Today was one sweet Sunday. Literally!
I’ve always had a sweet tooth. Always. As far back as I can remember, I’ve been seduced by the saccharine serpent. My sweet tooth is usually pretty manageable, but today, it went buck. freakin’. wild. Since I made you guys suffer through one of my longwinded speeches yesterday (loved your comments, btw!!), I’ll keep it short and sweet… literally… today and let the pictures do the talking instead…
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Breakfast… is the best meal of the day
Eggified/bananafied steel cut oats; caramel & chocolate pudding; roasted almond butter
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Morning Pick-Me-Up-and-Make-Me-Smile

Cookie dough ball & chocolate pudding with extra cocoa mixed in…
Random fact: I always add about a Tbsp. of cocoa powder to my chocolate pudding to make it even more chocolatey… and then top it with almond butter for an even more seductive experience. Swoooooon.
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Lunch… is better when it’s breakfast-like
Grainy toast with cream cheese; banana with almond butter & trail mix
MIA: salad beast and protein shake
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Afternoon Dee-licious Dee-light

Vanilla oat bran with Freek Freek Greek yogurt & melty chocolate chips
Damn typos…
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Dinner… was neither sweet nor breakfast-like
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This. was. so. good… that it deserves it’s own post. Tomorrow. Promise!
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Surprisingly enough, I’m not suffering any kind of ill effects from all of my sugar consumption. No sugar coma, no shakes, and most importantly, absolutely no guilt. I wanted it, I went for it, and I enjoyed every. last. bite. I know they say that balanced meals are the key to satiety and satisfaction, but sometimes, nothing hits the spot like a little (or a lot) of sugar. And that’s real life right there 😀
Enjoy your night, loves!
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Favorite foods to satisfy that sweet tooth?
Any guesses as to what was in my dinner?
Had one of those days myself! Love them 🙂 gotta try chocolate pudding! I’ve been relying solely on dark chocolate chips for my fix!!!
just found your blog, love the title 🙂 can’t wait to read more
Hey girl! I just found your blog and I love how inspiring you are. I’m in recovery from an ED and even though I’m doing so much better than I was 2 years ago, I still have a long way to go. I just love that you aren’t at all afraid to eat whatever you want because that’s what we’re supposed to do!
Anyways, I have a huge sweet tooth too. I can’t understand people who can eat a savory breakfast! Breakfast is my favorite meal and I always eat something sweet at every meal. I LOVE fruit way more than veggies and I would totally love to try eating all sweet meals one day!
hell yes for sugar! I just roll with my sweet tooth, and love to see others doing the same. I’ve been at so many occasions with dessert lately, and I am not going to let moments pass when I could just live them!
hell yes for sugar! I just roll with my sweet tooth, and love to see others doing the same. I’ve been at so many occasions with dessert lately, and I am not going to let moments pass when I could just live them!
I suddenly have a big craving for pudding now! 😉
I wonder this every time I read your blog – what are all these puddings you talk of!? What are they made from?!
I like just good old chocolate to satisfy a sweet craving. It will never be beaten!
I’ve had a CRAZY sweet tooth too- and my mama just baked these amazing chocolate chip oatmeal cookie bars which I can’t get enough of! Chocolate is my main homie when it comes to satisfying the sweet tooth…or cakey stuff! Yummmmm
I’ve had a CRAZY sweet tooth too- and my mama just baked these amazing chocolate chip oatmeal cookie bars which I can’t get enough of! Chocolate is my main homie when it comes to satisfying the sweet tooth…or cakey stuff! Yummmmm
Hmmm…your dinner looks like something melty and delicious in a rice tortilla/wrap.
I am secretly hoping it is hummus, apple and cheese…because that is amazing…but I also am wishing for an exciting new combo because I love wraps!
I think you are my favorite blogger.
I like how you piece together things at lunch also. Sometimes I feel guilty because my lunch is not just a ginormous salad, but a bunch of stuff (including lotsa yogrut 🙂
You help me feel that maybe it is okay (did you do that when gaining also? Sometimes I worry that I make things “too complex” and that maybe that contributes to my extreme fullness and bad problems dans la bathroom …sorry!) Maybe I should be more simple?
Your salads always look great too (saw on your last post…not sure how u make them so beautiful…i always add 1/2 avocado to my salads…always adds to it so much!).
