Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. I do believe that the Cookie Monster is trying to clean up his image π
I’m all for eating your fruits and veggies, but I’m not sure how I feel about The Cookie Monster being the one to suggest it. Was Big Bird busy with another campaign or something? What about Snuffleupagus? I really hope Sesame Street isn’t jumping on the whole “how to beat the holiday bulge” bandwagon…
2. Speaking of cookie monsters, I came across this What Kind of Christmas Cookie Are You? quiz on Buzzfeed and couldn’t resist taking it…
Does anyone else find it incredibly eerie how answering seemingly frivolous questions like “What’s your favourite reindeer?” and “What do you want to be dunked in?” can bare so much of your soul? π― And what’s even weirder is that oatmeal raisin cookies are legit my favourite kind of cookies. Creep.y.
3. In other news, I went to a hockey game the other night for the first time in… I wanna say 2 years… and it reminded me of why I stopped going in the first place. Don’t get me wrong — I definitely had a good time — but The Oilers are… not good (read: dead last in the entire league), which is just painful for a girl who grew up during a time where they were basically unbeatable. It also made me feel incredibly old to realize that at least 80% of the team is probably younger than I am π
4. On that note, my birthday is exactly one month from today, which completely boggles my mind because I don’t in any way, shape, or form feel like I’m one month away from being 30 years old. When did that happen?!?! I actually have to stop and think for a minute whenever someone asks me how old I am, because I still feel like a kid at heart. And I kind of look like one too π
5. This is why I sleep with teddies. But only when it’s cold. And only if they’re filled with beanie things so that I can stick them in the microwave and have them keep me warm at night. Blog friends, meet Webster the microwavable bear. I love him.
6. I also love hanging out in my living room in the early morning and late night because it means I can turn on the Christmas tree and bask in its cozy glow. It makes the shorter days that much more bearable.
7. I should probably be spending more time outside, though. I’m starting to give Casper a run for his money…
π And no, I didn’t edit that picture at all. Granted, I was sitting right in front of a window so that definitely washed me out a tonne, buuuuuut I am really pale in general. Whatever — owning it.
8. Loving it…
9. Waiting for it…
T minus 2.more.days π Happy Thursday, friendly faces!
No questions… just tell me whatever comes to your mind! π
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…and I just realized I forgot to link up last week after I posted my TOL.
Better late than never! π
I might need a microwaveable bear. Where do I find me one of those?! Princeton is so small…sometimes his body heat just doesn’t cut it!!
I’m 99.9% sure that I bought him in a grocery store π― Otherwise I have no idea where to pick them up π
I love all the Amanda selfies in this post, and I bet I could give you a run for your money in the paleness factor. I’m pretty translucent myself.
I hope Cookie Monster is promoting healthy eating because they would be a perfect blend of balance. Cookies and cuties. Besides I can’t hate on that snuggly blue boy, especially when he opens his mouth and all those crazy words and cookie crumbs tumble out. π
Once upon a time when I was barely a teenager, my best friend at the time and I ate an entire crate of clementines between the two of us. Her mom came into the room and completely freaked out!! She was so worried we would have an allergic reaction after consuming waaaay too much vitamin C. Oops π worth it though!
Hi! So many things to comment on this post, so I’ll stick to just a few:
1) That Ed Sheeran Song…pure amazingness.
2) As a toddler Mom, I will say that it might have something to do with a recent Sesame Street episode where Cookie Monster is misunderstood and mistaken by Mario Lopez for “The Veggie Monster”. He was back to the cookies in the next episode though, don’t worry.
3) That microwaveable bear might be the most amazing invention EVER.
4) Can’t wait til you join the 30s club! Thirty and flirty and thriving..Jennifer Garner said so! That’s what I keep telling myself, anyway!!
Happy weekend. Stay warm!
Oh look, you found another reason to use your microwave in different ways than as storage space ;). Poor Webster, though. As much as I want to stay warm I wouldn’t be able to push him into the microwave. Just like I could never bear using Nili, my pink hot water bottle hippo to warm my feet. No way!
