Thank goodness it’s Friday!
I don’t know about you guys, but this week’s been rough over here in Spoons land. Between a manic Monday (hence no post on Tuesday), blog problems on Wednesday, and a molasses-y Thursday, I’m more than ready for the weekend. And what the heck is a molasses-y day, you might ask? The slow kind. The kind where you look at the clock expecting to see that an hour has gone by only to realize that it’s only been 15 minutes. The kind where the day feels like it should be over by the time 3 PM hits, not because you’re tired, but because it was just.that.slow. That was my entire day. And the fact that it’s been grey and snowy all week probably didn’t help matters either…
Yep. I think it’s safe to say that winter has officially taken up residence here in E-town. It’s not all bad, though — winter can be kind of pretty…
But pretty or not, the snow brings with it some necessary adjustments. Gone are the days of being able to go outside wearing anything less than two sweaters, bulky jackets, mittens, boots, a scarf, and thermal underwear. In fact, gone are the days of spending much time outside, period.
Maybe I’m just a wimp, but I find it a lot harder to muster up the motivation to leave the comfort of my home and go out in the winter. The cold, the snow, the poor driving conditions… ehhhhh, I’ll pass. Hey, just because I’m Canadian and I’ve learned to live with the cold, doesn’t mean I actually like it. In fact, I spend the majority of the winter months trying to avoid the cold, which means I spend a good chunk of my time inside.
It also means that my approach to exercise and fitness has to undergo some pretty big changes… I don’t currently belong to a gym, so the majority of my exercise is usually done outside. Walking, biking, hiking, rollerblading, prancercising (kidding on that last one) — my favourite place to be active is out in the fresh air. This doesn’t mean that I won’t hop on a treadmill in my apartment gym if the weather is nasty and I really need to work off some extra energy, but it’s more of a last resort rather than something I turn to on a regular basis.
A little over a month ago, I told you guys that I had started running again, but apart from the odd mention here and there, I never went into much detail as to what exactly it was that I was doing. That’s mainly because… I didn’t really know what to say 😯 There are so many dedicated and hardworking runners out there, that my somewhat relaxed approach to it just felt… silly. I mean, saying something like “I felt like running today, so I did,” or “I didn’t feel like running today, so I didn’t” isn’t exactly in the same league as sharing detailed training plans, paces, and mileage.
But that’s been my approach to it — relaxed. I ran when I felt like running, and didn’t when I didn’t, which usually amounted to around 2 or 3 times a week. I have no idea how far or how fast I went because I never used a Garmin, and I couldn’t even tell you how long I ran for because my runs were always punctuated by periods of walking. Davida wrote a great post yesterday on the idea of Intuitive Exercise, which basically sums up my current approach to it — and for the first time in a long while, I actually enjoyed running… until the snow fell…
Now, I don’t know about you guys, but I have a hard enough time keeping my footing when I’m walking on snow and ice, never mind when I’m trying to run on it — that’s basically courting disaster. And for that reason, I’ll be hanging up my running shoes for the wintery season and donning a pair of snowboarding boots instead. You’ve all heard of seasonal eating, yes? Well, let’s just call this seasonal exercising.
I know I could still continue to run on a treadmill, but I’m not a big fan of them, to be completely honest. I can walk on one if need be, but I just can’t seem to get the hang of running on one — my stride gets all messed up and I can’t shake the fear that I’m going to fly off the end of it. Don’t ask. I know they work great for a lot of people, and I think that’s fantastic, but they’re just not for me. Boarding definitely is though, and with a season’s pass to the local ski hill, I can pretty much go whenever the fancy strikes, which will probably end up being around 3-4 times a week if past experience is any indication.
I have to admit that I feel a little out of place talking about snowboarding in a [blog] world full of runners and weight lifters, but it’s something that I’ve been passionate about for around 17 years now, and the best part is that it doesn’t even feel like exercise to me — it’s just something that I love doing.
