Happy Friday, friends!
Wait… it is Friday, right? Ok, good. The reason I ask is because I spent the majority of yesterday thinking it was Friday and was consequently disappointed every time I had to remind myself that it wasn’t – which actually happened more times than I care to admit. I was also pretty disappointed that hardly anyone told me their Game of Thrones names yesterday! Oh, you guys…. what am I going to do with you? Not share any of these, that’s for sure…
I kid, I kid. I could never stay mad at you. But I actually don’t have anything to share because…
The last muffin (cupcake?) has met it’s end. Sorry… but I’ve been a hungry little bugger lately and keeping my hand out of the cookie jar muffin basket has proven to be quite the challenge. As has finding a good lunch box (how’s that for the most random change in subject?)! Remember how I mentioned that I wanted to invest in a cute lunch box after showing you this monstrosity last week?
Well, it took me a good week, but I finally managed to find one…
I know what you’re thinking – that’s not cute – and I agree (although I have to admit that I’ve developed quite an affinity for my grunchy little lunch tote); but do you know how difficult it is to find a decent lunch box around here?! Either that or I just have no idea where to look, which is entirely possible since I can’t even remember the last time I had a lunch box. Either way, most of the ones I came across were covered in Batman and Barbies (Spongebob and My Little Pony would have been perfectly acceptable), while all the grown-up cute ones were teeny tiny and wouldn’t have been able to handle the massive stash I bring with me when I have to be out and about all day. But this guy? He knows what’s up…

What can I say? Size matters. And on that note, let’s talk about size for a second, or more specifically, length (don’t worry – we’re keeping it PG). I participated in a Twitter chat on Wednesday night where the topic being discussed was blogging tips and tricks (you can read Lindsay’s recap of the entire chat here), and one of the things that I found most interesting was that post length plays a pretty big role in what people consider to be a good blog.
In general, most people prefer posts that are on the shorter side – under 500 words.
It makes sense. As interesting as the topic may be, and as good of a voice as the writer may have, the majority of blog readers are reading a decent number of blogs per day, and lengthy posts with huge walls of text can be difficult to get through. I’ve definitely been guilty of writing novels myself, but I’ve really been putting in more of an effort to shorten my posts because, not only are they easier to write, but they’re probably easier to read as well.
That being said, this post is starting to get on the lengthy side and ain’t no one got time for that! I’ll be leaving for the mountains tomorrow morning and won’t be back until Sunday night so I probably won’t see you guys again until Monday, but I hope you have an amazing weekend!
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What are some of the things that you think make a good blog?
Do you prefer posts that are on the shorter side?
I actually love long blog posts,when they are about a particular topic, something interesting, a discussion. The only long posts I dislike and skip are the kinda pointless ones like day/weekend recaps or travel recaps.. I don’t mind reading them, of course, but since their not like thought provoking topics exactly, they should be short and sweet in my opinion!
And my lunch bag looks like your original one.. Classy 🙂
i like posts that are of decent wordage but if it’s going to be long, break it up by inserting some images.
i bought my lunch bag at walmart; it’s this ugly thing that looks like something you’d bring to a construction site but it works, is large enough to fit my breakfast, lunch and 2 snacks (plus some utensils) and keeps it cool.
I am very guilty of posting way too much information and need to learn to keep it short. It’s always in the back of my mind as I’m writing it but I do it anyway! I agree that concise posting with a few good images makes for a good blog. And a few laughs, like the kitty picture! 🙂 btw- I really like your lunch box. Mine is falling apart- where did you get yours?
Walmart, actually. I hear Target is a good place to get them as well, but ours doesn’t open for another month or so.
Oh well, I’ve not been wanting to post recently because every time I come up with something I think it’s too short and it looks like a cop-out! I always feel personally that I want to look as though I have made an effort with my posts and if they’re short I like it to be fairly obvious why…however I really do have ADD when it comes to reading wordy posts myself, so I have no idea why I feel differently in relation to my own blog.
I prefer pictures to break things up, for sure, but I think when someone is a truly engaging writer they can get away without any images in their posts.
