Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Just a quick heads up for all my blogger friends who are looking to go self-hosted this year! Bluehost* is having a pretty sweet sale to kick off the new year, and from now until January 31 at 11:59 EST, you can sign up for awesome web hosting for as low as $3.95 per month — that’s less than a fancy cup of coffee from Starbucks! So if you’ve been thinking about starting a blog or switching over to self-hosting, now is definitely a great time to do it! You can check out this post to see why I recommend it, or head over to Bluehost* to learn more.
(* affiliate links — thanks so much for your support!)
2. Aaaaaand if you’re not a blogger or currently in the market for a new self-hosting company, then maybe I can interest you in a smoothie instead? I recently whipped up this Honey Oat Strawberry Smoothie for Savory Style, and I kind of think you should go check it out because the combination of honey, oats, strawberries, and banana is basically to.die.for.
3. As are these adorable heart-shaped page markers/bookmarts that you can make from Post-It notes.
Remember how I mentioned that my new Erin Condren planner has been inspiring all sorts of creativity in me? Well, I’ve been Googling, YouTubing, and Pinteresting DIY craft and decoration ideas like a madwoman lately, and I came across this DIY Crafts with Post-It Notes video which included those little hearts (starts around the 5 minute mark). Needless to say, I currently have about 50 of them lying around (they’re fun to make!), and I’ve been putting them everywhere.
4. On the topic of planners, check out this gem that I came across while looking through some old things at my parents’ place this past weekend…
My old Dinky Diary! Aka: what was probably the first planner/diary I ever kept. This guy dates all the way back to 1993 (I was 8 years old), and includes precious gems like…
Oh.Man π π π
5. In other throwback news, Smells Like Teen Spirit (which was released in 91!!) came on the radio while I was in my car the other day and I’m not ashamed to admit that I had a full-blown, one-(wo)man, head-bangin’ dance party/rock concert right then and there. Helloooooo anthem of my overly-dramatic teenage (angst) years.
6. Back to present day. I bought an electric milk frother. I was using a hand-held one for a little over a year prior to that, but it wasn’t really giving me the kind of froth that I wanted… so I splurged on a Milk CafΓ© from Breville. Socks = rocked. Nothing like being able to make a creamy almond milk cappuccino or latte from the comfort of your own home. Foam for dayssssssss.
7. And while we’re on the topic of handy, dandy technology, can someone please invent a Ctrl+F (aka: find) function for our eyeballs? So that it’s easier to locate the things we need in textbooks? It’s kind of sad to admit the extent of my reliance on computers, but I may or may not have thought to myself “oh, I’ll just ctrl+F it” on more than one occasion while reading a textbook… only to realize that I.can’t.do.that.
8. I can’t handle the ending to Golden Son either. Am I seriously supposed to wait another year to find out what happens with an ending like that?! I might have to try my luck at bribing Brown for some deets because oh.my.god I want to know now. I’m not good with cliffhangers, and this most definitely left me hanging.
9. I also want to know who’s going to Blend Retreat this year! Registration opened up this past Sunday, and after having such a great time last year, I decided I’d be heading back again this year. So let me know if you’re going because I want to meet ALL the bloggers!
10. Until then, you can find me in the mountains. I’ll be heading up again this weekend to go snowboarding and partake in some Jasper in January festivities, and I can.not.WAIT.
Bye! π

No questionsβ¦ just tell me whatever comes to your mind! π
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I would love to find an old diary of mine…I wonder if my parents still have that stuff?!
Oh!! That smoothie looks delish! Pinning for later π
I think I neeeeed to go to blend this year!!! Ahhh
Oh man. I love finding old diaries and planners. There were always warnings and threats on the first page – haha! Remember those little locks that kept them “safe”?! Yeah…those really worked!!
Have a great weekend, girl!
Off to catch up on a couple more of your posts that I missed!
Whoa what a deal from blue host, wish I was signing up now :p already done! Your little diary is adorable. Just shows that you were a master at thinking out loud, even at that age!!! Love it! Have a wonderful weekend friend!
My old diary i so ridiculous and embarrassing. It is pretty much full of all the boys I had crushes on, and all the reasons why I was mad.at my little brother!
I read the first book (Red Rising) … I’ll guess I’ll wait until sequels are all out and I can read books back to back. I’d rather wait when it’s in my control π I have SO many books waiting in my Kindle cloud to keep me busy!
I’ll be at Blend! I just got my Bluehost after reading all these reviews and am glad you are a fan too!
Also I need a Milk Cafe too.
The Blend Retreat sounds great! My May is always so busy so it doesn’t fit in my schedule which is a bummer.
I got my first diary/journal was I was in 1st grade. I kept one religiously through highschool and into college and after that. They’re in boxes at my dad’s right now and I unearthed some recently and shocked myself. Some of the things I used to write down were absolutely hysterical but I’m glad I did because all those memories come back much easier when you get a little reminder!
Oats in smoothies is SUCH a good idea. Yum!
Basically the only thing currently on my mind is the fact that I’m stuck home with the flu, missing review for finals next week! Yikes. Stress + coughs abound :/ Hope you’re having a great week!
hahahaha I would love to find my diary from my childhood years. That would be hilarious. And horrible. As for Blend – I’m keeping my fingers crossed!
Ahhh, nothing like a little throwback Thurs with a bit of thinking out loud. π I hope I never come across my old diaries. Why did I ever think it was a good idea to record such details?! ha
Hahaha your old diary pages are hilarious. Mine are so silly too. I went through a huge Harriet the Spy phase so I have an old notebook where I wrote “observations” about people just like Harriet did.
Also nooooooo Blend Retreat is the weekend of my RD exam! π
That’s so adorable that you found your old journal! Haha, I can’t help but cringe if I ever find any notes I’ve written from back in the day! So embarrassing , goodness gracious!
I want a milk frother! I’m all about that froth, even though it doesn’t really taste like much, it’s just fun
I wish I could go to Blend. I have a few expensive things to purchase this year so I can’t afford it this year. It sounds like a great time though. Hopefully I can next year!
Omgggg your old diary’s are awesome hahah I’ve gone back and read mine from 4th grade….all I did was talk about who I had a crush on. ….so embarrassing.
That strawberry smoothie sounds good! My daughter would love those little post-it markers and she’s a total journal kid too. so many journals at such a young age π
Smells like Teen Spirit was my song. That and Bohemian Rhapsody will make me rock out in the car like no other. Actually, I’ll do that to almost any song, but I get exceptionally excited for those.
I have my diary from my teen years and I want to burn it. I can’t even understand what that girl was thinking. I haven’t pitched it yet though. I can’t bring myself to go through with it, and at the same time, I wouldn’t want anyone else to ever see it; even the Hubby. Yep, it’s bad.
Drooooooooling over that smoothie recipe! I seriously need to find some better glasses to get pretty pictures of my liquid-y recipes. And your first diary is SO CUTE. I’m sorry about that allergy reaction :'( . On a weird note, I always forget we have such a big age difference! You started that journal a year before I was born. Madness. Looking into Blend now! I REALLY want to go, but it always seems to fall on a day in the quarter where I have exams. Meh.
LOL @ the diary. I found mine from 2nd grade…classic.
Just added that book and the first in the series to my list on Goodreads.
That’s great you have another fun weekend again. I really need to get back up to Tahoe, but of course, I’m moving apartments next weekend so that’s taking up much of my focus right now. Happy Thursday, Amanda! π