Hi friends! Happy Saturday!
I hope your weekend is off to a great start. Mine? Definitely can’t complain. After enjoying a leisurely breakfast…
Plain Greek yogurt – banana – blueberries – Weetabix – roasted almond butter – cinnamon.
… I got bit by the productivity bug, knocking off two loads of laundry, vacuuming, dusting, tidying, and even scrubbing down both of my bathrooms – all before 10 AM. Talk about productivity at its finest. I remember when Saturday mornings meant nothing more than slurping up the sugary milk left in the bottom of my cereal bowl and watching cartoons…
Name that show!
But now? Chores to do. Errands to run. Things to get done. Oh the joys of growing up. But honestly, I don’t even mind too much (aside from being on bathroom duty, that is). There are definitely times where I can’t be bothered to tidy up and put it off until I can muster up the motivation to get it done, but when that happens? Boom! I just get in the zone and can easily clean for a couple of hours. Love it.
Anyways, right now I’m taking a well deserved break and enjoying a snack while I plan out the rest of my day…
I’m not too sure what I’ll end up doing, but I’m thinking that nail painting, a trip to the gym, and a coffee date with a friend will be on the agenda. Oh! And before I forget, Blend is coming up (tickets go on sale tomorrow!) and I was wondering who was going. The reason I ask is because I’m really considering attending this year, since I’ve never been to a blogger meetup and always end up kicking myself for not going, but it’d be nice to know some people who are going to be there so I don’t feel like the odd one out.
Enjoy your Saturday, loves. See you tomorrow!
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Cleaning: love it or hate it? Favorite chore? Least favorite? I actually really enjoy cleaning, as long as I don’t have to do the bathrooms
Is anyone going to Blend? Has anyone ever been? How was it?
I would love to go to the blend retreat, but I think I may wait until next year. :/ I feel like i’m too new to the blog world, if such a thing is possible.
LOVE cereal. Cinnamon toast crunch is my ultimate bring-me-back-to-childhood food.
Not to be indiscrete… but what happened to your boyfriend? Aren’t cold weekends supposed to be spend with a significant other?
They are, but he’s been out of town for a while, hence the lack of mentions on the blog 🙁
No Blend for me since I’ll still be in school 🙁 Never been to HLS either.
Can you please transfer some of your productivity to me?! I could really use it while I try to finish up my grad school application haha.
I don’t really like the process of cleaning, but I love the feeling of having a clean apartment after! Except it never lasts long because like 2 hour after I scrub down the kitchen my roommate always spills crap on the floor/stove/counter… I’m excited to live on my own soon. 😛
I wasn’t considering going to Blend (because I’ll probably go to HLS again), but now I’m wondering if I should! Are you gonna go?!
Haha I’m still undecided. I can’t go to both Blend and HLS so I was trying to decide between the two, and it seems like more people are going to HLS so I was siding with that one… Did you enjoy it when you went?
Yes!! I had such an awesome time!
Rugrats!!! I used to lurrrrrrrrve that show. Those were the days eh?
Weetabix!!! They are my favorite for breakfast!!! I always have them in the same way: with hot milk, dried apricots and almonds. Soaked in hot milk they become a very comforting mush for cold mornings :):)
Ahh, Rugrats!! How I used to love that show. Angelica drove me nuts, though! I’d get so frustrated when Tommy would fall for her evil tricks. 😉
I would LOVE to go to Blend–especially if you’ll be there! I’ll be flight searching tomorrow, and if I find something semi-reasonable, I’m all in. 🙂 I’ve attended HLS the past two years, and while I had an amazing time both years, I’ve heard that Blend is MORE fun. Friends who attended last year said it was the best blogging gathering they’d ever attended because it was more relaxed and there were numerous fun activity options (which seems to be the biggest gripe about HLS). Plus, how can you beat Park City, Utah?! Beeeauuutiful. If you’re trying to decide between the two, I say definitely go to Blend! <3
Ack! And here I was thinking that HLS was the better option. Eek! Now I’m torn….
I really wanted to go to the Blend retreat last year since it was like 50 miles away from me but it was right before finals week and I knew that would probably have turned out badly for my grades 😛 And this year it’s also around finals time so it’s a no-go for me but I’ve always wanted to go to a blogger meet-up.
I actually like doing chores sometimes, mainly when I have to do something more important but I want to have a reason to put it off. Vacuuming is fun and I love organizing my closet and drawers. It’s always so rewarding after it’s all done!
Organizing always feels so good, but I usually bite off way more than I can chew… I pull everything out of my closet/drawers and then lose interest, so I’m left with huge piles of clothing on the floor 😆
I love days like that! I actually don’t mind cleaning either, but I definitely agree with you that the bathroom is not the ideal place to clean. I am actually seriously considering going to Blend depending on where I am working/living this summer if can get the money can travel situation figured out.