Time is really flying by insanely fast. Given we share our birthday month mine’s coming up soon, too. Can life please slow down?!
I probably shouldn’t tell you about the one bear that I accidentally almost set on fire, then π―
My birthday is January 3rd so we were allllmost twins. That’s how it works, right? π
Yeah I agree about the Cookie Monster. There are sooo many other characters that could take over fruit/veggie duty, come on. And basking in the cozy glow of a Christmas tree is one of my favorite parts of this season π
Don’t worry about the 30. Did that a short while ago. Yes it included some wine to get over the shock. But I kind of enjoy the fact, that I look way younger that some of my friends π So looking young is good.
I’m a Linzer cookie (don’t really like them) that likes to be dunked in egg nog. π
Your tree is soooo pretty! I want to get one this weekend but don’t have any ornaments so I think I’m gonna do the ribbon thing like you!
Do eeeeet! Ribbons were the only thing I had the first year I moved into my new place, and they really do make the biggest difference. Plus they’re not gonna break the bank.
Definitely sleep with teddies myself. And the newest addition is Theodore “Theo” the Thanksgiving dog which I received from my boyfriend to add to my teddies. Now that the sappiness is over…ha!
I actually chuckled at the cookie monster being advertised on the Cuties! Seriously?! And thank you for linking that buzzfeed quiz, I’m a sucker for buzzfeed quizzes, especially those about food! I got Gingerbread Cookie as my result. What can I say? I’m a little spicy! π
I do not want to see the Cookie Monster trying to pedal healthy treats – it just feels wrong π
So 1st, I’m not sure why but when I submitted my link it said there was no back link to you, but there is, so I don’t know what that’s all about!
Anyway, yay for hockey! After YEARS of my Kings being awful, we’ve finally stepped up and become something. Its been fun to watch them over the years and now that they are finally the Champs, all these people are becoming fans. Psh, I was a fan when we had Gretzy! How could I not be? π
Yay for the big 3-0! I’m turning 26 next year and I tell you, I feel like I graduated high school just last year. I’m such a kid! But Ninja and I have been married over 5 years already. Life is nuts with how fast time flies! <3
I was a fan when WE had Gretzky π Granted I was like 4 years old and had no idea what was going on, but still! And I’m not sure why that happens with some links, but I went ahead and fixed it for ya π
Girl the pale struggle is SO real, especially in the winter! I feel ya.
My birthday is TOMORROW which I’m super excited for! My mom is having her first try at a vegan cake. We shall see!
Oh, oh, oh! Happy [early] Birthday, girl! Vegan cakes can be amazing! I’m thinking about experimenting with one for my birthday as well!
I haven’t been to a single hockey game in my 4+ years in Canada. I’m trying to go for a record.
p.s. I got Snickerdoodle. Apparently, I’m so well liked, I probably get a round of applause whenever you walk into a room…I’ll take it haha
“Youβre a reliable standby who can go with the flow and dress the part for any occasion. Youβre so sweet, you give people toothaches.”
I got sugar cookie from that quiz.
I really like sugar cookies, esp. with some (read: A LOT of) icing. How funny! Also funny is that a line from a song I’ve been digging recently is “Cause my baby’s sweet as can be/She give me toothaches just from kissin me.” Isn’t that coincidental!?
π Brilliant. And I always forget how much I adore sugar cookies until I have one and fall in love all over again. Seriously an underrated cookie.
I love the glow of a Christmas tree π I’m SO EXCITED to go get our on Friday. It’s my favorite part of the season. Usually we’d do it the friday after thanksgiving but we were out of town sooo had to wait. We bought new lights and ornaments on Monday!
Also…. love that song…
Your tree is so beautiful! I’m with you…basking in the glow of the tree makes the shorter days a lot more tolerable. π
I’ve never met a cookie that I didn’t like, so I had to take that quiz π I got a Linzer Tart, which is apparently a sandwich cookie? I’ve never heard it called that before! That microwave bear is too cute and I need one (or 10) in my life. I’m super pale too, but at least we’ll age beautifully π
This cookie quiz is too funny!! I am a snicker doodle, however, I’ve never had one π but the description is nice: “You got: Snickerdoodle
You instantly put a smile on the face of everyone you meet. Youβre so well liked, you probably get a round of applause whenever you walk into a room.” π
Hi Webster!!