I am on the hunt for a lunch tote as well. The one my MIL gave me is cute, but doesn’t hold my tupperware that well and there has been leakage :\
I’m guilty of long posts. Especially my race recaps. haha. That and I like taking a lot of pictures. I saw the tweets happening, but couldn’t respond back since I was in the middle of working out. Going to read the post now 🙂
Wait, you were NOT interested in a Barbie lunchbag?! Okay, I’d have preferred Hello Kitty, too ;), but Spongebob? Nooo. Really, though, it seems like you got a good one because size definitely matters when it comes to that for me, too. Those small ones make me wonder how the people having them get saturated. Or do they still pack additional boxes?
Regarding the lenght of blog posts it depends. If the author actually has something to say on an interesting topic I’m all for a long post but not if it’s all just babbling around. Especially if longer posts are broken up into shorter passages interrupted by pictures I think it’s totally fine. Just to let you know: I haven’t been bothered by the length of any of your posts so far :).
I hope you’ll have an awesome weekend in the mountains, Amanda!
I love blogs that you can relate to and show the not-so-perfect side of the blogger! Length also plays an important role but I love blogs that are on the lengthier side when they are discussing a great topic! I also enjoy blogs that don’t hop from idea to idea – it makes it really hard for me to follow. Have a great weekend in the mountains 🙂
LOVE your lunch box! I am one to carry around a Barbie Pink lunchbox, but you are so right I am always stuffing it FULL and adding more into my purse (IMPRACTICAL) Yours is so practical and looks great 🙂 What makes a good blog to me is HONESTY + CONTENT. I have come across so many blogs with 0 soul and amazing photos, but really I never go back to it unless I am desperate for a recipe otherwise I am all about the soul, message and content no matter how long the posts are. I would rather read a blog with iphone photos and soul then one with nixon, professionally lit photos with no soul. BTW <3 your blog, soul + content 🙂 Have fun in the mountains! Love + Shine CourtStar
Awwr thanks Court <3 And I freaking LOVE that you carry around a Barbie lunchbox. I wish I came across a MLP one...
I really like your lunch tote. Mine is really cute, but it’s also usually too small, so I find myself bring two to work. I agree that the length of the post does matter. I don’t have a lot of time to read all of the blogs that I love, so if they’re too long I get a bit overwhelmed. I also like when posts have more rather than less pictures. Have a wonderful weekend!
Yum, those muffins look effing delicious! And honestly, I think that lunchbox is pretty stylin’. Could almost be a designer bag or something. Trés chic.
There are definitely cuter lunch bags out there and although they are a bit pricey… You may be interested in taking a look! http://www.builtny.com/lunch-bags-totes-cat.html They even have re usable sandwich bags 😉
Personally, I think the one you got is fine because it has a color which pretty much goes with anything. AND, considering you said you were a lot of black, it definitely works out! You could always get a cute piece of fabric and tie it to one of the handles so you could switch it up every week! Just a thought! Have a great trip!
I totally agree about size matters in posting. I honestly don’t like to read more than 500 words unless it’s needed to get the point across. People who stream four or five different completely topics together in a post don’t keep my attention at all. I tend to not comment on those posts though because I feel bad commenting on a post that I barely read. LOL
I have an easier time dealing with long posts than I do with those that try to cram in a lot of topics because then I have no idea what I want to comment on the most…
I choose functionality over looks when it comes to lunch boxes 🙂 Thanks for participating in the chat!!
Ugh your lunch box is still about 100x cuter than mine haha. I go to work straight from class so I absolutely need a lunchbox so my food doesn’t go bad and stanky. I practically sprint from my car to my office to avoid being seen with my it haha – you’re not the only one with lunch box shame! 😉
That cat picture cracked me up! Hahah The lunch box looks great! I have a Thirty-One lunch box and I love it! I only have to pack for lunch and snacks, though, so it does fit my stuff. Every once in a while I have too many containers and have to shove! Haha
Sometimes I want to go buy a Disney princess lunch bag and see how many people comment at work… 😉
My posts are usually around 800… but I feel like the recipe part shouldn’t count.
i love blogs with photos! it doesn’t matter if they are instagram of food, pinterest of humor or self taken at the gym- i am a total creaper i guess 🙂 must be that living in a small town where nothing happens i am always interested in everyone else! i also will read a post if it has something new to me- like a product or food or place review. i probably will skip to the bottom of the post if it is all writing- i have a history degree & thats enough books for me! i am now super ADD & like bright colors & short paragraphs LOL (ie your blog works for me as it covers all the points!) have a great time in the mountains! TGIF
My city is pretty big, but it seems like nothing that interesting happens here so I can totally relate to that. Thanks Morgan!