I actually really love cleaning… usually I don’t have to motivate myself. However we have visitors this weekend so I am trying to appear not clean-freak … all I want to do is use my new steam cleaner.
Totally agree with you on the productivety. I remember when I was younger waking up BY 10 or 11 and that was early lol. Now I can wake up at 8 and consider that late because I could have done soo much in one hour! (I wake up at 7 lol).
Blend Retreat sounds like so much fun and it’s the only one I’ve ever considered going to.
rugrats use to be my fav ! did you ever see when they were all grown up, it was so creepy i thought haha.. i love to clean actually and agree with you, cant stand doin the bathroom ! sounds like a great saturday to me though !!
Whoa… for your questions, I thought it said “Cheating” for a second there! haha. Definitely not a fan of cheaters!!! 😛
I love to clean too… it’s a great way to kind of de-stress. I’m big on organization and cleanliness, so it just comes naturally. I love vacuuming, but dusting annoys me because it’s hard to clean around little things on shelves! But I usually do a quick sweep with my vacuum and one of those extender brush thingies to do the trick 😉 Bathrooms are fine, as long as I know no one else as used it but me 😀
I am obsessive about cleaning, but I hate doing it! I am a total OCD clean freak.
Your breakfasts always make me droooool! I wish I could go to Blend, that would be amazing. If you are able to go, definitely go for it! I went to HLS and it was amazing to meet everyone and so, so fun. I hope I get to meet you one day!
Are you going to HLS again this year? Because I doubt I can go to them both and I kind of want to hold off until HLS…
Hm, after publishing my comment I am thinking maybe I should just hold off as well. Do you know what dates HLS is planned for this year?
From what I gathered after some Google magic, I think it’s August 15-17.
I’m not sure yet!! I have to wait and see about the details and my school schedule but it worked out for ,e perfectly last year so I hope 🙂
yes to blend, yes yes yes! I’ll bring you more bites if you do! hehe
Your food pictures always looks so good! I believe that I will be going to Blend! It would be great to see you there 🙂
Blend sounds like fun… I just started blogging in August so I haven’t been to it before. I’ll be checking out the website.
I like to clean. The only jobs I really don’t like are putting laundry away and unloading the dishwasher. It’s silly because those jobs aren’t even really work!
I’m not a fan of unloading the dishwasher either which is why I never use it 😆 I only have to do the dishes after myself, so I end up just washing them when I finish eating so it doesn’t build up.
I love the feeling of being productive 🙂 Like today I ran 5k before anyone in my family woke up!! And some days I clean my entire room or do all my homework before noon it’s such a great feeling!
I’ve been the exact opposite of productive today, but that’s okay with me. Mostly seeing as you’ve clearly done enough chores for the both of us! 😉
I’m going to be returning from the Dominican the weekend of the Blend retreat, so it’s a no-go for me. But if you go, you’d better believe that I’d be even more attached to your posts than usual (as if that’s even possible!!).
Rugrats was my JAM! I actually caught myself watching it a few weeks ago…and Doug too. HA! I want to go to Blend SOSOSO bad!! I was stalking the website last night. I can afford it, so I don’t really have an excuse not to! I worry that I’ll be the only newbie! HA!
Ahhh what a lovely Saturday morning! I love being productive that early haha! I need to clean too…but that’s probably not going to happen till tomorrow 😉 I don’t mind cleaning…laundry however is a whole other story. HATE IT! I’m not going to Blend (too expensive for air travel) but I would love too…really want to check out a blogger conference a little closer though!
Ive never been to a blogger retreat!…I really want to go!
Ah, I don’t know if I want to go to Blend. I mean I really do! But, HLS was a lot of fun last year so I’m not sure if I want to wait for that. Such a tough call! You have to let me know what you decide, because I’d loooove to meet you! I think I possibly caught your productive bug because I’ve been on a cleaning bender today and yesterday! Very odd for me hah. Rugrats! Is that show even still on haha, I never see it anymore. I used to love it.
I kind of want to wait for HLS too! I know I can’t go to both, and HLS seems to be the bigger one so I’m thinking about holding off for that. And no 😕 I’m pretty sure they don’t air Rugrats anymore… such a shame.
Wow yeah I def need to get on the productivity bug today LOL. I don’t mind cleaning too much when I’m motivated. So I’m not sure how often that really is hahaha.
I have been super productive in the cleaning department, too! Last night I cleaned my room, kitchen, and bathroom, dusted, vacuumed, and did laundry! It feels so great to be productive. I do not mind cleaning once I get started (except for dusting….I HATE it!), but it is usually the getting started part that is the hardest.
Ahhh…Rugrats!!! I miss that show! An oldie, but a goodie :).
I LOVE waking up early and being productive! It feels so great when I look at the clock and it is only 10 AM! People call me crazy for waking up early even on the weekends but if they want to hang out later I will feel much more stress free if I have had time to get things done in the mornings!