And yes, I realize that snowboarding requires spending copious amounts of time out in the cold when I just went on and on about how much I try to avoid it, but the thing is that I don’t even feel the cold when I’m out on the slopes — it must be those burning fires of love 😆
So that’s where I’m currently at on the exercise front — no plan, no pressure, just going with the flow and doing what I love to do. If I end up on a treadmill, I end up on a treadmill. If I don’t, then I’ll probably be on my couch with a blanket and a warm cup of tea 😉 Regardless of what else I choose to throw in there, the majority of my exercise over the next few months will happen on the slopes. And once the snow melts? Then the running shoes may very well come out again — I guess I’ll have to wait until the spring thaws to find out.
. – . – . – .
What’s your fitness routine looking like these days?
Does your fitness routine change in the winter?
Do you enjoy running on a treadmill?
Do you do any winter sports?
I’m very much so looking forward to the “run when I want and don’t run when I don’t want to” kind of thing. Next marathon is a little over 2 weeks away and then I get to spend a solid 5-6 weeks of running/not running as I please until training for Boston starts. I’m ready to give my running miles a break and really just take it easy. I still run outside in the winter, but I am NOT opposed to the treadmill- it can be a really good tool if you let it. I do a lot more cross training and strength training in the winter when it’s easier to be inside than out!
I have SO much respect and awe for people who train for and run marathons — it’s something I can’t even imagine doing at this point. And Boston? Go girl!!
Those pictures are gorgeous! I guess it makes the thought of snow this weekend here a little less painful. Hope you have a great weekend! 🙂
You look so cute in that picture! And snowboarding is so much fun during the winter season. I used to go all the time with my old roommate but haven’t been in a couple of years! Enjoy it!!!
I think that’s the best kind of running. I stopped after my marathon because it got too much of a self worth issue for me. I’m not learning all I can about strength training, muscles, the heart, and I’m taking a lot of new classes at the gym which I’m loving.
Don’t be scared to talk about snowboarding… I think it’s awesome! It’s always nice to see something different. It’s hard for me to get out in the cold too.
Ooo good call on nipping the self-worth issue in the bud! I think that’s something a lot of people struggle with without even realizing it. And all the classes are one of the things I miss the most about having a gym membership — even though it was still hard to drag my butt out of my home and drive to the gym in the winter 😆
I do love running on the treadmill which is good because I hate cold.
And, I know exactly how you feel about the running how you feel – that’s exactly my approach. I don’t follow training plans, or do long run Saturdays. I had intervals whenever I feel like it, some weeks I run once and others 5x – I just do whatever works and feels good for that day.
And – I can’t imagine already having all that snow !!
First of all, I came across your blog because of the Friday Favorites post from Heather- I got to your site and laughed at your tagline- “because you can’t eat with scissors”- so funny!! Second of all, I love the pics of all the snow- living in Florida I miss it terribly but I understand wanting to stay inside. Third of all, isn’t snowboarding an incredible form of exercise? I would prefer that over running!!
Happy Friday, girl!
My routine now is RUN RUN RUN. My marathon is on March 1st so I really have no choice! HA! I will have to embrace the cold and snow. Thankfully no snow here yet but I have a feeling it’s going to come real soon! I don’t mind the treadmill but I definitely prefer being outside. I run much faster outside too.
I am so impressed with you and your love of snowboarding!! I wish I could get into winter sports but I am so uncoordinated!
I LOVE this post-we are like exercise twins! I only run when I feel like it, when there is no snow/ice/rain! Exercise is meant make you feel good, and to me that includes how you feel when you are doing it! I do workout dvds at home through the winter, walks when I feel like it and dancing when in the kitchen or partying!
Kitchen dance parties are probably one of the best forms of exercise that there is 😉
I think this is a very healthy approach to exercise. Lately I’ve been spending 5 days in the gym on weights, and maybe an extra day of light cardio (i.e. walking), maybe some stretching/yoga/ dancing thrown in if I feel like it.
