I feel as though I need to get some things off my chest…
Confession: I could probably eat the same breakfast for the rest of my life without complaint.
Eggy oats – Banana – Almond butter – Pudding.
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Confession: I feel slightly guilty for eating things that are shaped like animals…
… but it’s not enough to stop me from eating them.
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Confession: I like macaroni and cheese better when it’s cold…
… and alongside a hardboiled egg [and ketchup].
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Confession: Remember how I said I was going to start packing this weekend?
Yeah. Didn’t happen…
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Confession: … because I spent most of my free time re-reading this for fun…
Feel free to call me crazy.
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Confession: I’m slightly terrified that I’m going to chip a tooth on this chunky almond butter…
They mean serious business.
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Confession: I legitimately squeaked out loud when I came across this sight…
… and I may or may not have bought three boxes.
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Confession: I’ve developed a serious cereal addiction…
Greek yogurt – Blueberries – Puffins – Puffed wheat – Kashi Sunshine.
Greek yogurt – Banana – Puffins – Kashi Sunshine – Trail mix.
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Confession: … and I had a bowl for dinner again tonight…
Greek yogurt – Blueberries – Banana – Puffins – Kashi Sunshine – Almond butter.
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Confession: These are my crack…
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Confession: There’s a certain issue concerning protein sources that’s been nagging me for quite some time now…
… and I could really use some input, so I plan on going into more detail in a separate post.
Happy Saturday loves! 😀
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Can you relate to any of my confessions?
Anything you need to get off your chest?
I’ve had that almond butter before- it’s the best I’ve ever tried. enjoy! (without chipping anything!)
I’m a new reader, by the way. E-handshake.
Confession 1: I really, really like mocha cupcakes.
Confession 2: I’m trying to orchestrate a trip to my nearest Starbucks to try the Creme Brulee Macchiato.
Have never had Puffins but I’m seriously tempted to have some shipped!
I like alot of hot foods better when they are cold too!! I love eggs with ketchup (well i can put ketchup with alot of things!!) I cant wait for a post on proteins, they all just confuse me 🙁
I love this post! Last time our favourite brand of cereal was on sale, my mom went crazy and bought 20 boxes of it (don’t laugh, my brothers finish like a box a day).
confession: I’m really excited to get to London so I can go shopping in all the new grocery stores and buy nut butters.
I also feel bad eating animal crackers, especially when I bite off their heads. Which is, ironically enough, my favourite part of eating them? Who knew.
I hope I can find some fun cereal abroad. I’ll bet I can.
Did you know they used to make chocolate filled puffins? I used to LOVE those.
I love your writing style. Always a pleasure to read sweetie! I also like eating cute, animal related things (but not the actual animals!) just because I feel like a kid again and I have a confession……you got me on to steel cut oats and yes, I am addicted! Oh and I’m eating wholemeal crackers with tomato puree on them because I love it!
I’m glad mac and cheese is back in your life…I’ll need to try it with hard-boiled egg! Ketchup is always on top of my mac and cheese, too!
ohhh i cant wait to hear about the protein plus post cause i am so interested in thiss!
I am interested to learn about your protein source concerns. I can’t wait for the post!
Definitely can relate! I could eat the same breakfast every single day without complaint..and animal food is super cute. 🙂
Hold on, is a never-ending love for pudding oats confession-worthy?! Oh dear…! 😛 If soy pudding wasn’t so expensive, I would eat it for every MEAL haha!!
And I LOVE The Iliad!! My confession is that I’ve read it twice for fun, and the second time I read it in Latin…GEEK ALERT! 😛
I relate to your confession about eating the same breakfast for the rest of your life. Who cares about variety! I say ,”if it ain’t broken, then don’t fix it” and that totally applies to favorite breakfast meals 🙂
My confession: I licked my chobani container clean the other day during school lunch. I had committed to not doing this in public but….it was soo good! If people stare and gawk at me, I know its because they are jealous. Right? 🙂
The chunky almond butter is really chunky 😀 I love my nut butter crunchy, but I’ve never seen so many pieces in one! I can definitely relate to the cereal addiction. It’s getting bad haha. I’ve been on a huge kick lately. I think I can swap all my meals for cereal! My confession: I baked yesterday and I’m planning to bake again today. I’m so happy the weather’s getting cooler. I can get my baking face on 😀
It’s finally starting to cool down here, too, and I can’t wait to start some Fall time baking – especially in my new kitchen! 😀
my confession: I actually can’t get through a day without a cup of coffee in the morning. also, I’ve recently discovered Puffins as well, and they are glorious.
Im pretty sure im the only person in the world who doesnt like Puffins? OH WELL!!!
That almond butter looks amazing, ive never had chunky almond butter.
PS im glad you like your mac and cheese with ketchup too!!!! lol
haha, i would be afraid of chipping a tooth on that almond butter as well.. It’s got some serious chunks init!
I can relate to almost all of your confessions!
