Someone has stolen my sunshine…
It was here when I went to bed last night (no it really was… stupid overly long summer days), and nowhere to be found this morning…
Le boo.
The only solution for such a dreary start to the day? Comfort food all the way…
Tiramisu Oats… made by adding a Tbsp. of cream cheese, a Tbsp. of carob powder, and a tsp. of instant coffee granules to my regular steel cut oaties… then topping with banana slices and almond butter.
Mmm… I was comforted… and also going a little stir crazy. So, after spending some time curled up on the couch with my new favorite book:
… followed by 3 miles on my not-so-favorite dreadmill, I popped one of these babies in my mouth, made myself semi-presentable, and headed out the door.
Where did I go?
… with “here” being the local farmer’s market.
I always get a bit jealous when I see some of the amazing farmer’s markets that other bloggers have in their city. Ours is… okay… but it’s nothing to brag about. Unless you like weeds plants…

Which I clearly do.
Or bagels…
Which I’ve honestly never cared much for.
Or beef…
Which I’ll spare you the gory details of.
And if none of that strikes your fancy, then perhaps beets, potatoes, rhubarb, or carrots will.
Actually, the carrots should – the carrots are amazing.
So, even though I had to drive all the way across the city only to come home with a 6 lb. bag of carrots, the trip was totally worth it. These carrots rock my world.
But man woman cannot survive on carrots alone (believe me, I once tried…), so my next stop was the grocery store, where I restocked on some staples that I was getting dangerously low on.
And by dangerously low I mean less than 5 servings left – I don’t like to cut it too close…
Baked lentil chips — Cinnamon Puffins — Raisins — Steel cut oats
Salsa — Canned pumpkin — canned beans (kidney & chickpeas) — Roasted almond butter
Kombucha — Cottage cheese — Greek yogurt (strawberry & plain) — Vanilla almond milk — Eggs
And, finally, the most important purchase of all…
Five and a half lbs. of bananas
I was down to only 2 bananas after this morning’s breakfast, which is basically a Code Red situation in this house. There are certain foods that I can’t refuse to live without, and bananas are one of them. Oats, chocolate, coffee, yogurt, almond butter, eggs, hummus, and salsa are a few others. Sure, it wouldn’t kill me to go without them for a day or two (three would be pushing it), but why would I do that?
To prove that I was a masochist?
Well I’m not. So, rain or shine, blizzard or torrential downpour, my butt will be making a trip to the grocery store if my staples start running low. What can I say? I like to eat what I like to eat.
. – . – .
What’s one food you ALWAYS have to have on hand?
What are three things you bought the last time you went shopping? (it doesn’t have to be food)
bananas and coffee are for sure staples for me as well 🙂 And some type of cereal and yogurt as well 😉
Staples: bananas, pb and spinach!
toss that can of pumpkin my way! I need to make your tortilla pizza and some pumpkin muffins for the marine’s at work! mwah!
My 3 foods that I panic if I don’t have at my house is peanut butter, oatmeal, and ice cream. I eat them every single day. The last time I went shopping (went today)I bought granola bars, gum, ice cream, and chocolate milk. 🙂
Hope the sun comes back out soon!!! 😀
I always love to have oats (they even sell oats w/ cocoa powder already mixed in here!), apples, bananas and peanut butter!!!!
I have to have fruit with me! Always, if nothing else at least an apple. Though I am NOT a fan of pears. I just can’t seem to get any of that juicy taste that I always want out of it.
And I have a question, I doubt you still count calories, but do you have a good estimate of how much you eat on your non-workout days?
You’re right – I don’t count and it’s too hard to keep track of all the random nibbling I do throughout the day, but my guess would be around 2500.
Oh, why cant we have farmers markeds in Norway too? They look like so much fun! 🙂
I need to have dark chocolate in my apartment. If i dont, I crave it like CRAZY! I crave it every day anyway, but if I cant have it, I want it even more and cant think of anything else 😛
Can I say 3 fun things I have bought lately instead, even though its not the last? My running shoes (<3), a super cute purple summer dress, and tomorrow Ill be buying my very own Michael Kors bag 😀 I cant wait!!
I love your staples; such good taste! I always get jealous at other bloggers’ farmers’ markets, too. We don’t have on around here… its basically Walmart, Food Lion, or Publix (if you’re richer than I am, lol…) My number one staple… would probably be cocoa powder! I go through that stuff like water. By default, my other two must-haves are cottage cheese (for chocolate cheesecake) and eggbeaters (for microwave cakes.) I have those things like every day!