Ohh snickerdoodles are wonderful! Lots of cinnamon and sugar goodness in a wonderfully soft and pillowy cookie. Omigosh. Now I want one.
I always hate when I feel pale because it makes me want to go tanning. I know it’s so incredibly bad for you, but… I just can’t own the white tone of my skin. Plus, the beds are sooooo warm. Gah. And can you seriously microwave your bear?! When did this start existing in the world?!?!?! I want one! Or 20! I’d microwave them all and go to bed in a sea of teddy bears. Hahaha. Yeah, I am that weird.
January babies unite!!! It’s okay to be 30. My brothers both passed the milestone and still act like kids. It’s all about perspective!
You should ask for a microwaveable bear army for Christmas π Just don’t leave them in the micro too long… I once melted one of mine π―
I remember now that your birthday is close to mine (the 7th) yay!!
I love your tree!
Heck yeah Cookies! I heard today is national cookie day or something? Hockey is awesome…but less so when your team sucks. I know your pain my Devils aren’t that great this season but I go with they are better than the Sabres so I WIN! I need one of those teddy bears to keep me warm at the rink during my kids practices. Hockey is not a sport for those who like to be warm that’s for sure! Have a great day Amanda, thanks for the link up!
I completely forgot how cold the rink was! I was lucky that I had my beanie and gloves stashed in my purse, but I still couldn’t feel my toes by the end of the game π
What is with that cookie monster nonsense?!?! That doesn’t seem right at all to me!
I’m turning 30 in June and I an in absolute denial about it too so you’re not alone!
I apparently am a Linzer Tart cookie…. which I have never even had! haha
Me neither! I don’t even know what that is π
So all I can think about looking at that first picture is that I don’t like orange/citrus fruits so I’m disappointed with the Cookie Monster for repping them. Can’t he rep banans or blueberries or avocado instead? Those are way better.
Also the quiz gave me shortbread cookies. WTF no.
Haha I am Casper all year round! A typical pale white Scot!
Oh and I love my microwave bear – well mine is just a square bag but it does he trick! I get so cold in bed!
You tree looks beautiful <3
I just had to go and take the quiz – I am a sugar cookie π
I feel your hockey pain, I’m a Canucks fan and it’s just, ugh. It hurts some years.
At least your team is doing better than mine! I would even cheer for the Flames since they’re still Albertan… but I’m not sure I can get over so many years of fierce rivalry π
A teddy bear that you put in the microwave that keeps you warm = love it!! And he looks super snuggly! π
That face! Lol…cracks me up. I used to be pale until I moved to the desert.
Love your tree!! It is so pretty.
Also, that tune is awesome. Thanks for sharing!
I will have to take the Cookie Monster test! Too cute. Stay warm and thanks for hosting the link up!
I actually saw the Oilers play last week. Granted it was against the Nashville Predators while I was visiting my family for Thanksgiving. I was super surprised to see some Oilers fans there, considering how far the game was from their fan base…
I love oatmeal raisin cookies – I think they are my favorite too! I took the cookie quiz and got linzer tart. What the … is a linzer tart? Is it because I said that Blitzen was my favorite reindeer?
I am really pale too. I always tell being that being pale is the best because I can be really light or dark if I want to be (I tan pretty well). I really just say this to make myself feel better though.
Yay for snowboarding! Have fun! I am jealous!
I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a linzer tart either! And I tan quite nicely as well, but… it takes so much time and effort to keep up! We were clearly born in the wrong era π
“Linzer Torte” – the cake that likely inspired that cookie – is an Austrian/German classic and SO delicious :): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linzer_torte
can’t figure out why it won’t read my link back to you, but oh well technology, am I right?!
Hmm cookie monster on the oranges I haven’t seen that…I guess if we use him to sell cereal why not healthy foods?
your tree looks beautiful! I agree.. putting the lights on is one of the best things.