I actually hate running. I got really into it in college to lose weight, and ran up to 10 miles a day on a treadmill. Eventually I started to like running outside, but now I just hate running, wherever. I really never liked it, so now I don’t do any exercise I don’t enjoy. I also don’t enjoy the cold, so I avoid that, too. 😉
i hardly talk about my exercise regime because I am also a seasonal exerciser 😛 someday stretching on my bed with hot chocolate sounds better than kickboxing class…And now that the temperature has dropped down to 50s here I am freaking out. You probably are rolling your eyes and laughing at me for complaining while you guys are buried in snow but we are spoiled here in Dallas 😛 have a great time snowboarding, i miss it so much.
It looks beautiful there! I hope we get a few good snowfalls here in Tennessee. Today the high is 60 degrees though so we’re probably a few weeks out still.
I am a short, sporadic runner too. I like getting out in nice weather to do a short distance, say around a mile. I’ve never been into long distances, which makes me feel like not a “true” runner who gets out there and can do 5-10 miles.
I definitely do more running when it’s not cold out. Because I live in the South, my season for running outside is longer. However, I will decrease running and increase yoga when the weather is too chilly for me.
I really cannot even fathom snow right now. I don’t even want to think about it. That being said, your photos are absolutely gorgeous. For me personally, I enjoy working out in the gym in the cooler and colder months. I don’t really mind the treadmill and it seems to go by pretty quickly. I really just don’t want to think about winter right now though LOL.
Awwr you mean I can’t send some of our snow your way? Because we definitely have more than we need at this point! 😛
I’m in Vancouver so we basically don’t get snow… But it does get chillier and I am feeling way less motivated to go running outside! At first I was kind of worried to stop doing it – but I’ve resolved to do i when I feel like and try some new things out this winter.
I have never been snow boarding before! That’s awesome you have been doing it for so long!
This is exactly how exercise should be. It shouldn’t be something that is forced, and something I am really working on. I completely agree that workouts change on the season outside. I cannot run when it is snow covered and icy. I can hardly drive on it! haha So, I do find new things to do. I love to ski. Aaron snowboards, but I am the skiier. It’s so fun getting out on the slopes, and amazing exercise. I would for sure say the best thing for you is to get on those slopes and enjoy the moments!
I wouldn’t feel silly about the “do it when you feel like it” approach to running (or any kind of exercise) if I were you, that’s how virtually everyone I know in real life does it, apart from a friend who’s a marathon runner. So, at least in my experience it’s pretty standard among the majority of people who don’t blog about eating and fitness and take pictures of their food to have a less rigid approach to physical activity…. 😉
I used to have a fitness routine that was pretty severe, but the most important aspect of my current routine is that it doesn’t exist, and I intend to keep it that way. And now that I only exercise if and when I genuinely feel like it (which is rarely anything other than walking – or cycling to the shops), I can’t for the life of me understand why I ever used to work out according to a plan or drag myself out on a run or to the gym when I wasn’t in the mood (or at all really). As for running on a treadmill, I can do it, and used to, but never really enjoyed it. Winter sports – well, I grew up in Scandinavia so I probably should be into it, but the truth is we could never afford to go skiing when I was growing up, so I never learnt how (downhill skiing that is – I can use skis as a form of semi-horizontal transport, but, as I’m sure you know, that’s a different thing!). We used to go ice-skating with school or sometimes on a local lake, but my sense of balance is so rubbish that I never got very good at it – though I used to love watching the figure skaters during the Winter Olympics!
I hate the treadmill. I hate running on the treadmill. But, when winter hits or shall I say snow hits, I do venture to the mill and even found last year that it wasn’t so bad. I much prefer to run outside though. I do enjoy ice skating in the winter and never consider it exercise…I totally hear you on the days that drag, those are the worst and I am sorta experiencing it this morning. Is it really only 10:30 am? Really? lol
Confession: I’ve been wanting to go skating in NYC’s Rockefeller Center and Central Park for SO long — just like in the movies 😆
I think you need to get yourself to NY. And soon!
