Happy friday, friends! Before we get into the meat of today’s post, I wanted to spend a quick sec revealing my Foodie Penpal from this past month.
If you’re not familiar with FPP, it’s a fun little program set up by Lindsay over at The Lean Green Bean that’s basically a perfect opportunity to be introduced to new foodie products. After signing up, you get paired with a penpal (blogger or reader) that you get to put together a box of goodies for ($15 limit). And the best part? Someone else is putting together a box of goodies for you too! Not only is it a great way to connect with others, but it’s also a great way to try some new products that you might have not otherwise picked up. Interested in signing up? You can do that here.
This month, I was paired up with a reader named Steph, and holy.wow did she ever spoil me.
Veggie chips, Popchips, flavored coffee, Goldfish crackers, dessert gum, ginger chews, and a spork. I got a serious chuckle out of that last one, but Steph’s reasoning of keeping it in your purse because you never know when you might need a fork/spoon/knife is pretty much genius. I loved everything I tried so far, so thanks so much, Steph!
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So remember how I said I don’t really have a favorite day of the week? I lied. This week it would be Friday. Why? Because yesterday was a day. You know the kind I mean…
A day where I was a walking disaster zone…
A day where stubbing my toe on my chair leg made me feel like I was doing to lose my shi-take mushrooms…
A day where time just dragged and I’d look at the clock expecting to see a good chunk of it had gone by only to realize that it’d only been 5 minutes…
A day where (thanks to a sleepless night) I wanted ALL the food sugar…
A day that needed to end with a serious pampering session…
You’d think I would have learned by now, but it never really fails to amaze me how big of a difference properly taking care of myself makes on the quality of my day. If I’m overly tired or underfed? I can pretty much throw all hopes of having a decent day out the window.
I feel like we often push ourselves past our limits without even realizing it. We’re constantly being told to do more, be more, achieve more, so we end up putting far too much on our plates and our health suffers as a result. Not having time to prepare healthy meals, not having energy to stay active, not scheduling in enough time to relax – the result is an overtaxed body that slowly begins to break down on us.
Guilty as charged. I honestly try my best to make myself a priority, but sometimes I slack, and lately I’ve been slacking a little more than usual. Not terribly so, but enough to notice a difference in how I feel. One thing in particular that I really want to start doing again is dry brushing…
What is dry brushing?
If you’re not familiar with dry brushing, it’s the process of brushing the skin on your entire body with a rough-bristled brush that’s designed to remove dead skin cells and stimulate circulation. The whole process is done on dry skin with a dry brush, hence the name.
What are the benefits of dry brushing?
When done on a regular basis, dry brushing boasts a number of impressive benefits:
- Increased blood flow to the skin. This stimulates better circulation and helps anyone who suffers from chronically cold hands and feet. The process of releasing toxins through perspiration is also improved.
- Reduction of cellulite. This is actually a process of detoxification. Cellulite is a buildup of toxic material in your body’s fat cells and brushing dry skin helps tighten the epidermis and break up this toxic material, allowing your body to get rid of it more easily.
- Improved lymphatic drainage. Dry brushing speeds up the flow of lymph (which is responsible for cleansing the body of toxic agents) and helps the body get rid of toxins more quickly. This directly contributes to a stronger immune system and healthier body.
- Improved muscle tone. Brushing the skin stimulates the nervous system, and stimulated nerves activate muscle fibers and help improve muscle tone. This results in tighter skin, which is especially beneficial for those who have lost large amounts of weight.
- Improved skin appearance. Dry brushing helps remove dead skin cells which can cause the skin to look dull. It also encourages a faster cell turnover rate, which results in smoother, brighter, and healthier skin that glows.
- Other notable benefits: removes excessive fluid from the body, helps reduce bloat, improves digestion, unclogs pores, and stimulates oil/hormone producing glands.
[Source] – [Source] – [Source]
How to dry brush effectively
- Use a stiff bristled brush, preferably one made from natural materials.
- Do it first thing in the morning or before you shower.
- Always brush towards your heart.
- Begin at the ankles and brush upwards using long smooth strokes. Move up to the lower legs and thighs, focusing on any trouble areas. When you reach your stomach, brush in a counterclockwise direction. Return to brushing towards your heart when you reach your back and arms. Don’t forget your neck, the bottom of your feet, and your palms.
- Always follow up with a moisturizer that nourishes the skin. Coconut oil is perfect for this.

For something that costs next to nothing (my brush cost me $7) and takes almost no time at all (3-5 mins max), regular dry brushing made a huge difference in how I felt. My skin looked great, and I swear I had a lot more energy. But then I fell out of the habit, and now I’m lucky if I remember to do it once a week. Fail. It’s something that I really want to get back into doing though, so I’m making that my goal for the month of July – to dry brush every morning. I’ve already done it today, so we’re off to a good start 😉
I hope you guys have an amazing day and a great start to the weekend. It’s a long one up here in Canada, and I’m seeing some BBQing in my very near future. Can.not.wait [for the corn]. Happy Friday!!
