Hey hey, Friday! You’re looking mighty fine!
Is anyone else super excited for the weekend? I know I am. So excited, in fact, that I couldn’t get to sleep last night. Okay, so my decision to stop by Starbucks on my way home from work may have had something to do with that…
Starbucks Iced Latte
… but when 10:30 rolled around and I was as wide awake as anything, I decided to save myself the trouble of tossing and turning for hours while unsuccessfully trying to fall asleep, and plopped myself on the couch to watch a movie instead.
The book was way better…
Oh, and there may have been a bowl of popcorn involved too…
Popcorn with coconut oil, honey, and salt.
… because, really, what’s popcorn without a movie? Wait a second… that’s not right.
What’s a movie without popcorn. Better. Sleep deprivation, you’re no joke.
In all honesty, though, I don’t think coffee is to blame for my lack of sleep (oh, how we always defend those we love). At least not entirely. I’ve been enjoying an afternoon cup of Joe for months now without any problems; it’s only these last couple of days that have given me problems. No, I’m pretty sure there’s another culprit behind my inability to sleep and I think I know what it is…
Remember when you were a little kid and your birthday/Christmas was coming up? Did you have a hard time falling asleep? I did! Nevermind that going to sleep would have actually made the next day come sooner – I’d be up out of bed, trying to make it until midnight because technically that’d be the next day and we could open presents, right? Right.
Well, neither my birthday or Christmas are coming up any time soon, but there is a little something that I’ve been keeping from you guys…
I’m going to Disneyland! EeEEEEeeeeEEEE!
The family’s been planning a vacation to Cali for next week, and Disneyland is one of our stops. It’s probably been about 20 years since the last time I went, and I can.not.wait. You guys know that I’m a big kid at heart, right? And I’m probably getting a little bit more excited about this than I should be, but come on! It’s freakin’ Disneyland! Spinning teacups. Pirates of the Caribbean. Space Mountain. Ohhhh, my inner child is doing a happy dance right about now.
And speaking of my inner child, guess what I found while I was out browsing the aisles today…
Dunkaroos! After writing up my childhood snack nostalgia post, a few of you mentioned that there were still stores that carried Dunkaroos, and I thought that I had seen them myself as well, so I made sure to keep an eye out for them while picking up groceries this afternoon. Lo and behold, there they were.
And now if you’ll excuse me, there’s a pizza [and hopefully a pillow] with my name on it.
Hope you’re having a great Friday night!
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What time do you usually go to sleep?
How late in the day can you drink coffee and have no problem sleeping?
Have you been to Disneyland?
Wow, Disneyland?! That’s awesome hon! I’ve never been to DL or DW, but I’ve always wanted to. My inner child has always wanted to have my picture taken with Cinderella! 🙂
Hmm, I usually go to sleep around 7 or 8 AM!! 😉 But when I’m not getting paid to walk up and down the halls of the hospital completely zombiefied, I usually go to bed around midnight or 1am. It’s funny, because before I started working nights, I could barely make it to 11pm on a good night!
I don’t drink coffee anymore, and I rarely ever have caffeinated tea (I actually had ONE cup of green tea last week at work and I thought I was going to bounce off the ways…it was AWESOME!) but I try to be sure that IF I were to go for some, I’d have at least like 4 hours or so for it to wear off before heading to bed…that’s about how long my green tea high lasted! 😉
PS, teach me your white balance ways!!! There is NO WAY I could take a picture of popcorn in the middle of the night and have it come out that crisp and sharp!
I’m an early bird too sensitive to caffeine. A strong coffee even in the morning can lead to a sleepless night (or 2 if it is a particularly big one) but sometimes my blood pressure takes a dive and I need it to stay conscious. In such cases I drink some latte for which normal people have already said it doesn’t work.
Now I want to eat your pizza while watching The Hunger Games…
Disneyland is so much fun, and you’ll be going at the perfect time of year, after all the kiddies are back in school! I don’t know if you’ve been, but I definitely recommend going to California Adventure and riding “Soarin’ Over California.”
I try to go to bed early, because as soon as the sun comes up, I wake up. Also, I find that I am much more likely to have eating disorder thoughts at night (and especially if I am super tired).
Disneyland is without a doubt my favorite vacation spot. Call me immature, but I’m basically giddy every time I go there. You are going to have so much fun!
Ahhh I am beyond excited FOR YOU Amanda! I have never been to Disneyland but have been to Disney world in Florida and it was just a fantastic time! Although I don’t remember all of it because I was 7 at the time, so I am planning on going again for sure. When I was 12 though, my step dad took me and my step sister to Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios and let me tell you, that was a blast… especially because I am a roller coaster fiend 🙂
Oh and those Dunkaroos caught my eye.. the vanilla frosting ones with the graham cracker cinnamon cookies were certainly the best ones! Alright, those are needed back in my life 😉
Hey Lady! So glad to see you here again. Today I just happened to be looking up blogs I used to read…and here you are. I don’t blog anymore (was at Lisa’s Foods and Made from Scratch before that) – but I totally agree with you – a lot of blogs are enjoyable because you get to know the author, not necessarily for their food and fitness recaps.
