An intense chocolate smoothie that’s thick and creamy without added fat and sugar. Perfectly customizable for a healthy meal or snack.

I was driving home from snowboarding the other day when I realized that the sun was still out — it was a little after 5:30 PM. Do you guys know what that means?!? It means that the days are getting longer, which means that spring is coming, which means that winter’s cold dark reign is coming to an end! Yipee!
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy winter and the change of pace/scenery that it brings, but I’m very much over it by the time January rolls around, and by February I’m looking at investing in property in Arizona so that I can migrate down there for 5 months and avoid the winters up here. But that’s besides the point…
The point is, it’s getting warmer, which is wonderful news given my current… err… situation. Remember when I told you guys about my smoothie addiction? It’s still going strong… and it now involves chocolate…

Two smoothies a day has become my new minimum, and I’m very much looking forward to being able to enjoy my addiction without having to pack on multiple layers of hoodies and fuzzy socks — especially because even that doesn’t seem to help when I decide to get a little crazy and use frozen milk…

But it’s worth it… so very worth it. This smoothie is so thick and creamy that I should probably just call it a milkshake. It becomes so aerated when you first blend it up that the texture reminds me of a fluffy Wendy’s frosty… minus all the crazy ingredients and sugar. The chocolate flavour is intense and completely overshadows the banana if you’re not a huge fan. And the best part is that you can make this into a meal or a snack depending on what you toss in it. So give it a try! If you need me, I’ll be by the fireplace in my hoodie and fuzzy socks…

I’d love to know if you make this (or any!) recipe! Tag @runwithspoons on Instagram and Twitter, and be sure to subscribe to our mailing list to receive more healthy and delicious recipes straight to your inbox!
Thick and Creamy Chocolate Smoothie
- Total Time: 5 mins
- Yield: 1 serving 1x
- 3/4 cup vanilla almond milk (or regular milk)*
- 1 small/medium banana, frozen
- 2 Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
- dash of cinnamon
- 1 tsp. instant coffee granules (optional)
- 2 Tbsp. chocolate or vanilla protein powder (optional)
- 1Tbsp. nut butter (optional)
- Place all ingredients into any standard blender and blend until smooth.
* if you want to make your smoothie even thicker, freeze your milk in an use cube tray prior to making.
- Prep Time: 5 mins