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Have you ever tried dry brushing?
What are some of your essential feel-good healthy habits?
Are you ever guilty of making your health less of a priority?
Very interesting…I’ve never heard of dry brushing. I must say, I’m intrigued now and want to give it a try. I am so guilty of pushing myself too far, too fast, and too much. For some reason I must think I’m superwoman. Ha! Who am I fooling?
Days like you described totally suck. And why do all those things have to fall on the same day? Why can’t we be clumsy one day, bored on another, etc? hmmm… Happy weekend! 🙂
That Stephanie’s a smart girl- never know when a utensil will be needed! Glad she has you covered for foodie emergencies 😉 She also has great taste in food- very fine loot (that coffee wow!) Guilty! When my little brother was in hospital everything around me just fell apart and the stress just made me forget I even had a body, I just went numb! I was running on stress most if the time- not fun! I also somehow ended up with all te household responsibilities for about a year, my lovely mama just was so sad and consumed by my brothers illness that on top of completing my final year of high school I had to cook an keep the house running most of the time, that’s when I wasn’t at the hospital. Was like a year of your “days” 🙁 Health was not a priority- I stretched myself too far. I’m much less stressed these days 🙂 a healthy habit I’ve picked up is meditation- every morning and some nights- helps you centre in the madness of life! Love your insight into dry skin brushing- so informative- totally trying it, grazie Amanda! Hope you have a lovely weekend gorgeosu girl 🙂
Awwr love, you are SUCH a beautiful person for taking care of your family <3 I'm happy to hear that you're able to take care of yourself a little more nowadays. I hope that you have a beautiful weekend as well 🙂
Awesome post Amanda! I’ve heard of dry brushing, but never tried it before. I’m totally amazed to learn about the benefits. Sounds like it’s something I need to look into asap!
Foodie penpal things sounds interesting!!
I’m thrilled to see that you have tried dry brushing. I saw it somewhere and started doing it but then thought, ‘well if this is all BS, then I’m a huge sucker.’ NOW I’ll have to do it again and see how it works for me (now that I know it could make my white ass skin look pearly shiney nice and new). Cool
Obviously, since I suffered through disordered eating, I’ve had periods of treating my body terribly. And I’m probably paying for the side effects every day. I definitely can feel days where my body feels more nourished and just… overall healthy. I have more energy and I can fight negative thoughts/feelings. It’s the stronger days where I can push them aside. I think spending time outside is my biggest “feel healthy” advice because it just calms you down with all of the sights, sounds, and smells. I’ve definitely noticed a difference in my attitude with the better weather!
I have heard amazing things about dry brushing, most notably #6 for digestion. After this post I am definitely going to consider it more and the next time I’m shopping I will look for a good brush! What kind of bristles does yours have? Or do you know the brand at least? The term “natural” is just so wide-ranging these days 🙂 Haha. But seriously, I had no idea that you did this. I’m so glad you shared!
Mine is just a generic store brand 😕 You just want to avoid anything with synthetic bristles, and ideally find something that has ones that are made from vegetable fibres. I think someone mentioned you can get them at Whole Foods? I found mine in a health food store.
I’ve heard of dry-brushing but never tried it. Now I’m intrigued so maybe I’ll actually give it a try! I noticed you are reading The Scorpio Races! I read it a while ago and LOVED it. Hope you’re enjoying it 🙂
I’m about halfway through and really enjoying it so far. Have you read her other books? I really liked the Wolves of Mercy Falls series as well…
I’ve dry brushed in the past but it isn’t part of my daily or even weekly routine. I should really get back into it though, I love the benefits!
I’m jumping on this foodie penpal bandwagon! Looks like fun! Thanks for sharing 🙂
I dry-brush and it’s DEFINITELY effective.
I love that fork, knife, and spoon combo. What a great idea for traveling!
Seriously it is so crazy how life gets so busy that we don’t have time to take care of ourselves! For me it’s the little things like having my nails done, eyebrows tweezed, laundry clean, and hair washed that make the BIGGEST difference in my mood! If I am not well groomed I am not a happy camper!!!
Right?! I’ve never considered myself overly high maintenance, but it’s nuts how quickly that kind of thing can make my mood plummet. I guess that’s why I’m not a fan of camping 😆
I don’t think I could be more jealous. you don’t understand how long I have been wanting to try those chee chee puffs. Like tried to order them on amazon but couldn’t because only sold in canada, tried to reach the company. epic fail. Let me know how they are. I am dying to try them
I’m so bummed I missed FPP this month! Ha the dry brushing made me laugh! I have horses and we brush them like that, I haven’t thought of doing it to myself.