And as for Disney – so fun. I’ve been to Walt Disney World with my sister as adults a few times, and I love it there. It’s so wonderful to be fully accepted to act like a kid someplace. 🙂
Looking forward to reading more about your journey.
Oh my goodness that is SO exciting!!! I LOVE disneyland! Although, I’m scared of the rides ha ha. I actually really like just being there because the atmosphere is so fun!
I understand why you can’t sleep, I’d be darn excited as well:)
Actually, lately I’ve been having the worst sleeping problems. Not impressed. I’m so used to waking up at like 5 each morning that when I work until midnight I still wake up at 5…not the best, but oh well!
Oh I can very much relate! I’m up at 5 or 6 no matter what time I go to sleep…
I’ve never been to Disney Land, but have been to Disney World multiple times, and I still get excited EVERYTIME I go lol. There is just something about seeing Cinderlla’s castle that immediatly turns you into your 10 year old self again.
I mean..Who doesn’t love spinning in a giant tea cup, riding a beautiful carosel horse, and flying on Dumbo’s back?
Totally understandable as to why you can’t sleep 🙂
uh, your honey + coconut oil + salt popcorn sounds SO delicious. and eek! – Disnsneyland! thats SO exciting!! 🙂
the latest I can drink coffee during the day is 12pm if I want to fall asleep by 12am. it’s pretty sad. I lovee coffee, but anytime after noon my drink of choice is an iced decaf americano with soy because i am a wimp when it comes to caffeine.
Ahhh so exciting!!!! I would love to go back to Disney as an adult – it’s a whole new experience! I’m jealous 🙂
Caffeine after 3pm is a big no-no for me – it takes a while for the caffeine to leave my body. Anyway, what did you think of the Hunger Games movie? It was surprisingly intense! I wouldn’t say the books were any better though haha
I’m wondering what it’s going to be like now that I’m not a little kid anymore, too! And I thought that the movie was pretty good, but not better than the book. Then again, I might be biased because I always tend to like books better. It was really interesting to see their interpretation of things though!
Jealous over here! I have been to disney world but never land! I have never been to Cali actually! I love the Hunger Games, book and movie honestly but book way more! I don’t drink coffee but caffeine at night makes me have weird dreams so I tend to avoid it. midnight is my normal time to bed lately. I am not sure how I feel about it though!
Aww see I’ve been to Disneyland but never world… I’ve actually always wanted to go see it, but it’s a lot farther away, unfortunately.
I love your blog! So happy you commented on mine because it brought me here! I used to be crazy about all things Disney and have to admit I would be just as excited as you are to go back there! That popcorn combination sounds amazing! I love coconut oil with anything but have yet to think of putting it on popcorn!
Definitely try it with a dusting of cinnamon and brown sugar 🙂
DISNEY WORLD!!! sooo o o o fun:) the last time I went was when I was a freshman in college, but it was magical!
I’d say that I try to avoid coffee anytime after 12:00 noon. I’m not a daily coffee drinker, so any little bit makes a big difference!
Ahhh I’m so excited for you! I’ve never been to Disneyland but I bet it’s super fun! 😀 Also I’m super jealous you’re going to be in Cali – it’s one place that I’ve always wanted to go. What else are you doing there?
I usually go to bed between 10:30-11. Although I’m going out to a bar with some friends tonight and we’ll probably be out til 1 or 2… we’ll have to see how that goes for me haha.
Mostly just spending time at the beach and exploring LA. After Disney we’ll be going to Palm Springs, which I guess will probably just be more of the same 🙂
Eeee! 🙂 SO pumped that you’re coming to Cali! Disneyland isn’t far from me at all! You’re going to have a wonderful time! The weather is supppper hot down here right now, haha. What else do you have planned while you’re in Cali?
Beaches! We want to get as much time in the sun and sand as we can before winter hits up here. Then after we spend a few days in Disney we’ll be going to Palm Springs, aaaaand I’m not sure what’s on the agenda for that place. More shopping and beaches I assume? 🙂
So fun! Wish you could do a meetup or something, but trips like that always are so rushed– I’m sure you already have a packed schedule with the fam.
I have to admit that Disneyland isn’t quite my thing but love how excited you are! Loving the iced coffee, every time I have one I make the most of it as I think it could be my last of the summer!
Ack I know! The days are cooling off here, so iced coffee is going to be on its way out soon. But at least there’s still warm lattes and cappuccinos 🙂
I am actually one of those who watched the movie before reading the book – I am doing the latter right know and must say that I am amazed. The movie just had not the time to explain everything and I was lacking a lot of information.