Sometimes I wish I could sleep in on weekends, but my body wakes up naturally around 5:30 or 6 whether I want it to or not. I actually managed to sleep in ’till 6:30 today and was super stoked about that – my teenage self would have a heart attack 😆
I actually don’t mind cleaning bathrooms – yes, I am a freak!
But I sit on the fence with cleaning. I don’t mind to clean, but I don’t like anyone to be around when I am cleaning because all I hear is ‘waaa you aren’t doing it right’. Then I really hate cleaning 😀
Yessss Rugrats!
I detest cleaning bathrooms…and I just reminded myself that I need to do it today. Damn.
I have been looking at Blend, but I don’t think I’m going to go. I want to go to HLS this summer, and I can’t afford to go to both.
I am jealous of how productive you’ve been already! I wish I could say the same. It’s been a slow morning but I manage to take my pup on a *short* walk and also sweep the kitchen floor. At least it’s something! Studying for my biochem test is on the agenda (sigh). By the way, I always read your blog and not sure if I’ve ever commented. Absolutely love the way you write and your pictures are always so beautiful. You are such a real and genuine person, just wanted to share! 🙂
Aww, well thank you Shelby! Good luck with your studying!
I have nine things on my to-do list today. Ask me how many of them I’ve crossed off (running isn’t on there)… actually, don’t ask. It’s embarrassing.
Wow you sure were productive! Come to my house 😉
Serious flashback/nostalgia material there…I used to love Rugrats. Angelica was my favourite – I actually hated all of the other characters, particularly Tommy. Now what does that say about me?
Chores…hoovering is my favourite and I’m not sure why! I hate dusting (because it’s pointless – dust just seems to settle again as soon as I’m finished cleaning) and the bathroom (obviously – does anyone actually like cleaning the bathroom!?!)
I love to vacuum, especially when I can see/hear things being sucked up. I swear that sometimes I get tempted to throw dirt on the floor just to see it get cleaned up 😆
Ahh I used to love Rugrats! Sounds like the perfect relaxing weekend morning!
I love when I feel like I get things accomplished before 11 or so because it makes sitting around later in the day feel as though you deserve it versus sitting around and never actually getting anything accomplished. OR sitting around and just constantly dreading the moment you have to actually get.it.done. haha.
I wish SO bad I could afford to go to BLEND. I would love it so much and I think it would be a really good experience!
Happy Weekend Amanda! 🙂
I reaally need to clean today too, whether I feel like it or not. Everything in my life currently feels cluttered, but i think i need to get started on my room first. Once i get that organized, i’ll hopefully feel ready to tackle everything else. gahh.
I saw the recap of last years Blend retreat and it looked like SO much fun!
GAHHH i can’t decide if i should go. financially it is kind of stupid for me to go but I really really want to. it would be such the added bonus if you were going. I was going to keep checking prices of flights because that is the kicker for me. keep me updated on what you are doing, gah I would love to go if you were.
The price of the flight is pretty ridiculous for me, but since when have I made wise financial decisions… Need to figure out if you’re going. Time to text stalk you
GAHHHH i want to go to blend SO badly but i have a bridal shower that weekend and can’t. please go and blog all about it so i can live vicariously through you. i know a few people who are planning on trying to get tickets and they alone are enough to make me green with envy, so i know you’d have an amazing time.
i seriously cannot get over how delicious your yogurt bowls always look to me. i think it’s a combo of your mad photo skills coupled with the fact that you make just damn good yogurt bowls but shoot i want them everyday. i need some drippier almond butter i think though, mine is just a hard chunky butter that is awesome in oatmeal when it gets melty but tough when it’s cold. maybe need a new brand…
You could always try warming it up in the microwave a little!
Oooh and here I was thinking you were going to the mountains this weekend. Ahem, yes … Your plans sound good in anyway. Wish I could come over for a coffee date and cake (talk) :).
The Rugrats, aaaah! Not that I would have been allowed to watch them as a child but I sure made up later on ;).
Actually, I do like cleaning because of the feeling of accomplishment it gives me and my liking of clean surfaces. My favourite chore would be the kitchen, particularly scrubbing the sink until it’s gleaming :).Too bad, though, that I’m most productive in that way when I should actually be studying. And thanks for reminding me it’s my turn to clean the bathroom this weekend – my roomie and I do it interchangeably, sigh … But I guess I shouldn’t complain as you have to do it every week.
If I was you I’d definitely snatch a ticket for Blend! That must be such a great chance to get to know many fabulous bloggers and have a fun time.
I was going to go to the mountains last weekend, but I opted out of it since I wasn’t feeling my best and didn’t want to risk getting sicker 😕 And yes, it kind of sucks that bathroom duty goes solely to me, but at the same time it’s nice not to have to clean up after anyone else.