Hmm..I’m like most people and I’ve never heard of dry brushing! I have a brush that looks JUST like that and it’s just sitting in my cabinet. Guess I know what I’ll be doing with it today!
p.s. I LOVE your beauty and self-care tips.
Interesting, I’d never heard about all the benefits of dry brushing but now am really intrigued to try it myself. Curious to see if such a little habit can make the same difference you saw for me, too. I’m headed out to run some errands in anyway so I’ll try to find a good brush.
And yes, I certainly feel bad for abandoning healthy habits and caring a bit less about about my overall well-being. It’s been happening these past days when I was anxious and working for university. Getting too little sleep and not starting my day with a walk isn’t a wise decision already because I know it’ll only be a matter of time until I can’t focus anymore and become grouchy. Food is another issue. Now’s the time to make my health more of a priority again.
Which Essie polish did you get? I’m crazy about “Come here” right now – and I just got it yesterday. Oh, and that candle sounds like it’d scent awesome, too.
I hope you’ll have a great weekend!
The Essie polish is called Sunday Funday. It’s a beautiful bright coral that’s perfect for summer, and I think you’d seriously love it considering your love of corals 🙂
That’s exactly why I asked :). Unfortunately, though, it happens to be one of the colours – just like Come here which Sara mailed me – that isn’t sold around here. Boo.
I’ve never tried dry brushing–I’ve never even heard of it until now. It sounds interesting though, and soothing in a weird kind of way. Maybe I’ll give it a go one day when I’m not feeling particularly lazy 🙂 my favorite feel good habit, as un-hygienic as this will make me sound, is flossing. I floss almost every day, but there’s something about it that afterwards you feel all fresh and clean. (Or at least, I do…)
Yes! I canNOT go to sleep without flossing, both because it feels good and because I’m terrified of the dentist, so I keep up with my oral hygiene. I’m sorry but one root canal was enough for this girl.
Thanks for reminding me about dry brushing. I read about it months ago and I knew it was something I wanted to try but then I got busy and forgot all about it. I just ordered my brush, can’t wait to give this a try!
I totally need to try out this dry brushing thing. I have never heard of it before!! I’m with you on the over-scheduling, over-stressing, sleepless nights lately! I need to learn to relax and take it all in stride.
I’ve never tried dry brushing, but I know Miranda Kerr apparently swears by it. Sounds intriguing! I might have to try it out.
Happy Friday and Happy Canada Day too! Have fun celebrating!!
YOU will love those pop chips, my favorite ones! SO good!
Thanks for all the love always on my blog, means so much to me!! <3
<3 Always sending good vibes to you and your little guy :) Keeping my fingers crossed for a June baby!!
I have a brush for dry brushing… somewhere! I bought it years and years ago, but I’ve never actually made it into a habit. I should really find my brush and give it a whirl with you in July!
Very interesting stuff….I’ve never tried dry brushing. Great foodie penpal stuff!
Hmmm, I had heard of dry brushing but never knew anyone who did it. Will have to try now! 🙂 And yay TGIF! 🙂 Love the treats you got from your penpal btw!
I’ve tried dry brushing and I really liked it but then I got too busy. 🙂
I should try it again soon and I love your idea to use coconut oil!
So somebody got penpal-spoiled 😉 How are the goldfish? I’ve seen them in the store before but I haven’t tried them yet!
And I have definitely never trued dry brushing, but I’ve heard about all the benefits and whatnot. I’m so bad at pampering myself…I’ve been planning to do a hair mask or something for like the last 3 weeks and I haven’t gotten around to it yet. Although I do moisturize daily, so I guess I have that going for me?
That’s still something 😛 I also recommend mud masks a few times a week… that way you can scare the crap out of people 😉 And the Goldfishies are actually pretty good. They remind me of Teddy Grahams, which I heart <3
So, I’ve heard of dry brushing, but never really knew much about it. I’m actually quite shocked at some of those benefits! I never new how good it was for you to do. It definitely does sound like a super easy way to take care of yourself and reap these amazing benefits. I think I’m going to have to buy a brush and give this a try!
My feel-good healthy habits are relaxing and reading a book and exercising.
What a great package you got!! And I ALWAYS have a spoon and a fork in my purse. I can not count how many times I’ve been so thankful for it, because when hunger attacks me on the road, then….it’s not so fun to eat yogurt or salad with your hands. 🙂
I NEED to get into dry brush!! Great info, thank you girl and HAPPY WEEKEND!!
That top photo so made me ‘lol’
Love dry brushing, it just doesn’t feel right if I forget?
For feeling good I never ever forget to cleanse tone & moisturise everyday and night. I can’t imagine not! I also like to always have my nails painted and unchipped! Bad health wise, I’m bad at eating foods like dairy which mess up my IBS soo bad! Girl loves her yogurt amd cheese!