I like your style, lady. I just fundamentally believe that exercise should be fun and relatively stress-free. So many people just slog through it hating every moment (that was definitely me for a long time) and the mental detriment totally overshadows any physical benefit. I know I feel better when I move, though, and it’s been an experiment finding what works for me. I’m STILL figuring it out, but I think that’s life – your needs and desires change, and while you can stick with old favorites, switching it up to other things you enjoy keeps it interesting. The Dailey Method just opened a few blocks from me and it was like a spark was lit – a barre class that reflects Pilates and yoga, which I love. My wallet won’t be able to swing it long-term, but it will be a fun change for a month!
I’m with you on running in the winter – I refuse to run outside and I don’t like long jaunts on the treadmill, so it’s not going to be happening for me either. And I love that you snowboard! I’m all about staying active in a way that makes us happy, which boarding clearly does do for you.
OH! A good friend of mine who’s a snowboarding instructor (he’s actually moving to Alberta in a few weeks for a job, so I’ll have a few reasons to get my butt out there for visits) has been hinting that he wants to teach me again. I don’t know if the hill here will open before then, but if it does I may take him up on the offer.
My fitness routine these days: I just do what sounds good at the time, make sure that I hit yoga once a week and take a complete rest day at least once a week. It’s been a little bit of everything – heavy weights, step classes, dance classes, TRX, boxing, circuit workouts…the planner in me is a little stressed out at not having a plan, but I figure it’s a good thing.
YES snowboarding! YES visits! YES keeping things varied! If any of the gyms around here offered THAT many classes, I might be a little more tempted to sign up, but again… not a lot of motivation to leave my warm house when its -25 outside…
I’m trying to find my groove right now too since its dark when I get home… I’m not a fan of the treadmill, but I’ll do it more then run on hilly country roads in the dark.
I love having a laid-back approach to exercise. It just makes me so dang happy to move my body in a way that feels good. Sometimes it’s wralking on the treadmill, sometimes it’s a group fitness classes, sometimes it’s just walking and listening to music, but whatever it is, I want it to rejuvenate me.
I’ll totally go snowboarding with you! As long as I can sit in the lounge area and drink hot chocolate ;).
Winter exercise sucks. Summer Me runs, hikes, swims, walks, cycles ALL THE TIME. Winter Me is destined to a life of misery in the gym. I CANNOT run on the treadmill – it is so awful. I elliptical or treadmill walk instead. I love showshoeing, though!
I think snowboarding sounds like an excellent way to pass the winter – I would totally ski if you could ski in Texas lol! Definitely a workout too. And oh my goodness, those snow pics have me dying over here. I would LOVE snow like that. Maybe next year, if I make it to Oregon?
Maybe you can ski in Oregon 😀 It’s too darn gorgeous down there.
Love. It. 🙂 i’m happy to hear that you’re enjoying exercise/running and content to do your own thing. I know in my own life I always run into trouble when I get caught up in what other people are doing and think I have to do the same whether I want to or should ha, so I’m glad you aren’t. And I LOVE that you’re a snowboarder. I used to love skiing in the winter and would spend many weekends in the winter on the slopes. Haven’t been able to do it in a few years, but I would love to start again when it’s more doable! Fitness wise, I am about to start marathon training again haha. I joined a gym a few months ago so I could strength train and cross train more easily, but I have yet to set foot on a treadmill. I’m an outside runner at heart and can’t stand those things. They’re always full when I’m there in the morning, too, and I just don’t understand why they’re preferable to being outside (in Pittsburgh haha…totally understand the Canadian winter reasoning for you 😛 ). Oh well. To each his own!
Your snow pictures are so pretty. There’s something so magical about the morning right after a huge snowfall. I guess it only seems magical to me cause I only get it once or twice a year 😉
I feel the same way about running sometimes. I have no race to train for and I don’t own a Garmin watch. Blogging can make it seem like you’re the only one who just laces up and sees what happens, but I promise you’re not alone. Sometimes I’ll go run and do 6 miles (but not often), other times I’ll switch between running and walking cause I feel like it. Just keep doing whatever you feel like!
