Please take a moment to remember all of the lives that were lost on this day ten years ago. What happened on September 11, 2001 forever changed the course our lives would take.
Never forget to remember.
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So we ended yesterday’s confessional with promises of protein [talk]…
While I wouldn’t say that I follow any sort of high protein diet (I’m a carbs and fats girl at heart), I do try to pay attention to my protein intake, especially on the days that I lift.
Some of my favorite sources?
Protein shakes…

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Greek yogurt…
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Cottage cheese…
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Nuts and Seeds…

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Whole grains…
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You probably notice the lack of meat/fish, and that’s because… well… I don’t eat them. I was never big on fish(I just can’t get past the smell), and I gave up meat around four years ago, when my eating disorder started getting really bad. Since then I’ve been eating a vegetarian diet which, over time, I’ve become a lot more relaxed about. I hate the prescriptive nature that comes with the vegetarian label, which is why I never call myself one, and also why I told myself that if I ever craved meat, I would allow myself to eat it.
Which brings us to my present conundrum…
See, I don’t crave meat exactly, but I crave something. My snacking has gotten a little out of control lately, and while I thought it was just my appetite going nuts at first, now I’m not so sure. It honestly feels like my constant desire to snack stems from the fact that my body isn’t satisfied with what I’m feeding it, and that it’s not getting something that it needs. Have you ever tried to satisfy a craving for chocolate by eating a bunch of carrot sticks? If you have, then you probably know what happens when you try to do that. You can eat carrots until you give yourself a stomach ache, yet you’ll still be unsatisfied.
That’s how I’ve been feeling. And, quite frankly, I’m sick of it.
Is meat the answer? I don’t know, and I won’t know unless I try it and see what happens. It’s been so long since I’ve eaten meat, that I probably wouldn’t even know a meat craving if I was hit with one. Does the thought skeeve me out? A little bit, yes… but I remember experiencing the same kind of feelings when I gave up veganism, and that’s a decision that I never regret, as I’ve only seen positive improvements to my health as a result.
So there it is. My last confession – I’m thinking about giving up my vegetarian diet. Or, at least, I’m thinking about introducing some chicken/turkey back into my diet for a while and seeing what happens. I’m tired of playing with protein powders (which, in all honesty, do NOT fill me up at all). I’m tired eating different meals than the rest of my family. And I’m tired of feeling constantly munchy.
Maybe meat isn’t the answer, but maybe it is. I’ve voiced my concerns to those close to me, and they’ve all pretty much confirmed my suspicions. They basically told me that they have a much harder time feeling full/satisfied on days where they don’t eat meat… maybe the same is true for me… I don’t know. I do know that I’m tired of wondering. I haven’t done it yet, but it’ll most likely be happening soon. If I don’t like it, I can always go back… nothing is set in stone.
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I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Have you ever gone through anything similar? Do you think that protein is protein, no matter what the source? Do you think that anyone can follow a vegetarian diet if they get enough protein from alternative sources?
we totally need an email sesh bc im doing and going through the same extract thing!!!
I love my vegetarian proteins! If you like spicy food Wasabi peas are a good source of protein. 5 grams for 1/3 cup and I always end up eating more because they’re addicting 🙂
I would really like to recommend you a book called: “Deep Nutrition: why our genes need traditional food” by Catherine Shanahan, M.D.
This book has been immensely eye-opening for me and I think it deserves more attention than it has currently (already quite famous, though)
The reason why I’m recommending this is that it explains what our body needs as Homo Sapiens and what to eat / how to prepare for that requirements. Check it out!! It’s super interesting 😀
I totally get what you mean about trying to satisfy a craving but not exactly knowing what it is. I think the meat thing is worth a try. I wouldn’t say that I’m hungrier on days that I don’t eat meat, but I think that it all averages out in the end. Although I have to say, a protein shake will never fill me up for more than an hour or so.
I didn’t eat any meat (or eggs) for the week that I was on vacation in Cali and when I got back, the craving was ridiculous! I guess sometimes your body’s just trying to tell you what you need!
I understand you very well…
I have not eaten meat for about five years & in fact,I did not do it because of my ED but because of ethical reasons. Although,I felt that my body was craving for some other protein sources than dairy,eggs & beans etc. lately – it was craving for some chicken & fish.