Regarding “reality” in your last post…so true. I think to escape into non-real worlds,we should turn to books instead of food-warped worlds. I just did a post on the latest books I read if you care to read anytime!
I get a sweet tooth also. In terms of sweeteners , I have to add sugar or stevia or something to hot drinks for sure.
Chocolate is yum. Sometimes I crave it. It might be some inherent need for magnesium…or just being “normal” 😉
I’m trying to get better. The extreme fullness and lack of hunger is the hardest I think. I think exercisng would make that a ton better. But my body is just useless to me. I ache, I’m stiff, I’m lethargic and tired. So hard to know how to do things “right”. I know I complicate my meals and snacks; I think I eat too much and actually worsen my bathroom and tummy distress; i know my dairy love is not a good thing…but I’m not willng to cut out things or reduce them.
I keep hoping the mind is more important and that i should be able to eat anyhting without restrictions…maybe i’m stubborn or stupid, but its like I just don’t wanna eliminate or restrict…who knows.
Love your post. Looks like a good day…sweets should be a chronic thing. And really that is not a “sweet” day. A sweet day would be eating 3 tubs of ice cream for lunch 🙂
I think you are my favorite blogger.
I like how you piece together things at lunch also. Sometimes I feel guilty because my lunch is not just a ginormous salad, but a bunch of stuff (including lotsa yogrut 🙂
You help me feel that maybe it is okay (did you do that when gaining also? Sometimes I worry that I make things “too complex” and that maybe that contributes to my extreme fullness and bad problems dans la bathroom …sorry!) Maybe I should be more simple?
Your salads always look great too (saw on your last post…not sure how u make them so beautiful…i always add 1/2 avocado to my salads…always adds to it so much!).
Regarding “reality” in your last post…so true. I think to escape into non-real worlds,we should turn to books instead of food-warped worlds. I just did a post on the latest books I read if you care to read anytime!
I get a sweet tooth also. In terms of sweeteners , I have to add sugar or stevia or something to hot drinks for sure.
Chocolate is yum. Sometimes I crave it. It might be some inherent need for magnesium…or just being “normal” 😉
I’m trying to get better. The extreme fullness and lack of hunger is the hardest I think. I think exercisng would make that a ton better. But my body is just useless to me. I ache, I’m stiff, I’m lethargic and tired. So hard to know how to do things “right”. I know I complicate my meals and snacks; I think I eat too much and actually worsen my bathroom and tummy distress; i know my dairy love is not a good thing…but I’m not willng to cut out things or reduce them.
I keep hoping the mind is more important and that i should be able to eat anyhting without restrictions…maybe i’m stubborn or stupid, but its like I just don’t wanna eliminate or restrict…who knows.
Love your post. Looks like a good day…sweets should be a chronic thing. And really that is not a “sweet” day. A sweet day would be eating 3 tubs of ice cream for lunch 🙂
You are seriously my idol right now. I have such a sweet tooth and would happily eat nothing but sweet foods for each and every meal… but, girl, you really know how to eat! This post was exactly what I needed to see right now at this exact moment in my ED recovery. All these foods are foods I could see myself eating and loving… and in sufficient quantity to fuel my poor body!
My favorite sweet meal is cottage cheese mixed with yogurt and sweetened, with a 1/4 cup (or more…) of cocoa powder stirred in. And today I stuck it in the freezer for a bit before eating it and it got super thicky and rich. Oh my goodness. So good.
You are seriously my idol right now. I have such a sweet tooth and would happily eat nothing but sweet foods for each and every meal… but, girl, you really know how to eat! This post was exactly what I needed to see right now at this exact moment in my ED recovery. All these foods are foods I could see myself eating and loving… and in sufficient quantity to fuel my poor body!
My favorite sweet meal is cottage cheese mixed with yogurt and sweetened, with a 1/4 cup (or more…) of cocoa powder stirred in. And today I stuck it in the freezer for a bit before eating it and it got super thicky and rich. Oh my goodness. So good.
Holy macaroni. That banana is making me swooooooon!!
I love appeasing my sweet tooth! 🙂 No shame in being hungry 😀
I have been having a sweet tooth lately too! Gotta listen to it though! My favorite way to give my sweet tooth what it wants is some sweet cereal 🙂
Hope you are having a great monday!