Goooood morning! Happy Tuesday to ya!
I usually write up my posts the evening before I post them, but I found myself in a bit of a [turkey-induced] food coma last night, so we’ll just have to see what kind of randomness I can come up with this morning.
This feels nice, having coffee and breakfast with you guys. We should do it more often. Although I should probably warn you — I eat breakfast ridiculously early sometimes, which probably has a lot to do with the fact that I wake up ridiculously early sometimes. Like today? Breakfast at 5 AM after waking up at 3:30. Don’t even ask — I woke up from a really strange dream and wasn’t able to fall back asleep. The kicker is that now I can’t even remember what my dream was about, or I’d tell you and you could go all psychoanalytic on me. Bugger. What I do know is that it’s probably going to end up being a very long day. I mean, when 8 AM hits and you’ve already been up for more than 4 hours? You really start running out of things to do…
And because I’m kind of running out of things to talk about (this is why I don’t write my posts in the morning), I’m eternally grateful to Alysia over at Slim Sanity for providing me with some material 😉 She tagged me with the Sunshine Award last week, and answering questions seems like something I can get my brain to do…
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1. What food do you eat most often? I’m pretty sure almond butter takes the cake for this one with the multiple appearances it makes throughout the day, but bananas come in a close second. And yogurt….
2. What movie have you watched the most times? Oh geez. Honestly, probably some sort of Disney film. I actually really want to say The Lion King because I remember going through a phase as a kid where I pretty much watched it every day. Actually, I can probably still recite it word for word…
3. If you were an animal, what would it be? A cat. Sleeping, eating, pampering, and being prone to occasional bouts of craziness? Sounds like my kind of life. And this picture of me being a creeper and taking pictures of my neighbours’ pets is the only cat picture I could find on Spoons…
4. How many siblings do you have? Zero. I’m one of the few people I know that doesn’t have any brothers or sisters. We’re a dying breed!
5. Would you rather go on a tropical cruise or whale watching (something in the arctic)? Are we talking about something like an Alaskan cruise? Because if so, then I’d rather go that route. But if we’re talking about being on a gorgeous cruise ship in the tropics vs. a tiny tugboat in frigid waters, then cruise ship wins.
6. If you could go to dinner with any celebrity, who would you choose? Jennifer Lawrence, not only is she freaking hilarious, but I love a girl who loves food.
7. iPhone or Android? iPhone, but I’m rocking the 4, which doesn’t even let me upgrade to iOS7. Sad face.
8. What was your favourite subject in school? Philosophy, followed by English. Apparently I’m a glutton for punishment. Hellooooo essay writing up the wazoo. Loved the material, though.
9. What is your dream job? A writer. I’d love to write a book someday, and have a handful of ideas and drafts started, but motivation definitely waxes and wanes for that one. My second choice is a health and nutrition counsellor, which is what I’m currently training for.
10. What is your favourite thing about yourself? That I have a kind heart and genuinely care about people. That and my pinky finger on my left hand is kind of awesome… just sayin’ 😉
Yay for random breakfast musings! Hope you guys have an awesome day, and I’ll see ya tomorrow!
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What time were you up this morning?
What was breakfast?
Pick a question (or two) and answer! Pretty please? 😀
Hi Amanda!
After I read your dream job
I have to say go for it! You are an excellent writer with a fabulous presence and voice and I bet you can parlay that into the position you are training for in health and nutrition. The great work of fiction can always come later but always always always write (is that my selfish way of saying don’t ever stop blogging? Um.. yeah. That too!)
I would take a tropical cruise over just about anything…though I’ve always wondered if I would get seasick on one of those ships? Get this lady some dramamiiiiiiiine STAT! 😉
Just want you to know you have me checking out my own pinkies now! I think I like my right one better than my left! Lol
I’m absolutely with you on the being a cat. Fave subject in school was English, followed closely by History.
I was up at 5:00am this morning (breakfast was a Chobani Flip), then back to sleep at 6:30, then up for the day at 8:15. I only get up that early to spend an hour with my wife before she leaves for work. We literally only see each other around 3.5 waking hours per day between morning and night and would be less if I didn’t get up with her.
I kinda dig the pinky finger on your left hand too. Just sayin’.