In fact,I have to admit that I wasn’t that kind of vegetarian who never missed eating meat (pork and beef were never my thing,but I always used to to love chicken & fish!),but my craving was NEVER so distinctly and I never felt like I was really NEEDING this kind of protein. But this time,it was. So I thought about it very intensively and finally came to a decision I have not regretted yet: Because of my ED,I mistreated my body for such a long time; in fact,my body had to endure so much over YEARS! I never payed attention to its needs,I never gave it what it wanted. And what did I achieve like that? I achieved that my health is poor now and almost DIED! I don’t want to die. I want to live. And I also know that,continuing ignoring the needs of my body,I will NOT be able to live much longer. Because I STILL am in danger; my life STILL is in danger. So my options were 1. ignoring the craves of my body and aggravating the situation and 2. listening to what mybody wants & needs to see if I feel better that way.
And I do. So PLEASE listen to your body and just give it a try! You are SO worth it!
I have been very snacky lately too…(I eat meat…but not a lot). I find I get snacky when I exercise too much and don’t eat enough. My goal is to eat more during the day and snack less at night!
Hey Amanda my darling,
Unfortunately I can’t really relate to not knowing what you are craving/needing, but I just wanted to offer my support 🙂 Like you said, nothing is set in stone right 🙂 I would be so proud of you if you grilled yourself a chicken to see if this is what your body was missing?
Good luck sweetie! xo
Keep us updates 🙂
I’ve thought about eating meat again, but I still eat fish sometimes and I think that’s enough. Thinking back to when I did eat chicken longer than a year ago, I never really ate it when I prepared food for myself. Now that I barely go out to eat, I don’t really find myself wanting to make it ever again. Plus with the lack of organic restaurants here, I don’t think I could just eat chicken anywhere. It’s a tough thing to decide on!
As a vegetarian myself, I do believe whole heartily that protein is protein and that AS LONG as you get enough of it, you should get the same benefits and effects no matter where you get it from. However, everyone’s body is different and you should do what it right for your own. Maybe try eating some meat here and there and see how your body reacts. There is a quick and substantial amount of protein in meat. Or if you aren’t ready to take that dive, maybe try eating more of the items you listed above to up your protein intake. Trial and error is the only way to know.
I was a pescatarian for almost three years and I NEVER craved meat. However, I felt the same way after a long time and I decided that I wanted to try eating meat again. Once I did, I actually lost weight, and felt a much better. Everyone’s different though and maybe you should just try different things and find out what works for you!
I went through the same thing when I was graving Greek yogurt. I tried everything to shut the craving up, but it just came down to my body wanting some Greek yogurt. Sooo I reintroduced it.
After reading Alicia Silverstone’s “The Kind Diet” I wanted to be a vegan/ vegetarian. When I started cutting meat out of my diet I find myself with a “I-can-eat-anything-as-long-as-its-vegetarian” attitude. I gained weight and felt hungry constantly even though I was still eating dairy. When I went back to eating meat and chicken I stopped the mentioned mental attitude and lost the weight I had gained because I really did feel more satiated. I still try to avoid red meat when I can but if my parents cook it then I’ll eat it and I just make sure its lean cuts of meat. I think its important to eat meat because otherwise you could have a Vitamin B12 deficiency since animal sources are the only sources of this vitamin. Just do what feels best for you if you want to occasionally eat meat then…well who cares? It doesn’t matter if you call yourself a vegetarian or a flexetarian…everyones different!
Not eating meat is never the same as eating meat. You can get the nutrients you need, a.k.a. protein, without eating meat. Is that harder to do? Yes. Is eating meat going to help? Yes. You would be getting the protein your body needs. I know what you mean about not feeling full while eating vegetarianly. 🙂 To stop the unsatisfied feeling, I started eating fish a month ago and I feel so much better! I go three or four days eating a vegetarian diet, and then on the fifth day I usually crave some fish, so I have some. My body always thanks me and it doesn’t ask for meat again for another 4 days. But that is just me. You need to experiment for YOU though. If you are hesitant to eat meat, I would try upping your protein and fat intake for a couple of days and see how you feel, and if that doesn’t do it, maybe try some not so fishy fish like halibut. Why protein and FAT? Because those are the two nutrients you would be getting from meat, and if your body is carving those nutrients and you get them from plant sources, or dairy, you will most likely be satisfied. If getting more protein and fat from plants and dairy doesn’t do it, your body wants more than simply protein and fat. This is an opportunity to experiment girl! 🙂
You always seem to post information that I really need to hear at the moment. I have been a snacking monster lately too, and I just don’t know why the heck it is. For me, it can’t have much to do with protein intake because I do eat meat… well at least chicken, fish and turkey. But if you think this could potentially solve your desire for something, then I say go for it… I am 1000% percent on your side on this!
