Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. This song, though…
I’ve been playing it in the background while working on the computer lately, and it’s the perfect song to just zone out and write/edit to. Please don’t ask me how many times I’ve played it on repeat… it’s slightly embarrassing. And there I go misspelling embarrassing again. Eff.
2. So Target is packing its bags and heading south for the winter good. Apparently us Canadians didn’t take too kindly to it, so Target is pulling the plug and leaving Canada “after 22 months of multi-million dollar losses.” I feel so bad for all the workers who are losing their jobs, but I honestly can’t say I’m surprised. I remember being super excited when I first heard that Target was finally coming to Canada, only to be disappointed after discovering that it was basically a poor man’s version of the stores in the States. You guys get all the good stuff down there…
3. Has anyone else noticed the days getting so much (read: a little) longer? It used to be pretty dark out by 4 PM, but now I can still see traces of the sun around 6. Spring is coming, friends… spring is coming.
4. And it’s a good thing, too. I don’t know about you guys, but the February funk is starting to set in, and while it no longer gets as bad as it did in past years, I’m still ready for warmer days. Or at least brighter ones. I think it’s mostly the lack of sun that does me in, especially when we’re dealing with a week straight of white/grey/gloomy days. Time to up that vitamin D intake. It helps. It really does.
5. On another health-related note… I’ve been getting a lot of questions about health coaching, my experience at IIN, and my current studies with CSNN. I’m planning to put together a post about it soon, so let me know if there are any specific questions you want answered!
6. The question I want answered is… what the heck is on this disk?
Remember floppy disks?!? I came across one with my name on it while going through some old boxes the other day, and I want to know what kind of treasures are on it. Do they even make computers that can read these things these days? Because my laptop doesn’t even take CDs ๐ I’m curious to see what I was hoarding in what I’m guessing was back in the 90’s…
7. Speaking of the 90’s… I got the biggest kick out of this article on Buzzfeed titled: “19 Frustrating Things Today’s Kids Will Never Experience.” Who remembers actually having to develop camera film? And making mix tapes? And Napster? And Encarta? And VHS tapes? And pay phones? Kids these days… they’re missing out.
8. If you ever write me a text and/or e-mail and I don’t get back to you for a while, it’s because I’ve answered you in my head and overlooked the fact that I didn’t actually answer you in real life. I apologize. It’s the old age getting to me ๐
9. While we’re on the topic of text messages, I decided to take a look at my emoji keyboard the other day, and these were my most frequently used smilies. Of course a banana would be on there. Of course it would.
10. Oh! And before I forget… Remember how I mentioned that dry skin has been the bane of my existence lately? I’ve found something new that might actually be helping…
It’s the Ultra Repair Cream from First Aid Beauty. I’ve been using it for a little over a week now and I’ve been liking the results. I’m not the biggest fan of the smell (it’s kind of herbal/medicine-y), but I’ll deal with the smell if it’ll keep dealing with my dry hands. Check it out if you’re at your wit’s end!

No questionsโฆ just tell me whatever comes to your mind! ๐
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Your thoughtful contributions have been truly appreciated.
Dem floppy disks! We still have a machine using them in the lab so I’m glad that Vaio external floppy drive exists. Stupid disks die quite often and I end up not being able to transfer the huge amount of 4 pictures they fit to the computer but at least there is some way to save anything from said prehistoric machine. You can ship your disk if you’re too curious but I bet it will be destroyed on the way even if it’s still working now ๐
I miss a lot of things from the 90s but using floppy disks and tape all the time is definitely not one of them.
Ah, the good old floppy disks! Nostalgic but unreliable. I remember those days struggling to transfer files. Thank goodness for modern tech! ๐๐ป
Dry air/skin is going to be the death of me. It’s SO MUCH WORSE in the city too! I’ve been walking around with bloodshot eyes & I feel like I’m on the verge of a nosebleed 24/7.
Oh many, my life can definitely be summed up but my recent emojis.
I’ve been wanting to get in contact with you about IIN – I want to start soon, but I feel like I want to talk with fellow bloggers about it. I’m sort of worried about the financial aspect of it, so if you could touch (maybe) on how they go about that, it would be sort of awesome! And I’ve noticed the longer days – super amazing with my work schedule (9-5). It was tough when it would be dark before we were done.
