sure this ToL has to go live in about 15 minutes (home is 4 hours ahead), but I’ll talk to you guys again soon, and you can always follow me on Snapchat (username –> runningspoons) to see more from the trip!

Let’s chat!
No questions! Just tell me whatever randomness comes to mind!
More places to find me!
E-mail — [email protected]
Twitter — runwithspoons
Facebook — runningwithspoons
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Instagram — runwithspoons
Bloglovin — runningwithspoons
Snapchat — runningspoons
Congrats on your cookbook-how exciting!! Those penguins are too cute!
OMG. Congrats on the cookbook! That’s incredible!
Enjoy your time away & stuff yourself silly with all the delicious fresh fruit! Mmm.
SO JEALOUS OF YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW. Enjoy your time soaking up that gorgeous Hawaiian sun, sand and sea!
Unrelated, but I was in the drugstore looking at makeup last night and wondered, “What would Amanda do/buy?”
Congrats on the book deal! That’s so awesome!! What part of Hawaii are you visiting? I went to Maui for a friend’s wedding and wanted to move there afterwards- it’s absolutely gorgeous! Have a great trip!
Love your beautiful photos from Hawaii! And good for you for working in-flight! I’m usually good for a bit then I give up and end up attempting to (fitfully) sleep. Have a great trip!
I love your crashing wave pictures! Looks like you’re having a great time so far. The time change definitely had me up super early when I was there!
Enjoy your trip! Do you drink coffee?? I’ve heard hawaiian coffee is soo fresh and delicious!
Hi, I just found your site. Contgrats on your new book! I’m going to have to try some of your recipes soon. 🙂
Oh, congrats on the cookbook deal! I missed that post. I’m so excited for you!! You’re such an inspiration to me. Really really cool. I hope you have a relaxing and luxurious time in Hawaii! My favourite place on earth.
Congratulations on the news about your cookbook! That is incredibly exciting and well deserved.
Also, I’ve got to say, those penguins are adorable.
Wow, Hawaii is so beautiful! Enjoy all that wonderful time out in God’s creation. <33 I hope you can really relax and refresh.
So jealous. The beach is my favorite place to be. Unfortunately, I get there so seldom.
those pineapples are so cute! that is the main reason I want to go to hawaii is for the pineapple…I hope you got the perfect wave picture and Im sure you are going to share your travels so we can all live vicariously through you! have fun enjoy vacation time!!!
It looks like you are having such a beautiful time in Hawaii! My husband has been trying to get us back there since our honeymoon 7 years ago, and these pictures are definietely motivating me to buy some tickets!
Ugh those pictures are GORGEOUS! I have never been to Hawaii but I need to go..like yesterday.
Congrats on the cook book! That’s seriously amazing. Your trip looks amazing, can’t wait to hear details. Thanks for the details!
Amazing photographs! Looks so beautiful. Enjoy your vacation.
I’m going to Hawaii for the first time at the end of this month… I think I’m most excited for all that delicious fresh pineapple and papaya!!
Ohhh!!! I am more than just a little jealous (In the best possible way :-)) I hope you have an amazing trip and congrats again on the cookbook.
Your photos are making me happy during a craptasticly crappy week! I was so sick yesterday I physically couldn’t prepare a post for today and I think it’s the first time since I found your blog that I didn’t link up for TOL. Just hoping to be able to eat by the end of the day, ugh!
Hope you’re having so much fun in Hawaii! I’d be eating all of the tropical fruit as well 🙂
love reading vacation recaps! I’ve never been to Hawaii, but hope to do so one day!
Hopee your having fun! Looks gorgeous!
Congrats on the cookbook- Will definitely be purchasing 🙂 so excited for you! Playing with penguins looks awesome- hope you had a great trip!
Why am I not following you on snapchat!? Going to live vicariously through you while on your vacation. I could so use some beach time!
It looks gorgeous my friend. I find I’m also the most successful when I’m on the plane. I can normally crank out a whole bunch of stuff that I usually can’t. Glad you are having a great time and enjoy it. It sounds like you are pretty far into your cookbook too, which is awesome!
SO, so so many congratulations, Amanda. ABOUT DAMN TIME 😀 And what a great place to celebrate!
Also, Bring me home a penguin.
Congrats again on your cookbook! Now stop working and enjoy vacation – you deserve it! And work will wait til you get home!
That morning walk scenery is beautiful. Not like I should complain but … aah, the sun, the beach, …
Really enjoy your vacation and use it to rest and relax. I just read a post about the reality of writing a cookbook and wow, you’re straining yourself a lot for us to enjoy it.
Enjoy your vacation and remember what I said, I want one of those penguin looking guys. Oscar would love them. 🙂
Have fun on your vacation! I saw your snaps and this penguins are hilarious! It is my favorite birds, so cute 😉
I hope you are having so much fun! Miss talking to you, my days feel weird!
And yeah, I have photo after photo trying to capture the perfect wave . . . . and sunset . . . and sunrise . . .
I missed the big news — but I guessed it already. Well deserved & looking forward to it (and available to test recipes, of course). Congrats!
HI is one of our favorite places. It’s an awfully long trip from here — I imagine it must be longer from up there. The first 2 times we went we were still in TX, so while long, it wasn’t bad. The last time we were in NY. Looooooong. But so worth it to be eating sushi on the beach that evening (well, actually, it wasn’t that trip).
Enjoy! Soak up that sun because we have snow in the forecast.
It’s so gorgeous!! Enjoy your time lie this each day#