And like you said, if it doesn’t help you, than at least you know it’s not that. Do what you is good for your body, simple as that. I really look forward to reading more of your thoughts on this!
If you feel your body needs protein other than the vegetarian sources, then by all meat. Your body knows what it needs..and if you’re craving it, you may just need it! You never know. Just like when becoming a vegetarian, maybe you could come out of it the same way. You know, eat meat for a week and see how it goes. If it’s working, continue on, if not, go back to vegetarian. It’s all up to you. 🙂
Well you know I can certainly relate to your snackiness at the moment! There’s probably no basis to this opinion other than what seems to make sense to me, but I really do believe that some people can be vegan and be great, some can be veggie and be fine etc, but I do think that some people, for whatever reason, may be genetics or whatever, just can’t seem to manage without animal protein. I think you are completely right to listen to your body and do what’s right for you, as you say – you’ve never adopted a label anyway, and even if you had that wouldn’t matter. I hope adding meat helps, good luck!
I think it varies from person to person. Everyone absorbs nutrients differently, so some get what they need veg style while others need some meat.
This is so very interesting to me as my hubs started a 6 week vegetarian challenge (? I guess you could call it that). I’ll be sharing more about it tomorrow morning!
GOOD FOR YOU!! Ok, yes I am a vegan, but I believe 100000% that we should eat what we need and crave!! For me, I’ve never had a problem getting my protein, and I’ve never craved more (I am a carbs and fats girl all the way haha!), and I snack a LOT and am hungry a lot, but that’s just me I think! 🙂
Good luck with your decision! <3
You can also try adding more oils to your day. I eat 1-2 tablespoons at least of coconut oil or olive oil per day. You know those salted rice cakes you buy? I pour coconut oil over them OR olive oil…tastes like popcorn !
I actually strongly disagree with vegetarianism and veganism. I think a wholesome diet includes all foods (no diet in history has ever been vegetarian). And its far more hormonally balanced and “natural” to eat chicken and fish than it is to eat some of the stuff you see on shelves today. Protein powders can be okay, but definitely NOT a replacement to REAL foods. I eat dairy, eggs, chicken and fish (a lot!), whole grains, I do eat a ton of sweets, a ton , so who am I to talk?
But I urge you to reconsider…even if you read the reputable studies, it can open your eyes to things.
I suggest you try lean chicken and turkey and fish (wild caught salmon in the oven…yum yum yum bigtime), I love canned salmon and tuna also …so so healthy for your skin and brain cells…white fish is the best way to start because its very gentle compared to some other stuff. Just don’t think about it so hard. Don’t label yourself or wonder “will I or should I eat it today, etc?”…life isn’t about food like that. Just eat day to day. Just eat in that moment with no rules and no labels. And certainly no judgement!
There are many diets in history that were vegetarian– the followers of Pythagorean ate a meat-free diet (as a way to obstain from causing harm and to eat “pure” foods). And what about India? There are many other examples of vegetarian diets in history– they just weren’t labeled as such. The word vegan and vegetarian was only coined in the last couple hundred of years!
What she said ^.
This is so strange to read, because I feel like the opposite happened to me when I eliminated meat from my diet, and even more so when I became vegan. I see others have already mentioned this, but I agree that you should try to incorporate more nuts such as almonds and walnuts, beans (at least a little – I know you said they upset your stomach, so perhaps half a cup a day) and more vegetables. But when it comes down to it, it’s your body and you choose what you put into it – so do what you think is best. 🙂
Aw Amanda, firstly can I say how proud of you I am (and more importantly how proud you should be of yourself) for considering eating meat again because it just shows how far you have come now in terms of recovery since you actually care for your body and your health and want to do what is best for it and that is so so inspirational. It saddens me so much to see people trapped in their eating disorders with a vegetarian/vegan diet simply as a way of restriction or as a form of orthorexia when deep down, they actually like meat or refuse to give it a go because ED made them think that meat was bad.