Crappy days are the worst, but I’m glad it had a happy ending for you! I haven’t tried dry brushing but it sounds wonderful and extremely beneficial. I definitely need some pampering myself. Sounds like a good plan for this evening actually!! I curled up with a good book last night and it was marvelous. I also need to get my meditation back into my sched. It’s amazing what 5 minutes can do for your mood. 🙂
Have a wonderful weekend enjoy your corn! 😉
Dry brushing is totally new to me. I rarely take time to pamper myself. I’m sooo bad about that.
Happy Friday! Perhaps I’ll get a little “me time” in on Sunday with a pedicure. 😉
You know, I’ve never actually had one of those… Sounds all sorts of fantastic, but I always worry that I’d get ticklish and accidentally end up kicking the lady in the face or something 😕
Thanks to your last post about the foodie pen pal swap, I joined up and got an awesome package! I love mail swaps.
I’ve been dry brushing for awhile now and I love it. It feels great and it I does give you a little zing in the morning!
This totally sounds like my kind of thing! I know, without a doubt, that when I take a little “me” time out every day, I feel 100% better…even 15-20 minutes makes a difference. This could be reading a book, going for a walk, taking the extra time to make a nutritious meal, etc.
I’ve never heard of dry brushing before but it sounds like the number of benefits it has are more than worth it. I’m always amazed by how much difference sleep makes. I wouldn’t say I necessarily feel badly when I don’t do those things but I also know that I feel better when I’m eating good nutritious foods and sleeping enough. I feel like we’re programmed to be on the go all the time when in reality it’s probably better that we do take that time for ourselves, even if its to do something as simple as dry brushing. Happy weekend 🙂
I’ve never heard of dry brushing before. I’m intrigued!
Hi! I dry brush daily and love it! I got my brush at Whole Foods three years ago and I have used it ever since. Also, I love what you wrote about coconut oil afterward, because I totally do this and love it! I like to dry brush before showering, then moisturize with Nutiva coconut oil afterwards. I find dry brushing helps the most with my mood. I’m sure it has to do with the lymph being drained from the body. It is also great to do when you shower after exercise since your circulation is already increased at this point. GREAT POST:)!
I used to have a brush like that (it came in a beauty basket) and I didn’t know what I was supposed to do with it! It sounds great though. I used to try and exfoliate my feel, hands, and face often but never thought about my entire body. I’m going to have to invest in a brush and try it.
One thing I try to do everyday is a sort of mediation. Not necessarily the traditional kind but right when I wake up (before the kids get up) and before I go to bed I lay down and think or I actually write down in a notebook what I’m thankful for and I visualize how I want the future to be. I picture myself in the house I want, the car I want, doing things with the kids and being very happy. It gives me a happy feeling and a motivation to go for my goals everyday.
That’s actually a really great practice. I need to put more of an effort into having more down time instead of always feeling like I have to be going or doing something. My mind does -not- seem to want to slow down lately, and it’s getting to be a problem 😕
Happy Canada Day weekend! My first one NOT at home. :*( Canadians seem to be few and far between around these parts.
I’ve actually never heard of Dry Brushing, but it’s definitely an interesting concept. I feel like I would be brutal at doing it consistently. I 100% am looking into this, though. I’m dying for some pampering. Since having my little guy, I feel like a disgusting slob. I think my hair has been in a pony tail 98% of the time over the past 4+ months! Finally got my eyebrows done today and feeling a bit better 🙂
What do you think of the Hydra Cream? Worth the splurge?
Definitely! I really love it. I find it’s a little too heavy to use during the day, so I usually only apply it at night and a little bit goes a long way. I’ve noticed a big difference in my skin since I started using it though.
I’ve never heard of dry brushing! It sounds great. It seems similar to using a loofah in the shower (which, i shamefully havent done in forever) and i like the idea of following up with coconut oil. i just may need to invest that $7 for a brush, I mean when have you ever steered me wrong in the beauty products department? (answer: never) and you really hit the jackpot with your foodie pen pal! that looks like a delicious care package! have a wonderful friday!
Yesss you need to try it! It’s kind of similar to loofa-ing, but there’s something about brushing your skin while it’s dry and at room temperature that makes a big difference. If you follow it up with a cold shower, it’s even better. But honestly? Who can take a cold shower?? 😯
Oh great foodie pen pal bag you got!
And I heart that gum so much! I have this huge collection of gum at all times, it’s kind of odd I suppose 😉
I definitely have those feel good essentials I rely on to put a little pep in my step.
All of which contain my favorite beauty products and I do in fact dry brush! I can’t do it everyday because I have super sensitive skin, but I find 2 or 3 times a week is enough to notice the benefits and there actually are some amazing benefits from it!
My essentials always contain makeup, doing my hair, nails, maybe a bubble bath too, oh and books of course.
Happy Friday love!