Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. I do believe that the Cookie Monster is trying to clean up his image π
I’m all for eating your fruits and veggies, but I’m not sure how I feel about The Cookie Monster being the one to suggest it. Was Big Bird busy with another campaign or something? What about Snuffleupagus? I really hope Sesame Street isn’t jumping on the whole “how to beat the holiday bulge” bandwagon…
2. Speaking of cookie monsters, I came across this What Kind of Christmas Cookie Are You? quiz on Buzzfeed and couldn’t resist taking it…
Does anyone else find it incredibly eerie how answering seemingly frivolous questions like “What’s your favourite reindeer?” and “What do you want to be dunked in?” can bare so much of your soul? π― And what’s even weirder is that oatmeal raisin cookies are legit my favourite kind of cookies. Creep.y.
3. In other news, I went to a hockey game the other night for the first time in… I wanna say 2 years… and it reminded me of why I stopped going in the first place. Don’t get me wrong — I definitely had a good time — but The Oilers are… not good (read: dead last in the entire league), which is just painful for a girl who grew up during a time where they were basically unbeatable. It also made me feel incredibly old to realize that at least 80% of the team is probably younger than I am π
4. On that note, my birthday is exactly one month from today, which completely boggles my mind because I don’t in any way, shape, or form feel like I’m one month away from being 30 years old. When did that happen?!?! I actually have to stop and think for a minute whenever someone asks me how old I am, because I still feel like a kid at heart. And I kind of look like one too π
5. This is why I sleep with teddies. But only when it’s cold. And only if they’re filled with beanie things so that I can stick them in the microwave and have them keep me warm at night. Blog friends, meet Webster the microwavable bear. I love him.
6. I also love hanging out in my living room in the early morning and late night because it means I can turn on the Christmas tree and bask in its cozy glow. It makes the shorter days that much more bearable.
7. I should probably be spending more time outside, though. I’m starting to give Casper a run for his money…
π And no, I didn’t edit that picture at all. Granted, I was sitting right in front of a window so that definitely washed me out a tonne, buuuuuut I am really pale in general. Whatever — owning it.
8. Loving it…
9. Waiting for it…
T minus 2.more.days π Happy Thursday, friendly faces!
No questions… just tell me whatever comes to your mind! π
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Love your tree! I haven’t even started decorating (hopefully this weekend) have painters here painting my whole house (why I did this now, as my husband asks lol). Oh well only 2 more weeks of painting to go…….. looks great though! Have a wonderful day Amanda, love your writing :).
Thank you, Arlene! And while painting is a huge undertaking, it always looks so good and fresh when it’s all done π
So after seeing that quiz I obviously had to take it and got chocolate chip…which seems about right for me. Accurate indeed π yay for going to a hockey game, too! I’m finding that even when the pens lose, it’s still fun (usually) to go…joe and I are starting to think we’re bad luck for them together though…only seen them win once when we’re at a game together π
At least your team still wins! I do believe the Oilers are enjoying a pretty impressive losing streak π‘
Sesame Street oranges, what?!
Also, headed off to take that Buzzfeed quiz asap!
Webster is adorable. I want my own!
Oh my goodness your tree is absolutely gorgeous! If you’re ever feeling crafty/bored, you’re always welcome to come help us out with our tree decorating π
Microwaveable teddy bears (or any animal) are the best. I gave one to my baby cousin a few years ago, but I was secretly hoping I could keep it for myself.
Cookie moster promoting fruit makes me a bit uneasy… He was the only one who really made eating cookies seem like a fact of life!
I need one of those microwavable bears! I sleep a microwavable pack, but it is not nearly as cute at cuddly… and it doesn’t warrant a name…
Oh my god NO THAT IS SUCH A LIE. You are NOT 30. And if you have the birth certificate to prove it, then you are seriously a miracle child. Have I already mention how much you look like the gorgeous Cristina Scabbia to me? She’s in her mid-40’s and still looks like she’s 22! You beauties. The jealousy is strong over here in Chicago.