As for me as a vegan, I purely went vegan because it actually made me recover in my own way. I was scared of fats in my ED and a vegan diet would have terrified me in the depths of my illness as it involves a lot of nuts, nut butters and oils to stay healthy. I do not consider a vegan diet to be the healthiest at all. But for me to become vegan forced me into eating these foods which inevitably made me face my fear of fats and start to recover which I am eternally thankful for. I was always vegetarian since the age of 10 anyway and have never craved meat. However if I did suddenly start wanting meat, I would definitely not refuse myself of it because now I know that I would still be able to eat my fats aswell as meat because I’m simply in love with fats and carbs 🙂 But at the moment, having a high carb and fat diet keeps me satisfied which is fine by me 🙂
I can’t wait to hear how you get on with it and it’s a chance to experiment – you have nothing to lose and I think you will learn more about what your body needs and what you like and I hope that many people can be inspired by you to do the same who struggle with the concept of trying meat when they know that at the moment they are simply denying themselves of it, because I know many people look up to you 🙂
As a former vegan and vegetarian, I can completely relate to the “should I or shouldn’t I eat meat again?” question. I waffled back and forth for quite awhile, mainly because I couldn’t strip myself of a label. My life used to be one of extremes, so I was either going to be a plant-eater or a meat-eater. And damn, I was going to do whichever I committed WELL. Haha. I specifically remember going out and buying a huge packet of organic roast beef the day I decided to eat meat again. I downed the entire thing in a day. :-p So glad those days are over…Now I listen to my body, and I definitely have strong cravings for meat, especially when I’m doing heavy lifting (as I am now). However there are days when I don’t crave it, and I eat a vegetarian/vegan diet. It’s all about honing in on my body’s cues.
I read a fantastic book called Real Food, by Nina Planck. It completely changed the way I think about food, and helped me feel more comfortable about incorporating animal proteins in my diet. She argues that we are designed to be omnivores, and that our bodies function best with a wide variety of protein. I highly recommend checking it out!
Hope you had a lovely weekend, Amanda! xoxo
I feel like I snack after dinner because I don’t eat enough protein during the day. I know that I don’t and yet I can only eat so many eggs and so much fish and I don’t eat other types of meat. I get sick of nuts and seeds and I don’t eat tofu so….I am in the same boat.
If you are feeling like you need meat you probably need meat! Give it a try…the great thing is that if it isn’t for you, you can always revert back to being a vegetarian!
I’m REALLY interested to see what you end up doing! I haven’t eaten meat for about 6 years because it honestly just freaks me out. And the more I think about it, the more I don’t think I could go back to eating meat. I kind of WISH I wanted it, because, like you said, sometimes I feel like I’m craving something and I can’t figure it out,. It’s weird. I don’t know if it’s meat, or extra protein or what. I’m pretty good about watching my protein intake so I don’t think it’s just that I’m not getting enough. I don’t know what it is!
I’d love to hear what you end up doing and how it works out!
I was a vegetarian for almost 2 years… but gave it up recently. I too could not feel full and actually thought I was gaining weight because I would fill up on not healthy things. I got sick of fixing 2 dinners. One with meat for my husband, one without for me. I felt a little disconnected from the world. I don’t regret the decision, but I wish I could find some way to stand up against factory farming and the inhumane treatment to our farm animals.
Protein powder never fills me either! Honestly, I don’t think I would be strong willed enough to give up chicken and fish although I’d save a fortune! This is so cool (yet I’d imagine scary, but a good sort of scary!) that you think you want to introduce meat. I think you can definitely get enough protein on a veggie diet – my mother is veggie but can’t eat eggs, cottage cheese, beans, grains, tofu, nuts or seeds but still manages it through yogurt and milk somehow! You’ll never know if your body really wants turkey or other meat unless you try though. Happy experimenting!!
Oh Goodness I NEEED my protein.
Egg whites and fish and a boatload of veggie burgers do the trick for me. When my weight gets really low, and like I am malnourished (heasn’t happenned in a while YAY!) I actually crave carcass (as I like to say) and I eat turkey slices (applegate farms makes great clean turkey). I try and recall that it is an animal I am eating and it disturbs me but at the end of the day my heath comes first for now.
I bet you will see an amazing difference.
Ive actually readlly been thinking of upping my protein because like you, I just feel like I need MORE. Or maybe I just WANT more? Gosh it really is hard to decipher what our bodies want, but I am really trying to listen and be open to what it is asking of me. I am trying to add more protein WITHOUT adding more meat. I usually have meat for dinner (unless I opt for the vegetarian version of whatever I make my hubs) but some days I skip it and those days I can really feel that I am still left with cravings. Its all trial and error I guess