A 3:30 a.m. wake up call is way too early, even if you are a morning person. I hope you got a good long nap that day. I really like the idea of you writing a book; I think you’d be great at it, which isn’t surprising since I’ a big fan of your writing. English was also my favorite subject too. I couldn’t seem to get enough reading and writing. No wonder we’re bloggers today.
I think I’d like to come back in my next life as a cat, especially one in my own house. Those little buggers have it made.
I’d like to come back as a cat in your home too if it meant I could steal pancakes and get away with it 😉
Right!! And you don’t even know the half of it. Max, the pancake thief, has eaten all sorts of really good bread, muffins, kale chips, granola, hot peppers (I think that last one was an accident). I made the mistake of leaving a small dish of olive oil with sun dried tomatoes and garlic cloves on the counter. When I came home, only the garlic cloves were left. He ate the tomatoes and licked up all the olive oil. He has a stomach of steel.
I woke up at 6 am for an early yoga class! Breakfast was an egg white omlete with cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread topped with avacado mixed with a little agave & cocoa powder and cinnamon!
My questions… I’m also an only child! And my dream job is professional travel writer/blogger!
I’m glad you’re following your passions! We have both of the same dream jobs… Sista sista! And I don’t have siblings either (two half brothers but let’s be real) I grew up as an only child because my brothers lived with their mom so I was always the spoiled one. hehehe sorry siblings 😉
I think you will make such a wonderful nutrition and health councillor! Go you Amanda 🙂 I was up at 6:30 as I had a lovely bowl of cereal and a bit if baguette with butter- perfect (I’m french) and I would say you resemble Jennifer Lawrence you lucky thing! Food I eat the most- I’m such a cliche but butter and baguette or breads in general- but it makes me and my body happy and healthy and always has 🙂 xo Amanda
When you said english and philosophy are your favourite, I thought that just fits completely for you. You’re a great writer. I’m not sure what your current line of work is, but you should definitely think about making the switch. I would be your first customer!
3:30? Ouch! I hope you get to bed nice and early tonight! I was up at 5ish or so because I heard my mom and sister leaving for the airport (my sister flew back to Halifax this morning), but I sort of fell back asleep until my alarm at 6. And for breakfast I had my usual oatmeal (oats, milk, chia seeds, banana, egg whites, cinnamon) with fresh figs and almond butter.
I really like Jennifer Lawrence too. But I’m sorry, my answer to that question would have to be Ryan Gosling. 😉
Amanda, are you sure the iPhone 4 cannot install iOs7? Mine is a 4 and I installed it no problem…unless its a 4s and the lady accidentally sold me the wrong one..
I was up at 7:30 this morning thanks to my very loud roomate. Breakfast was OhSheGlows Peanut Butter Banana Oats. I haven’t had oatmeal in YEARS because of the internet’s grain no-no influence on me but I finally decided to say f*ck it! It was awesome, and no I’m not dead, nor have I been “glutened”. Screw diets.
My favourite subject in school was also english! Hate reading Literature (Shakespeare I’m looking at you) but love essay writing. I finished with a 92% average in University level English #justsayin’
My dream is to be a certified organic farmer, complete with owning my own cow share and a CSA program.
Actually, I’m thinking that my 4 might be able to upgrade to iOS7 if I actually plug it in to my computer — it just doesn’t show up on the in the settings like most other upgrades. Have you come across any bugs or decreased battery life with the upgrade?
And girl, I’ve been eating oats everyday for -years- and I’m still kickin’ fiercely 😉 Don’t be afraid to enjoy what you love!
Now, come on. It aint all about looks. Uhh personality?
Pumba is a sweet, caring, funny, nice guy! (…ok, warthog. Whatever.)
3.30am……wow. I’d be eating lunch at 8am then.
I told this to charlotte already, but you and her both need to get this writing mainstream- you both have a talent which deserves the recognition. Go.For.It…and also continue with your work with IIN…so I can get free advice 😉
Eating breakfast now which is oatmeal because I’m not at uni = no tupperware. Favourite thing about myself is probably similar to yours- I reckon I’m an honest and caring person…how masculine.
😆 There’ve definitely been times where lunch has happened at 10:30. And I don’t think I’m in the minority when I say that honesty and kindness are good qualities to have.
I would totally be a cat too if I could.