For fun: On the Buzzfeed cookie quiz: I got Chocolate Chip Cookie. Apparently I’m a classic that everyone needs to be around. Thanks, Buzzfeed!
Well thank ya, lovely lady! I’m hoping that I’ll look 30 by the time I’m 60. That won’t be so bad π
Yea, I am not a fan of Cookie Monster on the healthy bandwagon either..it’s just weird! I feel ya on the Casper thing..it’s been so cold and gloomy here lately..I don’t know when I’ve seen the sun last! And you totally don’t look like you’re almost 30 π I turned 31 this year and it’s just so weird..totally remember when 30 was old!
I love that mountain with snow picture..Its so pretty!!!!
I turned 30 in August and know what you mean, I still don’t feel like I should be able to be responsible for myself, much less two tiny people!
I love your tree! I love the idea of the ribbon, maybe I should give that a go this year…
YES! I tried it out for the first time a few years ago and it was instant love. Makes such a huge difference and it’s so inexpensive to do!
Love your tree! We haven’t even put ours up yet – it goes in the playroom and I just haven’t been motivated to clean.
I hear you on the age thing – I’m in my 40s and I have a teenager and I so don’t feel old enough for that.
Thanks for the link up. Participating for the first time today.
Haha I took that cookie quiz and got a Linzer cookie. Apparently I’m a “blast of fun sandwiched between sweetness”.
Also, your tree is gorgeous! It makes me excited for when we finally set up ours. We don’t do it until the week right before Christmas though because we go cut down our own tree. I wish we could get it earlier though!
And I wish I could have a real tree! My building doesn’t allow it, though π₯ Plusses and minuses to everything!
You and my mom have the same birthday! Mine is 26 days away. Oh Buzzfeed quizzes, they suck me in!
Oh man, I’m 30 next month too. Eep! I am pretty sure I told someone the wrong age a few weeks ago… after a while all of the years just jumble together π
That tree is so beautiful! I would love to sit up nights in your quiet living room and watch it π It reminds me of a Golden Girls holiday episode when they’re about to go to bed but decide to just sit up and watch the tree for a bit (until Rose starts singing).
I totally know what you mean about all the pro athletes being younger than us now. It’s so weird – when did THAT happen?!?
I love that you tossed some Golden Girls in there. My mom used to watch that show all the time when I was growing up, so it has tonnes of sentimental value for me <3
I feel the same way about turning 30, which happens next week for me. I have no actual issues with it, but when did that happen?! I don’t feel 30. When people as how old I am my immediate reaction is 26. Oh yeah, no I’m not.
I get sucked into Buzzfeed quizzes all the time. Love them.
I also find myself sitting in front of my lit Christmas tree most mornings and evenings. If it’s going to get dark so early, I may as well enjoy it!
Pale for life girl, pale for life–I’m right there with ya. I have one of those microwaveable things for my cramps but mine isn’t a pet and now I’m wishing it was!
I think that pic of you, glowy and all, is great! It makes your eyes even more impressive! Speaking of impressive, your tree is flippin incredible. Serious decor envy over here…
Pre-lit trees… They are a godsend
That Ed Sheeran video is amazing!!
That ed sheeran video remix is awesome!!! You always find the best videos…..amongst other things….haha cookie monster! I hear you about the christmas tree, it is nice to peacefully watch it, especially if it has a pattern with the lights, although this makes me miss home more. i can’t believe I am not going hoooommmeeee. Makes me sad! Have a wonderful day lady!
Awwr! But you’ll be making new holiday traditions to celebrate with your future family — that’s always something π And I promise that I’ll get back to your e-mail SOON!
Oh my gosh I cannot get past Cookie Monster. Hahaha
You’ll be camoflauged at the slopes! Ha. I kid, I kid. You look gorgeous, and so does that tree. Side note, my house is so much prettier in December.
Uhm. I need a microwaveable teddy bear!
Your birthday is soon…which means so is mine! Wahooo!!
Okay. Must go figure out what kind of cookie I am…
I used to have a panda that I could heat up in the microwave and snuggle with…not sure what happened to him, but he was cute! Every now and then I forget how old I am and have to double check with Jim….ha! I can deal with 30’s it’s the 40’s that scare me a little!
