Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Say hello to springtime in Alberta!! 😂
We were doing so well for a while there and then it went ahead and snowed ALL day on the second day of spring… and it’s supposed to snow again today. But we’ve had a relatively easy winter as far as Albertan winters go, so I definitely can’t complain about the weather. Besides…
2. … only 5 more days until I can squish Maui sands between my toes. I should probably start packing 😁
3. On that note, things are going to get a teeny, tiny bit quieter around here while I’m away. I’ll still be checking in for ToLs and Link Loves, but I’ve scaled back on the recipes and I won’t be able to reply to comments, messages, and e-mails as readily. I thought about prescheduling a bunch of posts and going about business as usual, but I could really use some time off becauseeee…
4. … I’ve been working like a crazy person for the past few months on a project that I can finally share with you guys. Not just yet because this one deserves a post of its own, but keep your eyes open for a big announcement early next week 😁 😁 😁 😁
5. Speaking of eyes, someone needs to tell me why this Snapchat filter exists…
(username: runningspoons)
Hello nightmares come to life 😳
6. MOVING ON! Toasted coconut…
… I’ve somehow managed to become ridiculously addicted to it. I went my whole life without really caring about coconut one way or another, and all of a sudden I want to add it to everything. Expect to see it on Spoons soonish.
7. Expect to see this little guy too…
Confession: the main reason I bought a mini loaf pan was so that I could make recipes that I normally make in a ramekin in a loaf pan instead. Because who doesn’t want a single-serve chunky monkey loaf? Or a single-serve banana oat Greek yogurt loaf? Same recipe + different form = totally new recipe 😉
8. And on that note, it’s time to get my butt back into the kitchen — I feel a late night baking session coming on 😁 Have an awesome Thursday!

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Snapchat — runningspoons
That snapchat filter. Looooool.
Oh I am sooo jealous of your Hawaii trip!! Soak up som sun and sand for me too, ok?
I have a better idea! How about you meet me there 😀
Snap chat freaks me out. I deleted it long ago when no such weird features were an option. I don’t think I can handle it!
Enjoy your vacation!
That snapchat filter tho…seriously creepy!! Lol
We’ve had very un-springlike weather here too this week. We actually got hit with an ice storm yesterday that coated my car in a 2 cm layer of ice. It took me FOREVER to scrape it off.
Also YES to toasted coconut! I was actually just toasting some this afternoon for an Easter dessert. Sadly I have to wait until tomorrow to eat it. 😛
I love toasted coconut too – once I made some to top some pancakes with for a breakfast get-togethr and ended up eating ALL the dang toasted coconut – when it was time to eat breakfast – well, there was no toasted coconut anymore – the downfall of waking up at 5am for pre-scheduled breakfast at 8am! GAH!
I’m hoping I am not too late to say Bon Voyage! Here’s hoping you have the bestest time in Maui! XX
I have the same problem with eating my recipes ahead of time! 😆 Sometimes I have a hard time figuring out how much a recipe yields because I eat too much of the batter ahead of time.
I can’t believe it is still snowing up there! Maui is going to feel so nice next week and I think it’s great that you’re taking some time off. As bloggers we put way too much pressure on ourselves to show up every week but it’s important that we give ourselves a break here and there.
On that note, I hope your late night baking sesh went well! 😉
SO MUCH NO to that spring time scene. OOFFDA! I am jealous of your Maui adventures, but you clearly need it more. It’s cold in my area, but the sun has been out so no complaints.
I love the word “loaf.” It’s just so funny. Andrew described a guy on TV with bad hair as having a loaf on his head and I couldn’t stop laughing. It’s so visual!
But the real question is… was he also wearing… loafers 😉
Can;t wait to hear about your Maui trip! I want to go to Hawaii so badly, someday!
I’m so envious of your trip to Maui – I need some beach time in my life.
Can’t wait to hear the big announcement!
**that Snapchat is CREEPY!
Have a wonderful vacation. I have never been to Maui but I hear it is beautiful. That filter for instagram is freaking. Can’t wait to her your announcement.
I can’t wait for your big announcement!!! *jumps up and down impatiently* Looking forward to it!! I love toasted coconut too, but it toasts so fast, and no matter how hard I try or how often I check it, those last 3 minutes throw me and I always end up just short of burning it. 😆 Thankfully, I don’t mind super-toasty things.
Have fun in Hawaii! I’ve never been, and part of me thinks it would be absolutely lovely, especially in the middle of a rain-soaked winter/spring. But right now, I’m not in a position to travel, so I’ll live vicariously through you, lol. 😜 Soak up some sun for me!
Have you tried toasting the coconut in a dry pan on the stove? That was the game changer for me! You just stand there stirring for about 5 minutes and it makes perfectly toasted coconut with NO burnage. And it’s so much easier than busting out the baking pans and waiting for the oven to warm up.
Have fun in Hawaii!! I’m still trying to figure out Snapchat… both on why certain things exist and also on how to replicate the cooler things I’ve seen. I”ll have to try and find that filter!
There were so many great links this week; I didn’t know where to start. Enjoy your trip!
Cant wait for your announcement! Oh man i dont think i could ever live in canada. Pennsylvania winters are bad enough for me.
I am sure Maui will be amazing!! Have a fantastic trip!
Oh gosh I can totally relate with the snow photo.. haha woke up to my car covered in ice today:) The beach sounds awesome right now!
Eep! But at least we’ve got warmer and sunnier days ahead 😀 I just keep telling myself that the bulk of winter is over 😆
Have the BEST time in Maui! I’m sure you will, because how could you not. I am very addicted to coconut as well! If there’s anything coconut flavoured (ice cream etc) I’m all over it.
I think I need a Mini loaf pan too, just cause it’s cute. And can’t wait for the announcement….until then, impatiently waiting…
I adore toasted coconut. I made a coconut cream pie for my sweetheart’s birthday back in February, and all I’ve been craving since then is coconut. And Cheerios?
Anyway…Hope you have a great time in Hawaii. I wouldn’t stress too much about getting those posts out–you deserve a break! Besides, every job allows for a little vacation time; I don’t see why blogging should be any different. : )
Thanks so much, Joyce 🙂 The plan is to take some time off, but we’ll see how well that works in execution 😆 And a coconut cream pie sounds absolutely wonderful.
The snapchat filters are crazy town. Those eyes and that spider. Shudder.
Some things are just better in mini, like loaf pans so you don’t have to share. 😂
You should try the face swap one with Oscar. I got it to work with Ky once and nearly died.