I actually find that I enjoy blog posts that are a little longer, they seem more thorough and interesting to me than really super short posts!!
hahah – i eated it 🙂
As long as your lunchbox holds and keeps your lunch I think its a winner. Plus its nice and cushy so if it’s dropped (which would happen often if it were mine…I have some slippery fingers.) it’ll still keep your lunch intact. Thats the most important aspect right? 🙂
Enjoy your weekend trip to the mountains!! Sounds like so much fun!!
I liked the Twitter chat on Wed and hope there will be another one. I feel like I learned so many good tips from all different types of bloggers. I like posts that are on the shorter side because it’s easier to read when you only have 5 minutes. And pictures! I hate posts that are just essays with no visuals.
I like short blocks of text and LOTS of pictures if the post is long.
Hey I told you my Game of Thrones name! I get bonus points for that or something right? And thanks for linking to Lindsay’s article, I’m definitely gonna give it a read! I agree, shorter posts are much easier to read. For me, unless it’s a serious topic that I’m very interested in, I just don’t have time to read an entire lengthy post. Short and sweet wins!
You definitely get bonus points Ms. Lannister 😉
I don’t mind long posts as long as they aren’t huge walls of text! Lots of mini paragraphs and pictures make posts a lot more pleasant to read. Also, if they’re interesting topics, I get sucked in and don’t realize how long it is! If someone wants to write a long post, it’s important for them to format it accordingly.
I never carry a lunch bag although I know I should instead of shoving everything in my giant work purse..I haven’t had luck finding a cute ones yet. Talking about blog content – i keep focused if there is pictures involved and long posts are allright too if its not boring or repetitive. Interesting, new tips, nutrition information or funny story keeps me focused. Hope you have a great time snowboarding. XOXO
I think its a cute lunch box, mine looks more like the bag you have in the first picture. I need to find a real lunch box at some point in time but now I am just lucky to put my little plastic bag into our fridge at work. I love posts that have pictures.
Haha I like the lunchbox! It’s super cute. All the blogging experts say that shorter posts trump long ones every time, but I dunno, I don’t think that’s always the case when I’m reading them. I think it all depends. When it comes to writing them, I’m still looking for the sweet spot I guess you could say. However, pictures are always appreciated in my opinion. Every. Time.
I’m looking for that sweet spot too! I actually really like the idea of varying post lengths – so have some days where you write more and some where you write less. At the end of the day, getting the message across is the most important thing.
I tend to like longer posts because I find you get to know the blogger better and not just pictures of food they ate! thats just my two cents of that:)
I actually really LOVE that lunch box! I love that it is in the shape of a handbag and that it is tall as opposed to being wide (if that makes sense?). I think my food containers would fit into that a lot better than in the lunch box that I currently use.
For the record, I think it’s cute! I agree that it’s hard to find a good sized adult lunch bag – they’re all too small, sorry, but I eat. Like a lot of food. Especially the last couple of days, the hunger beast has been hitting me hard!
People like shorter posts? Ooops…pretty sure mine today was about 800 words. I don’t mind long posts, but I need a lot of pictures to break up the text. I know mine tend to be on the longer side in general quite often. Might be something I need to think about!
Have a fabulous time this weekend!
I think it’s okay as long as you break up the text with pictures, but I think my favorite thing to do is vary up my post lengths – so sometimes have them shorter and sometimes have them longer.
Lol.. I think I went the other way with the name game- I got really into it I love game of thrones! I sincerely think your posts are always a perfect length because they express your point so elegantly- whatever it may be from the trivial and fun to the more profound. Grazie Sophia
Bronchitis! Yes! I don’t know how, but I literally just watched that video for the first time last week. Hilarious! Although I’m questioning if it was staged, she seems to be smirking during her interview, like she knows she’s going to be the next Antoine Dodson. Regardless, I had a good laugh!
dude that lunchbox is top notch. I am going to need one for my new job so I am on the hunt.