E-mail me, girl! I can go into a lot more depth about it and if you’re interested, I could let you know when they’re running a promotion so you could save some additional money on tuition ๐
One of the computers in my parents’ house still has a floppy disk reader. 95% sure it still works. Ship it to me, I’ll ship it to Trinidad and we’ll figure out what’s on it haha
I never spell embarrassing correctly either. How’s that for irony. In fact, I’m pretty sure it taunts me.
This song is interesting. It’s very soothing, I will say.
I just picked up some more vitamin D yesterday. I take them religiously, whether it be summer or winter. Pretty sure in Ohio, we’re all deficient. I suspect Edmonton would be the same.
Yeah it’s really bad for us up here, and I think they’ve even linked the high incidence of MS we have with a vitamin D deficiency. It’s scary stuff.
Can you still get things mailed from Target??? I don’t go anymore because City Target is anxiety inducing.
FLOPPY DISCS!! I haven’t seen one of those in AGES!! And I’m loving that it’s staying lighter a little longer each day, too ๐ yay for sunshine!!
I can’t imagine not having target! Let me know if you want me to pick u you up a unicorn mug!
Ahh! I just wrote in today’s post about how terribly dry my hands are and asked for good hand cream recommendations! Do you know if this is available in the States??
Sure is! I got mine from Sephora.
The first time I ever asked my mom to buy a CD for me was for one song! It was Natasha Bedingfield’s album because I wanted to song “Unwritten.” Good times.
Glad to see that you have something to save your dry skin! My fingers are wrecked because I’m constantly washing my hands throughout the day, so they dry out before I get a chance to put on lotion. Cocoa butter at night helps though!
I love this! Especially that part about kids missing out on some of the frustrations from when we were younger. Sorry to hear about Target…I love Target. ๐
My heart hurts for your loss of Target. I’m surprised it wasn’t a hit for you guys!
Wow! I have not seen a thumb drive like that in forever! I have no idea how you can get the data off of that.
the states DOES get all the good stuff but honestly, I LOVE my target ): I’m beyond sad that they’re leaving. I keep going back to hoard as much as I can (….since they broke the news. My boyfriend has not been impressed with my hoarding). They had a lot of hiccups but if they were able to market themselves properly, they would have done great! They sell Tylenol Night/Day packs for $6! SIX! Regular price! Shoppers sells them for $10! Wish they’d stay ):
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture of the sun filtering through the curtains.. soooo pretty!!
Anyhoo, I stumbled upon your blog through a fellow blogger and thought I would just stop by and say hi! It would totally make my day if you did the same – or better yet! Keep in touch! <3 – http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com
Thanks for saying hi, Gingi! I’ll definitely be heading over to check out yours ๐
That’s super lame of Target…and I’m a Target junkie! They do it so right here in the US, you’d think they would have gotten it together for Canada! Sorry, Girl! I use emojis way too much, but they are so fun. I love the ‘recently used ‘ section, it always comes in handy! xoxo, ganeeban
PS – Thanks for the linkup
Yay for being a 90s baby lol. Seriously kids do not know what they are missing But then again I still try to remember what I ever did before google haha. My piano at my parents house takes floppy discs to record my songs and still works but definitely cant read files. I am sure i have a couple floppy discs around somewhere. Would be cool/funny to see what is on them.
I’d be really sad if Target went away!
Where did you get the hand cream??? Sephora? And I’m sorry Target disappointed you Canadians. You’ll just have to come visit us more often ๐
And Elmo’s allergies are a mystery. He was on special dog food which didn’t help (no food allergy) and his blood work came back with only TWO minor irritations (no obvious environmental), so it’s quite a mystery. I could spend $1000 for a legit allergy test, but even if we find out what he’s allergic to… it won’t really help even with allergy shots. So, I kind of do not see the point in throwing away 1000$. Haha.
Yup! Sephora. And that’s crazy about Elmo. I didn’t even know dogs could get allergies that bad…
Funny you should mention the longer days thing. Yesterday my boyfriend picked me up from work, at 5 PM, and a few minutes into our drive I sensed that something seemed off. Then I blurted out “oh my god, it’s LIGHT OUT!” It makes me so happy. I HATE how dark winter is. I need my longer days back! I heard that starting January 1st, each day we get another minute of sunlight. That always makes me feel good every new year. This means we’ve gained over a half hour of daylight back! YAY!
I finally remembered to start taking my supplements, and then that report came out about how a bunch of those store brand supplements were found to be bogus. Ahhh I just can’t win!