I am totally not a runner, sometimes I am in the mood and sometimes not, so I am with you there, and what a great view from that window, its so beautiful!
I think it’s great you have such a relaxed approach to exercise! I feel like that’s how it should be. Davida’s post was great! As for me, running in the snow just sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, but we get a ton of sunshine here in Colorado (more than Florida actually!) so it usually melts pretty quickly off at least one sidewalk. This winter I plan to try and keep up with my running, but I will probably stick to more workout DVDs and Pure Barre classes. I hate driving in the snow too, even though I grew up in Colorado and I have a Subaru. Yesterday it took me two hours just to get to school and I was late for an exam even though I left early! Yep, that’s the bad part about the snow 🙂
That’s definitely one thing I love about being able to work from home — not having to deal with that insane morning traffic. Even so, I got stuck in a pretty bad jam last night when I was on my way to a friend’s. Ugh. Snow falls and people forget how to drive 😡
I love you and this. Wish I liked snowboarding! Am hoping I can hit the ice a few times this winter (I was a figure skater and I miss it) but not a chance am I going for a run outside in this cold. Those days are over! Seeing posts like this makes me so happy. It’s not about the workout plan, the number of miles or the injuries etc…it’s about being active in whatever shape or form that may take (and some days it may mean laying in bed all day!). Keep posts like this coming. Remember, we have to power to change the game 😉
Feel free to harass me by text all day long, it’s gonna be a molassy kind of day!
And thanks for the shoutout 🙂
We need to form a support group or something 😛
I’m not really a fan of the treadmill or the elliptical either. I find it kind of boring and it gets to be a chore instead of something I want to do. I just had this conversation with a co-worker yesterday, that I find it more difficult to get to zumba class during the winter. By the time I get home from work, it’s already dark and so cold and the thought of getting changed and getting myself out of the house again to drive to zumba seems daunting sometimes. I find myself opting for an at-home DVD workout instead. I think snowboarding is a great way to get some exercise, but have you ever considered at-home workout DVDs for those days when you don’t feel like leaving the house? If you need any recommendations, let me know because I have a ton.
I’ve tried out a few, and while it would be wonderfully convenient, I have the hardest time finding the motivation to actually do them — I get bored and go clean my house instead 😆
Such beautiful photos of the snow and I definitely agree with you about the way you feel around 3pm. It gets dark so early now, that it automatically feels like night before the evening has even arrived!
All of the snow is so pretty! It makes me so excited to go home. I don’t really know how the whole running-in-the-snow thing at home is going to work for me yet…I think the deciding factor will be if they’ve plowed the streets and (hopefully?) the sidewalks. If not, to the treadmill I go! I definitely don’t mind running on the treadmill–some days I even prefer it over running outside–but to be fair, it’s a lot less pretty scenery. 😛
I wish I could snowboard, i never actually tried it but boydoes it scare it. it takes a ton of athletic ability so don’t discount yourself at all lady. I think this time of year is when I don’t put races on my calendar and try to just have this more relaxed exercise approach. Maybe meet a friend more often, try a new class or hey – do nothing. I know gasp in a world of bloggers.
Amanda, there’s nothing “silly” bout running when you want to or not running when you don’t want to! Nothing silly at all about listening – really listening – to your body! And, I am sure there are plenty of US who would love to hear about your “intuitive exercising”! Your workouts are yours – no need to compare – the way you listen to your body is inspiring to some, just as inspiring as the hardcore runners and lifters posts!
I used to run track in school, and I logged in some serious mileage during college and after, but, all those miles have taken a toll – these days, I run for a mental release, but there are days – sometimes weather related and sometimes not- when I just pop in a workout DVD or a movie on DVD and just be.