Oh My I NEED This is my Life …NOW!
The dash of cinnamon is a nice touch. I’ll give it a try! I, too, layer over layer when I’m smoothie-ing it up in the winter. Last February I posted what I was wearing ( …. though this year it hasn’t been so intense – I’ve limited myself to one smoothie/day AND I discovered it helps to drink it while munching on a bit of something salty. 😛
😆 Oh that’s just too adorable — thank you for the laugh 🙂
YES! I need this – like tonight! I’m going to try it with almond milk minus all the add ons on the bottom. I want that so bad right now LOL
I was SO FLIPPIN’ EXCITED when I noticed it was still daylight after 5pm the other day! I wanted to run down the streets shouting, “Spring is near! Spring is near!” but umm, well, I’m sure my neighbors already think I’m crazy when I’m outside taking pictures of my food…no need to give them any other ammunition against me! 😉
Besides the one that Laura made me post workout this past weekend (that, might I add, I shivered my way through), I actually haven’t had a smoothie in FOREVER! I usually tend to stick to vanilla bases and then throw different kinds of fruit in them, but I have to say there will always be a soft spot in my heart for peanut butter, chocolate, and banana…I had a personal trainer at my gym when I was in college who used to make me one at least once a week after my workout! There’s just something about adding a spoonful of nut butter that totally amplifies the thick and creaminess! Yum!
In the spring/summer smoothies are a pretty standard breakfast for me. I miss them but I can’t seem to warm up after I have one in the winter… and I like them both chocolate and vanilla based… but prefer chocolate, of course.
OH my so sinfully delicious!!
I love the idea of freezing the milk ahead of time. I usually freeze my bananas but doing the milk is pure genius.
I’ve noticed the days are getting longer too, and I am eagerly awaiting the first flowers: crocuses, followed shortly thereafter by daffodils. It also means my chives will return and hopefully the garlic I planted for the first time last fall. Squeal. Sorry, I’m a little excited.
Oh and on the milkshakes, I’d go strawberry. Gotta get my fruit fix. 😉
I’ve been doing this with plain black coffee, a splenda, and a serving of mocha meal replacement mix. I get my vitamins, minerals, and chocolate coffee fix all in one place without the half & half and sugars that I usually end up having when I go to Starbucks!
Yummmm!!! We make this Frozen Mocha smoothie at work and I purposefully will make a little more for customers so I can drink the rest. Don’t tell my boss! 😉
I do love what protein powder does to smoothies! Depending on how long you blend them they can get super fluffy!! Yum!
Pinned! 🙂
How do you make such an easy smoothie look so decadent? You are gifted in the art of photography, Amanda! I like the idea of freezing the milk beforehand – my smoothies always turn out like milkshakes – it is the only way to eat, er, drink them!
I die of the creaminess! LOVE the addition of instant coffee–thank god I just picked some up at TJ’s! I’m super on board with almond butter in smoothies. I think the extra fat provides unparalleled creaminess 🙂
Does it make you want to do a swan dive? 😉
It was in the high 30’s today – which means it is possible for the weather to be warmer!
Winters here are not what I’m used to. I miss decent snow (read: snow that lasts more than half a day). Plums are in full bloom at the moment so I guess this counts as a sign of spring.
I looked at my blender the other day and thought I should use it more often. Maybe it’s time I stopped being so lazy because you mixed some of my favourite ingredients in your smoothie.
That looks heavenly and the perfect treat after a run. I have chocolate almond milk in the house right now so I would make it minus the cocoa. Can’t wait to try it.
If you decide to invest in coming to Arizona for the 5 months, we’d definitely be room mates. I live in Arizona, so the winters are pretty bearable. 😀
You’re killin’ me with all of these delicious smoothies. I used to be like addicted to the Wendy’s drink.. I now have a more satisfying option.
You’re doing amazing with these recipes. 🙂
That smoothie looks very refreshing…and since it’s about 90 degrees F where I am right now, I could go for a nice, cold smoothie. I definitely prefer chocolate based smoothies…the closer it tastes to a milkshake, the better!
banana + chocolate + nut butter?? yummmm.
I only have one word: YUM! Chocolate smoothies are the best! I way prefer them over vanilla milkshakes/smoothies. Although I prefer vanilla ice cream. Call me weird.
Totally the same way — chocolate ice cream just isn’t chocolatey enough.
yum!! this looks so good. reminds me of the smoothies i always used to make during track season with cocoa powder, protein powder, and spinach. craving one now!
awesome a great way to satisfy my sweet craving without added sugars!
Mmmm… I’m at the point of the year where I’m done with green smoothies and looking for something that’s going to feed my sweet tooth. I think this is it! Thank you for sharing this recipe with the SITS linky!
I tried to diversify my chocolate smoothie for some green smoothies this week… you know with spring coming and whatnot, but I may have to go back!
You can always just add chocolate to your green smoothies 🙂 I may try tossing in a handful or two of spinach at some point — my greens have been slacking for sure.
OH MY WORD! This looks delicious and the days getting longer is wonderful news. I’m not quite sure how much more of winter I can take!!
I am a chocolate smoothie girl and have had quite a few as meal replacements. I always enjoy adding some coffee to mine. It brings out that chocolatey (is that a word?) richness. I love that when you like something you go all out! Who cares that it’s cold. If a thick milkshake is what you’re craving, YOU DO IT! 🙂
Oh boy! does this look good!
Definitely satisfies my chocolate craving!!
coffee optional? never! hehe yum
Simple. Delicious. And Chocolatey. The makings of a perfect recipe. Pinned!!!
I’ve made a version like this and it is yummy!
xo Jennifer
Ok, this looks delicious. My question….i absolutely HATE bananas… it completely overshadowed by the cocoa powder? Could i add a little extra just to make sure?? 🙂
Yep! You can hardly taste the banana at all, and adding extra chocolate is never a bad idea 🙂
Looks delicious Amanda! Love the addition of the instant coffee in there–always makes chocolate taste EVEN better! 🙂
Frozen milk…. why have I never thought of that? Genius.
Do you ever use those gums? I remember you used to use them a lot, but maybe they hurt your stomach? Curious if you ever tried again.
Not since a few years ago when I seriously thought I was going to have to go to the ER because of the stomach pains I was getting. They definitely added a nice texture, but not worth the risk for me.
Yeah — I remember that and to this day that post is the reason why I am scared to touch them. Come to think of it though — it’s funny how things trend amongst HLBs and I just realized that I don’t see many people using them lately. I think that was back when Green Monsters were in their heyday. LOL.
Oh hai making another smoothie for us Summer folk 😉
The second picture I thought was almond butter- dude that is amazing texture for a smoothie! I have a ‘smoothie’ like recipe posting this Friday which used to be y favourite but after seeing this…. Damn.
And screw investing in Arizona!
ummmm this smoothie looks SO GOOD. Like i want to drive home and make one right now. I never thought of putting instant coffee in there?!?!?! Trying that tomorrow. Do you normally freeze your ice cubes with milk?? Never thought of that either lolol I am so behind….
Not always, but definitely when I want my smoothies to be thicker — I prefer it over using ice cubes because it doesn’t water down the taste.
Yes!! I’ve been noticing the same thing on my drive home from work and that it’s getting light earlier in the morning, too, which has made me very happy 🙂 As much as I love chocolate, I’m actually more of a vanilla milkshake fan. Crazy I know 😛
Frozen milk. Now that is genius! In general I am a vanilla girl but, every once in a while, I crave some chocolate. Today is one of those days (thanks to your enticing pictures.) I think I need to invest in cocoa powder pronto. I don’t think I’ve ever had a smoothie as a meal. Even though they are rather filling I need something to chew or else it doesn’t seem like a meal. Also, I prefer savory over sweet when it comes to meals so smoothies just don’t cut it.
As for spring, I live in Souther California where the entire year seems to be one big season with minor variations in temperature. However, I have definitely noticed the days getting longer. Couple that with the plethora of Easter-related items in the stores and I’m aware spring is heading this way.
I’ve noticed the bunnies and eggs showing up everywhere as well — they haven’t even sold all the Valentine’s stuff yet!
Your smoothies are killing me!!!! I think we may have to start calling you the smoothie queen.
I love how the day is starting to feel a weeeee bit longer these days because in this almost non existent winter in LA, the sun is setting slightly later! Yesssssssss. 😀 And wow, Amanda. Just wow….great job with the healthy recipe and beautiful photography! You truly deserve the “most improved” photography award. 😉 Not that they weren’t good before anyway because they really were 😉
I definitely need to start adding almond butter to my smoothies! Oh, and I just have to tell you..I just tried the Justin’s vanilla flavor the other day and it is AMAZING. I sort of feel bad cheating on maple ;).
Definitely prefer chocolate based! I’m still a little too cold to whip out the smoothies on a regular basis, but I’m looking forward to having them more often soon. I hope…?