Two things make me very sad about your Target situation. 1) that your store is closing and 2) that even when it was open, it didn’t carry all the fun stuff I love about Target down here. I would die if my Target closed, so this makes me feel sorry for Canadian not being able to experience all the awesomeness that is Target. ๐
I remember floppy disks prior to the one in your picture. They were bigger and much thinner. Yes, I’m that old. {Sigh}
I remember those too. And the Apple computers with the green and black screens. And Oregon Trail ๐
I can’t believe target half assed a store up there :/ disappointing, I go in to Target wayyy to often. My excuse is it is the only Starbucks in my gym’s shopping center and I take my old coffee bags in for a free coffee then decide to walk around and ‘just look’ while I drink my coffee.. today I walked out with Fairlife milk (which we did actually need, my moms milk expired 2/3), sprinkled donut captain crunch, chobani salted caramel and pretzel flip cups, and Jiffs whipped pb in caramel flavor. Ops ๐
Can’t wait to hear about your IIN experience, I am planning to enroll in the fall! Would love to hear what you thought about it, like how much time it took outside of the lecture and if it is a good investment.
That’s awesome! If you ever have any questions, or want to hear about when they’re running some promotions so you can save on tuition, e-mail me!
I am dying over that floppy disk and the 19 things list. I. feel. so. ol. Too bad about Target! it really is one of the greatest treasures we have in the US.
If it it makes you feel better, I’m 18 and definitely reply to people in my head without actually physically doing it. ๐
I’m not even a little surprised that Target is pulling out – it’s completely pointless! I think if they had even ONE thing that we couldn’t have gotten in Canada beforehand then maaaaybe they would have had a chance, but it’s really just a rebranded Walmart.
SO while US Targets are a million times better, I’m still sad that Targets pulling out of Canada. I actually liked it a lot! I mean, it’s better than Walmart, in my opinion.
I just looked at my most-used emojis and for some reason I have the little fried shrimp on there. Not 100% sure why that’s the case…
FLOPPY DISKS!!! Oh boy. That article made me feel so old.
I feel bad about Target too but to be honest, I didn’t even step into one of the Canadian ones. I just knew it wouldn’t be the same and didn’t hear very good things!
Thanks for posting about that cream! I’m going to have to pick some up. My skin has been crazy dry lately and when I visit Arizona, it gets even worse.
It’s probably better you didn’t. I don’t know about the ones you have over there in TO, but ours here in Edmonton were kind of creepy. I barely ever saw any people in them, so going in there was kind of depressing.
Haha, your most used emojis – looks like those ones I like to use! I’m curious about the banana though =P. And #7 is totally relatable! All the things that kids these days won’t experience – no Blockbusters, film development, phone book madness, waiting around for your VHS to rewind, and the “but I just want ONE song!” complex!……Gosh. It kinda makes me feel old, and I’m just turning 20 this year!
Hi Amanda! I’m not linking up today, but I’m still loving your thoughts. First of all, too bad about Target. Second of all, I have noticed the days getting a little longer here in Northern California. Third of all, I used to LOVE picking up my developed pictures … but yes, inevitably some were awful with closed eyes hahhaha. Happy Thinking Thursday! ๐
Oh my gosh floppy disks. I remember bragging to my friends when we got a new Gateway computer because it had a CD-ROM. I also still remember DOS.
That’s so sad that Target is leaving you. I’ve been pinching my pennies lately, but normally Target runs are part of every weekend.
Bahahah! I remember DOS as well. And then having to enter all those slash commands when you wanted to run a program.
Speaking of the 90s, have you seen this?! It’s amazing. http://www.buzzfeed.com/jaimieetkin/there-was-a-perfect-saved-by-the-bell-reunion-on-the-tonight#.vh4DMXZvk
Also, #9 yes. I also do the same with emails and then they rot in my inbox for freaking ever. It’s ridiculous.
I am totally feeling the February funk as well! No fun! I am eagerly awaiting the sight of fresh blossoms and longer nights. ๐
At least we’re well over the hump of winter! Nothing but brighter and warmer days to look forward to ๐
Baha!! Yay for bananas! I’m honestly surprised that it’s not in my top emojis used!
The text comment. LOL. I can only begin to guess how many time I have done that…
I sure have noticed the day lasting longer! I heard from some probably unreliable source we get 2 extra minutes a day! I am so excited for Spring!