I own a treadmill and sometimes, I like the monotony of it,where I can blast my music and just run, sometimes I like to be outside, but, when temps drop below 60, those times outside become fewer and fewer. Oh girl – you had me LOL-ing at you thinking you couldn’t balance on a treadmill but can easily do so on a snowboard! Me trying to balance on a snowboard or ski’s would be a hilarious youtube video on how balance challenged an individual can really be 🙂
But the snowboard isn’t moving and trying to fling me off! I’ve seen the videos — I know what those things are capable of 😉
Since I am very ignorant when it comes to winter sport I thoroughly enjoy reading up on your snow boarding. And the fact that snow has never fallen in my part of the world means I live through your beautiful pictures. Aaahh these days I’m on a path of discovery in regards to fitness. I always thought that I loved working out, but now that I’ve take time off, I’m surprised to find I’m not the cardio junkie/weight lifting lover/pilates fanatic I believed myself to be. So at the moment lots of stretching and treadmill walks when I feel like it. Your approach to working out is super refreshing <3
I went through the same.exact.thing. I always said that I loved the high of working out, and it took taking a good amount of time off for me to realize that maaaaaybe I didn’t love it as much as I was trying to convince myself that I did. There are a lot of ways to stay active, and we really don’t need a much structured exercise as we think we do to reap the health benefits.
I’m in exactly the same place right now – it seems that while my relationship with food is much better than it used to be and *touches wood* I’m on the road to balance, my one with exercising was obsessive and it took me a burn out from juggling too much to realize that! I can’t seem to find a middle ground, I do too much or nothing at all (maybe because in my head exercise = weight loss still?). Anyway, I have consciously decided to stop formal exercise for now except the odd run when I feel like it and lots of walking. Maybe not the best decision but one I’m comfortable with!
Ps: I love those pics, they are beautiful!
Please don’t ever apologize for talking about snowboarding!!!! It’s a big part of you, so share it!!!!
The snow is so gorgeous! I’ve resorted to using my apartment’s gym, although, believe me, it’s like pulling teeth to actually get me there. And even when I do go, I can never bring myself to hop on the treadmill. I like lifting heavy things better anyway, ha.
It really is winter now, huh?
I need to find something to do indoors now that it’s cold outside. Walking a lot will no longer cut it. Simply because I will be only walking when necessary to-and-from class. It’s just too dang cold to go out for fun 😀
Feel free to talk about snowboarding whenever! As a non-runner it’s refreshing 🙂 And I can live vicariously through you and pretend that I’m skiing. Skiing and swimming are my two favorite sports of all time. I completely know what you mean about not feeling the cold so much when your’e on the slopes too.
Hey girly! Don’t dare be embarrassed of any of it! Who cares what anybody else does? I’m just kinda jealous you know how to snowboard
No, no — no embarrassment! It would just be nice to have someone to relate to. A blog snowboarding buddy, if you will 🙂
You and Vishnu would get along great! He’s a total winter sports guy. Me? Not sure much. The last time we went skiing, I ended up falling in a ditch and crying because I could not get up! Ha! After that experience, I wholeheartedly believe that snowboarding, skiing, and the likes are some of the most legit forms of exercise there are. I was so sore!
Hey girl. Don’t feel ‘out of place’! Exercise, to me, has not a single absolute form. Some people exercise by walking their dogs, while other’s view this as something to do on their down time (not exercise). Others, rock climb. I do yoga. Exercise and fitness is your your, no one else’s! So never be ashamed 🙂
I absolutely love your leisurely approach and think it is much healthier than those of us who feel a ned to run, even if we could think of 1000 other things we’d rather be doing
Amazing post
Keep it up <3
I too cannot run on a treadmill. I used to as a child, but somewhere I lost the love for it. It messes with my mind, messes with my stride, messes with everything and makes me miserable wanting to get off. And I’m not about being miserable! I’m a firm believer that exercise should be fun.
Have fun boarding!
I couldn’t agree more! I think the health benefits of exercise really decrease when it starts to feel like too much of a chore — and there’s really no reason for it to be that way considering there are so many different ways to stay active.