FOOD IS MY FAVORITE PART OF THE DAY… Not “one of them” – LOL! It takes the ‘cake’! BAH HA HA!!! 😉
This morning I was totally up at 6am… Tuesday is my 6am or earlier day! Weee! Me sleeping in is 6:30 am. AH HA HA HA HA! Amazing!
AND UH: iPHONE ALL THE WAY – however, I need to GET A NEW ONE!!!! I still have the 4… And I have NOT updated it in 3 years!! BAH HA HA HA!
Hooollaaa fellow only child here. The best.
I have watched The Lion King a ridiculous amount of times too. And as much as I loooove ( LOVE!) the film, I just can’t deal with the scene where Mufasa dies, like don’t even wanna think about it! Gets me every.single.time.
Plus, pretty sure I had a crush on Simba – fancying a LION – so it makes me question my sanity, ( well, only a little bit. C’mon, when he was a teenager he was hot! ).
Imma be 1st in line to buy your book :).
😆 I can see the crush thing — I’d question your sanity more if you picked Pumbaa or Ed 😉
Now, come on. It aint all about looks. Uhh personality?
Pumba is a sweet, caring, funny, nice guy! (…ok, warthog. Whatever.)
He is! But apparently he’s also a smelly one, which is kind of a deal-breaker…
True dat :p.
My iphone 4 let me upgrade…then I shattered it. Now I have a 5c and I’m in love. I’d love to go on an Alaskan cruise…but I’d choose tropical waters over an ice bath any day. Breakfast was banana nut bread oatmeal with chocolate chips.
Justin’s maple almond butter is so tasty….I wish I brought them with me…it’s really hard to find vegan butters here in Buenos Aires. Hehe, I also watched a Disney movie, too, Monsters University! It was a cute film! And me too, I want to be a cat 🙂 I love your random facts 🙂 so lovely to learn more about you!
1) I was up at 5:30am, got three mosquito bites, slept in and woke up at 7:30am.
2) I had local bread with vegan “Nutella” I got in Spain, but currently in Buenos Aires.
Jesus…3:30?!?! I wake up at that time sometimes and look at the clock and can’t believe how much more time I have left to sleep. I can’t imagine waking up at that time!
Today I woke up at 6….not by choice. My alarm blared and I wished it had a snooze button. But alas, I pulled myself out of bed, pressed brew on my keurig, and waiting as though it was the longest 30 seconds of my life. Coffee was inhaled, and breakfast commenced around 6:30. Oatmeal with peanut butter and soymilk. Which is weird because I haven’t had oatmeal in like…months. But those damn oats beckoned me to eat them this morning. So that’s that.
😆 There was a time where I couldn’t imagine waking up this early either, but over the years it’s just gotten earlier and earlier. And I’m putting in an order for new K-cups soon, and since I trust coffee tastes, are there any that you consider must-haves?
Must-haves?? Ohhh you bet! My town has this cute little store called “Coffee Breaks” where you walk in and get a little tray with 24 holes in it and choose individual kcups from an entire WALL of them. You pick and choose any type you want! So far, the best non-flavored brand I’ve found is called “Marley’s” ( It’s insanely smooth and not acidic at all which is awesome since I find keurig coffee can often be high in acidity (something my tum doesn’t appreciate!) In terms of flavored coffee…I am currently LOVING Martinson’s ( seasonal kcups. Their pumpkin pie coffee is darker than Green Mountain’s and also less ‘spicy’. They also have a Winterfest one, which I’m not sure exactly what FLAVOR it is…but it’s delicious. Look at their website..they have a bunch of flavors that I know other people would like but I’m not a fan of (ie anything chocolate or coconutty).
Hope that helps! 🙂
Perfect! Definitely putting those on the list. And that Coffee Breaks store sounds like a dream — I wish we had something like that here!
I woke up at 7 so I could get a run in before I had to be at work today. My breakfast was the same as it has been for over a year: oatmeal with stevia and pumpkin pie spice and a green smoothie. The smoothies have only made a regular breakfast appearance for about 2 months, before they were always sporadic when I remembered to have them.
I am proud that now I can wake up at 7 without hating the world, but I can’t imagine getting up as early as you! Sometimes I would like to, but the I realize how much I love my bed 🙂
Jennifer Lawrence would make an awesome lunch buddy! She’s so funny!