Cold mac and cheese is really good! I have a cereal addiction and love yogurt messes! I could probably eat the same thing every day and chocolate chip cookie dough protein balls taste great! 🙂
Cold mac n cheese with ketchup?? That’s something I’ve never thought of trying!
beautiful girl! I’m just catching up on your posts and am so so sooooo stinkin’ proud of you for rockin’ that mac and cheese!!! I remember you leaving a comment on my “McDonald’s post” saying how much you loved it and were thinking of challenging yourself to something you loved. YOU DID IT!!!!! it was amazing, wasn’t it? and normal… completely normal. You rock my face off <3
That chunky almond butter looks amazing! My confession – was trying to say off chocolate for the weekend and I’ve completely failed, but I don’t care!
Lucky you!!!! That cereal was such a good deal! 🙂 When I was around 7 years old my absolute favorite cereal was product 19 (i was classy) and then they stopped selling it at our grocery store until NOW (we dont even go to the same location anymore) and when I saw it restocked for the first time I got 3 boxes.
You like the iliad? I’m reading it for school and when I first started I thought it was the most horrible thing ever, but then I kept reading and its actually good! I love book 6, when hector goes and sees his wife and baby boy. 🙂 I also love how Homer identifies all of the dead soldiers from both sides because it adds a human element and makes it more emotional than the usual war literature or movie. Achilles is such a brat he makes me so mad!!!
Ok ’nuff of my nerdy talk for now!!! Hope you sort out the protein thing!!! 🙂
Haha I totally squeal out loud when I come across exciting finds in a grocery store too. I definitely did when I found Oikos Greek yogurt a few weeks ago!
Confession: I meant to do some readings for class yesterday. I didn’t. 😛
I definetly could eat the same breakie every day 🙂
Confession: I am the opposite in packing. I started packing my stuff (and I only have four or five boxes worth) WAYYYY in advance to our recent move and unpacked/repacked them several times before we moved. LOL.
Another confession: I haven;t posted for days. I kind of like it. I just need time to collect my thoughts on what I want to write and photograph and such 😀
Such a cute post! The animal biscuits make me feel bad too, especially if they become headless. Cold mac and cheese sounds amaaaaaazing – you have given me a bad ass craving now hehe. Loved getting to know you a little better!
Haha I always bite the head off first. Seems ruthless, but it puts them out of their misery quick 😉
I can completely relate to your cereal confession– Since my first “cereal for dinner” episode a few nights ago I’ve been SO tempted to have some for every meal that I think of. Literally to the point where I would probably stop eating greens just to have some brown rice crispy cereal for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner.
Oh and as far as cold macaroni– I had myself a few spoonfuls of cold leftover soup straight from the fridge the other night. Crazy stuff we’ve got right here
omg idd u just put a hard boiled egg in ur mac n cheese….
Confession – I spent about 4-5 hours sitting down at my computer the other day (not in one shot of course) and it felt GOOOOOOD 🙂
confession: I am going to reproduce another recipe of yours. those protein balls are going to be my not-so-guilty pleasure for next week. uh yeah…. thanks 😉
Haha, love this post 🙂
But babyyyyy, you need to start packing!! 🙂
That cruchy almond butter looks so so good! Ive had crunch PB before, but never AB! And I would so love to try it!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend sweetie <3
I can totally relate to number 1 and 2. And that chunky almond butter looks so delicious! I like chunky butter much more than smooth ones. Packing stuff ain´t easy. I am moving on 30th September, and I feel like I am buying more and more new stuff instead of packing the things I already own 🙂
I’m so jealous of your puffins! They don’t even sell them over here in the uk.
I think my number one confession is my insane tea addiction, I cannot stop drinking tea. Luckily I’ve switched completely to decaf and have cut down a bit but still…I drink close to 10 cups a day sometimes and never less than six or seven. TOO MUCH TEA.
Confessions: my head killsssss. And I really should get to bed. But I’d so much rather read blogs 🙂
confession: I can’t stop singing “confessions” by usher now, whoa old school memories 🙂
cold mac n cheese is better in my opinion, just like pizza, actually I like a lot of food cold for some weird reason. I have had four bowls of cereal today, two after lunch and two after dinner… and I am totally okay with that! Don’t worry about packing, it’s not like you are packing up the entire house right…I have moved a ton and once you start boxing things up you will be done in no time 🙂 And now THAT is how chunky should be, spoon me up a blob of that, yum!
I have never had that Puffin cereal. I know it’s all over the blog world, but never have I bought it. It must be good though since everyone seems to eat it.
That price for puffins rocks!! Cinnamon are my fav I think. I also started adding an egg white to my oat bran and it’s soo good! It got me away from my cold cereal addiction. 🙂
I could eat the same breakfast every too… and it may or may not include peanut butter puffins.
I love eating with my fingers.
I almost always eat leftovers cold.
Girl, you are CRAZY for reading that book but I am jealous too! I wish I was interested in that kind of stuff 😛
I have recently developed a cereal addiction. I think I need to go to cerealholics anonymous or something. “Hi I’m Katy and I’m a cerealholic.”
Make sure to save me a seat 😀