I had a hard time finding a lunch bag in stores around me too so I bought one on Amazon, there were TONS to choose from and I get free two day shipping so that was a bonus! Also, I agree about post length, I prefer to read a bit shorter blogs or ones with longer messages broken up by pictures, maybe I’m just too visual but that’s that I like.
Gah! Why didn’t I think of Amazon?! I swear I need to get into the online shopping thing more – I always mean to because there are so many cute things and trying to find what I like around here is just way too much work, but somehow I always forget? At least it makes my credit card a happy camper though…
UBER cute lunch box!! I used to keep my posts short…but then I started to feel like I wasn’t really imparting much info. So now I think many are over 500 if they really have quality info. But even then yes bullet points and pictures!
Have a great weekend snowboarding!
UBER cute lunch box!!
agree on both counts – the lunch box and the length of a post – size definitely matters! i am terribly wordy so i try to pare it down but i also don’t blame people for not reading to the end. that being said i do get annoyed when people comment and have obviously only read the very beginning. don’t comment just to comment, ya know? feels fake. that’s a whole other story though and i should probably just be glad people take a moment to read anything i write even if it’s just the beginning 😉 i use a reusable grocery bag for my lunch because the lunch bags i do have are laughably small and would never fit all the food i cram into them. i have a lulu bag (not from something i’ve purchased as i’ve never purchased anything from there) that i would use for lunch but again – too small.
Oh man the commenting just to comment thing – makes my left eye twitch uncontrollably. I hate it when you write a serious post or ask a serious question and someone leaves a comment like “Your bowl of oats looks delicious!” Yes. Yes it does.
I totally third this. Just recently I came upon one of the most insensitive comments saying something about how fantastic the dish in one picture in the whole post looked. Mind you, this was a rather word-heavy post actually dealing with the bloggers’ struggles related to that very food. I was THIS close to saying something to that commenter. Seriously, some people eem so ignorant to the actual content of posts but just want to generate clicks on their own blogs, right?!
Exactly. But seeing comments like that actually makes me want to avoid the person’s blog and I’m pretty sure a lot of other people feel the same way. I’d much rather develop meaningful connections with people than try and drive more traffic to my blog.
Sorry to comment butt but I couldn’t agree more…there are some commenters who repeatedly leaving meaningless comments to the point that I’ve had to stop even reading their own blogs. I LOVE receiving comments but sometimes no comment beats a thoughtless one.
Yay for the lunch box! It might be more like a lunch suitcase, but it’s really pretty and convenient I guess 🙂 I definitely should invest in a bigger one too, you just inspired me. Maybe I find one with Lion King on it??
I totally agree on the length of posts. As interesting the subject may be, I just don’t have the time and besides that I need to blog myself too (oh, and work) 🙂
Have a wonderful Snowboard-Weekend Girl!!
Size DOES matter when it comes to lunch boxes. I learned that the hard day when I had to being multiple to fit all my food. The lululemon bags area favorites, I have to say. And they’re free with purchase of a shirt that will eat your entire paycheck. Embarrassed to admit that I getter use out of the bag than the one item I own from there
I actually love that lunch bag- the quilted look is very Chanel ;)! I try to keep my posts concise but not at the expense of cutting back on important points/info (in my more serious posts)! I don’t mind reading long posts either as long as the content is not repetitive..and it helps when the text is broken up with a few pictures! Have a great time in the mountains, Amanda…am looking forward to more breath-taking pictures ;)!
!! It actually reminded me of Chanel as well, but then I kind of felt bad for my blasphemous thoughts considering it was only something like $15 😆
I totally thought yesterday was Friday, I was really confused about it since I had plans last night it felt like it should be Friday. At least today is 😉
I can’t wait to check out the whole twitter chat since I had to miss it.
I actually prefer longer posts over shorter posts, sometimes I feel shorter posts don’t get there point across or they’re boring since there’s no info. If you get what I’m saying. However, it also depends on the blog sometimes I love coming to a blog no matter what size the post because I like the writer behind the blog, that’s mostly what it comes down to for me. The person, not the blog.
Happy Friday love! I’ll be texting you today:)
Last sentence = happy dance!