Haha I love your answers!! 🙂 And it’s ok – I can’t upgrade to ios7 either 🙁
Woke up at 7 but didn’t actually get up until 8:25 🙂 That’s my new scheduled time to get up since I start work at 9:30. My NEW job, I might add. Yeah, the teaching thing? TOTAL bust. What an awful experience. I mean, I’m glad I experienced it, but man is it not for me! Glad I have a job now where I can read your blog during the day when there’s some downtime 😀
Gah! That sucks about the teaching thing, but at least now you know it wasn’t for you. What’s your new job?
I’ve been waking up at absurdly early hours too… Which means I get to catch up on my DVRed shows and make pancakes, but it also means that I want lunch at 10a.m. and fall asleep before 9p.m. Life is good 🙂
There’s something about mornings that I love, and if I did get up as early as you, I would probably be super productive! But late nights of homework and all that stuff means I sleep as long as I can, which is usually until 6:30.
Breakfast was a bowl of rice krispies + peanut butter balls with milk and a banana with peanut butter. Lots o’ peanut butter! Nut butter is definitely one of the things I eat most often, along with bananas and spinach.
I would totally love having lunch with Jennifer Lawrence too! Such an awesome lady.
Favorite thing about myself? I learn quite quickly, both in school and in life situations. You can say that I make lots of mistakes 😉
Have you thought about doing a course/degree in creative writing? that might be a good way to get started. A girl I was at university with went on to do an MA in creative writing (though the actual degree might have been called something different) and instead of a dissertation, the major piece of coursework was to write a book manuscript. It sounded like a lot of fun – if perhaps a little stressful!
Was up at 8 but for various reasons breakfast didn’t happen until lunchtime so I basically had breakfast plus lunch all at once: sandwich with avocado, spinach, and cheese, and a bowl of apple and cinnamon cereal with milk, and a pear. And some dark chocolate.
A writer has YOU all over it – well…so does a nutrition and health counselor…but GAH – Girl you’ve got some serious talent in the writing dept!!! Talent like that you definitely gotta nurture cos thats some serious shiz! Seriously!!!
I love these awards – love reading the answers!
I was up early too – 4.30am..and thought of coffee and a spoonful of PB – clearly nutbutter addiction is outta control! Hope your day is wonderful!
I swear, I just love your blog, and not just because you give me tons of delicious oatmeal bowls to drool over:) I thought it was cool that you wanted to be a writer and health/nutrition counselor. Those are my two biggest passions too. Looks like we’ve both got a little piece of that through blogging, eh?:) Hey, speaking of almond butter, have you had the Raw Maranatha maple almond butter? I know you like Justin’s brand, so thought I would ask:)
I haven’t! I’m not 100% sure, but I think I remember all the Maranatha almond butters containing traces of peanuts, so I can’t have them 🙁
Goodness, I hope you’re going to bed early! I do that sometimes too, but it results in 2 or 3 naps throughout the day. That, or nodding off at the computer if it’s a work day…
I love these Sunshine Awards – it’s fun to learn more about bloggers I read every day. So thanks for sharing those answers!
Cat is an interesting choice – it reminds me of a video I love about the difference between cats and dogs:
Having now had both, it’s so true!
Judging by the quality of your blog, I’d say you could successfully follow that dream career 🙂
😆 😆 Omigosh thank you for sharing that video — I may have to share it in an upcoming post. And while I wouldn’t say that I go to sleep too early (10 or 10:30?), there are days where I definitely need a nap in the afternoon.
JLaw is my #1 girl crush. I love her! I think I eat a lot of apples, all things nut butter aside. My favorite subject in school was and still is English. I was totally the nerd who didn’t skimp on reading assignments. No spark notes for this girl, unless I needed something I didn’t understand cleared up.
I think an Alaskan cruise would be sooo cool. And I’m pretty sure Jennifer Lawrence could be my best friend. 🙂
Snap on the early riser dilemma! I do love the peace I get in the morning before the rest of my flat wakes up, and 5:30-6 is my usual wake up call… But this morning I slept through my alarm, which never happens! Really threw my morning off! Love your answers, Jennifer Lawrence is hilarious! Great dream profession too, mine is to be a children’s book illustrator, but I have a long way to go!