I just bought almond milk for the first time in a LONG time yesterday. I had it this morning in my cereal, and it was actually much better than I remembered! Maybe its because this time I bought the vanilla instead of the original flavor? Unsweetened either way, of course…
Oh, and I just stopped at Walmart on the way home from cleaning my mom’s shop. They had a new flavor of Ben and Jerry’s, so I picked that up!
Oh no! I think it was me who stole your sunshine. But in my defence, I’ve not had any for weeks, and I’m super-appreciating it? …Okay, I’ll give it back tomorrow. Promise.
My list of essentials is pretty much the same as yours! Plus mushrooms and spinach. 🙂
Your breakfast looks yummy! I’ll have to make that soon!
Last thing I bought? Farmer’s Market yesterday: 4 hair bows, some cherry tomatoes that taste like candy, baba ganoush, and red, orange, and yellow bell peppers!
I hope you have a great day!
Ok quick question… Why do three miles on the “dreadmill” if you don’t enjoy it? Honestly just wondering!!
‘Cause I feel great afterwards, and I love to run 😀 I just prefer doing it outside, so having to keep it inside because of nasty weather is always kind of a bummer.
I know where your sunshine is…
Its in England, which is suprising seriously it is so unbelievably hot today, which doesnt happen very often I can assure you.
I think I may also share your love of carrots mmm 😀
Hope you have a great day. <3
Love Jess xx
troooof: I’ve never had Tiramisu. Ever. Nor have I gone to a farmer’s market. Are you judging me? I can’t blame you.
I always need PB (though recently it’s been AB) in my life. It’s my vice.
Last three purchases = a few swaggy dresses at TJmaxx. I’ll be dominating the grocery store today though. Chyeaaaa.
hey 🙂 hmm bananas. i have panic attacks if i don’t :/ gahhh i like having different stages of ripeness, which means if i go away or for some reason they ripen at the same time the kitchen starts to really smell ;( anddd..unsweetened applesauce, coffee, almonds…cereal (cold and hot but esp cold cereal like multigrain squares)…probably some more things, ohh herbal tea. peppermint. but if im low on that i also have chamomile and sleepytime (celestial seasonings brand)…i guess i like to have a lot of “staples” not sure if they’re considered that, but to me they are. i likely forgot a bunch 😛 xox
I always need apples, almonds, and berries in the house! Staples for me, and I feel quite lost without them 🙂
Apples!! can’t go a day without them! 😀
I went shopping yesterday with my mum and bought pyjamas, underwear and a rain jacket!!hahah!
Aww girly you look so cute haha! And wow your oats sounds AMAZING – as always!!
And seriously, I am coming to your house to get those Puffins. GAH I miss them!!! 🙁
I’m actually really lucky to live in a city that just has the most fantastic market ever. I have so much cheap fresh fruit and veg available to me Monday – Saturday and I just live there. Everyone knows me who works at all the stalls because I’m there literally everyday! I couldn’t live without it!
I don’t think I could chose one food that I couldn’t live without because there are too many: kabocha squash, persimmons, cereal, greek yogurt, PB, dried fruit..I would seriously die if I didn’t have these lol.
Last three things I bought: kabocha squash, a skirt and a magazine 🙂
LENTIL CHIPS?? Whaat??? I need those in my life!
I am 100% with you on the bananas – I always have to have a frozen stash of overripe beauties. Them, and apples, and oats, and parsnips. My staples!
Three things I bought…running socks, cappuccinos, shorts, a watch, dresses….:p
Haha, we are clearly very similar girls! I bought a lot of food yesterday on top of my big Friday shop. The only place I can get tofu and tempeh is in the city so when I’m there I stock up! As for essentials I can’t live without, apples, some form of leafy green, frozen bananas, dark chocolate and oats. I get a panic attack just thinking of running out of this stuff!
Um we did the same thing today. I wish I was talking about the Tiramisu oats, but I’m talking about the FM followed by the regular grocery. I think our FM is great! Every week I put rhubarb on the list and chicken out. $5 for something I have no idea if I’ll even like? I can’t bring myself to do it. I also got chunky peanut butter, bananas and a watermelon, which I was particularly excited about.
Oats, soymilk, nut butter of some sort, sweet potatoes, kale, sauerkraut, chickpeas, apples, couscous, and dark chocolate. These are probably my most essential staples. <3