I hear the 40’s are a good time! And I’m not sure if it’s the same for you, but I actually don’t mind getting older. If I had the chance to go back to my early 20’s, I don’t think I would!
Like, how did you fail to tell me you went to the Oilers game? I don’t know if I can talk to you today without yelling like this !!!???!!!!!??? The Islanders are actually real good this year, I am still in shock. I feel like it was just your birthday, the time is flying, and 30 sounds so weird doesn’t it? It’s so just a number.
I love love love your tree!!!!!!
And psssst I am sharing a secret with you. I share my bed with a man and two plushy pigs <3
π Now that… is just absolutely brilliant.
I had no idea that you were going to be 30. You look awesome. I have been feeling really pale lately as well so I completely understand. I thought the questions on the quiz were super interesting and yet slightly weird ha ha. I guess you have to have some way to determine how you are a cookie right?
Hello there Webster!
That tree is AMAZING, it looks like a magazine photo shoot! How on earth did you get it so pretty?!
Confession: pre-lit trees are an absolute godsend.
I took the cookie quiz and got sugar cookie … probably my favorite cookie as well! Apparently, I’m a reliable standby who can go with the flow and dress the part for any occasion. Youβre so sweet, you give people toothaches.
I wish I was going snowboarding this weekend … le sigh. And finally, happy very early birthday π
I got sugar cookie, which is the lamest one ever. I’m gonna retake it and change my answers until I get the cookie I want- chocolate chip.
I resemble Casper pretty much year-round unless I spring for a spray tan in the summer. No shame!
Sugar cookies are underrated! I always forget how much I like them until I have a good one, and then it’s like ooooooh yeah these are good.
The cookie monster has really changed his image since we were kids. Nowadays he gobbles up lots of healthy food along with cookies! I find it pretty amusing but I get where they’re coming from.
I still can’t believe I’m in my 30’s and a mom. In a lot of ways I don’t feel grown up at all! 30 actually is still really young in my book, but I totally get what you’re saying too π
Love love loooooove that song!! Can we shake our 30+ bootays to that when we meet at Blend?
Sorry, but welcome to aging π If it makes you feel better, I will ALWAYS be older than you, so don’t you worry.
And can you please com by my place and put up such a BEAUTIFUL christmas tree??!! I absolutely LOVE it – considering I am 4 days back from vacation and didn’t even unpack my hand luggage, you can imagine how my place looks like……
Probably pretty similar to how my place looks with boxes, random Christmas decor, and glitter everywhere π
I certainly don’t feel my age either. When I turned 30 last year it felt so strange! People think I look about about 5 years younger than I am, but that’s not a bad thing! I mean I still get carded to buy alcohol…sometimes Ill be out with my husband and they’ll card me and not him.
Have a great trip! Maybe you will get some sun while you are snowboarding:)
π That actually happens to me a lot too. And the best was when I had a cab driver in Vegas tell me that I’ll have more fun in Sin City “when I’m Legal” π
30 in one month??? No way!!!! Well, happy early birthday and way I see it is when you are 60 and look like you are thirty – things are gonna be peachy! π
So – sometimes on weekends, I turn my Christmas tree lights on in the middle of the day – yup – that glow -anytime of the day – is cozy indeed! Speaking of cozy – a microwavable bear??? OEMMMGEEE – I think I need one of those myself – though the highs have been in the 60s here lately.
Have a wonderful and safe trip in the mountains lady! xxs
The cookie quiz was sadly inaccurate for me – I got sugar cookie. I’ve never had a sugar cookie before (I think they’re an American thing?) and I don’t think I’d like them. Too plain and not chocolatey enough – what’s that about?
π Sugar cookies are definitely a little simple, but surprisingly good! It’s hard to go wrong with butter, sugar, and flour… especially if you put some icing on top π
Don’t blame the lack of sun. I mistook you for Casper in Toronto π
I need to do that cookie quiz now. It probably will come back as ‘cookie whore’.