And Cali? Oh my I am so jealous! Cannot wait to go to study there myself.
Ahh Disneyland is SO exciting- I can totally get the insomnia over the thought of it :)! Fortunately my system can handle coffee till about 7 pm (I sleep by midnight) although there is one place in Mumbai which serves deadly coffee…no joke, if I drink a cup of it after 4pm I am DOOMED! I think I am the only person who loved the Hunger Games movie…that could be because I read the book only after seeing the film and went into the movie with absolutely no expectations! Hope you are feeling a bit more rejuvenated after a good night of sleep :)…oh and so did you buy the Dunkaroos??
There have been a few occasions where I’ve had coffee at around 8 or 9 and still been able to get to sleep at a decent hour, which is why I don’t want to blame the coffee for my recent bout with insomnia. And I didn’t buy the Dunakoors. As nostalgic as they are, I have no idea if I’d still have a taste for them, and I didn’t want to waste a whole box if I didn’t end up liking them like I remember…
This post is so ironic for me because I JUST finished watching The Hunger Games AND eating popcorn!! (For the second time today btw… the popcorn, not the movie :)) That pizza looks delicious. And have fun at Disney Land!
Seeing your iced-lattes definitely inspired me and I had an iced soy vanilla latte today while relaxing/journaling/blogging in Starbucks. I hadn’t treated myself to a latter in…well, probably years…and it was AMAZING. So, thank you. (:
And yeeeee!!! I’m so excited that you’re coming to California and going to Disneyland! You’re going to be right in my neck of the woods. Ahhh…you’re going to have such an amazing time!
Aww it’s so great that you treated yourself! It’s the little things like that that just make life so much more enjoyable 🙂 I know it’s something that I always look forward to.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! Nothing, and I mean nothing, beats Disneyland. Especially the dumbo ride– my all time fave 🙂 You are gonna have SUCH a blast Amanda!! Will you give Tigger and Belle a hug for me?
I’m probably the farthest thing from a night owl– I can’t keep my eyes open past 9:30 haha But then again, I wake up naturally around 4 or 4:30, so I guess it kinda makes sense haha
I’ll most definitely give them a hug 😉 Belle is my favorite of all the Disney princesses! And I’ve been a morning person for the longest time too, so I still wake up around 5 despite going to bed so late. It makes for one zombie-like day…
SO EXCITED for you! I went to Disneyworld in Florida in April with my 5 year old nephew and 4 year old niece and we had a BLAST! I felt like such a kid again- PIrates of the Caribbean is one of my fans – along with Big Thunder Mountain and the race cars! I love Disney because it is such a happy place – its magical to see how excited the kids get!
Well I’m more of a morning person so I usually go to sleep around 10 – I love the mornings. Have a great weekend!
Yay, that is so exciting about disney land! I love everything Disney!! I have been to Disney world multiple times but never Disneyland! I bet you will have a great time 🙂 I love popcorn, with or without a movie. But I have trouble concentration in movies so preferably without haha. Books are always better than the movies made after them! 🙂
You really like those Starbucks iced lattes, huh. Iv never had one, am I like majorly missing out? Coconut oil on popcorn is AMAZING, & oh so moreish. Eating popcorn with those toppings is just a sliiiight addiction I picked up from yourself.
Oh man, iv never been to Disneyland, but it sure looks fun! It’s definitly a bucket list item for me. A Disney lovah like yourself has every right to get crazy excited, its gonna be magical! Don’t forget to let loose &embrace your inner, fairy-tale-believing kid, okay:).
Yeah I do kinda-sorta-maybe have a slight addiction to those lattes 😆 I just really love the strong espresso flavour, which is why I usually stick to lattes and cappuccinos when I’m ordering coffee, so I say definitely give it a try if you like that kind of thing 🙂
hahhaa so funny. I always always defend my LOVED ONES. 😉 And omgshhhhhhhhhh girl!!! I live like, 20 minutes from disney!!!!ahhhhhh I can’t believe you’re gonna be here….it would be so cool to have a meet up with some l.a. and orange county-ers. 🙂
Eee it would have! I probably should have said something sooner and maybe tried to organize something, but I have no idea how much free time I’ll have 🙁 My family is the see-everything-do-everything type, so there isn’t a whole lot of time left over to just chill, unfortunately.
I go to bed pretty early… early to bed, early to rise.
Dunkaroos and Amy’s pesto pizza = both nostalgic for me (yes, I know, Amy’s pizza wasn’t around when I was a kid – but I haven’t had one in a long time, so it’s reached a somewhat nostalgic status, haha).
YES! I’ve been to Disneyland about 6 times in my lifetime – IT’S AMAZING!!! Have a blast!!
6 times?! Lucky! This will only be my 3rd.